The Gaystapo is at it again

You would think that the "most accurate, most respected news outlet in the world" wouldn't have to lay off 30% of its "workforce".
Bwahahaha!!! :lmao:

Losing: The Failing New York Times Set to Lay Off More Staff, Including Reporters | Breitbart
Deflection noted...
Uh...what "deflection"? You claimed that a "respected" news outlet "wouldn't lay off 30% of it's staff". Yet every news organization in the U.S. has had MASSIVE layoffs over the past decade. Without exception. MSNBC. CNN. NY Times. The Blaze. All of them. Hell, even Sports Illustrated!!!

Embarrassed that your ignorance has been exposed, uh? Well, you should be.
Just please stop defining everything that disagrees with you or that you don't want to hear as "hate", and then trying to preach to people about "real" Christianity as defined by someone who simultaneously drips disdain for religion, as though anyone in the world cares about your approval, anyway.
It is "hate" when you go outside your group and start attacking other people and their rights. If you go around trying to interfere with people who are just minding their own business, hate must have a lot to do with it.

Glad to hear you recognize that your behavior and that of your fellow leftist useful idiots is hatred. Now stop doing it.

Stop doing what? Defending people who are being attacked? Stop trying to get special rights that supersede the rights of LGBTs. You are the ones going to court and trying to pass laws that discriminate against them. They deserve protection, and you don't because of your aggressiveness. Leave your fellow citizens alone.

Stop engaging in hateful acts and then trying to lend a patina of morality - a concept you don't understand, anyway - to it. You want to tell us that it's a "hate attack" to refuse to bake a cake or to even SAY something that your tender, fragile little leftist ears don't want to hear, but it's "defending people" to verbally and physically assault those who disagree with you.

And then you wonder why everyone views you like three-day-old roadkill.

I think you just insulted three-day-old roadkill. :bye1:

What can I say? People tend to be generous and kind, so they're obviously giving her the benefit of the doubt.
This whole brouhaha is a tempest in a teapot anyway. These people who are hyper-emoting over "transgender bathrooms" apparently have never been to a doctor's office or hospital or been on an airplane. There are bathrooms that do not mention sex/gender. There is simply a mechanism that flips with the doorlock to indicate "occupied" or "unoccupied."

The real problem with the "transgender bathroom" hystericals is that what they are really trying to do is force transgenders into conforming with their own views about what should be. These hystericals should not be allowed to force anyone into anything. Transgenders have enough troubles.

Do you know why some doctors' offices and all airplanes have unmarked bathrooms? BECAUSE THEY'RE ONLY FOR ONE PERSON AT A TIME. So you attempting to conflate them with bathrooms which are used by more than one person at a time is just another example of the stupidest person on the board deliberately being even dumber than nature made her to try to make a point she can't make honestly.

You're right about one thing: these hysterics should not be allowed to force anyone into anything. Too bad your nasty, ignorant little mind isn't capable of understanding who the real hysterics are.
Just please stop using the Christian faith to mask your personal hatred. You are humiliating the entire faith by your actions. If you want to express hate, name your denomination first. Do not drag either Jesus or the Christian faith into it.

Just please stop defining everything that disagrees with you or that you don't want to hear as "hate", and then trying to preach to people about "real" Christianity as defined by someone who simultaneously drips disdain for religion, as though anyone in the world cares about your approval, anyway.
It is "hate" when you go outside your group and start attacking other people and their rights. If you go around trying to interfere with people who are just minding their own business, hate must have a lot to do with it.

This is exactly what you do when you pontificate about my own personal sex life, you total weirdo.

And when did I do that? You can have any kind of sex you want. From what you write, I have a certain perception of what it consists of, and you seem to get off on male dominance and female subservience. But if it floats your boat, do it. Unfortunately, you seem way overly interested in what happens in other people's bedrooms. You go do what you want with your body and leave others to do the same.

You're doing it right now.

Your life must be very sad

Pretty obvious, for a woman who's vigorously betraying her own sex in order to pander to her political gods. Lice is the most disgusting example of a traitor to women I've ever encountered.
Why would anyone even bother factchecking “the Blaze”?
Which proves exactly what I previously said: you can't produce a single article that The Blaze published, which was proven to be inaccurate (meanwhile we have posted hundreds that were completely wrong from CNN, MSNBC, etc.).
They aren’t a news source. They employ no journalists, (unlike Vox)
Um...that’s exclusively what The Blaze is. :laugh:

It is the most accurate, most respected news outlet in the world. It was launched with the express purpose of restoring actual, unbiased, journalism. They hired a large staff of journalists and they hold them to a very high standard.

Vox, on the other hand, is an opinion blog. :lmao:

I don't know whether to laugh at you or pity you. That your hero worship of Glen Beck has you comparing them to CNN is laughable and sad all at once. (Visits to the Blaze 7.4 M. Visits to CNN 514.83 M). Still waiting for the names of all those journalists employed by the Blaze....
I don't know whether to laugh at you or pity you. That your hero worship of Glen Beck has you comparing them to CNN is laughable and sad all at once
Oh I don't "compare" them at all! CNN has been caught in scandal after scandal after scandal, while The Blaze is impeccable journalism with a spotless record.
Still waiting for the names of all those journalists employed by the Blaze....
Still waiting for you to "name all of those journalists employed" by CNN and NY Times. You haven't named one! :eusa_doh:

Psst...journalists aren't celebrities, snowflake. People behind the desk aren't journalists - they are anchors. People can name anchors. Nobody can name journalists. Thanks for playing.
Check out NASA before the US fell. They only made room for two genders and the female doesnt have a penis!

View attachment 285326

If we let the aliens know the truth of how insane we've become, the good ones will avoid us and the bad ones will know it's time to invade.

Good plan! They will judge our degeneration and weakness through astronaut diversity programs and biology denial.

More seriously though...this is an example of the lefts moral relativism. Eventually they will have to remove this plaque from display in museums and NASA memoirs because it will be simply too embarrassing to them. With them you never know which plain truth that you causally acknowledge today may ruin your career and life in twenty years after their political commissars in Hollywood declare it "incorrect".

pioneer_plaque 40.jpg
Still waiting for the names of all those journalists employed by the Blaze....
Still waiting for you to "name all of those journalists employed" by CNN and NY Times. You haven't named one! :eusa_doh:

Psst...journalists aren't celebrities, snowflake. People behind the desk aren't journalists - they are anchors. People can name anchors. Nobody can name journalists. Thanks for playing.

You make it too easy, puppy, with your deflection. I asked you first, but I can can’t.

CNN Anchors, Reporters and Staff - CNN

Journalists on the Ground | The New York Times Company
This is why educated people don’t turn to a blog by Nazis like “Vox” for their news...

A Mom Fights for Justice, After Daughter Claims Gender Fluid Child Assaulted Her in Bathroom

Your Daily Stormer website is lying to you.

District officials and the police report indicate the student accused of the assault is male and does not identify as transgender or gender fluid.

Education Department investigating claim transgender Oakhurst Elementary student committed assault
Still waiting for the names of all those journalists employed by the Blaze....
Still waiting for you to "name all of those journalists employed" by CNN and NY Times. You haven't named one! :eusa_doh:

Psst...journalists aren't celebrities, snowflake. People behind the desk aren't journalists - they are anchors. People can name anchors. Nobody can name journalists. Thanks for playing.

You make it too easy, puppy, with your deflection. I asked you first, but I can can’t.

CNN Anchors, Reporters and Staff - CNN

Journalists on the Ground | The New York Times Company
So you can't name ANY. You can just Google and post links. Got it. :lmao:

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