The Gaystapo is at it again

So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket
a dress doesn't change DNA
A key board and a USMB account does not change ignorance of human sexuality
Ironically, you prove that every day.
Really? Tell us all about you superior understanding and knowledge of human sexuality
Well unlike you he probably does not posses first hand knowledge of Homosexual activity, unlike you he probably puts mustard on his hot dogs while you suck mayo from yours. Sexuality is determined by our chromosomes x or y - there are extremely rare case of hermaphrodites who are born with both male and female sex organs any other sexual designation is a psychological issue and society has no business pandering to perverts - just curious progressive-pee is that bandanna on your head to hide the scars from a botched lobotomy ?

Shut the fuck up
Time for you to see a professional for your violent tendencies. Jail is no place for former football "stars".
I’m happy to go see a “professional” for my so-called “violent tendencies”. I’ll make you a deal. You get every cross-dressing trans to see a mental health professional and I’ll absolutely see one as well. Deal?

Cross dressing isn't the same as being transgendered. Dressing in drag isn't the same as being transgendered. Transgendered people usually do see a therapist, especially if they want to transition.

And what do the actual professionals say with regards to people who are transgendered? Let's take a look.

Ensuring Comprehensive Care and Support for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children and Adolescents

Policies on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Queer (LGBTQ) issues

APA Policy Statements on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns

Poor puppy....foiled again.
When you were a young muff diver eating sushi like John Belushi did you delve into psychedelics ? Back in the 60s I hear folks like you took LSD to make the world look weird - now you want everybody else to take it to make you look normal .

Re: Speaking of LSD [Lesbian Sexual Degeneracy] did you just post a link from the APA - do you really believe they have any shred of credibility in the real world ? Perhaps you should try some prozac to straighten out your perspective some - I'd recommend a lobotomy but you can see what happened to Poor Old Progresive-Pee

'Some homosexuals have gone beyond the plane of defensiveness and now argue that deviancy is a noble preferable way of life.' NY Academy of Medicine Committee on Public Health.

Nicholas Cummings, former President of the American Psychological Association and one of the people who led the movement to have homosexuality declassified as a mental illness speaking to an audience of fellow professionals in 2005, stated the profession of Mental Health, psychology, psychiatry is dominated by social-activist groups.

GoFish SeaHag - American Psychological Association Politicized by Gay Activists
Damn near every person who “transitions” horribly regrets it. Do you know why? Because they are not “trapped in the wrong body”. They are suffering from a severe mental disorder. And rather than getting them the help and the treatment they so desperately need, the left exploits them for their own perverse sexual thrills.

YOu need to come up with a little better source than "The Mormon who was so crazy he got fired from Fox News".
Damn near every person who “transitions” horribly regrets it. Do you know why? Because they are not “trapped in the wrong body”. They are suffering from a severe mental disorder. And rather than getting them the help and the treatment they so desperately need, the left exploits them for their own perverse sexual thrills.

More and more trans men deeply regret gender reassignment surgery, according to new report

Where is this alleged "new report"? There is no report at your link or in the BBC link.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket

These transgenders believe it is their right to have their “preferred” gender on their driver's license. They apparently don't realize the purpose of driver's licenses is to physically identify the drivers, not to express their innermost feelings. Logically, if the sexual identifier can be anything a person wants it to be it would be better not to include it all all. It would be just as useful to indicate their favorite kind of soup.

"New Ultrasound Technology Can Detect Up To 50 Genders
November 25th, 2019

U.S.—Advanced new prenatal ultrasound technology can detect up to 50 genders.

The technology will be put to use in clinics and hospitals right away, so parents can know if they're going to have a boy, girl, or one of the 48 other genders it's capable of detecting. There are, of course, hundreds more genders, but researchers are still working on upgrading the technology to detect all the other ones.

"There was this huge problem we were having, where parents-to-be were under the illusion that their child could only be a boy or a girl," said Brenda Watts, CEO of DiverseSound Tech, LLC, the creator of the new ultrasound. "This led to gender reveal parties where the baby was assigned the wrong gender. It was really embarrassing when everyone celebrated with pink balloons when the baby actually identified as a 30-story-tall building."

"Now you can know for sure if your little one is male, female, agender, genderfluid, pangender, demigender, or a tater tot," she added.

Unfortunately, most people who would have liked this technology are aborting their children anyway, so DiverseSound quickly filed for bankruptcy."
New Ultrasound Technology Can Detect Up To 50 Genders
I'd argue there is plenty of evidence that young people are impressionable, and that fads such as "transgender" and what not influence them via media exposure (which some activists have admitted they have openly been trying to do, such as via shows like "Will and Grace" - even here though, it's odd, since gangster rap by artists like Eminem and so forth, in which singing about abusing homosexuals or "f@ggots" was also made popular with the Millennial generation, showing something of a parodox).

It's documented that symptoms of gender confusion are ordinary adolescent experiences which people grow out of, or are a product of psychological disorders, such as autistic spectrum as well as borderline disorder.

Regarding the "cult" of transgender, there were and still are individuals who were pushing it for "quasi-religious" reasons, and would be adamant about it no matter what opinions science or medicine had to say on the subject

(Some fringe movements related to the trans and LGBT sects essentially believe that "gender roles" are part of a vast, white supremacist conspiracy theory, and imagine a "utopian" society in which "trans people" or so forth were accepted and had a "special" status, something perhaps akin to a hermaphrodite from Greek mythology - sometimes native Americans were said to be one of such types of societies, but the existence of these societies or the myths that the "trans movement" is founded on are skeptical at best - for example, some native American tribes such as the Aztecs were not tolerant of homosexuality or transgender at all, and the denial of genetics or biology playing a factor on gender roles and stereotyped behaviors in male or females seems undeniable to me, as well as a lack of common sense).

I believe some of these theories originated during the era in which archaic notions like "tabula rasa" were popular, however modern fields of psychology such as evolutionary psychology more or less debunk the notion that people are born with a "blank slate", and that genetics don't play a role in sex and gender determination (for that matter, it's arguable that the notion of a blank slate was always stupid and silly, given that as far back as the 1800s, theories, such as those of law by Oliver Wendell Holmes did more or less acknowledge the role of biology or "passions" in human behavior - this is what our entire Common Law system is based on, such as premeditated crimes being punished more severely than crimes done in the heat of the moment, or "passion").
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket

I don't see the person as mentally disturbed or a sex deviant and I see nothing wrong with that person preffering to be classified as a female. I am not sure where people on here live or have worked, but where I have worked and lived having this anti-gay attitude gets people fired from their job. It is seen as unprofessional and not tolerated. I have seen it happen before.

"I don't see anything wrong with these two things that aren't the actual topic, and I hope if I'm accusatory enough, you won't notice that I'm avoiding addressing topics I can't defend."
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket
a dress doesn't change DNA
A key board and a USMB account does not change ignorance of human sexuality

A couple of shouted slogans do not constitute "human sexuality".
a dress doesn't change DNA
A key board and a USMB account does not change ignorance of human sexuality

It's not ignorance to know the difference between men and women, and to refuse to play along with the lies and insane delusions of one who denies this difference.

Indeed, it is difficult to imagine anything more ignorant than not understanding the distinction between men and women, or refusing to acknowledge this distinction.
View attachment 290974

I have a dream that one day you'll have the balls to deal with dissent without trying to silence it.

But I'm not holdiing my breath.
Biology isn't going to change.

No, but out understanding of it is... which is why we know gender isn't completely binary.

Men will never be women, and women will never be men, and the side that tries to deny the distinction between the two will never win by so doing. It's a fad that will pass. There will never be more than a tiny, freakish, mentally-defective minority who sincerely deny the biological difference between men and women.

Actually, the funny thing... The problem with hate is that at the end of the day, it isn't rational. This is why racism and homophobia are already looked down upon...

That some people are trans.... has no real effect on your life.... but you have this irrational hate anyway.

Even so, it still takes a woman to supply the egg,and a man to supply the sperm. For alt he technology that we now have, and that we can rationally foresee ever having, to apply to the reproductive process, that has not changed, not is there any reason to suppose that it ever will. Men make sperm cells, women make eggs, and it takes one of each to produce a new human being.

Except now we can clone animals without a sperm.... Genetic engineering... all sorts of science on the horizon.

Now, not saying everyone will go for that... it actually does take some of the fun out of it.

But I can see a culture in the future where all children are genetically selected before birth, to be free of disease or defect.

Maybe we can even isolate the "Religious Bigot" gene and eliminate it.

I do love living in you head, Bob. The Mormon Brainwashing keeps it nice and clean...

We probably will identify the "gay gene" and eliminate that. Unless of course that would be too politically incorrect and all. Most likely, we'll identify it, develop a test for it, and watch two extremely important democrat constituency groups fight it out when it's possible to abort children who will be gay.

You do realize that people who support a woman's right to choose do not support selective abortions or abortions as a means of birth control. (The former does not happen here, the latter is rare). I guarantee you that if your fantasy ever became reality, there would be far more hypocrisy from the anti abortion crowd than the pro choice crowd. (And I feel pretty confident since I'm gay and support a woman's right to choose).

Why, yes, we DID realize that leftists are hypocritical, illogical dimwits who wouldn't know a principle if it crawled up their pants leg and bit 'em on the left ass cheek.

Thanks for asking.
Biology isn't going to change.

No, but out understanding of it is... which is why we know gender isn't completely binary.

Men will never be women, and women will never be men, and the side that tries to deny the distinction between the two will never win by so doing. It's a fad that will pass. There will never be more than a tiny, freakish, mentally-defective minority who sincerely deny the biological difference between men and women.

Actually, the funny thing... The problem with hate is that at the end of the day, it isn't rational. This is why racism and homophobia are already looked down upon...

That some people are trans.... has no real effect on your life.... but you have this irrational hate anyway.

Even so, it still takes a woman to supply the egg,and a man to supply the sperm. For alt he technology that we now have, and that we can rationally foresee ever having, to apply to the reproductive process, that has not changed, not is there any reason to suppose that it ever will. Men make sperm cells, women make eggs, and it takes one of each to produce a new human being.

Except now we can clone animals without a sperm.... Genetic engineering... all sorts of science on the horizon.

Now, not saying everyone will go for that... it actually does take some of the fun out of it.

But I can see a culture in the future where all children are genetically selected before birth, to be free of disease or defect.

Maybe we can even isolate the "Religious Bigot" gene and eliminate it.

I do love living in you head, Bob. The Mormon Brainwashing keeps it nice and clean...

We probably will identify the "gay gene" and eliminate that. Unless of course that would be too politically incorrect and all. Most likely, we'll identify it, develop a test for it, and watch two extremely important democrat constituency groups fight it out when it's possible to abort children who will be gay.

You do realize that people who support a woman's right to choose do not support selective abortions or abortions as a means of birth control. (The former does not happen here, the latter is rare). I guarantee you that if your fantasy ever became reality, there would be far more hypocrisy from the anti abortion crowd than the pro choice crowd. (And I feel pretty confident since I'm gay and support a woman's right to choose).

The radical fringe in both groups would be at odds.

They already are, and they try to paper it over by treating people who don't toe the transgender line to the same sort of censorship and abuse they give the right.

I have to admit to a bit of schadenfreude, watching far-left feminists discover what it's like to be us. Helps take away the bad taste in my mouth from actually agreeing with those harpies on something.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket

Sick fags.
The Gaystapo is banning books on therapy while Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and books on pedophilia are readily available.

Amazon Just Banned My Dad’s Therapy Books, Caving to LGBT Activists

Absolutely. "Reparative Therapy" has been roundly condemned by professional psychologists as doing more damage than good.

Last thing we need is people messing themselves up thinking they can pray away the gay.

They end up like that minister who was caught with Rent Boys and a pile of Crystal Meth.

Ted Haggard, mega-church founder felled by sex scandal, returns to pulpit

Ted Haggard is back and about to start preaching again. Haggard, once America's leading evangelical pastor, who was brought down and removed from his own mega-church after admitting to a gay sex scandal, has set up a new ministry and will hold the first service in his new church today.

His wife, Gayle, who has stood by him throughout his troubles, will be the church's co-pastor.

"We realised that I am a sinner and she is a saint, but that way we do have a very broad appeal," he joked in an interview from his home in Colorado Springs, a city that has been described as the Vatican of America's evangelical movement. "I feel we have moved past the scandal. We have forgiveness. It is a second chance," he said.
Absolutely. "Reparative Therapy" has been roundly condemned by professional psychologists as doing more damage than good.
That is an outrageous lie. But that's what we've come to expect from you.

Incidentally, what does it say about you that you want to refuse those who don't want to be gay, the right to the type of therapy proven to "reprogram" them away from homosexuality?

At minimum, it says you're a flaming homosexual who wants more homosexuals in society to increase your chances. At worse, its says you're a disturbed dictator-type who wants to decide for others how they live their life and what healthcare/therapy should be available to them.

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