The Gaystapo is at it again

We probably will identify the "gay gene" and eliminate that. Unless of course that would be too politically incorrect and all. Most likely, we'll identify it, develop a test for it, and watch two extremely important democrat constituency groups fight it out when it's possible to abort children who will be gay.

Unlikely... even if we identify the gene, only the most extreme bigots would abort for that reason, and they all hate abortion.

So their hate for gays vs. their hate for abortion....

I don't know if you realize what you just admitted, but the ONLY way you can be correct is if you admit that a fertilized egg is a baby.

So which is it? Are you making up stuff again or is an unborn child a baby? Answer carefully.

Naw, most of those test tube zygotes get thrown away and never become babies...

They get thrown into the medical waste bins with the rest of the aborted fetuses..

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You said we can make babies in a test tube. Are you now admitting that zygotes are babies? A simple yes/no will suffice.
We probably will identify the "gay gene" and eliminate that. Unless of course that would be too politically incorrect and all. Most likely, we'll identify it, develop a test for it, and watch two extremely important democrat constituency groups fight it out when it's possible to abort children who will be gay.

Unlikely... even if we identify the gene, only the most extreme bigots would abort for that reason, and they all hate abortion.

So their hate for gays vs. their hate for abortion....

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Oh, you are forgetting the huge hoopla and outcry that would erupt when it became clear that babies with the gay gene were being aborted. The alphabet community would be staging marches and protests, demanding that gay abortions be outlawed, putting them at odds with the all abortion all the time for any reason crowd.

You also forget human nature. Many who verbally champion the gay cause would privately prefer to not have gay children, and if they could eliminate them quietly, would do so.
You said we can make babies in a test tube. Are you now admitting that zygotes are babies? A simple yes/no will suffice.

Nope. Not saying zygotes are babies, since we kill most of them and there are no legal complaints.

Oh, you are forgetting the huge hoopla and outcry that would erupt when it became clear that babies with the gay gene were being aborted. The alphabet community would be staging marches and protests, demanding that gay abortions be outlawed, putting them at odds with the all abortion all the time for any reason crowd.

You are speculating a lot of what *might* happen.... the reality is, most doctors only screen now for diseases like Tay-Sachs and Downs...

In this country, no one is doing abortions for sex selection or blue eyes, they won't do it for gays...

You also forget human nature. Many who verbally champion the gay cause would privately prefer to not have gay children, and if they could eliminate them quietly, would do so.

Again, the only people who would do that are the true haters... Most people are just happy if their babies are healthy, if they want them.

Here's the real problem. Because of our wonderful capitalist society, women aren't having babies until their 30's... Used to be they'd have them in their late teens or early 20's. So we have them all putting it off until it's too late and then trying to race the biological clock. .
Biology isn't going to change.

No, but out understanding of it is... which is why we know gender isn't completely binary.

Men will never be women, and women will never be men, and the side that tries to deny the distinction between the two will never win by so doing. It's a fad that will pass. There will never be more than a tiny, freakish, mentally-defective minority who sincerely deny the biological difference between men and women.

Actually, the funny thing... The problem with hate is that at the end of the day, it isn't rational. This is why racism and homophobia are already looked down upon...

That some people are trans.... has no real effect on your life.... but you have this irrational hate anyway.

Even so, it still takes a woman to supply the egg,and a man to supply the sperm. For alt he technology that we now have, and that we can rationally foresee ever having, to apply to the reproductive process, that has not changed, not is there any reason to suppose that it ever will. Men make sperm cells, women make eggs, and it takes one of each to produce a new human being.

Except now we can clone animals without a sperm.... Genetic engineering... all sorts of science on the horizon.

Now, not saying everyone will go for that... it actually does take some of the fun out of it.

But I can see a culture in the future where all children are genetically selected before birth, to be free of disease or defect.

Maybe we can even isolate the "Religious Bigot" gene and eliminate it.

I do love living in you head, Bob. The Mormon Brainwashing keeps it nice and clean...

We probably will identify the "gay gene" and eliminate that. Unless of course that would be too politically incorrect and all. Most likely, we'll identify it, develop a test for it, and watch two extremely important democrat constituency groups fight it out when it's possible to abort children who will be gay.

You do realize that people who support a woman's right to choose do not support selective abortions or abortions as a means of birth control. (The former does not happen here, the latter is rare). I guarantee you that if your fantasy ever became reality, there would be far more hypocrisy from the anti abortion crowd than the pro choice crowd. (And I feel pretty confident since I'm gay and support a woman's right to choose).
Biology isn't going to change.

No, but out understanding of it is... which is why we know gender isn't completely binary.

Men will never be women, and women will never be men, and the side that tries to deny the distinction between the two will never win by so doing. It's a fad that will pass. There will never be more than a tiny, freakish, mentally-defective minority who sincerely deny the biological difference between men and women.

Actually, the funny thing... The problem with hate is that at the end of the day, it isn't rational. This is why racism and homophobia are already looked down upon...

That some people are trans.... has no real effect on your life.... but you have this irrational hate anyway.

Even so, it still takes a woman to supply the egg,and a man to supply the sperm. For alt he technology that we now have, and that we can rationally foresee ever having, to apply to the reproductive process, that has not changed, not is there any reason to suppose that it ever will. Men make sperm cells, women make eggs, and it takes one of each to produce a new human being.

Except now we can clone animals without a sperm.... Genetic engineering... all sorts of science on the horizon.

Now, not saying everyone will go for that... it actually does take some of the fun out of it.

But I can see a culture in the future where all children are genetically selected before birth, to be free of disease or defect.

Maybe we can even isolate the "Religious Bigot" gene and eliminate it.

I do love living in you head, Bob. The Mormon Brainwashing keeps it nice and clean...

We probably will identify the "gay gene" and eliminate that. Unless of course that would be too politically incorrect and all. Most likely, we'll identify it, develop a test for it, and watch two extremely important democrat constituency groups fight it out when it's possible to abort children who will be gay.

You do realize that people who support a woman's right to choose do not support selective abortions or abortions as a means of birth control. (The former does not happen here, the latter is rare). I guarantee you that if your fantasy ever became reality, there would be far more hypocrisy from the anti abortion crowd than the pro choice crowd. (And I feel pretty confident since I'm gay and support a woman's right to choose).

The radical fringe in both groups would be at odds.
You do realize that people who support a woman's right to choose do not support selective abortions or abortions as a means of birth control. (The former does not happen here, the latter is rare). I guarantee you that if your fantasy ever became reality, there would be far more hypocrisy from the anti abortion crowd than the pro choice crowd. (And I feel pretty confident since I'm gay and support a woman's right to choose).

It does not matter for what reasons you support or do not support the “right” to murder innocent children in cold blood. To support it at all, for any reason, is an evil and murderous position, that can only be held by an evil and murderous subhuman piece of shit.
It does not matter for what reasons you support or do not support the “right” to murder innocent children in cold blood. To support it at all, for any reason, is an evil and murderous position, that can only be held by an evil and murderous subhuman piece of shit.

Fetuses aren't people. If they were, they'd have more rights than the woman they are in.

And frankly, I'd take you guys a lot more serious about "innocent children', if you weren't constantly trying to cut Head Start and School Lunches to give tax cuts to billionaires...
Fetuses aren't people. If they were, they'd have more rights than the woman they are in.

And frankly, I'd take you guys a lot more serious about "innocent children', if you weren't constantly trying to cut Head Start and School Lunches to give tax cuts to billionaires...

You're from the same side that once denied that blacks were people. In fact, your persistent use of the term “darkies” suggests that you are much closer to still holding that position than you want to let on; perhap about as close as you are to holding that Catholics, Mormons, conservatives, the wealthy, gun owners, etc., are not people.
Only “psychologists” who are bat-shit crazy.

All sane people know the difference between men and women. There is no reason why sane people should give any credence to the insane delusions of mentally-defective freaks such as yourself and those who you defend.

Again -

You guys lost on race. Even your sick cult had to finally admit black folks in 1978.
You lost on gay rights.
You'll lose on this one too.

So what gender was your mommy and daddy ? Just because you're an asshole You didn't pop out of your Dads asshole

So what gender gave birth to your sorry ass ? Fact is we all sprang from apes ...female apes gave birth to offspring after being fucked by male apes ... and so on ad so on ... We all sprang from apes, but you just didn't spring far enough. So you seem to think that people can be born from a mans asshole and that gender doesn't matter ... Let me ask you an outsider, what do you think of the human race?

Uh, guy... we can make babies in test tubes now... it's just not as impressive as it used to be.

Another century, that's probably how all babies are going to get made..

Re: "You guys lost on race"
Wrong - The Republican Agenda has always been inclusive of minorities it just doesn't pander to identity politics
Ku Klux Klan was the militant branch of the Democrats

Civil Rights act 1964 Only 61 percent of Democrats supported that bill, versus 80 percent of Republicans.

Voting Rights Act of 1965 - Written by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen - 94 percent of Senate Republicans voted in favor of the bill Democratic Parties Racist History

You lost on gay rights ... example please

You'll lose on this one too. Too funny - Is your ass jealous of the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth?


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You're from the same side that once denied that blacks were people. In fact, your persistent use of the term “darkies” suggests that you are much closer to still holding that position than you want to let on; perhap about as close as you are to holding that Catholics, Mormons, conservatives, the wealthy, gun owners, etc., are not people.

Uh, guy, you are the ones who are denying minorities the right to vote and throwing some of them into concentration camps and discounting the thousands of gun deaths because a large portion of them are people of color.

Oh, and let's not forget, you belong to a cult that calls dark skin a curse from God.

Re: "You guys lost on race"
Wrong - The Republican Agenda has always been inclusive of minorities it just doesn't pander to identity politics
Ku Klux Klan was the militant branch of the Democrats

Guy, you don't get credit for FAILING to fix the problems 150 years ago.

In 1968, when the racists were expelled from the Democratic Party, Republicans embraced them with open arms. Nixon's Southern Strategy, Reagan's Welfare Queens, Bush's Willie Horton Ad, and just about everything Trump does.

If there is any confusion for you, which party is defending Confederate Monuments and Flags right now.
Re: "You guys lost on race"
Wrong - The Republican Agenda has always been inclusive of minorities it just doesn't pander to identity politics
Ku Klux Klan was the militant branch of the Democrats

Guy, you don't get credit for FAILING to fix the problems 150 years ago.

In 1968, when the racists were expelled from the Democratic Party, Republicans embraced them with open arms. Nixon's Southern Strategy, Reagan's Welfare Queens, Bush's Willie Horton Ad, and just about everything Trump does.

If there is any confusion for you, which party is defending Confederate Monuments and Flags right now.
When God put teeth in your mouth he ruined a perfectly good as*hole. ... listen up joey boy - the racists were never expelled from the Democratic Party - Never - The man who Hillary Clinton referred to as her mentor and who was eulogized by Bill Clinton was Robert Byrd former member of the KKK, one time President pro tempore of the Senate, and third in line for presidential succession. Here's two of his quotes ....

'Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.

'The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia. -Democratic Senator Robert Byrd.. -
Democratic Senator Robert Byrd

Then you have Al Gore Sr. whose racism rubbed off on Jr. Gore Family Racist Legacy

Here's a speech excerpt from LBJ

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again' - Lyndon Johnson [ Inside the White House ]

To this very day, a large majority of African Americans continue to support the Democratic party. The Party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts. Rick Gordon

The Democratic party has come to the realization that you can actually enslave an entire race of people and not call it slavery? 'Liberal' Democrats and their useful idiot lapdogs have reintroduced slavery to the African American Community through so called social welfare programs. See: Decline of the Family and Rise of Entitlement

You Joe are a walking advertisement for the benefits of birth control. ... Keep rolling your eyes... maybe you'll find a brain back there.
discounting the thousands of gun deaths because a large portion of them are people of color.
You blithering fking weenie You're dumber than snake mittens.I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain this to you so I'll leave you with one word CHICAGO
When God put teeth in your mouth he ruined a perfectly good as*hole. ... listen up joey boy - the racists were never expelled from the Democratic Party - Never - The man who Hillary Clinton referred to as her mentor and who was eulogized by Bill Clinton was Robert Byrd former member of the KKK, one time President pro tempore of the Senate, and third in line for presidential succession. Here's two of his quotes ....

Um, yeah, they kind of were in 1964 when LBJ signed the Civil Rights bill and said, "I've lost the South for the Democrats for a Generation". he was too optimistic... it's been a couple of generation.

one more time, "asshole", who is out there defending confederate flags and monuments right now.

It isn't the Democrats.

To this very day, a large majority of African Americans continue to support the Democratic party. The Party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts. Rick Gordon

Um, yeah, because you guys keep supporting racists like Trump.

Heck, I give Bush some credit, at least he tried to reach out, and today his whole family is despised by the GOP rank and file.
I don't see the person as mentally disturbed or a sex deviant and I see nothing wrong with that person preffering to be classified as a female.
In all fairness though, that’s because you’re a fuck’n idiot.
I am not sure where people on here live or have worked, but where I have worked and lived having this anti-gay attitude gets people fired from their job. It is seen as unprofessional and not tolerated. I have seen it happen before.
Well you have worked for horrible companies lead by equally fuck’n idiots. It is not “anti-guy” to accept that a man is a man. It’s anti-science. Stop being anti-science.
Time for you to see a professional for your violent tendencies. Jail is no place for former football "stars".
I’m happy to go see a “professional” for my so-called “violent tendencies”. I’ll make you a deal. You get every cross-dressing trans to see a mental health professional and I’ll absolutely see one as well. Deal?
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket
a dress doesn't change DNA
A key board and a USMB account does not change ignorance of human sexuality
Ironically, you prove that every day.

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