The future is very bright for the United States

States are upholding the 2nd Amendment...
That's your only standard for a bright future?

Single issue voters are annoying and stupid.

Good point. Other than that, dems seem intent on burying us.
Only in your imagination.

Hope you're right. But I don't think they've learned a thing since 2016. They're doubling down on the same "we-know-betterism" that created him in the first place.
States are upholding the 2nd Amendment...
That's your only standard for a bright future?

Single issue voters are annoying and stupid.

This is one issue that is a make or break condition.
If you have an armed population, then you likely will maintain a democratic republic.
If you ever allow the population to be disarmed, you will likely never again see anything remotely like a democratic republic.
Things always change, governments go corrupt, dictators gain control, etc., but as long as the population is armed, things can and will likely be fixed.
It is only when you have an unarmed general population that there no longer can possibly be any hope of fixing anything.
Not true at all.
So the child is removed from the woman and who takes care of it? You! I doubt you even know what a baby is
So wait...your logic is...we should literally murder helpless babies because you're too selfish and greedy to take care of them? Really? :eusa_doh:
So the child is removed from the woman and who takes care of it? You! I doubt you even know what a baby is
So wait...your logic is...we should literally murder helpless babies because you're too selfish and greedy to take care of them? Really? :eusa_doh:
I see you are trying to pass this off as my problem when it is yours. My logic is very simple, if the fetus is not desired as a new life by the mother and no one is able to adopt it then removal of the fetus benefits both.
I see you are trying to pass this off as my problem when it is yours. My logic is very simple, if the fetus is not desired as a new life by the mother and no one is able to adopt it then removal of the fetus benefits both.
Oh yeah! That's vintage left-wing "logic". If Bill Gates has a billion dollars, and I don't, and I want it, then "removing" Bill Gates (ie murdering him) and taking his money benefits me and my entire family!

Yeah, gotta love left-wing "logic". :eusa_doh:
I see you are trying to pass this off as my problem when it is yours. My logic is very simple, if the fetus is not desired as a new life by the mother and no one is able to adopt it then removal of the fetus benefits both.
Oh yeah! That's vintage left-wing "logic". If Bill Gates has a billion dollars, and I don't, and I want it, then "removing" Bill Gates (ie murdering him) and taking his money benefits me and my entire family!

Yeah, gotta love left-wing "logic". :eusa_doh:
You are using a scenario that is quite different than I posted. First is that you want what he has and I do not find myself able to raise a child. You are suggesting a killing for the money that you are so envious of whereas mine is just trying to make living better.
You are suggesting a killing for the money that you are so envious of whereas mine is just trying to make living better.
So you're saying billions of dollars wouldn't "make living better"? Really? Cause you've spent like 10 years here pissing and moaning that people need a LOT more money to live better and that it should be stolen from the wealthy. So which is it?

Also, how does murdering a harmless and defenseless little baby make "living better"? EVER?
A billion dollars would not make living better except to those who consider money a god. I do not need money as I have 2 business's. I do not do as you say about 10 years here pissing and moaning that people need a LOT more money to live better and that it should be stolen from the wealthy. YOU are the one who makes these claims.
As for a fetus it does not know life so to terminate one is no big deal. Perhaps you are so ornery because you were born.
A billion dollars would not make living better except to those who consider money a god.
So then you agree that we need to eliminate Social Security, Welfare, Medicaid, food stamps, etc. Great! About time you came around!
As for a fetus it does not know life so to terminate one is no big deal.
The “logic” there is so severely flawed, it’s actually breathtaking. By that standard, any woman who is a virgin “does not know sex” so “raping them is no big deal”. Holyfuckingshit. Why are you so miserable?
A billion dollars would not make living better except to those who consider money a god.
So then you agree that we need to eliminate Social Security, Welfare, Medicaid, food stamps, etc. Great! About time you came around!
Social Security, Medicare are funded by paycheck withdrawals to be used to deliver benefits at a later date. Welfare was to improve the basic life of families who were broke and did not have work to make money to live on.
As for a fetus it does not know life so to terminate one is no big deal.
The “logic” there is so severely flawed, it’s actually breathtaking. By that standard, any woman who is a virgin “does not know sex” so “raping them is no big deal”. Holyfuckingshit. Why are you so miserable?
Your ignorance is amazing. The corollary you chose is totally nescient.
A billion dollars would not make living better except to those who consider money a god.
Welfare was to improve the basic life of families who were broke and did not have work to make money to live on.
Give a leftist enough rope and they will hang themselves every time... :laugh:

After claiming that money doesn’t make life better, you turned around and claimed your previous (unconstitutional) government program is used to “improve life”.
As for a fetus it does not know life so to terminate one is no big deal.
The “logic” there is so severely flawed, it’s actually breathtaking. By that standard, any woman who is a virgin “does not know sex” so “raping them is no big deal”. Holyfuckingshit. Why are you so miserable?
Your ignorance is amazing. The corollary you chose is totally nescient.
MY ignorance?!? You’re the imbecile claiming if someone doesn’t “know” something, it’s ok to commit horrific acts against them. :eusa_doh:
People are walking away from the deviant lifestyles after experiencing the horrors of that lifestyle first-hand...

Where do you find all this bullshit you link to. I realize the Daily Signal is a shit website, but don't you ever get tired of reading stuff you know is bullshit and lies.

Being gay or lesbian is not something you "walk away from". Those who have tried end up divorced and living with another woman. We have a guy like that in our family. He moved out and her girlfriend moved in.

As much as the right tries to claim that homosexuality is a "deviate" lifestyle, the fact that there have been homosexuals throughout history, in every culture, on every continent, and across a variety of species suggests that,, far from being a "deviate" lifestyle, it is actually a very normal alternative lifestyle and just as natural for same sex couples as it is for straight people.

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