The Friends of Syria Conference in London insist on the withdrawal of Hezbollah and I

Dec 14, 2013
The British foreign office said in a statement that officials in charge of the Friends of Syria Group and the representatives of the National Syrian Coalition discussed in their meeting in London on Friday the aspects of the Geneva 2 conference. They insisted on the withdrawal of the Hezbollah and the Iranian regime's forces from Syria.
The Friends of Syria—an 11 country coalition ranged against the Syrian government—favors what it calls a “democratic” transition in Damascus. There are multiple problems with this.

The coalition says that the current president, Bashar al-Assad, must have “no role in Syria.” How odd that an ostensibly democracy-promoting coalition should dictate to Syrians who it is who can’t be president of their country, rather than democratically leaving the question up to Syrians themselves.

Equally strange is that half of the coalition members do not support democracy in their own countries. Five of the 11—nearly one-half—are not, themselves, democracies, but are monarchies and emirates (Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates) and one, Egypt, is a military dictatorship.

Friends of Syria or Friends of Imperialism? | Global Research
Does anyone insist Saudi Arabia withdraw the extremist fighters she is funding and arming from Syria?

[ame=]USA is the main Arms Supplier for the Regime Change Operation in Syria (Sibel Edmonds, dec 16, 2011) - YouTube[/ame]
Does anyone insist Saudi Arabia withdraw the extremist fighters she is funding and arming from Syria?

What extremists?

The Sunni/salafi/wahabbi holy warriors are pious moslems who know their koranology and are fighting the good jihad.

The apostate Shia are the enemy.

Subhan alkah
God bless the USA for helping to end Syria's evil regime. And God bless Israel for saving lives of innocent Syrian children who are the victims of their own people.

Does anyone insist Saudi Arabia withdraw the extremist fighters she is funding and arming from Syria?

[ame=]USA is the main Arms Supplier for the Regime Change Operation in Syria (Sibel Edmonds, dec 16, 2011) - YouTube[/ame]
God bless the USA for helping to end Syria's evil regime. And God bless Israel for saving lives of innocent Syrian children who are the victims of their own people.

Does anyone insist Saudi Arabia withdraw the extremist fighters she is funding and arming from Syria?

[ame=]USA is the main Arms Supplier for the Regime Change Operation in Syria (Sibel Edmonds, dec 16, 2011) - YouTube[/ame]

God bless the USA for helping to end Syria's evil regime.

To topple a secular government and install Islamic extremists.

Good plan.:cuckoo:
God bless the USA for helping to end Syria's evil regime. And God bless Israel for saving lives of innocent Syrian children who are the victims of their own people.

God bless the USA for helping to end Syria's evil regime.

To topple a secular government and install Islamic extremists.

Good plan.:cuckoo:

May Allah bless the crusading Sunni/ salafi / wahabbi holy warriors in their fight to confront the apostate Shia.

May Allah bless the Shia holy warriors in their islamically correct crusade to fight the Sunni/salafi/wahabbi oppressors.

"Nothing happens cept' for the will of alllah".

When we infidels take over after the carnage, what do you think of "East Israel " for a renamed Syria?
God bless the USA for helping to end Syria's evil regime. And God bless Israel for saving lives of innocent Syrian children who are the victims of their own people.

God bless the USA for helping to end Syria's evil regime.

To topple a secular government and install Islamic extremists.

Good plan.:cuckoo:

May Allah bless the crusading Sunni/ salafi / wahabbi holy warriors in their fight to confront the apostate Shia.

May Allah bless the Shia holy warriors in their islamically correct crusade to fight the Sunni/salafi/wahabbi oppressors.

"Nothing happens cept' for the will of alllah".

When we infidels take over after the carnage, what do you think of "East Israel " for a renamed Syria?

Then all of those Palestinian refugees would be living in Israel.
To topple a secular government and install Islamic extremists.

Good plan.:cuckoo:

May Allah bless the crusading Sunni/ salafi / wahabbi holy warriors in their fight to confront the apostate Shia.

May Allah bless the Shia holy warriors in their islamically correct crusade to fight the Sunni/salafi/wahabbi oppressors.

"Nothing happens cept' for the will of alllah".

When we infidels take over after the carnage, what do you think of "East Israel " for a renamed Syria?

Then all of those Palestinian refugees would be living in Israel.

Arabs live in Israel, currently.

How many Jews live in islamic terrorist occupied Gaza... you remember, Gaza - the area that Israel ceded in the hope for peace.
To topple a secular government and install Islamic extremists.

Good plan.:cuckoo:

May Allah bless the crusading Sunni/ salafi / wahabbi holy warriors in their fight to confront the apostate Shia.

May Allah bless the Shia holy warriors in their islamically correct crusade to fight the Sunni/salafi/wahabbi oppressors.

"Nothing happens cept' for the will of alllah".

When we infidels take over after the carnage, what do you think of "East Israel " for a renamed Syria?

Then all of those Palestinian refugees would be living in Israel.

Have you not understood that the little dalliance in Syria is not connected to Issues of "Palestinian" arabs?
May Allah bless the crusading Sunni/ salafi / wahabbi holy warriors in their fight to confront the apostate Shia.

May Allah bless the Shia holy warriors in their islamically correct crusade to fight the Sunni/salafi/wahabbi oppressors.

"Nothing happens cept' for the will of alllah".

When we infidels take over after the carnage, what do you think of "East Israel " for a renamed Syria?

Then all of those Palestinian refugees would be living in Israel.

Have you not understood that the little dalliance in Syria is not connected to Issues of "Palestinian" arabs?

Have you ever heard of unintended consequences?
Then all of those Palestinian refugees would be living in Israel.

Have you not understood that the little dalliance in Syria is not connected to Issues of "Palestinian" arabs?

Have you ever heard of unintended consequences?

I've heard of "Tinmore making a false claim he is unable to support"

Did you really confuse the jihad in Syria with having some connection with "palestonian" arabs?

Consider the irony: the Sunni islamist holy warriors are jihadin' the bejezzus out of the shia holy warriors.

Kinda' puts the had in jihad, doncha' think?
Have you not understood that the little dalliance in Syria is not connected to Issues of "Palestinian" arabs?

Have you ever heard of unintended consequences?

I've heard of "Tinmore making a false claim he is unable to support"

Did you really confuse the jihad in Syria with having some connection with "palestonian" arabs?

Consider the irony: the Sunni islamist holy warriors are jihadin' the bejezzus out of the shia holy warriors.

Kinda' puts the had in jihad, doncha' think?


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