The Fulton County, Georgia Case Against Trump

The recording of Bannon bragging about the Big Lie Trump was going to create on Election Night and the days which followed is the smoking gun that you rubes were preemptively being set up for the hoax before the election.

Which BS? Be specific.
LOL. Just about everything that comes out of your mouths is BS, including Biden's tour telling Americans how great things are when people can't afford gas and groceries, evictions are at an all time high, foreclosures are at an all time high, people can't afford to pay their student loans, credit card debt is at an all time high, withdraws from retirement accounts are at an all time high, and 70% of Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction. But everything's just great.
Please explain how you have INDEPENDENTLY came to the conclusion that the election was stolen and the Trump did not engage in illegal acts to overturn the results without resorting to MADAt talking points
I never once said the election was stolen. Maybe you can find a post of mine which says that. If you can't then I expect an apology. But, I'm not condemning Trump for saying the election was stolen when democrats have been saying the same thing for decades.
The recording of Bannon bragging about the Big Lie Trump was going to create on Election Night and the days which followed is the smoking gun that you rubes were preemptively being set up for the hoax before the election.

The Trumpster set up that "stop the steal" con in record time. The whole deal was about cashing in off mouth breather's who fell for & continue to line up to be fleeced by the biggest conman in history.

Nobody has ever screwed over their own supporters like Trump has.
This is the one against Trump that I actually feared the most. But, I have some questions and statements that really need to be answered. Here's a link to the case followed by my questions and statements in the order they appear in the article.

1. Why is a Fulton county prosecutor investigating or involved with something from Coffee county?

2. Trump won Coffee county by about 70% of the vote. In addition, they allege that Trump's team tried to access sensitive voting software well AFTER the vote, not in an attempt to change election results but an attempt to prove voter fraud. It's actually quite surprising that Democrats call this part of an attempt to overturn an election, by simply wanting to check if there was voter fraud. I guess if they were to uncover voter fraud, Democrats say that it is an attempt to overturn the election.

3. Several Republicans and Republican media personalities warned about how Dominion voting machines could “very easily” be manipulated to flip votes from one candidate to another. It’s a claim that has been repeatedly debunked. And yet, Trump and his team have been sued and even lost and may now even be indicted for attempting, not to change votes, but to access Dominion voting machines in order to check for that vote fraud, and apparently they were successful in breaching at least some of those Dominion voting machines, of which the left claim is impossible to do anyway. So, how could Trump and his team, checking for vote fraud, access the impenetrable Dominion voting machines?

4. Also, not in this particular article, there was an investigation into Georgia voting fraud where the unanimous decision proved there was no widespread voter fraud, and yet here they may indict Trump for what amounts to voter fraud for trying to overturn an election where their very own unanimous decision proved there was no voter fraud, not even by Trump. But, let's indict him now anyway for election fraud when they had already unanimously decided there was no election fraud.

The fly in the buttermilk as we say, is this. The people that Trump contacted, the Governor and Secretary of State to try and get votes for him “found” were in Fulton County. The crime took place in Fulton County.

Second. Accessing the voting machines. To prevent the vote flipping that is alleged, the software is proprietary. And it is protected. If anyone gets to tear into the machines, they render the entire batch of machines as potentially compromised. That machine, that expensive machine, is not able to be used ever again. Because nobody knows if the person playing around with it changed a chip, or fiddled with the software to do just as you say is possible.

Now, the way it works is the location of the first crime, in a crime spree like Trump’s efforts, they get first crack at the Suspect. Trials and Investigations have always been held where the crime took place, unless there is a Change of Venue.
She is a Fulton County prosecutor. She's stepping way out of her boundaries just in order to get Trump.

Do you know where the Governor’s Mansion is located at in Georgia? How about the office of the Georgia Secretary of State?

In other words, the people who got the instructions to “find the votes” trump needed to win were in Fulton County when they were ordered to commit that crime.

Now, we’ve been having the people investigate and prosecute the crimes where the crime took place for the entire history of our Nation, is it now unfair?
LOL. Just about everything that comes out of your mouths is BS, including Biden's tour telling Americans how great things are when people can't afford gas and groceries, evictions are at an all time high, foreclosures are at an all time high, people can't afford to pay their student loans, credit card debt is at an all time high, withdraws from retirement accounts are at an all time high, and 70% of Americans think the country is going in the wrong direction. But everything's just great.
Where have I praised any of the utter horseshit you say I praise? :dunno:
Fani has said she will make sure the sentence of confinement will begin after Trump's J6 confinement concludes.

He will die in prison.
Ignorant nonsense.

As already correctly noted, Trump committed his crimes in Fulton County.
some crimes, that were related to the Georgia crimes and connected to the Trump Enterprise conspirators, were committed in other counties in Georgia, and in other states.... like the fake elector scheme was not only Georgia.... which I believe the scheme in other states is for support for the crime being charged in Georgia.

Thus the racketeering charge, RICO charges.
It was a wide web of corruption, with tentacles throughout the U.S. that connected together for the Trump Enterprise goal, of fraudulently, and illegally, overturning the election results of the vote of "we the people".

some crimes, that were related to the Georgia crimes and connected to the Trump Enterprise conspirators, were committed in other counties in Georgia, and in other states.... like the fake elector scheme was not only Georgia.... which I believe the scheme in other states is for support for the crime being charged in Georgia.

Thus the racketeering charge, RICO charges.
It was a wide web of corruption, with tentacles throughout the U.S. that connected together for the Trump Enterprise goal, of fraudulently, and illegally, overturning the election results of the vote of "we the people".

All not true. Trump committed zero crimes.
All not true. Trump committed zero crimes.

Donald Trump got bad news Tuesday, when special counsel Jack Smith submitted a filing indicating that a key witness in the classified documents criminal case has reversed course and provided information implicating the former president. Legal experts appear to think this could be a turning point in that particular case.

"New filing from Jack Smith reveals that Taveras changed his false account only after getting a new lawyer – a public defender from DC. de Oliveira and Nauta made the other choice now, and are now in huge jeopardy, especially with Taveras’s testimony. This is how cases are made," the analyst wrote.
Pay close attention.

To those of us who have lived through a dozen or more election cycles, I don't have to remind you that past elections have often been characterized by "found" votes, almost always in Democrat-controlled big cities. It may not even be a matter of subversive activities...a bag of ballots found in the basement of the polling place or in a delivery truck, sometimes they are later found at the local post office. It happens. In the Bush-Gore election of 2000 they were finding votes in many different places as the appeals and challenges played out. It definitely happens.

In the aftermath of the 2020 Presidential Election, ,the sitting President of the United States asked the Governor of Georgia to FIND some number of ballots, sufficient to shift the balance in Georgia from Biden to Trump. There is NOTHING wrong with this request. Indeed, it is entirely appropriate. In effect, he is asking the Governor to "leave no stone unturned," in an all-out attempt to find every single vote, presuming that if and when that happens, Trump will be on top.

Trump did not ask the Governor to "manufacture" or "change" votes, or to commit any sort of fraud - merely to FIND as many votes as possible, hopefully Trump votes.

This whole case is bullshit. Every competent, objective attorney looking at the case knows it. Ultimately, probably years after the 2024 election, some appellate court will say, in effect, "This whole case is bullshit." Please excuse my use of esoteric legal language.

The phone call itself is exculpatory evidence.
In the end it goes nowhere.
Actually, I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm probably voting for someone else in 2024. Just pointing out the left's blatant abuse of power for political objectives.

You either work in a manner to stop the overwhelming and overreaching abuse, that you admit that you see, or you don’t.

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