The Gaystapo is at it again

That is an outrageous lie. But that's what we've come to expect from you.

Incidentally, what does it say about you that you want to refuse those who don't want to be gay, the right to the type of therapy proven to "reprogram" them away from homosexuality?

Because it does nothing of the sort. The problem is, no amount of programming is going to make you straight or gay.

All it does is damage people. This is why reparative therapy has been roundly condemned by professionals in psychology.

In the wake of recent popular entertainment portrayals of conversion therapy, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) today reiterates its long-standing opposition to the practice. APA made clear with its 1998 position statement that “APA opposes any psychiatric treatment, such as “reparative” or “conversion” therapy, that is based on the assumption that homosexuality per se is a mental disorder or is based on the a priori assumption that the patient should change his or her homosexual orientation.”

APA expanded on that position with a statement in 2013: “The American Psychiatric Association does not believe that same-sex orientation should or needs to be changed, and efforts to do so represent a significant risk of harm by subjecting individuals to forms of treatment which have not been scientifically validated and by undermining self-esteem when sexual orientation fails to change. No credible evidence exists that any mental health intervention can reliably and safely change sexual orientation; nor, from a mental health perspective does sexual orientation need to be changed.”

Conversion therapy is banned in 14 states as well as the District of Columbia. The APA calls upon other lawmakers to ban the harmful and discriminatory practice.
At minimum, it says you're a flaming homosexual who wants more homosexuals in society to increase your chances. At worse, its says you're a disturbed dictator-type who wants to decide for others how they live their life and what healthcare/therapy should be available to them.

Projecting again, buddy? Frankly, it's been scientifically established that homophobes are in fact latent homosexuals.

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

The research, published in the April 2012 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, reveals the nuances of prejudices like homophobia, which can ultimately have dire consequences. [The 10 Most Destructive Human Behaviors]

"Sometimes people are threatened by gays and lesbians because they are fearing their own impulses, in a sense they 'doth protest too much,'" Ryan told LiveScience. "In addition, it appears that sometimes those who would oppress others have been oppressed themselves, and we can have some compassion for them too, they may be unaccepting of others because they cannot be accepting of themselves."
Incidentally, what does it say about you that you want to refuse those who don't want to be gay, the right to the type of therapy proven to "reprogram" them away from homosexuality?
Because it does nothing of the sort.
If that absurd lie were even remotely true, then there would be absolutely no harm in allowing a homosexual to pursue a treatment they want to pursue.

Nobody has ever been forced into conversion therapy. So the fact that you so desperately want to prevent a homosexual from reading a BOOK they want to read is a serious insight into your psyche. You’re either a flaming homosexual who is terrified at the thought of not having fellow queers to pursue or you’re an Adolf Hitler who wants to control what information others have access to.
If that absurd lie were even remotely true, then there would be absolutely no harm in allowing a homosexual to pursue a treatment they want to pursue.

Uh, guy, we prevent people from pursuing quack treatments all the time. Its why you can't get lateril for your cancer... because it doesn't work.

Nobody has ever been forced into conversion therapy. So the fact that you so desperately want to prevent a homosexual from reading a BOOK they want to read is a serious insight into your psyche. You’re either a flaming homosexual who is terrified at the thought of not having fellow queers to pursue or you’re an Adolf Hitler who wants to control what information others have access to.

Naw, I'm actually terrified some young person might be further fucked up by this kind of psuedo-science.

Again- conversion therapy is illegal in 14 states. There's a reason for that.
If that absurd lie were even remotely true, then there would be absolutely no harm in allowing a homosexual to pursue a treatment they want to pursue.
Uh, guy, we prevent people from pursuing quack treatments all the time. Its why you can't get lateril for your cancer... because it doesn't work.
Snowflake, a BOOK isn’t a medicine that can do damage to your body. You fear of books is telling. Nazi, much? :dunno:
Uh, guy, we prevent people from pursuing quack treatments all the time.
A. Who is this “we” shit?

B. Where does one derive the power to prevent someone from pursuing a therapy or course of treatment they feel is best for them?

Oh wait. Never mind. I keep forgetting you’re too damn lazy (and entitled) to actually read the U.S. Constitution.
Yeah...because people like you are scared to death of running out of possible homosexuals to pursue.

Guy, reality check... People are born gay or straight.

When did you "Decide" to be straight? If you are working on the premise that sexual orientation is a choice, then there had to be a moment when you decided you liked girls...

(This works on the assumption that you aren't a latent homosexual who is trying to pray away the gay, which is often the case with most hard core homophobes.)

A. Who is this “we” shit?

B. Where does one derive the power to prevent someone from pursuing a therapy or course of treatment they feel is best for them?

Oh wait. Never mind. I keep forgetting you’re too damn lazy (and entitled) to actually read the U.S. Constitution.

Well, I could go into the fact that we LICENSE doctors, patent medicines, etc.

The guys who wrote the constitution also thought bleeding people was a good medical treatment. That's how George Washington died after he caught strep throat.

Then this funny thing happened. We started licensing doctors, we established an FDA so people weren't mixing cocaine and opium into Snake Oil bottles and selling it as medicine. I mean, that made people "feel good", but it didn't make them any better.. usually worse.

I'm kind of glad we have an "unconstitutional" authorities protecting us from quack doctors and treatments. So are you. When you go to a doctor, do you ask him about his knowledge of the "Constitution", or do you actually check out where his medical degree came from?
If that absurd lie were even remotely true, then there would be absolutely no harm in allowing a homosexual to pursue a treatment they want to pursue.
Nobody is, dumbass. It's only prohibited on minors in the states that have banned it. Adults are free to self abuse to their hearts content, you're just not allowed to torture kids in those states.
If that absurd lie were even remotely true, then there would be absolutely no harm in allowing a homosexual to pursue a treatment they want to pursue.
Nobody is, dumbass. It's only prohibited on minors in the states that have banned it. Adults are free to self abuse to their hearts content, you're just not allowed to torture kids in those states.
So then your boi Joe over there is the “dumb ass” sweetie, since he’s the one pounding the drums claiming it is “outlawed”. He never mentioned children. Because, like all of you partisan hacks on the left, you speak without getting any facts right.
If that absurd lie were even remotely true, then there would be absolutely no harm in allowing a homosexual to pursue a treatment they want to pursue.
Nobody is, dumbass. It's only prohibited on minors in the states that have banned it. Adults are free to self abuse to their hearts content, you're just not allowed to torture kids in those states.
So then your boi Joe over there is the “dumb ass” sweetie, since he’s the one pounding the drums claiming it is “outlawed”. He never mentioned children. Because, like all of you partisan hacks on the left, you speak without getting any facts right.

It is for minors. Adults are allowed to practice S&M, BDSM & conversion therapy if they want to.
What a shame stupid, inbred, mouth breathers feel the need to torture children,
Only the Gaystapo would consider clinical therapy to be “torture”. :eusa_doh:

No surprise though, since these are the same people who believe a person can think their chromosomes into morphing into the opposite gender.
Only the Gaystapo would consider clinical therapy to be “torture”. :eusa_doh:

No surprise though, since these are the same people who believe a person can think their chromosomes into morphing into the opposite gender.

Again, guy, we all believe you when you picked up that Tranny in a bar, you really thought she was a chick. We totally think you have a case of the "Not Gays".
What a shame stupid, inbred, mouth breathers feel the need to torture children,
Only the Gaystapo would consider clinical therapy to be “torture”. :eusa_doh:

No surprise though, since these are the same people who believe a person can think their chromosomes into morphing into the opposite gender.

It's not clinical anything. It's pure hogwash.
Again, guy, we all believe you when you picked up that Tranny in a bar, you really thought she was a chick. We totally think you have a case of the "Not Gays".

Again, guy, your amateur reverse psychology is clearly the desperate heave of a person thoroughly defeated.

And not for nothing, but you’re the one who is single, without children, and sacred shitless over the idea of confused people receiving therapy that might drive them away from the homosexual lifestyle.

I’m happily married, have precious little children, and support a person’s right to either pursue the homosexual lifestyle or pursue therapy to make them normal.
Again, guy, your amateur reverse psychology is clearly the desperate heave of a person thoroughly defeated.

And not for nothing, but you’re the one who is single, without children, and sacred shitless over the idea of confused people receiving therapy that might drive them away from the homosexual lifestyle.

I’m happily married, have precious little children, and support a person’s right to either pursue the homosexual lifestyle or pursue therapy to make them normal.

Again, guy, you are pretty insecure in your sexuality if you spend this much time worrying about who other people are sleeping with.

Me. I don't like children. That's why I don't have them.

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