The Gaystapo is at it again

Well, no, since I don't have sex with men... I also only have sex with women I think are attractive. I just don't get worked up over sex like you puritans do.... it's just a thing.

I'm sorry this is vastly complicated for you.

So, then, you were lying when you said…

I treat women pretty much the way I treat men.

No surprise, of course. Lying is pretty much all that you do.
Well, no, since I don't have sex with men... I also only have sex with women I think are attractive. I just don't get worked up over sex like you puritans do.... it's just a thing.

I'm sorry this is vastly complicated for you.

So, then, you were lying when you said…

I treat women pretty much the way I treat men.

No surprise, of course. Lying is pretty much all that you do.

Bob, Buddy, you support a president who bragged he could grab women by the pussy, any time he wanted to, because he was a star.

Your Faux Outrage is laughable.
Bob, Buddy, you support a president who bragged he could grab women by the pussy, any time he wanted to, because he was a star.

Your Faux Outrage is laughable.

It really wasn't a good election cycle for either side to claim a moral high ground. The alternative was a woman who was a willing accomplice and accessory to several cases of violent sexual assault committed by her husband. I'll say right now that there are aspects of Mr. Trump's past behavior and moral character that I find quite disturbing; and which I would very much prefer not to see in someone holding as high an office in this country as he now holds.

But then again, I seem to recall that one of us openly defends Roman Polanski's having drugged, raped, and sodomized a thirteen-year-old girl, describing those acts as a “non-crime”. Such a position really doesn't put one in a good place for criticising anyone else's moral standards.
It really wasn't a good election cycle for either side to claim a moral high ground. The alternative was a woman who was a willing accomplice and accessory to several cases of violent sexual assault committed by her husband.

Um, no. That's a lame excuse. Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars trying to prove Bill Clinton Sexually Assaulted people, and the only thing he could prove was that he had a consensual affair with an intern. not even a nice try. Compare that to Trump who admitted on tape to sexually assaulting women.

So what was Hillary guilty of? Standing by her husband? Something your moral idiots usually think is a good thing. I'd have had more respect for her if she kicked him to the curb, but you know what, I gave up a long time ago telling other people what they should do in their relationships.

I'll say right now that there are aspects of Mr. Trump's past behavior and moral character that I find quite disturbing; and which I would very much prefer not to see in someone holding as high an office in this country as he now holds.

But yet you still voted for him, because you think he'll put judges in place who will impose your moral stupidity on the rest of us.

But then again, I seem to recall that one of us openly defends Roman Polanski's having drugged, raped, and sodomized a thirteen-year-old girl, describing those acts as a “non-crime”. Such a position really doesn't put one in a good place for criticising anyone else's moral standards.

Uh, yeah, without draggin through that, because if I explain it to you again, you still wouldn't understand it.

The prosecutors recommended a light sentence. They looked at the evidence, realized they had a shit case even with his admission, and pled him down to the minimum sentence. They realized their witnesses had hair all over them (a promiscuous girl and a mom who was pretty much dangling her in front of anyone who'd advance her career) and decided to get this one off their desks rather than risk a jury acquitting a sympathetic celebrity..

Keep in miind, when it comes to REAL RAPES, only 3% of rapists see the inside of a jail cell... so Polanski spending two months for having sex with a willing partner who was the same age as some of Joseph Smith's wives seemed quite adequate to me.

I am more bothered that a judge took it upon himself to violate the man's fifth and sixth amendment rights. (Yes, amazingly, there are more than two amendments in the constitution.) Or that the State of California is still going after this guy 40 years later like he was a Nazi War criminal.
Back to Mormon Bob whining about me because I hurt his little feelings.
Oh you misunderstood, snowflake. Bob isn’t whining about you. He’s just pointing out how you hate women simply because all of them find you repulsive and repugnant.
Back to Mormon Bob whining about me because I hurt his little feelings.
Oh you misunderstood, snowflake. Bob isn’t whining about you. He’s just pointing out how you hate women simply because all of them find you repulsive and repugnant.

I've certainly got no reason—at least none to which anything to do with JoeB131 would be relevant—to have any feelings hurt. He hates women,and women surely hate him right back. He hates marriage, he hates family, he hates any form of moral standards; and he is eager to support that which would undermine and destroy all of this.

My marriage, my relationship with my wife, is the best thing that has ever happened to me. JoeB131 will never experience this. Nobody will ever love him, as my wife loves me. To him, women are just “pussy”. And he tries to cast me as a misogynist. Somewhere along the way, in his life, he made a bad choice, betwen light and darkness, he chose darkness. Subsequent choices, in that direction, have only carried him lower and lower, into hatred and madness and Godlessness and evil, to where he cannot comprehend life ruled by anything else.

I'm no saint, but I can imagine how I must look from the depths in which JoeB131 wallows, and it is not difficult to imagine why he hates me, in particular, so much.
Oh...don’t worry. You’ve said so many ignorant things on USMB that nobody takes your word on anything. And nobody takes HuffPo seriously either. Epic fail.

Well, you try to pass things off from the Blaze, owned by the Nutty Mormon so crazy, Fox News fired him.

I've certainly got no reason—at least none to which anything to do with JoeB131 would be relevant—to have any feelings hurt. He hates women,and women surely hate him right back. He hates marriage, he hates family, he hates any form of moral standards; and he is eager to support that which would undermine and destroy all of this.

No, buddy, I don't live in your head at all... you've just spent three pages whining about me because I don't share your superstitious, puritanical value.

Definition of a puritan, someone who lives in Mortal Fear that someone might be enjoying himself.

If you and Poodle were happy people, you certainly wouldn't spend so much time worried about Gays getting married and enjoying what they define as happiness. You wouldn't feel threatened that they can legally call what they have "marriage", like that takes something away from you.
Definition of a puritan, someone who lives in Mortal Fear that someone might be enjoying himself.

If you and Poodle were happy people, you certainly wouldn't spend so much time worried about Gays getting married and enjoying what they define as happiness. You wouldn't feel threatened that they can legally call what they have "marriage", like that takes something away from you.
Definition of a puritan, someone who lives in Mortal Fear that someone might be enjoying himself.

If you and Poodle were happy people, you certainly wouldn't spend so much time worried about Gays getting married and enjoying what they define as happiness. You wouldn't feel threatened that they can legally call what they have "marriage", like that takes something away from you.
This thread isn’t about “gay marriage” you homo-repressed queer. This thread is about oppressive Nazis like yourself trying to force others to do your bidding.
This thread isn’t about “gay marriage” you homo-repressed queer. This thread is about oppressive Nazis like yourself trying to force others to do your bidding.

Oh, I see. Asking a cop to treat someone with respect is "Forcing" them to do their bidding.

Again, you guys get all hung up about this stuff, because frankly, you are pretty much unhappy people.

Definition of a puritan... someone who lives in mortal fear someone else might be enjoying himself.
This thread isn’t about “gay marriage” you homo-repressed queer. This thread is about oppressive Nazis like yourself trying to force others to do your bidding.

Oh, I see. Asking a cop to treat someone with respect is "Forcing" them to do their bidding.

Again, you guys get all hung up about this stuff, because frankly, you are pretty much unhappy people.

Definition of a puritan... someone who lives in mortal fear someone else might be enjoying himself.
The police entering the people from the progressive socialist lgbt group at the Pulse Club did not do it quickly after their slaughter by one of their progressive socialist buddies from the islamic group. The fear was not puritan. It was blood, open wounds, and the air they breathed from potentially HIV/AIDS carrier or infections that delayed it. Did you ever see a person with full blown AIDS in agony and pain? The enjoying themselves dropped massively in the 1980's without medicine. Then when the first generation medicine appeared the massive enjoying themselves increased to what it was before. How much do we spend on this disease today nationally? With no cure. But with some drugs that gets it contained. And the taxpayer is on the hook for it. Anyway there is a lawsuit that the cops did not respond fast enough. Are they at fault? Or were they worried about being infected as potential plague is becoming more and expansive?
The police entering the people from the progressive socialist lgbt group at the Pulse Club did not do it quickly after their slaughter by one of their progressive socialist buddies from the islamic group. The fear was not puritan. It was blood, open wounds, and the air they breathed from potentially HIV/AIDS carrier or infections that delayed it. Did you ever see a person with full blown AIDS in agony and pain? The enjoying themselves dropped massively in the 1980's without medicine. Then when the first generation medicine appeared the massive enjoying themselves increased to what it was before. How much do we spend on this disease today nationally? With no cure. But with some drugs that gets it contained. And the taxpayer is on the hook for it. Anyway there is a lawsuit that the cops did not respond fast enough. Are they at fault? Or were they worried about being infected as potential plague is becoming more and expansive?

Straight people get HIV, too.

In fact, in Africa, it's primarily a heterosexual disease. Wanna guess who opposed the distribution of condoms to limit the spread of the disease?

Now, here's the thing, in more progressive countries not run by religious nuts, they treated HIV as a health crisis, not a moral one. so they were able to contain the spread of the disease in a way we werent'.
The police entering the people from the progressive socialist lgbt group at the Pulse Club did not do it quickly after their slaughter by one of their progressive socialist buddies from the islamic group. The fear was not puritan. It was blood, open wounds, and the air they breathed from potentially HIV/AIDS carrier or infections that delayed it. Did you ever see a person with full blown AIDS in agony and pain? The enjoying themselves dropped massively in the 1980's without medicine. Then when the first generation medicine appeared the massive enjoying themselves increased to what it was before. How much do we spend on this disease today nationally? With no cure. But with some drugs that gets it contained. And the taxpayer is on the hook for it. Anyway there is a lawsuit that the cops did not respond fast enough. Are they at fault? Or were they worried about being infected as potential plague is becoming more and expansive?

Straight people get HIV, too.

In fact, in Africa, it's primarily a heterosexual disease. Wanna guess who opposed the distribution of condoms to limit the spread of the disease?

Now, here's the thing, in more progressive countries not run by religious nuts, they treated HIV as a health crisis, not a moral one. so they were able to contain the spread of the disease in a way we werent'.
I owe them nothing. But am forced to pay for it. I spout this because I have been called the most vile names over the years and what we see today. Why? Because I do not agree with you 100%! African Americans do not like gay people. They are on the same side for now. You heard the names they called those Catholic kids. As the costs rise should people be charged for it? I am supposed to pay for behavior when many like me can't get paid for mine. Your progressive buddies want a stock market collapse. Therew ill be massive reductions in check payouts, loan defaults and medical rationing in that scenario. We made the medication in the late 1980's. Tell me why we can't contain it. We are a spoiled people and others will pay. And this while I read the younger generations wanting me dead for aging. This time around if the bad times comes I will be laughing. p.s...for the Christians defense. Jesus did nottwll Mary Magdaline to keep it under ten tricks a night.
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.
/——/ I’ve Never been a union supporter but in this case I hope this officer is in one and his Union Rep goes ballistic
The police entering the people from the progressive socialist lgbt group at the Pulse Club did not do it quickly after their slaughter by one of their progressive socialist buddies from the islamic group. The fear was not puritan. It was blood, open wounds, and the air they breathed from potentially HIV/AIDS carrier or infections that delayed it. Did you ever see a person with full blown AIDS in agony and pain? The enjoying themselves dropped massively in the 1980's without medicine. Then when the first generation medicine appeared the massive enjoying themselves increased to what it was before. How much do we spend on this disease today nationally? With no cure. But with some drugs that gets it contained. And the taxpayer is on the hook for it. Anyway there is a lawsuit that the cops did not respond fast enough. Are they at fault? Or were they worried about being infected as potential plague is becoming more and expansive?

Straight people get HIV, too.

In fact, in Africa, it's primarily a heterosexual disease. Wanna guess who opposed the distribution of condoms to limit the spread of the disease?

Now, here's the thing, in more progressive countries not run by religious nuts, they treated HIV as a health crisis, not a moral one. so they were able to contain the spread of the disease in a way we werent'.
What boggles common sense is the sexually confused misfits make fun of Christians and call them nuts in the head for believing God speaks to them, meanwhile some guy with a penis, healthy chromosomes, etc, gets an idea in his head that he's really a female and wants to castrate himself, and we're all supposed to accept his mental illness as normal.
Well, no, since I don't have sex with men... I also only have sex with women I think are attractive. I just don't get worked up over sex like you puritans do.... it's just a thing.

I'm sorry this is vastly complicated for you.

So, then, you were lying when you said…

I treat women pretty much the way I treat men.

No surprise, of course. Lying is pretty much all that you do.

Bob, Buddy, you support a president who bragged he could grab women by the pussy, any time he wanted to, because he was a star.

Your Faux Outrage is laughable.
/——/ Is what Trump said inaccurate? Have any hollyweird superstars come out and refuted the claim?
I owe them nothing. But am forced to pay for it. I spout this because I have been called the most vile names over the years and what we see today. Why? Because I do not agree with you 100%! African Americans do not like gay people. They are on the same side for now. You heard the names they called those Catholic kids. As the costs rise should people be charged for it? I am supposed to pay for behavior when many like me can't get paid for mine. Your progressive buddies want a stock market collapse. Therew ill be massive reductions in check payouts, loan defaults and medical rationing in that scenario. We made the medication in the late 1980's. Tell me why we can't contain it. We are a spoiled people and others will pay. And this while I read the younger generations wanting me dead for aging. This time around if the bad times comes I will be laughing. p.s...for the Christians defense. Jesus did nottwll Mary Magdaline to keep it under ten tricks a night.

Dude, you are sputtering here.

We spend a lot more to treat the effects of eating fatty foods, smoking, drinking and other 'immoral' habits than we do treating HIV. I personally don't want us to become a bunch of medical Calvinists.

Here's the thing... we spend a lot more keeping old people alive who really can't contribute to the economy anymore than we do keeping gay folks alive who can. So if really are concerned about the economics of health care instead of common human decency, we probably need to cut you old folks off at the age of 70. You had a good run.
/——/ Is what Trump said inaccurate? Have any hollyweird superstars come out and refuted the claim?

You mean other than the women who have claimed that Trump grabbed or harrassed them, which you guys thought was bad when Clinton did it.
Clinton did it while Governor and President on the taxpayer's dime. Do you understand the difference?

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