The Gaystapo is at it again

Your Daily Stormer website is lying to you.
Speaking of lying, I didn't link to the "Daily Stormer". I've never even heard of the "Daily Stormer". Anyone can click the link above and see that you are lying. Not a good look for you, kitty.
District officials and the police report indicate the student accused of the assault is male and does not identify as transgender or gender fluid.
Wait...the left-wing lunatics who are responsible for this mess are telling people they aren't responsible for this mess? Well color me shocked. :laugh:
No you haven't because trans people aren't a danger to women in bathrooms.
I realize that the left is ultra dumb, and that the LGBT community is extra dumb on top of that. So lets see if we can really dumb this down for you.

Why do you suppose that 100% of all restrooms in the history of the U.S. say "Women" and "Men" on them? You're allowed to "phone a friend" for help!
Your Daily Stormer website is lying to you.
Speaking of lying, I didn't link to the "Daily Stormer". I've never even heard of the "Daily Stormer". Anyone can click the link above and see that you are lying. Not a good look for you, kitty.
District officials and the police report indicate the student accused of the assault is male and does not identify as transgender or gender fluid.
Wait...the left-wing lunatics who are responsible for this mess are telling people they aren't responsible for this mess? Well color me shocked. :laugh:

Are you gonna cry because I mislabeled your super duper favorite website, snowflake?

You bolded district officials, but not the police report. How typically dishonest of you...
Still waiting for the names of all those journalists employed by the Blaze....
Still waiting for you to "name all of those journalists employed" by CNN and NY Times. You haven't named one! :eusa_doh:

Psst...journalists aren't celebrities, snowflake. People behind the desk aren't journalists - they are anchors. People can name anchors. Nobody can name journalists. Thanks for playing.

You make it too easy, puppy, with your deflection. I asked you first, but I can can’t.

CNN Anchors, Reporters and Staff - CNN

Journalists on the Ground | The New York Times Company
So you can't name ANY. You can just Google and post links. Got it. :lmao:

There were far too many to list on each site...You haven't posted a name or a link. Can't find any? Poor sad puppy....
Are you gonna cry because I mislabeled your super duper favorite website, snowflake?

I don't see anyone crying because you mislabeled his favorite web site.

What I see, here, is you flat-out willfully, deliberately lying, and P@triot calling you on it.

Nobody here has cited the Daily Stormer. I don't think I ever even heard of the Daily Stormer until you falsely accused P@triot of citing it here in this thread. Having now had a look at that site, it's clearly not the sort of site that P@triot nor any other sane person is likely to be citing as any kind of credible source on any topic.
I don't see anyone crying because you mislabeled his favorite web site.

What I see, here, is you flat-out willfully, deliberately lying, and P@triot calling you on it.

Nobody here has cited the Daily Stormer. I don't think I ever even heard of the Daily Stormer until you falsely accused P@triot of citing it here in this thread. Having now had a look at that site, it's clearly not the sort of site that P@triot nor any other sane person is likely to be citing as any kind of credible source on any topic.

Half you nuts take your talking points off the Daily Stormer.

For those playing along at home, Bob belongs to a Cult that calls dark skin a curse from God.
Half you nuts take your talking points off the Daily Stormer.

For those playing along at home, Bob belongs to a Cult that calls dark skin a curse from God.

You bolded district officials, but not the police report. How typically dishonest of you...
Uh...kitty? The police report reflects what "district officials" reported to them. The police weren't there. They take witness statements. That's it. :eusa_doh:
There were far too many to list on each site...You haven't posted a name or a link. Can't find any? Poor sad puppy....
Bwahahaha! You didn't know a single reporter. You know it. I know it. We all know the anchors and I can name a bunch of hosts from The Blaze.
You bolded district officials, but not the police report. How typically dishonest of you...
Uh...kitty? The police report reflects what "district officials" reported to them. The police weren't there. They take witness statements. That's it. :eusa_doh:

The police did an investigation and found no proof of the allegations. Expand your sources.
There were far too many to list on each site...You haven't posted a name or a link. Can't find any? Poor sad puppy....
Bwahahaha! You didn't know a single reporter. You know it. I know it. We all know the anchors and I can name a bunch of hosts from The Blaze.

Hosts aren’t reporters. You can’t link to reporters at the blaze because there aren’t any.
There were far too many to list on each site...You haven't posted a name or a link. Can't find any? Poor sad puppy....
Bwahahaha! You didn't know a single reporter. You know it. I know it. We all know the anchors and I can name a bunch of hosts from The Blaze.
Hosts aren’t reporters.
Exactly. That's my point. Nobody can name reporters. That's why you had to post links when challenged.
There were far too many to list on each site...You haven't posted a name or a link. Can't find any? Poor sad puppy....
Bwahahaha! You didn't know a single reporter. You know it. I know it. We all know the anchors and I can name a bunch of hosts from The Blaze.
Hosts aren’t reporters.
Exactly. That's my point. Nobody can name reporters. That's why you had to post links when challenged.

I can name them...I just linked to them instead. You haven’t even done that.

Here’s just a few names:

CNN: Alex Marquardt, Dana Bash, Jim Bitterman, Jim Acosta

NYT: David Barstow, Susanne Craig, Russ Buettner (they won a Pulitzer)

So name those award winning Blaze journalists...
The Gaystopo are special more than equal attention whores.
If they were secure in the legitimacy of their sexuality they would not have to demand embracement of it. However, they emotionally need that endorsement so they do.
Gasp! You mean to tell me a company edited out homosexual filth on an inflight movie that could be seen by children? Oh the horrors! The humanity!

Hollywood director angered after same-sex love scene, the word 'lesbian' edited from in-flight movie

Did they cut out sex scenes between straight people for the same reason?


that's the problem.

Here's the bigger problem... that same airline would have no problem with movies where Jason or Freddy slash and ax murder women, but man, you show two women giving each other pleasure, and MAN, do you guys get upset.

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