Zone1 the framers dealing with slavery

This is true. The Framers were born into a world culture in which slavery was accepted as a way of life almost everywhere. Our own Native Americans practiced it long before the first settlers arrived at Plymouth Rock in the early 17th Century. And it was early in the 17th Century that the British delivered the first black slaves to their American colonies.

By the time the Framers signed the Declaration of Independence from British rule in 1776, the Revolutionary War was initiated, and work was beginning on a U.S. Constitution, the Framers to a man had come to believe slavery was immoral and debated how it should end. Slavery was still common throughout the world at that time. It would be 1833 before Canada abolished slavery. Mexico did so in 1837. Most South Americans countries had done so from the mid to late 19th Century.

Had the much richer northern states not treated the southern states as unwanted step children, it is almost certain the U.S. would have abolished slavery peacefully and without war and in a way much less damaging to the slaves themselves. But that's another story in history.

The Founders were tasked with writing a Constitution that would enable a strong, free, secure, prosperous America with choices, options, opportunity for all but had to accommodate points of view in 13 different sovereign states in order to knit them into one strong functioning country. That made it impossible to ban slavery in the original Constitution but the new government did ban the import of any new slaves to America and no states rising out of existing American territories would be allowed to be slave states.

I am pretty sure they figured that the slave states that existed would eventually abolish slavery or a Constitutional amendment would pass that would accomplish that.
More excuses from whites. Slavery never should have started. There is no credit to be given for people planning to decide to stop owning other people.
More excuses from whites. Slavery never should have started. There is no credit to be given for people planning to decide to stop owning other people.
Slavery existed when the first written words were put down on clay tablets or whatever at least 4500 years ago and was most prevalent in non white parts of the world. It continued until mostly white people mostly ended it in the mid to late 19th Century A.D. It still exists here and there in non white parts of the world.
Slavery existed when the first written words were put down on clay tablets or whatever at least 4500 years ago and was most prevalent in non white parts of the world. It continued until mostly white people mostly ended it in the mid to late 19th Century A.D. It still exists here and there in non white parts of the world.
Stop making excuses. Slavery exists in white Europe too still today.
the dems are the ones who fought to keep slavery .. today they claim there was some switch scheme where racist dems left the party and joined the pro abolition republican party and i guess said republicans joined the dem party .. or some ridiculous shit like that .. since its what the what the dems call [their truth] it must be true ..
In slavery times it didn't matter about your political affiliation. Slavery was based on race, not politics.
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the dems are the ones who fought to keep slavery .. today they claim there was some switch scheme where racist dems left the party and joined the pro abolition republican party and i guess said republicans joined the dem party .. or some ridiculous shit like that .. since its what the what the dems call [their truth] it must be true ..
Whites fought to keep slavery.
whites fought to end slavery ...Lincoln was a republican .
Blacks foughht from 1619 to end slavery. Lincoln only ended slavery in the confederacy. The same confederacy Republicans defend today.
This is true. The Framers were born into a world culture in which slavery was accepted as a way of life almost everywhere. Our own Native Americans practiced it long before the first settlers arrived at Plymouth Rock in the early 17th Century. And it was early in the 17th Century that the British delivered the first black slaves to their American colonies.

By the time the Framers signed the Declaration of Independence from British rule in 1776, the Revolutionary War was initiated, and work was beginning on a U.S. Constitution, the Framers to a man had come to believe slavery was immoral and debated how it should end. Slavery was still common throughout the world at that time. It would be 1833 before Canada abolished slavery. Mexico did so in 1837. Most South Americans countries had done so from the mid to late 19th Century.

Had the much richer northern states not treated the southern states as unwanted step children, it is almost certain the U.S. would have abolished slavery peacefully and without war and in a way much less damaging to the slaves themselves. But that's another story in history.

The Founders were tasked with writing a Constitution that would enable a strong, free, secure, prosperous America with choices, options, opportunity for all but had to accommodate points of view in 13 different sovereign states in order to knit them into one strong functioning country. That made it impossible to ban slavery in the original Constitution but the new government did ban the import of any new slaves to America and no states rising out of existing American territories would be allowed to be slave states.

I am pretty sure they figured that the slave states that existed would eventually abolish slavery or a Constitutional amendment would pass that would accomplish that.
I disagree. Slavery would not have ended without a war. The southern states were economically dependant on slavery. They were used to that easy wealth that enslaved people bought them. Right after the slaves were legally "free" the South came up with ways to re-enslave the Black people via the KKK, Jim Crow laws, terrorism.
dems started a war to keep slavery .
No, whites in a country called the Confederate states started that war. There was no democratic party in the confederate states.
The American thinker is a right wing extremist site. The real reason for the end of slave importation was that coninued importation drobe down the price of slaves.

Read-Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave -Breeding Industry
Drobe. I’m dribing the car. You drobe it last time.
Slavery has been gone a long time now.
But the Left will never forgive America.
Which is rich, considering the fact that the left supports Hamas and Islam.....which still to this day supports slavery.

And the left wrong is the side that supported slavery while it could, and which continues to support the oppression and exploitation of the descendants of their slaves.

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