The Gaystapo is at it again

/——/ Is what Trump said inaccurate? Have any hollyweird superstars come out and refuted the claim?

You mean other than the women who have claimed that Trump grabbed or harrassed them, which you guys thought was bad when Clinton did it.
/——/ Clintoon was on the Gubmint payroll at the time. Trump was just a billionaire playboy telling it like it is.
/——/ Is what Trump said inaccurate? Have any hollyweird superstars come out and refuted the claim?

You mean other than the women who have claimed that Trump grabbed or harrassed them, which you guys thought was bad when Clinton did it.
/——/ Clintoon was on the Gubmint payroll at the time. Trump was just a billionaire playboy telling it like it is.

Clinton was also targeting employees, which is kind of a no-no.
/——/ Is what Trump said inaccurate? Have any hollyweird superstars come out and refuted the claim?

You mean other than the women who have claimed that Trump grabbed or harrassed them, which you guys thought was bad when Clinton did it.
/——/ Clintoon was on the Gubmint payroll at the time. Trump was just a billionaire playboy telling it like it is.

Clinton was also targeting employees, which is kind of a no-no.
/"Clinton was also targeting employees, which is kind of a no-no.":
And at the same time, Clintoon was prosecuting military officers for having consensual sex with jr officers.
/——/ Is what Trump said inaccurate? Have any hollyweird superstars come out and refuted the claim?

You mean other than the women who have claimed that Trump grabbed or harrassed them, which you guys thought was bad when Clinton did it.
/——/ Clintoon was on the Gubmint payroll at the time. Trump was just a billionaire playboy telling it like it is.

Clinton was also targeting employees, which is kind of a no-no.
/"Clinton was also targeting employees, which is kind of a no-no.":
And at the same time, Clintoon was prosecuting military officers for having consensual sex with jr officers.

Yes, I remember that point being made - and summarily ignored by the Democrats - at the time: that Clinton was specifically holding himself out as a champion against sexual harassment in the workplace, and that made it even worse that he himself was preying on employees.
/——/ Is what Trump said inaccurate? Have any hollyweird superstars come out and refuted the claim?

You mean other than the women who have claimed that Trump grabbed or harrassed them, which you guys thought was bad when Clinton did it.
/——/ Clintoon was on the Gubmint payroll at the time. Trump was just a billionaire playboy telling it like it is. that makes it, wait. Even MORE than ok....made tiny donnie worthy of conservative republican votes.
/——/ Is what Trump said inaccurate? Have any hollyweird superstars come out and refuted the claim?

You mean other than the women who have claimed that Trump grabbed or harrassed them, which you guys thought was bad when Clinton did it.
/——/ Clintoon was on the Gubmint payroll at the time. Trump was just a billionaire playboy telling it like it is. that makes it, wait. Even MORE than ok....made tiny donnie worthy of conservative republican votes.
/----/ " that makes it, wait. Even MORE than ok...."
Yes - you finally get it. Talking about it vs actually doing it.
lie proof confession.jpg
Clinton did it while Governor and President on the taxpayer's dime. Do you understand the difference?

I wasn't aware that you take a vow of celibacy when you take office.

Look, you can come up with all sorts of excuses, but you guys tried impeach a good president over personal, non-criminal conduct. Period.

Don't whine now that Trump will get the same for much worse behavior.
/——/ Clintoon was on the Gubmint payroll at the time. Trump was just a billionaire playboy telling it like it is.

Wow? Seriously? This is your argument that he had an affair while in elected office?

Again- definition of a puritan... someone who lives in mortal fear someone else might be enjoying himself.
/——/ My point was way over your head, libtard. Once again, Trump, a private citizen, just talked about it. Billy Clintoon was in office and actually did it. If you can’t see the difference, I’m sorry I can’t dumb it down any more for you.
Clinton did it while Governor and President on the taxpayer's dime. Do you understand the difference?

I wasn't aware that you take a vow of celibacy when you take office.

Look, you can come up with all sorts of excuses, but you guys tried impeach a good president over personal, non-criminal conduct. Period.

Don't whine now that Trump will get the same for much worse behavior.
/—-/ Hey Dummy, Clinton was impeached and lost his law license for perjury- BTW federal officials having sex with a subordinate is criminal.
/——/ My point was way over your head, libtard. Once again, Trump, a private citizen, just talked about it. Billy Clintoon was in office and actually did it. If you can’t see the difference, I’m sorry I can’t dumb it down any more for you.

Let's have a 70 million dollar investigation into Trump's sex life like they did with Clinton, then we can talk.

Trump sexually assaulted women.
Clinton had a consensual relationship with an intern.

Only one of those things is criminal.
Yes, I remember that point being made - and summarily ignored by the Democrats - at the time: that Clinton was specifically holding himself out as a champion against sexual harassment in the workplace, and that made it even worse that he himself was preying on employees.

Consensual relationships aren't sexual harassment. Clinton had sex with that woman because he was a charming charismatic guy.

/—-/ Hey Dummy, Clinton was impeached and lost his law license for perjury- BTW federal officials having sex with a subordinate is criminal.

Can you cite the rule where having a consensual relationship with a subordinate is criminal? (Outside of the military, of course). thanks.

Clinton was impeached for lying about a blow job by hypocrites who were all fucking women on the side themselves.

It wasn't like he did something like lie about WMD's and plunge us into a war that killed thousands of people. Nope. He just lied about getting a blow job.
Yes, I remember that point being made - and summarily ignored by the Democrats - at the time: that Clinton was specifically holding himself out as a champion against sexual harassment in the workplace, and that made it even worse that he himself was preying on employees.

Consensual relationships aren't sexual harassment. Clinton had sex with that woman because he was a charming charismatic guy.

/—-/ Hey Dummy, Clinton was impeached and lost his law license for perjury- BTW federal officials having sex with a subordinate is criminal.

Can you cite the rule where having a consensual relationship with a subordinate is criminal? (Outside of the military, of course). thanks.

Clinton was impeached for lying about a blow job by hypocrites who were all fucking women on the side themselves.

It wasn't like he did something like lie about WMD's and plunge us into a war that killed thousands of people. Nope. He just lied about getting a blow job.
/——/ the Starr Report outlined a case for impeaching Clinton on 11 grounds, including perjury, obstruction of justice, witness-tampering, and abuse of power, and also provided explicit details of the sexual relationship between the president and Ms. Lewinsky. On October 8, the House authorized a wide-ranging impeachment inquiry, and on December 11, the House Judiciary Committee approved three articles of impeachment. On December 19, the House impeached Clinton.
Yes, I remember that point being made - and summarily ignored by the Democrats - at the time: that Clinton was specifically holding himself out as a champion against sexual harassment in the workplace, and that made it even worse that he himself was preying on employees.

Consensual relationships aren't sexual harassment. Clinton had sex with that woman because he was a charming charismatic guy.

/—-/ Hey Dummy, Clinton was impeached and lost his law license for perjury- BTW federal officials having sex with a subordinate is criminal.

Can you cite the rule where having a consensual relationship with a subordinate is criminal? (Outside of the military, of course). thanks.

Clinton was impeached for lying about a blow job by hypocrites who were all fucking women on the side themselves.

It wasn't like he did something like lie about WMD's and plunge us into a war that killed thousands of people. Nope. He just lied about getting a blow job.
/——/ For your reading enjoyment:
/"Clinton was also targeting employees, which is kind of a no-no.":
And at the same time, Clintoon was prosecuting military officers for having consensual sex with jr officers.

Um, no, the military did that, not Clinton, personally. Because it's against regulations.
/——/ And who was Commander in Chief of the military?
/——/ the Starr Report outlined a case for impeaching Clinton on 11 grounds, including perjury, obstruction of justice, witness-tampering, and abuse of power, and also provided explicit details of the sexual relationship between the president and Ms. Lewinsky. On October 8, the House authorized a wide-ranging impeachment inquiry, and on December 11, the House Judiciary Committee approved three articles of impeachment. On December 19, the House impeached Clinton.

I wish Ken Starr had been as diligent about stopping ACTUAL rapes that happened on his watch at Baylor University...

Impeaching a president over lying about a blow job was just crazy... almost as crazy as spending 70 million dollars investigating it.

So let me get this straight. Clinton lied about a blow job. No one got hurt. No one died. It wasn't even relevant to the case the lie was in, according to the judge, who dismissed the whole case without merit. This by you was an impeachable offense worthy of setting aside the will of the people.


Bush lied about Iraq having WMD's. He ran roughshod over Congress and the UN, invaded the country, 5000 Americans died, 35,000 were injured, Probably anywhere from 100K to a million Iraqis died. The Middle East is STILL in turmoil over this...

And in your fucked up little mind, lying about a blow job is a worse offense than lying us into a war.

Now before you waste my time trying to tell me why Bush really didn't lie, the fact his, he said something and it wasn't true.
/——/ the Starr Report outlined a case for impeaching Clinton on 11 grounds, including perjury, obstruction of justice, witness-tampering, and abuse of power, and also provided explicit details of the sexual relationship between the president and Ms. Lewinsky. On October 8, the House authorized a wide-ranging impeachment inquiry, and on December 11, the House Judiciary Committee approved three articles of impeachment. On December 19, the House impeached Clinton.

I wish Ken Starr had been as diligent about stopping ACTUAL rapes that happened on his watch at Baylor University...

Impeaching a president over lying about a blow job was just crazy... almost as crazy as spending 70 million dollars investigating it.

So let me get this straight. Clinton lied about a blow job. No one got hurt. No one died. It wasn't even relevant to the case the lie was in, according to the judge, who dismissed the whole case without merit. This by you was an impeachable offense worthy of setting aside the will of the people.


Bush lied about Iraq having WMD's. He ran roughshod over Congress and the UN, invaded the country, 5000 Americans died, 35,000 were injured, Probably anywhere from 100K to a million Iraqis died. The Middle East is STILL in turmoil over this...

And in your fucked up little mind, lying about a blow job is a worse offense than lying us into a war.

Now before you waste my time trying to tell me why Bush really didn't lie, the fact his, he said something and it wasn't true.
/——/ the Starr Report outlined a case for impeaching Clinton on 11 grounds, including perjury, obstruction of justice, witness-tampering, and abuse of power, and also provided explicit details of the sexual relationship between the president and Ms. Lewinsky. On October 8, the House authorized a wide-ranging impeachment inquiry, and on December 11, the House Judiciary Committee approved three articles of impeachment. On December 19, the House impeached Clinton.

I wish Ken Starr had been as diligent about stopping ACTUAL rapes that happened on his watch at Baylor University...

Impeaching a president over lying about a blow job was just crazy... almost as crazy as spending 70 million dollars investigating it.

So let me get this straight. Clinton lied about a blow job. No one got hurt. No one died. It wasn't even relevant to the case the lie was in, according to the judge, who dismissed the whole case without merit. This by you was an impeachable offense worthy of setting aside the will of the people.


Bush lied about Iraq having WMD's. He ran roughshod over Congress and the UN, invaded the country, 5000 Americans died, 35,000 were injured, Probably anywhere from 100K to a million Iraqis died. The Middle East is STILL in turmoil over this...

And in your fucked up little mind, lying about a blow job is a worse offense than lying us into a war.

Now before you waste my time trying to tell me why Bush really didn't lie, the fact his, he said something and it wasn't true.
/——/ Post proof Bush lied and I don’t mean your personal opinion or wishful thinking. You know what proof is don’t you? It’s like Monica’s blue dress.
/——/ Post proof Bush lied and I don’t mean your personal opinion or wishful thinking. You know what proof is don’t you? It’s like Monica’s blue dress.

He said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.

Saddam didn't have weapons of mass destruction.

Bush lied. People died.
/——/ That means Clintoon lies too. Text Of Clinton Statement On Iraq - February 17, 1998
The UNSCOM inspectors believe that Iraq still has stockpiles of chemical and biological munitions, a small force of Scud-type missiles, and the capacity to restart quickly its production program and build many, many more weapons.

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