The Gaystapo is at it again

Of course this sick-fuck is "ecstatic". He is dying to see the high school girls who refuse to talk to him, naked.
The left's horrific war on women is in full gear. Sickening. Time for decent citizens to take matters into their own hands and brutally beat any LGBT trying to enter the facilities of the opposite sex.

Or we can beat up transphobic assholes, that works, too.

You really think this guy is dressing up so he can see naked chicks?
Maybe - Maybe Not But the fact of the matter is the rights of the female members of society - Girls - women -ladies who use those bathrooms and locker rooms outweighs the problems of any degenerate - the solution would be to have 3 bathrooms H SHE AND IT WALSH: Female Student Breaks Down In Tears As School Board Grants Boys Access To Girls Locker Room. This Is Simply Evil.

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
If you're not She, but only an It
Find someplace else to go take a shit
No surprise, you openly side with dangerous sexual deviants preying on girls and women, and against any real man, who would protect girls and women from said deviants.

What a depraved, evil, piece of subhuman shit you truly are.

Again, the only deviant I see is someone who hates because an imaginary sky fairy told him to.

You know, the guy who belongs to a cult started by predators who married multiple 14 year old girls.

It's not ignorance to know the difference between men and women, and to refuse to play along with the lies and insane delusions of one who denies this difference.

Indeed, it is difficult to imagine anything more ignorant than not understanding the distinction between men and women, or refusing to acknowledge this distinction.

Except psychologists realize gender is more fluid than two choices...
Maybe - Maybe Not But the fact of the matter is the rights of the female members of society - Girls - women -ladies who use those bathrooms and locker rooms outweighs the problems of any degenerate - the solution would be to have 3 bathrooms

Or maybe just one bathroom.

Funny thing. the concept of gender-specific bathrooms is kind of a recent one. For most of history, you just had a unisex outhouse...

This is what a bigot who has run out of acceptable bigotries looks like.
Maybe - Maybe Not But the fact of the matter is the rights of the female members of society - Girls - women -ladies who use those bathrooms and locker rooms outweighs the problems of any degenerate - the solution would be to have 3 bathrooms

Or maybe just one bathroom.

Funny thing. the concept of gender-specific bathrooms is kind of a recent one. For most of history, you just had a unisex outhouse...

This is what a bigot who has run out of acceptable bigotries looks like.
We have one of those at my house and office - but you lock the door behind you .... for "most of History" women were chattel like cattle - that's okay though from a guy who likes to beat up old ladies what could you expect ... Stupidity is not a crime Joe so you are free to go.
No surprise, you openly side with dangerous sexual deviants preying on girls and women, and against any real man, who would protect girls and women from said deviants.

What a depraved, evil, piece of subhuman shit you truly are.

Again, the only deviant I see is someone who hates because an imaginary sky fairy told him to.

You know, the guy who belongs to a cult started by predators who married multiple 14 year old girls.

It's not ignorance to know the difference between men and women, and to refuse to play along with the lies and insane delusions of one who denies this difference.

Indeed, it is difficult to imagine anything more ignorant than not understanding the distinction between men and women, or refusing to acknowledge this distinction.

Except psychologists realize gender is more fluid than two choices...
So what gender was your mommy and daddy ? Just because you're an asshole You didn't pop out of your Dads asshole

So what gender gave birth to your sorry ass ? Fact is we all sprang from apes ...female apes gave birth to offspring after being fucked by male apes ... and so on ad so on ... We all sprang from apes, but you just didn't spring far enough. So you seem to think that people can be born from a mans asshole and that gender doesn't matter ... Let me ask you an outsider, what do you think of the human race?
Only “psychologists” who are bat-shit crazy.

All sane people know the difference between men and women. There is no reason why sane people should give any credence to the insane delusions of mentally-defective freaks such as yourself and those who you defend.

Again -

You guys lost on race. Even your sick cult had to finally admit black folks in 1978.
You lost on gay rights.
You'll lose on this one too.

So what gender was your mommy and daddy ? Just because you're an asshole You didn't pop out of your Dads asshole

So what gender gave birth to your sorry ass ? Fact is we all sprang from apes ...female apes gave birth to offspring after being fucked by male apes ... and so on ad so on ... We all sprang from apes, but you just didn't spring far enough. So you seem to think that people can be born from a mans asshole and that gender doesn't matter ... Let me ask you an outsider, what do you think of the human race?

Uh, guy... we can make babies in test tubes now... it's just not as impressive as it used to be.

Another century, that's probably how all babies are going to get made..
All sane people know the difference between men and women. There is no reason why sane people should give any credence to the insane delusions of mentally-defective freaks such as yourself and those who you defend.
You guys lost on race. Even your sick cult had to finally admit black folks in 1978.
You lost on gay rights.
You'll lose on this one too.
Biology isn't going to change.

Men will never be women, and women will never be men, and the side that tries to deny the distinction between the two will never win by so doing. It's a fad that will pass. There will never be more than a tiny, freakish, mentally-defective minority who sincerely deny the biological difference between men and women.

So what gender was your mommy and daddy ?

Uh, guy... we can make babies in test tubes now... it's just not as impressive as it used to be.

Another century, that's probably how all babies are going to get made..

Even so, it still takes a woman to supply the egg,and a man to supply the sperm. For alt he technology that we now have, and that we can rationally foresee ever having, to apply to the reproductive process, that has not changed, not is there any reason to suppose that it ever will. Men make sperm cells, women make eggs, and it takes one of each to produce a new human being.
Biology isn't going to change.

No, but out understanding of it is... which is why we know gender isn't completely binary.

Men will never be women, and women will never be men, and the side that tries to deny the distinction between the two will never win by so doing. It's a fad that will pass. There will never be more than a tiny, freakish, mentally-defective minority who sincerely deny the biological difference between men and women.

Actually, the funny thing... The problem with hate is that at the end of the day, it isn't rational. This is why racism and homophobia are already looked down upon...

That some people are trans.... has no real effect on your life.... but you have this irrational hate anyway.

Even so, it still takes a woman to supply the egg,and a man to supply the sperm. For alt he technology that we now have, and that we can rationally foresee ever having, to apply to the reproductive process, that has not changed, not is there any reason to suppose that it ever will. Men make sperm cells, women make eggs, and it takes one of each to produce a new human being.

Except now we can clone animals without a sperm.... Genetic engineering... all sorts of science on the horizon.

Now, not saying everyone will go for that... it actually does take some of the fun out of it.

But I can see a culture in the future where all children are genetically selected before birth, to be free of disease or defect.

Maybe we can even isolate the "Religious Bigot" gene and eliminate it.

I do love living in you head, Bob. The Mormon Brainwashing keeps it nice and clean...
Biology isn't going to change.

No, but out understanding of it is... which is why we know gender isn't completely binary.

No, only f•••ed-up-in-the-head, mentally-defective cretins, such as yourself, “know” that. Sane people are very clear on the difference between men and women.


Actually, the funny thing... The problem with hate is that at the end of the day, it isn't rational. This is why racism and homophobia are already looked down upon...

That some people are trans.... has no real effect on your life.... but you have this irrational hate anyway.

And only f•••ed-up-in-the-head, mentally-defective cretins, such as yourself think that undeniable scientific facts are “irrational hate”.

But I can see a culture in the future where all children are genetically selected before birth, to be free of disease or defect.

You wouldn't be the first to fantasize about a world populated only by “perfect”, eugenically-bred humans. I don't think I need to go into detail about the company that this puts you in.

Maybe we can even isolate the "Religious Bigot" gene and eliminate it.

I do love living in you head, Bob. The Mormon Brainwashing keeps it nice and clean...

You are undeniably a far more extreme bigot than the very worst you are ever able to imagine me being in your deepest, darkest, creepiest fantasies. You can often not even level the false accusation of bigotry against me, without, in the very same breath, exposing your own extreme bigotry, as you did just now.
No, only f•••ed-up-in-the-head, mentally-defective cretins, such as yourself, “know” that. Sane people are very clear on the difference between men and women.

I hate to do this to you, Mormon Bob...

America’s Growing Support for Transgender Rights | PRRI

More than six in ten (62%) Americans say they have become more supportive toward transgender rights compared to their views five years ago. By contrast, about one-quarter (25%) say their views are more opposed compared to five years ago.


Oops... Sucks to be you, Mormon Bob... Even the Catholics and Evangelicals are more supportive of transgender rights.
You wouldn't be the first to fantasize about a world populated only by “perfect”, eugenically-bred humans. I don't think I need to go into detail about the company that this puts you in.

Joseph Smith? That guy was trying to breed his own perfect race by fucking all those teenage girls...

Thankfully, the science is more advanced now.

You are undeniably a far more extreme bigot that the very worst you are ever able to imagine me being in your darkest, creepiest fantasies. You can often not even level the false accusation of bigotry against me, without, in the very same breath, exposing your own extreme bigotry, as you did just now.

Guy, all I have to do with Mormons is point out the crazy shit they believe... like Magic Underwear, Blood Atonement, the White Horse Prophecy... you know, all those things you all avoid talking about at the interfaith pancake breakfast...
No, only f•••ed-up-in-the-head, mentally-defective cretins, such as yourself, “know” that. Sane people are very clear on the difference between men and women.

I hate to do this to you, Mormon Bob...

America’s Growing Support for Transgender Rights | PRRI

More than six in ten (62%) Americans say they have become more supportive toward transgender rights compared to their views five years ago. By contrast, about one-quarter (25%) say their views are more opposed compared to five years ago.


Oops... Sucks to be you, Mormon Bob... Even the Catholics and Evangelicals are more supportive of transgender rights.

The emperor is still stark naked, no matter how many people are intimidated into praising the spectacular clothes that they can clearly see that His Majesty is not wearing.

It's a fad, that will pass, and those who are stupid enough to play along with it will be scorned and mocked by future generations for the cowardly fools that they are.

The science is unchanging. Men will never be women, and women will never be men, and only f•••ed-up-in-the-head, mentally-defective cretins, such as yourself will ever truly be confused by the distinction.
Joseph Smith? That guy was trying to breed his own perfect race by fucking all those teenage girls...

Thankfully, the science is more advanced now.
Guy, all I have to do with Mormons is point out the crazy shit they believe... like Magic Underwear, Blood Atonement, the White Horse Prophecy... you know, all those things you all avoid talking about at the interfaith pancake breakfast...

The emperor is still stark naked, no matter how many people are intimidated into praising the spectacular clothes that they can clearly see that His Majesty is not wearing.

It's a fad, that will pass, and those who are stupid enough to play along with it will be scorned and mocked by future generations for the cowardly fools that they are.

The science is unchanging. Men will never be women, and women will never be men, and only f•••ed-up-in-the-head, mentally-defective cretins, such as yourself will ever truly be confused by the distinction.

Guy, our views of Gender change all the time.

Hey, compare what attitudes towards women were 150 years ago when Joseph Smith was fucking his child brides compared to today.

Women as Doctors and Lawyers and Soldier? Unheard of. Such pursuits should be left to the MEN!
Guy, our views of Gender change all the time.

The same basic facts of life have been known for all of human history, long before you and I were born, and will be known long after you and I have shuffled off this mortal coil. Mankind has always known the difference between men and women, and has always understood that it takes a union of a man and a woman to produce offspring and perpetuate the human race.

We just happen to be going through a brief fad, where we are giving undue attention to f•••ed-up-in-the-head, mentally-defective cretins, such as yourself who deny the basic facts of biology, and in which a somewhat larger minority has foolishly allowed itself to be intimidated into playing along with that smaller minority of f•••ed-up-in-the-head, mentally-defective cretins, such as yourself; in the manner of the classic tale of The Emperor's New Clothes.

This fad will pass. The underlying biological factors have not changed, nor will they change. A man will never be a woman, and a woman will never be a man, and only f•••ed-up-in-the-head, mentally-defective cretins, such as yourself will ever be sincerely confused about the difference.
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The same basic facts of life have been known for all of human history, long before you and I were born, and will be known long after you and I have shuffled off this mortal coil. Mankind has always known the difference between men and women, and has always understood that it takes a union of a man and a woman to produce offspring and perpetuate the human race.

Well, let's look at that. The human species has been around for 250,000 years. Just specifically citing Homo Sapiens, not other hominid species that proceeded it. We really don't know what the "gender roles" were for most of human history, as it was not recorded. Those people were too busy just trying to survive day to day and not get eaten by a saber tooth cat. They probably didn't get hung up on the sexuality thing....

We know that outside of Palestine, homosexuality was accepted by the Greeks and the Romans (who were more accomplished than the Hebrews). The only reason why your homophobia gets accepted is because it got tacked onto the backstory of the Cult the Romans tried to push.

We just happen to be going through a brief fad, where we are giving undue attention to f•••ed-up-in-the-head, mentally-defective cretins, such as yourself who deny the basic facts of biology, and in which a somewhat larger minority has foolishly allowed itself to be intimidated into playing along with that smaller minority of f•••ed-up-in-the-head, mentally-defective cretins, such as yourself; in the manner of the classic tale of The Emperor's New Clothes.

Or most people just aren't mean-spirited like you are. You see, that some people are gay or trans- really, really has no effect on your life. It has no effect on my life. Most of the misery inflicted on me has been by my fellow white, straight males who happened to have more money or power than I did. They manage this by keeping stupid people like you upset about race or gender or sexuality or abortion or guns.

What's happening is the majority of us aren't falling for this shit anymore.

This fad will pass. The underlying biological factors have not changed, nor will they change. A man will never be a woman, and a woman will never be a man, and only f•••ed-up-in-the-head, mentally-defective cretins, such as yourself will ever be sincerely confused about the difference.

No confusion at all, buddy. I realize who my enemies are... and it's not some poor schlub whose brain didn't match her genitals.
Only “psychologists” who are bat-shit crazy.

All sane people know the difference between men and women. There is no reason why sane people should give any credence to the insane delusions of mentally-defective freaks such as yourself and those who you defend.

Again -

You guys lost on race. Even your sick cult had to finally admit black folks in 1978.
You lost on gay rights.
You'll lose on this one too.

So what gender was your mommy and daddy ? Just because you're an asshole You didn't pop out of your Dads asshole

So what gender gave birth to your sorry ass ? Fact is we all sprang from apes ...female apes gave birth to offspring after being fucked by male apes ... and so on ad so on ... We all sprang from apes, but you just didn't spring far enough. So you seem to think that people can be born from a mans asshole and that gender doesn't matter ... Let me ask you an outsider, what do you think of the human race?

Uh, guy... we can make babies in test tubes now... it's just not as impressive as it used to be.

Another century, that's probably how all babies are going to get made..

I don't know if you realize what you just admitted, but the ONLY way you can be correct is if you admit that a fertilized egg is a baby.

So which is it? Are you making up stuff again or is an unborn child a baby? Answer carefully.
Biology isn't going to change.

No, but out understanding of it is... which is why we know gender isn't completely binary.

Men will never be women, and women will never be men, and the side that tries to deny the distinction between the two will never win by so doing. It's a fad that will pass. There will never be more than a tiny, freakish, mentally-defective minority who sincerely deny the biological difference between men and women.

Actually, the funny thing... The problem with hate is that at the end of the day, it isn't rational. This is why racism and homophobia are already looked down upon...

That some people are trans.... has no real effect on your life.... but you have this irrational hate anyway.

Even so, it still takes a woman to supply the egg,and a man to supply the sperm. For alt he technology that we now have, and that we can rationally foresee ever having, to apply to the reproductive process, that has not changed, not is there any reason to suppose that it ever will. Men make sperm cells, women make eggs, and it takes one of each to produce a new human being.

Except now we can clone animals without a sperm.... Genetic engineering... all sorts of science on the horizon.

Now, not saying everyone will go for that... it actually does take some of the fun out of it.

But I can see a culture in the future where all children are genetically selected before birth, to be free of disease or defect.

Maybe we can even isolate the "Religious Bigot" gene and eliminate it.

I do love living in you head, Bob. The Mormon Brainwashing keeps it nice and clean...

We probably will identify the "gay gene" and eliminate that. Unless of course that would be too politically incorrect and all. Most likely, we'll identify it, develop a test for it, and watch two extremely important democrat constituency groups fight it out when it's possible to abort children who will be gay.
I don't know if you realize what you just admitted, but the ONLY way you can be correct is if you admit that a fertilized egg is a baby.

So which is it? Are you making up stuff again or is an unborn child a baby? Answer carefully.

Naw, most of those test tube zygotes get thrown away and never become babies...

They get thrown into the medical waste bins with the rest of the aborted fetuses..


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