The Gaystapo is at it again

Ah...and now we know what #MAGA really means to some trumpanzees.
One can always count on the left for racism. Any black person who dares to leave the government plantation and actually think for themselves will be referred to as a “trumpanzee”.

Classy, Bode. Classy.

Um, how did a discussion about Joseph Smith fucking 14 years olds have anything to do with blacks... The Mormons didn't even allow black folks to become members of their cult?

Poodle, can you not even track a conversation?
We hung some witches in Salem in 1692. Perhaps that's what you believe he meant. How about 1942 when FDR put a bunch of Asian Americans in concentration camps?

Yes, the Salem WItch Trials were a great example of religious stupidity.

FDR didn't put a bunch of "Asian-Americans" in concentration camps... He relocated Japanese nationals from the West coast after the Japanese Empire destroyed our fleet and the West Coast was vulnerable.

Yes, we realize now that this was wrong, but at the time, every country the Axis invaded, they found collaborators ready to work with them. They even invented a word for it, "Quisling'.

So we removed 100K potential quislings, most of whom were released after a year when the threat subsided. Again, a really shitty thing to do, but probably fairly low on the list of "Shitty things people did during WWII".
Ah...and now we know what #MAGA really means to some trumpanzees.
One can always count on the left for racism. Any black person who dares to leave the government plantation and actually think for themselves will be referred to as a “trumpanzee”.

Classy, Bode. Classy.
Um, how did a discussion about Joseph Smith fucking 14 years olds have anything to do with blacks...
When the racist used the term “trumpanzee” for the 5,000th time.
Poodle, can you not even track a conversation?
Apparently you can’t :laugh:
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket

What happened in Canada with Jordan Peterson and forced speech is coming to the US, if regressive shit stain Marxists get their way.
Again, your party is the party that uses racism to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests..
It is always color with the left. They exploit the African-American community by convincing them that remaining in poverty and on the government plantation is in their best interest and then they attack the race of anyone who dares to think for themselves and dares to vote for prosperity produced by conservative policy.
The left is repulsive for exploiting the suffering of these individuals...
A population of patients is suffering so much that they would submit to amputations and other radical surgeries, and the best research the Obama administration could find suggests that it brings them no meaningful improvements in their quality of life.
As awful as that is, it actually gets worse...
Fourth, Chu acknowledges a struggle with suicide ideation: “I was not suicidal before hormones. Now I often am.”
The fake “gender dysphoria” is nothing more than severe mental illness. Period. It is indisputable. These people are suffering and they are looking to desperate measures to ease their suffering because the left exploits them for their sexual deviance.

New York Times Reveals Painful Truths About 'Sex Change' Surgery
It is always color with the left. They exploit the African-American community by convincing them that remaining in poverty and on the government plantation is in their best interest and then they attack the race of anyone who dares to think for themselves and dares to vote for prosperity produced by conservative policy.

Uh, guy, conservative policy doesn't create prosperity...

The stupid White people didn't vote for Trump because they were prosperous... they voted for him because they got replaced by machines, and Trump blamed the darkies.

This from a parasite who has spent the last 10 years fellating the begeezus out of MaObama.

Again, more successful than you'll ever be... and never took a dime of government money since I left the military.

I didn't even vote for Obama the first time. Then you guys got taken over by the racists and religious crazies...

The real problem with your party/movement. You hate McCain and idolize Trump.
The fake “gender dysphoria” is nothing more than severe mental illness. Period. It is indisputable. These people are suffering and they are looking to desperate measures to ease their suffering because the left exploits them for their sexual deviance.

Yawnnnn.... your obsession with this is kind of fun to watch, but a bit silly.

Look, I know that he-she you picked up in the bar that one time "looked" female until you got the surprise, but that was just the beer goggles.
Yawnnnn.... your obsession with this is kind of fun to watch, but a bit silly.

Look, I know that he-she you picked up in the bar that one time "looked" female until you got the surprise, but that was just the beer goggles.
The new USSC is going to remove your beer goggles soon. Stay tuned...
The truth is when it comes to gays Republicans are really sad.

Sad they can’t kill the gays legally.
It is always color with the left. They exploit the African-American community by convincing them that remaining in poverty and on the government plantation is in their best interest and then they attack the race of anyone who dares to think for themselves and dares to vote for prosperity produced by conservative policy.

Uh, guy, conservative policy doesn't create prosperity...

The stupid White people didn't vote for Trump because they were prosperous... they voted for him because they got replaced by machines, and Trump blamed the darkies.

This from a parasite who has spent the last 10 years fellating the begeezus out of MaObama.

Again, more successful than you'll ever be... and never took a dime of government money since I left the military.

I didn't even vote for Obama the first time. Then you guys got taken over by the racists and religious crazies...

The real problem with your party/movement. You hate McCain and idolize Trump.

McCain didn't emblemize the actual values of the Republican party. Trump does.

Trump is running on essentially a white supremecist platform, trying to stir up fear and hatred of immigrants, using the military as pawns, is a wildly immoral man who lies without thinking, and favors the wealthy.

That sounds perfectly republican.
The new USSC is going to remove your beer goggles soon. Stay tuned...

Sorry, bud, do I have to keep explaining this to you.

America is a plutocracy. The rich decide what's gonna happen, and given taht most of the rich have gay or trans family members (The new governor of IL has a Trans cousin).

You guys lost. You are on the wrong side of history. They are going to look back and you and ask, "How could Granny Sil have been so messed up?"
America is a plutocracy. The rich decide what's gonna happen, and given taht [sic] most of the rich have gay or trans family members (The new governor of IL has a Trans cousin).

You guys lost. You are on the wrong side of history. They are going to look back and you and ask, "How could Granny Sil have been so messed up?"

You're delusional, of course, but that's nothing new.

The overwhelmingly vast majority of people know the difference between men and women, and understand why this difference is important. This insane fad of denying obvious and immutable biological fats will pass, along with the “Emperor's New Clothes” effect that causes many of the more weak-minded among us to play along with this fad, even though they know better.

If deluded fools like you are remembered at all by future generations, you'll be remembered in the same way as John Money and his bizarre experiments on David Reimer.
You're delusional, of course, but that's nothing new.

Says the guy who thinks Hebrews came to America on Bronze Age Submarines?

The overwhelmingly vast majority of people know the difference between men and women, and understand why this difference is important. This insane fad of denying obvious and immutable biological fats[sic] will pass, along with the “Emperor's New Clothes” effect that causes many of the more weak-minded among us to play along with this fad, even though they know better.

again, the guy who belongs to a cult that thinks women should be barefoot and pregnant....

Here's the thing.... I really don't know why some people think they are the opposite sex. But trans people are a thing. Not sure why you are all wrapped around the axle about it. It really has no effect on my life, other than the absolute joy I get watching how crazy it makes the religious assholes.

And the end of the day, social progress moves forwards, not backwards. Once people get rights, it's very hard to take them away.

If deluded fools like you are remembered at all by future generations, you'll be remembered in the same way as John Money and his bizarre experiments on David Reimer.

Actually, nobody remembers that at all... I thought this was just a plot line in Law and Order, SVU.

But if anything, this kind of proves the point that gender is more than genitalia, isn't it? This guy had his dick burned off, and they tried to tell him his whole life he was a girl, but clearly, he didn't identify as one.

We are talking about people who identify as the opposite sex. Now, people with science degrees say, yup, that's a real thing. But welcome to the modern conservative movement, where we don't like science if it conflicts with our biases or what the rich tell us they want.
Yawnnnn.... your obsession with this is kind of fun to watch, but a bit silly.

Look, I know that he-she you picked up in the bar that one time "looked" female until you got the surprise, but that was just the beer goggles.
The new USSC is going to remove your beer goggles soon. Stay tuned...

Your record of legal predictions is fairly poor. You were the same soul that assured us that the Obergefell ruling was going to eliminate same sex marriage. You even had elaborate pseudo-legal gibberish to back it up.

How'd that work out again?
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.

You'd probably bring back slavery, child labor and keep women from voting...So you certainly don't believe in it...Maybe 18th century form of it but not todays that is for sure.
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A Homosexual That Wants To Roll Play The Girly

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