Zone1 the framers dealing with slavery

This discussion could bring America's endemic racism problem out into the light of day. Slavery is being accepted as the cause and so it can progress on now to placing the blame.
Who can make the best case for blaming the other political side and make it convincing that it's not just Americans in general?

It's none of your concern. Worry about your own shithole of a country, and keep your filthy Canadian nose out of America's business, where it does not belong.
I disagree. Slavery would not have ended without a war. The southern states were economically dependant on slavery. They were used to that easy wealth that enslaved people bought them. Right after the slaves were legally "free" the South came up with ways to re-enslave the Black people via the KKK, Jim Crow laws, terrorism.
The south was not dependent on slavery and slavery wasn't all that profitable. The southern states were the poorest states. There likely would never have been Jim Crow laws or a KKK if we had allowed the southern states to discontinue slavery on their own as happened in many other states and in many other countries. Forcing people to do things instead of allowing them to figure it out generally brings out the very worst in people.

Lincoln did not free all the slaves with his Emancipation Proclamation but only those in the states that had seceded as a military measure to weaken their resolve. Kentucky, Missouri, Delaware, Maryland remained slave states until the 13th Amendment was ratified in 1965.

But slavery was opposed by the vast majority of the population in the north and south and would have ended naturally as it did in all of the free world by the end of the 19th Century.
The south was not dependent on slavery and slavery wasn't all that profitable. The southern states were the poorest states. There likely would never have been Jim Crow laws or a KKK if we had allowed the southern states to discontinue slavery on their own as happened in many other states and in many other countries. Forcing people to do things instead of allowing them to figure it out generally brings out the very worst in people.

Lincoln did not free all the slaves with his Emancipation Proclamation but only those in the states that had seceded as a military measure to weaken their resolve. Kentucky, Missouri, Delaware, Maryland remained slave states until the 13th Amendment was ratified in 1965.

But slavery was opposed by the vast majority of the population in the north and south and would have ended naturally as it did in all of the free world by the end of the 19th Century.
No one forced the so-called "Confederacy" to start a civil war.
No one forced the so-called "Confederacy" to start a civil war.
The Confederacy didn't start a Civil War. All they did was exercise what they believed was their moral right to secede from a country that did not appreciate them and that treated them badly.

It is true that the south fired the first shot to keep Fort Sumter from being armed and supplied as a stronghold from which the Union Army would attack. But there was no doubt that the Union Army was the aggressor.

What history anybody reads for the underlying factors of that terrible war is generally going to be slanted according to who wrote it.
More excuses from whites. Slavery never should have started. There is no credit to be given for people planning to decide to stop owning other people.
Slavery started before the first piece of bronze was smelted. Slaver is probably the second oldest profession. Every Bronze Age civilization helf slaves. As far back as there are records there were slaves. Get off your high horse and deal with the real world.
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It's none of your concern. Worry about your own shithole of a country, and keep your filthy Canadian nose out of America's business, where it does not belong.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-awwwwwwwwwwwww, EEEEEEEEEEEE, awwwwwwwwwwwww.

Every ass loves his own bray.
In slavery times it didn't matter about your political affiliation. Slavery was based on race, not politics.
Bull crap again. In some places and at some times race was the basis of slavery. In most of the world for most of the time it could be religion, tribe, nationality, social status or personal behavior that resulted in being enslaved. During the period of American slavery, Blacks were still raiding for white slaves in both northern and southern Europe. In Equatorial Africa where the vast majority of American held slaves came from, tribal affiliation and religion were the primary reasons for people being enslaved.
Blacks foughht from 1619 to end slavery. Lincoln only ended slavery in the confederacy. The same confederacy Republicans defend today.
You can’t get anything right. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation sorta-kinda of ended slavery in the Confederacy, the Lincoln sponsored Thirteenth Amendment ended slavery in all American states and territories.
I disagree. Slavery would not have ended without a war. The southern states were economically dependant on slavery. They were used to that easy wealth that enslaved people bought them. Right after the slaves were legally "free" the South came up with ways to re-enslave the Black people via the KKK, Jim Crow laws, terrorism.
Slavery was dying a natural death in the South just like it did everywhere else in the world. Slave labor can’t compete with free labor. The planters had ruined their soil by over farming to pay for the upkeep on their slaves, Brazil was pretty much the last western hemisphere country to ban slavery and did so in 1888. No matter how stubborn the Confederacy was, unless it invaded Mexico and Central America for new farm land, I can’t see slavery surviving in the Confederacy past 1900.
The American thinker is a right wing extremist site. The real reason for the end of slave importation was that coninued importation drobe down the price of slaves.

Read-Ned & Constance Sublette, The American Slave Coast: A History of the Slave -Breeding Industry
Wrong, for slavery to succeed, there needed to be a constant supply of new, cheap slaves. Between the American ban on importation and the American and British Royal Navy’s war on slavers, the supply of cheap slaves disappeared. That’s why the planters started breeding their own slaves, you know the thing you are always complaining about. Breeding their own was far more expensive than buying adult slaves since for the first eight to ten years of their lives children are a net loss. they can’t produce enough to even balance the food they eat.

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