The Gaystapo is at it again

It doesn’t take a PhD to see that “gender confusion” is clearly a severe mental illness...

Maine Teen Who Fatally Stabbed Parents and Chihuahua Before Laughing on 911 Call Gets 40 Years
Yesterday in Missouri a man killed his girlfriend and two kids and her mother...Is this gender non-confusion?
well, i usually can identify a gender of most strangers I run into here in Florida, well at least here, there are only 3 to choose from
I can usually smell the ones around here in Mizzouri..
you mean sasquatch is a gender there too?
It doesn’t take a PhD to see that “gender confusion” is clearly a severe mental illness...

Maine Teen Who Fatally Stabbed Parents and Chihuahua Before Laughing on 911 Call Gets 40 Years
Yesterday in Missouri a man killed his girlfriend and two kids and her mother...Is this gender non-confusion?
well, i usually can identify a gender of most strangers I run into here in Florida, well at least here, there are only 3 to choose from
I can usually smell the ones around here in Mizzouri..
at my local home depot, we have this cashier. OMG, till this day, I have no idea what gender!,,its like a real life PAT
A man, in a dress, acting crazy and belligerent, is not a woman.

You're probably right about what would happen if a man, in a public place, were to strike a woman who was peacefully minding her own business. In fact, as a man who is instinctively protective toward women, I hope that is the case. But that has nothing whatsoever to do with this situation.

You might have a good point. You or Poodle would probably get your asses handed to you by a Tranny...

My guess is, if you think that is a "woman", you have some serious latent homosexuality going on.

again, I don't spend time worrying about it... while I'm sure you live in mortal fear of it for some reason.

I don't know about homosexuality, but someone who thinks that [I]that[/I] is a woman certainly has something very, very, very wrong with him.

Take it up with the APA... they've already ruled on this, Mormon Boy.

Of course, you are the one who thinks a Kiddy Diddler was talking to God and Hebrews came to America on Submarines.

Now, that's delusional.
My guess is, if you think that is a "woman", you have some serious latent homosexuality going on.
again, I don't spend time worrying about it...
And there you have it, folks! The explanation for why Joe has lived his life so pissed off. Latent homosexuality.

Man, queers are an angry bunch. Joe should have just embraced his queerness. I get that it wasn’t acceptable in his era, but better to be laughed at than to live your life miserable.
My guess is, if you think that is a "woman", you have some serious latent homosexuality going on.
again, I don't spend time worrying about it...
And there you have it, folks! The explanation for why Joe has lived his life so pissed off. Latent homosexuality.

Man, queers are an angry bunch. Joe should have just embraced his queerness. I get that it wasn’t acceptable in his era, but better to be laughed at than to live your life miserable.

And it's not like he doesn't STILL get laughed at, so . . .
And there you have it, folks! The explanation for why Joe has lived his life so pissed off. Latent homosexuality.

Man, queers are an angry bunch. Joe should have just embraced his queerness. I get that it wasn’t acceptable in his era, but better to be laughed at than to live your life miserable.

Sorry, man, I'm straight and have had more pussy than you ever will. (WOmen just love a man in uniform.)
Sorry, man, I'm straight and have had more pussy than you ever will. (WOmen just love a man in uniform.)
A. Sure ya are

B. Sure ya did

C. Just as “classy” as ever I see

Poodle, never said I was classy... I swear like an ex-army sergeant.... Oh, that's right, because I'm an ex-army sergeant.

I use polite words when talking politely, and I use profanity when dealing with morons. You know, like some punk who read Ayn Rand when he was 14 and thinks that's how the world should work.
That’s how the world does work. History has proven it.

Nope. The world works because regular people do their jobs.. not because a few greedy bastards take advantage.

Just remember, your Girl Ayn was kept alive by Social Security and Medicare at the end of her miserable life when she died from the Cancer she claimed cigarettes didn't cause.
Sorry, man, I'm straight and have had more pussy than you ever will. (WOmen just love a man in uniform.)
A. Sure ya are

B. Sure ya did

C. Just as “classy” as ever I see

Those who boast of having “…had more pussy…” are invariably lying, and in any event, showing a rather extreme degree of contempt toward women in general.

Now I have something genuine to boast about. I have only ever been sexually intimate with one woman, and that is the one to whom I have been married, now for almost twenty-four years.

Even if JoeB131 really had had all the “pussy” that he lies about having had, it would be nothing compared to the relationship that a real man has with his wife.

Perhaps JoeB131's problem is that he thinks that being a pussy somehow counts as “getting pussy”.
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Sorry, man, I'm straight and have had more pussy than you ever will.

This isn't the sort of thing that one often hears from a grown man. Nearly always, when someone makes a statement like this, it's a barely-adolescent boy, whose voice is just beginning to break, who, of course, has no sexual experience at all, but thinks that he can impress his fellow 13- and 14-year-olds by bragging about nonexistent sexual experiences.
Now I have something genuine to boast about. I have only ever been sexually intimate with one woman, and that is the one to whom I have been married, now for almost twenty-four years.

Again, you belong to a cult where women are second class citizens, doing the live action version of "A Handmaid's Tale"... that is something most decent folks would be embarrased about.

Even if JoeB131 really had had all the “pussy” that he lies about having had, it would be nothing compared to the relationship that a real man has with his wife.

You know what turned me off to the concept of marriage? It was all the other NCO's I met in the army where the woman ran around, cheated on their husbands during deployments, then insisted they were entitled to half their pay and pensions, and usually got it.

No thank you.

This is why I find it funny that you guys get so worked up about gay marriage.

Why should just the Straights have to suffer?
Again, you belong to a cult where women are second class citizens, doing the live action version of "A Handmaid's Tale"... that is something most decent folks would be embarrased [sic] about.

You know what turned me off to the concept of marriage? It was all the other NCO's I met in the army where the woman ran around, cheated on their husbands during deployments, then insisted they were entitled to half their pay and pensions, and usually got it.

No thank you.

This is why I find it funny that you guys get so worked up about gay marriage.

Why should just the Straights have to suffer?

It's funny that in the very same post, you're showing your own true deeply misogynistic colors, while still repeating the same bizarre lies about me and about my religion, to try to paint us as misogynistic.

But the, this isn't the first time that I have observed that your sort of ideology is deeply rooted in psychological projection, hypocrisy, outright lies. This particular post of yours is just a more vivid demonstration of this fact than one usually sees.

It also gives some insight into how you've come to be such a twisted, bitter, hateful, soulless freak.
Sorry, man, I'm straight and have had more pussy than you ever will. (WOmen just love a man in uniform.)
A. Sure ya are

B. Sure ya did

C. Just as “classy” as ever I see

Those who boast of having “…had more pussy…” are invariably lying, and in any event, showing a rather extreme degree of contempt toward women in general.

Now I have something genuine to boast about. I have only ever been sexually intimate with one woman, and that is the one to whom I have been married, now for almost twenty-four years.

Even if JoeB131 really had had all the “pussy” that he lies about having had, it would be nothing compared to the relationship that a real man has with his wife.

Perhaps JoeB131's problem is that he thinks that being a pussy somehow counts as “getting pussy”.
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Now I have something genuine to boast about. I have only ever been sexually intimate with one woman, and that is the one to whom I have been married, now for almost twenty-four years.
Again, you belong to a cult where women are second class citizens, doing the live action version of "A Handmaid's Tale"... that is something most decent folks would be embarrased about.
So Joe considers women nothing but “pussy” and refers to them as such, and then he claims that it’s Bob who relegates women to “second class citizens” because he has the audacity to have a monogamous, loving relationship with his wife who he respects.

Yes folks...Joe really is that stupid.
It's funny that in the very same post, you're showing your own true deeply misogynistic colors, while still repeating the same bizarre lies about me and about my religion, to try to paint us as misogynistic.

Your religion was started by a two-bit con man who wanted to bang teens.

And, yeah, when your highest aspiration is to make babies to get your man into the Celestial Heaven, that is kind of misogynistic.
So Joe considers women nothing but “pussy” and refers to them as such, and then he claims that it’s Bob who relegates women to “second class citizens” because he has the audacity to have a monogamous, loving relationship with his wife who he respects.

Poodle, you really need to do some Research on Mormonism. i know that your GOP masters tried to hide how crazy the Mormons are during the campaign...

But um, yeah, the Mormons are pretty misogynistic.

Don't take my word for it... here's the "Testimony" of a former Mormon woman.

The Mormon Church Made Me Hate Myself | HuffPost

I was told in church that as a woman I “have, by divine nature, the greater gift and responsibility for home and children and nurturing there and in other settings.” This is a quote from the Mormon Message called “Women in the Church.” I cannot act in all things to bring salvation to man, but don’t you worry. I can nurture children and make bread and keep my home in order (it’s like we’re stuck in the 1800’s for Christ’s sake). “As a disciple of Jesus Christ, every woman in the Church is given the responsibility to know and defend the divine roles of women, which include that of wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend.”

Back to Mormon Bob whining about me because I hurt his little feelings.

But the, this isn't the first time that I have observed that your sort of ideology is deeply rooted in psychological projection, hypocrisy, outright lies. This particular post of yours is just a more vivid demonstration of this fact than one usually sees.

Not at all, guy. I treat women pretty much the way I treat men. I don't put them up on pedestals, and I don't infantilize them. This is what annoys the hell out of me about the #metoo witchhunts. These women knew exactly what they were dealing with, but "boo-hoo, Harvey Weinstein didn't make me a star like he promised!" It's bullshit.

Now, I used to be the guy women would come to me with their problems about, but I kind of stopped doing that because I have enough problems of my own, i don't need to hear about yours that you could fix in five minutes.

Joe B, dispenser of harsh realities....
Really? So what you're saying here is that you think of, and describe men, as “pussy”, and value them only for the sex that you wish you could have with them?

Well, no, since I don't have sex with men... I also only have sex with women I think are attractive. I just don't get worked up over sex like you puritans do.... it's just a thing.

I'm sorry this is vastly complicated for you.

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