The Future of U.S. Elections: Loser Audits up the Wazoo!


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2020
Yes, of course the following elections were all certified by all the states and DC, and none is ever going to be decertified, but that does not mean that they cannot still be audited again, and again, and again. The is a treasure trove of audit material going back to 1789 - and that does not even include future elections, if any!

The result of the 2016 presidential election: 306 - 232 - Popular vote in 2016: 65,853,516 // 62,984,825

The result of the 2020 presidential election: 306 - 232 - Popular vote in 2020: 81,009,468 // 74,111,419
The result of the 2000 presidential election: 271 - 266 - Popular vote in 2000: 51,009,810 // 50,462,412
When goons can be wee-wee'd up into violently attacking the United States Congress to prevent its validating a safe and secure election, trashing America's proud tradition of peaceful transfers of power (1796-2020 RIP,) you know that there are plenty of paranoid crackpots eager to embrace a Loser's fake claims!

Anyone can be an election auditor! No experience or credentials required!

Don’t miss your chance to be part of the latest venture:

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"I done got me a job with security
cuz elections won't have it ever again!"


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Spread the wealth I always say and make the tax payers foot the bill, no reason to waste the billionaire's dough....

Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (Full Length)​

Cynthia McKinney on "Stolen Elections"​

Sep 10, 2008

"At a press conference, on Sept. 10, 2008, Cynthia McKinney, candidate for president on the Greeen Pary ticket, brought up the matter of "stolen elecions." She referred to the film, "American Blackout," and the fact that over one million blacks were "not counted" in the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004. Ms. Mckinney claimed that the electoral system currently lacks "integrity" and that the Democratic-dominated Congress has chosen not to do anything about it. The press conference was called by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) and was held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C."

Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (Full Length)​

Cynthia McKinney on "Stolen Elections"​

Sep 10, 2008

"At a press conference, on Sept. 10, 2008, Cynthia McKinney, candidate for president on the Greeen Pary ticket, brought up the matter of "stolen elecions." She referred to the film, "American Blackout," and the fact that over one million blacks were "not counted" in the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004. Ms. Mckinney claimed that the electoral system currently lacks "integrity" and that the Democratic-dominated Congress has chosen not to do anything about it. The press conference was called by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) and was held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C."

wonder what democrat dominated congress she is referring to.while Obama was in office,the one good thing he did was he signed a bill that would keep taxpayers from funding NFL stadiums but the bill was blocked by a republican dominated congress.

trump supporters who i have seen that are clueless about how Bush stole the election both times which tells me they are not objective and just vote republican,they need to listen to this video of mckinney how Bush stole those elections both times.

by the way when she mentioned that movie AMERICAN BLACKOUT is that a movie released in theaters or is it a documentary?

Hey misterbeal you are always telling me that any source that has alex jones on it is not credible yet jones is talking in that video and you posted it.:auiqs.jpg:

Man this movie coming out Jones is talking about will be the most important movie ever made in our lifetimes sense Oliver Stones JFK.:thup:
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When goons can be wee-wee'd up into violently attacking the United States Congress to prevent its validating a safe and secure election, trashing America's proud tradition of peaceful transfers of power (1796-2020 RIP,) you know that there are plenty of paranoid crackpots eager to embrace a Loser's fake claims!
Your hate and hysteria are duly noted. The audits will not only continue, but their numbers will also increase. This is just a reaction to an election that used new and untested methods of voting that guaranteed a lack of transparency and oversight.
Don't imagine that your approval is necessary or that it will matter. No one expects the beneficiaries of the steal to accept the results of the audits. Again, their expectations DO NOT MATTER. The audits aren't about overturning the result, regardless of the silly rhetoric being pushed by the Left. The audits are about investigating HOW the steal was done. It's about finding the actual numbers and other data that will establish where the vote inconsistencies occurred and how to stop that happening in the future.

People who understand this threat are going to be squealing all the way to the courts to try to stop it because they KNOW their policies are going to cause a massive backlash from voters in the next couple of elections. If half the voters can't trust the result, where do you imagine the country will be after a couple more elections where one party keeps control and rams through laws that the other half will refuse to obey?

Or do you imagine they won't resist even when they think the government is illegitimate?

Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections (Full Length)​

Cynthia McKinney on "Stolen Elections"​

Sep 10, 2008

"At a press conference, on Sept. 10, 2008, Cynthia McKinney, candidate for president on the Greeen Pary ticket, brought up the matter of "stolen elecions." She referred to the film, "American Blackout," and the fact that over one million blacks were "not counted" in the presidential elections of 2000 and 2004. Ms. Mckinney claimed that the electoral system currently lacks "integrity" and that the Democratic-dominated Congress has chosen not to do anything about it. The press conference was called by Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) and was held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C."

wonder what democrat dominated congress she is referring to.while Obama was in office,the one good thing he did was he signed a bill that would keep taxpayers from funding NFL stadiums but the bill was blocked by a republican dominated congress.

trump supporters who i have seen that are clueless about how Bush stole the election both times which tells me they are not objective and just vote republican,they need to listen to this video of mckinney how Bush stole those elections both times.

by the way when she mentioned that movie AMERICAN BLACKOUT is that a movie released in theaters or is it a documentary?

Hey misterbeal you are always telling me that any source that has alex jones on it is not credible yet jones is talking in that video and you posted it.:auiqs.jpg:

Man this movie coming out Jones is talking about will be the most important movie ever made in our lifetimes sense Oliver Stones JFK.:thup:

I don't know much about that movie, Deep Rig, that is why I post the link to that guys web site. You can buy it on Amazon if you are interested.

As far as Dr. McKinney's Documentary, she made it with noted investigative election integrity reporter, Greg Palast.

I'm pretty sure it was not wide released in theaters, but available on video.


. . . I would like to note, that although she was not a big supporter of Trump, or even supported him at all, she did acknowledge that yes, indeed, Dr. Mckinney did believe that the 2020 election was rife with fraud.

She believed that the African American population voted for him in record numbers for a republican not seen since Ike.

. . . it disturbed her that the same tactics the establishment used to primary her out, was used against him.

Dr. Cynthia Ann McKinney is an American politician and activist who is an assistant professor at North South University, Bangladesh. As a member of the Democratic Party, she served six terms in the United States House of Representatives. She was the first black woman elected to represent Georgia in the House. With her books as a backdrop Rachael and Dr. McKinney touch upon everything from weather modification to anarchy to her UNRIG tour to, most importantly, how to fix the USA.

Dr. Cynthia McKinney on FACEBOOK

LINKS TO DR. McKinney's books on
Spread the wealth I always say and make the tax payers foot the bill, no reason to waste the billionaire's dough....
There is no reason why confections such as the CyberNinja Big Bamboozle hijinks at the Arizona Crazy Times Carnival should involve any taxpayer money in the future. This gala affair was mostly bankrolled by Trumpy zealots, and they should get whatever they're paying for. Such personal indulgences have no impact upon democratic elections or the American public.
The audits will not only continue, but their numbers will also increase.
As long as losers are far too self-obsessed, contemptuous of the democratic process when they don't like the outcome, and refuse to accept the will of the People, spectacles like the CyberNinja Big Bamboozle show at the Arizona Crazy Times Carnival will persist, even after multiple legitimate audits by experienced auditors have validated election results and they are irreversible.

As long as there are hyper-partisans willing to bankroll such divertissements that have no actual impact upon certified elections, they will metastasize as wishful-thinking pep rallies mired in the immutable past.

The admirable democratic tradition of peaceful transfers of power in which Americans had taken justifiable pride since 1797 ended on January 6, 2021. It is preferable that the enemies of democracy, the seething malcontents, stage endless "audits" to violently attacking the Congress of the United States.

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* In the interest of the aforementioned truth, it should me noted that Ms Clinton made a gracious concession speech on November 9, 2016, one day after the election: "Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans."

Of course, if other inexperienced, hyper-partisan zealots wish to "audit" the 2016 election results anywhere, there is no impediment to their doing so.
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"'One must be able to lose with dignity.'
So true!"

Hey, when the guy's right, he's right!
The purpose of the Audits is to help Sleepy Joe- give him a chance to prove his legitimacy is a disputed election.

If there aren't full, forensic audits performed, there will alway be a cloud over his regime.

Biden should really be thankful to be given a chance to prove himself.
Spread the wealth I always say and make the tax payers foot the bill, no reason to waste the billionaire's dough....
There is no reason why confections such as the CyberNinja Big Bamboozle hijinks at the Arizona Crazy Times Carnival should involve any taxpayer money in the future. This gala affair was mostly bankrolled by Trumpy zealots, and they should get whatever they're paying for. Such personal indulgences have no impact upon democratic elections or the American public.

Truth does not mind being questioned, a lie does not like being challenged.

If the CCP dems didn't cheat in the tens of millions column, what's the problem?
  • Thanks
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The audits will not only continue, but their numbers will also increase.
As long as losers are far too self-obsessed, contemptuous of the democratic process when they don't like the outcome, and refuse to accept the will of the People, spectacles like the CyberNinja Big Bamboozle show at the Arizona Crazy Times Carnival will persist, even after multiple legitimate audits by experienced auditors have validated election results and they are irreversible.

As long as there are hyper-partisans willing to bankroll such divertissements that have no actual impact upon certified elections, they will metastasize as wishful-thinking pep rallies mired in the immutable past.

The admirable democratic tradition of peaceful transfers of power in which Americans had taken justifiable pride since 1797 ended on January 6, 2021. It is preferable that the enemies of democracy, the seething malcontents, stage endless "audits" to violently attacking the Congress of the United States.

* In the interest of the aforementioned truth, it should me noted that Ms Clinton made a gracious concession speech on November 9, 2016, one day after the election: "Last night, I congratulated Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country. I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans."

Of course, if other inexperienced, hyper-partisan zealots wish to "audit" the 2016 election results anywhere, there is no impediment to their doing so.
As long as losers are far too self-obsessed, contemptuous of the democratic process when they don't like the outcome, and refuse to accept the will of the People....




As though we needed any more evidence of how completely lacking in self-awareness that you unhinged moonbats are.
Polish Prince said:
The purpose of the Audits is to help Sleepy Joe- give him a chance to prove his legitimacy is a disputed election.

If there aren't full, forensic audits performed, there will alway be a cloud over his regime.

Biden should really be thankful to be given a chance to prove himself.
The President's election was certified by Congress, despite violent Trump goons attempting to thwart the democratic process.

After all the legitimate audits, failed court challenges, and inability to produce any credible evidence of the imaginary vast conspiracy, hyper-partisan clown shows are only to placate the disgruntled losers.

Charlie Sykes on Thursday cautioned against dismissing the Arizona state Senate GOP’s partisan audit of the 2020 election.
Sykes told MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace that “the beating heart” of the GOP was to embrace Trump’s lie that he actually beat President Joe Biden “and to use that then as an excuse to change the laws,” referencing Republican-sponsored voter suppression measures in many U.S. states.
“As we’ve said before, we can roll our eyes and treat the Arizona audit as a joke, but a clown with a flamethrower still has a flamethrower,” said Sykes...
Yes, of course the following elections were all certified by all the states and DC, and none is ever going to be decertified, but that does not mean that they cannot still be audited again, and again, and again. The is a treasure trove of audit material going back to 1789 - and that does not even include future elections, if any!

The result of the 2016 presidential election: 306 - 232 - Popular vote in 2016: 65,853,516 // 62,984,825

The result of the 2020 presidential election: 306 - 232 - Popular vote in 2020: 81,009,468 // 74,111,419
The result of the 2000 presidential election: 271 - 266 - Popular vote in 2000: 51,009,810 // 50,462,412
When goons can be wee-wee'd up into violently attacking the United States Congress to prevent its validating a safe and secure election, trashing America's proud tradition of peaceful transfers of power (1796-2020 RIP,) you know that there are plenty of paranoid crackpots eager to embrace a Loser's fake claims!

Anyone can be an election auditor! No experience or credentials required!

Don’t miss your chance to be part of the latest venture:

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"I done got me a job with security
cuz elections won't have it ever again!"

The enemy of America is the party that does away with the free and fair election.

The validation of the free and fair election is the audit.

When 35 states vote GOP state house and state senate, and the other party's prez candidate takes some of those, and that candidate is not Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton, but a pathetic senile traitor who goes down in the polls when he campaigns, when the voters check him out closely, there needs to be audits in every state.

Your side always cheats.

It cheated in FLA 2000 by intentionally tossing black republican ballots, which is why the usa today recount showed W gaining votes when tossed ballots were counted....

Indeed, the act of democrats tossing black republican ballots is really exhibit a of the Dems view of race and election integrity....

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