The future is very bright for the United States

Like a lot of other members (and guests), I got a needed chuckle from the thread title.

The United States does not have a bright future.

I am not allowed to specify why, but a lot of people know the reason.

A browner America is a degraded, decayed America...this is not even debatable.
Like a lot of other members (and guests), I got a needed chuckle from the thread title.

The United States does not have a bright future.

I am not allowed to specify why, but a lot of people know the reason.
Of course not. Partly because no nation has survived this kind of criminal invasion.
Greece and the rest of Europe went through it not ten years ago, and they survived.

Ten percent of their population is comprised of immoral, indecent, illiterate, desperate thirdworlders?
Like a lot of other members (and guests), I got a needed chuckle from the thread title.

The United States does not have a bright future.

I am not allowed to specify why, but a lot of people know the reason.
Of course not. Partly because no nation has survived this kind of criminal invasion.
Greece and the rest of Europe went through it not ten years ago, and they survived.
If you mean the land mass is still there yes. The geography is intact.
People are walking away from the deviant lifestyles after experiencing the horrors of that lifestyle first-hand...

States are protecting children...

You are skipping all over the place. You are the one who started this thread regarding your obsession with firearms. Now you've switched to your obsession with sex and gender.

Your posts do not indicate in any way that the future of the U.S. will be bright, unless you are looking forward to the 19th Century. But we're already into the 21st. South Dakota is not on the forefront of anything. It's just an obsessed backwater.

South Dakota is backwater? How about Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Baltimore? They all have some the Nation’s strictest gun laws yet they experience the most gun violence AND the most illegal gun possession. Yet your side always wants to go after the lawful gun owners. That is backwards.
South Dakota is not on the forefront of anything. It's just an obsessed backwater.
South Dakota is backwater? How about Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Baltimore? They all have some the Nation’s strictest gun laws yet they experience the most gun violence AND the most illegal gun possession.
You’re so spot-on, LeftofLeft. It’s freaking hilarious how progressives find crowded ghettos filled with prostitutes, heroin, murder, and smog so “chic” and beautiful open land filled with clean air and prosperity to be “backwater”.
South Dakota is not on the forefront of anything. It's just an obsessed backwater.
You can have your “progress”, snowflake:

I’ll take your (ignorant) idea of “backwater” any day:
I find it amazing how stupid cons are. Money is all they look forward to. If that is the case I should be the most excited here with all the money I have. But I care about other humans, sorry that excludes repukes, and try to make life better for them.
They've been convinced (by the usual suspects) that THEIR priorities should be EVERYONE'S priorities. They have zero (0) curiosity about the experiences, perceptions, opinions and priorities of any Americans not in their world.

And when they start talking about Trump's economy as the best ever, you know they're so far down the rabbit hole that there's just no getting them out.

America is indeed improving, now that we've hit rock bottom with the former guy. We made it! :clap2:
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A huge win for 2nd amendment of the US Constitution. The future is looking brighter every day for the United States.
They've been convinced (by the usual suspects) that THEIR priorities should be EVERYONE'S priorities. They have zero (0) curiosity about the experiences, perceptions, opinions and priorities of any Americans not in their world.
That’s the beauty of conservatism. It facilitates the liberty required for everyone to prosper without me needing to give a shit about your “priorities”.

There is a reason you need to achieve all of your “priorities” by force, while conservatives achieve all of ours through choice. :dunno:

States are upholding the 2nd Amendment...
That's your only standard for a bright future?

Single issue voters are annoying and stupid.

It's relative & relevant, that's why you're fucked up.
While kunt Demonicrats try to destroy everything, conservatives are doing something positive.
Lol, like insuring that every citizen is equipped to permanently empty out the nearest Taco Bell?
States are upholding the 2nd Amendment...
That's your only standard for a bright future?

Single issue voters are annoying and stupid.

It's relative & relevant, that's why you're fucked up.
While kunt Demonicrats try to destroy everything, conservatives are doing something positive.
Lol, like insuring that every citizen is equipped to permanently empty out the nearest Taco Bell?

The government only INSURES those disabled, dumb, irresponsible, illegal, criminal and/or lazy. If you got off your couch and injured yourself you'd know that.
Lol, like insuring that every citizen is equipped to permanently empty out the nearest Taco Bell?
Not every citizen. Only Dumbocrats/progressives engage in that kind of repugnant behavior.
But I care about other humans, sorry that excludes repukes, and try to make life better for them.
'Ole Tax Man sure went quiet, didn't he? :laugh:

Amazing what happens when you point out how leftists - who claim to be fabulously wealthy - aren't starting foundations or doing anything to help people less fortunate.
It got a lot brighter due to the outcome of the 2020 Presidential elections. we agree on something.
Well, there is no denying that the US experienced unprecedented prosperity under President Trump (the numbers don’t lie). So the 2020 election outcome is only “brighter” for those who hate the United States. :dunno:

Factually incorrect. The super rich got super-richer....the poor got poorer.

The abortion of the Trump presidency was one of the best days in our nation's history. Probably the best day since Appomattox.
It got a lot brighter due to the outcome of the 2020 Presidential elections. we agree on something.
Yet NONE of you Leftists have been able to articulate to us how Americans are winning under the policies of the almost dead dude?
We all know how Mexico's people are killing it though.

He completed the $2000 stimulus
Told Russia and NK to go fuck themselves instead of letting them have an office in the White House as your blob did.
Rammed through the stimulus
Vaccinations are up to around 160M injections
Infrastructure will finally be addressed
Most importantly, he's returning some dignity to the White House.
I find it amazing how stupid cons are. Money is all they look forward to. If that is the case I should be the most excited here with all the money I have. But I care about other humans, sorry that excludes repukes, and try to make life better for them.
If you want to pay more in taxes, no one is stopping you from doing so without having the government force everyone else to.
People are walking away from the deviant lifestyles after experiencing the horrors of that lifestyle first-hand...

States are protecting children...

You are skipping all over the place. You are the one who started this thread regarding your obsession with firearms. Now you've switched to your obsession with sex and gender.

Your posts do not indicate in any way that the future of the U.S. will be bright, unless you are looking forward to the 19th Century. But we're already into the 21st. South Dakota is not on the forefront of anything. It's just an obsessed backwater.

South Dakota is backwater? How about Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Baltimore? They all have some the Nation’s strictest gun laws yet they experience the most gun violence AND the most illegal gun possession. Yet your side always wants to go after the lawful gun owners. That is backwards.

South Dakota is a backwater with less than a million people who appear to be obsessed with sex and guns, and a joke of a governor. All more populated places have more crime, historically and that includes cities that are not in the US.

The pro-rapid-fire gun types who take to the streets act like mentally unstable people. Where are you people going to shoot them, anyway? Who or what at? This does not help your cause. Some of these morons are running around in fake soldier cammies and standing on streets to display their insanity and lack of adulthood. I remember some nutcase chief cop in Pennsylvania making a video of himself shooting off one of these things while yelling things about "them." Some of the Jan. 6 terrorists were even discussing bringing guns across the Potomac on boats. I live on the outskirts of DC, and the thought that these terrorists, some of whom stayed at some hotels and motels around here, would be running around with these weapons on our streets is truly frightening. Imagine thugs running around in your neighborhood with these things. No, thanks!

I grew up with guns in the house, safely locked up and transported in locked cases, but there is no need for the types of guns you want, and you folks seem to have no concern for the public's safety and health. None.
Factually incorrect. The super rich got super-richer....the poor got poorer.
Wow. You’re so indoctrinated that you’re completely void of basic facts. To the point where I’m wondering if you’re even real. I find it hard to believe anyone could be this uneducated. At this point I have to think you’re just a Chinese disinformation account trolling.

Psst...the “wealthy” don’t use food stamps. Facts matter.

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