The Gaystapo is at it again

The guy is a man and there is no reason to pretend otherwise
That mentally disturbed asshat as every right to pretend he is a girl.

What the asshat doesn’t have a right to do is force everyone else to pretend with him.

Fuck him and his mentally deranged fantasies. Science proves he’s a man. I will not reject science or perpetuate a lie so he can get off.
You realize you can't get gender reassignment surgery until you are 18, right?
You realize you are wholly, totally, and completely uninformed on every topic you post about, right?
In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.
You don’t even know the facts about your favorite political issue in your own state. :eusa_doh:

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise
From your link, you dope.
Your denial is as laughable as it is stupid. The entire damn article talks about small children undergoing gender mutilation by a doctor and everyone can see it.

Have the self-awareness and maturity to admit you were wrong (as always) and move along.

You can't or didn't read it. They were talking about blockers, dolt. You cannot get gender reassignment surgery until you are 18. Women can get breast reductions with parental permission, but that's it. You should read an article before you post it. You don't care if you look stupid though, obviously.
You realize you can't get gender reassignment surgery until you are 18, right?
You realize you are wholly, totally, and completely uninformed on every topic you post about, right?
In another Pediatrics report, a Texas doctor says he's also provided sex-changing treatment to an increasing number of children; so has a clinic at Children's Hospital Los Angeles where the 8-year-old is a patient.
You don’t even know the facts about your favorite political issue in your own state. :eusa_doh:

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise

From your link, you dope.

Gender-reassignment surgery, which may include removing or creating penises, is only done by a handful of U.S. doctors, on patients at least 18 years old, Spack said. His clinic has worked with local surgeons who've done breast removal surgery on girls at age 16, but that surgery can be relatively minor, or avoided, if puberty is halted in time, he said.​
From my link...
His clinic has worked with local surgeons who've done breast removal surgery on girls at age 16
Breast reductions are not gender reassignment. You lied or you're stupid...or both.
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.

You'd probably bring back slavery, child labor and keep women from voting...So you certainly don't believe in it...Maybe 18th century form of it but not todays that is for sure.
The guy is a man and there is no reason to pretend otherwise

You're replying to someone who was permanently banned from this forum almost two years ago, though oddly, due to some odd bug, the word “BANNED” does not appear under his name, as it usually does with those who are banned, permanently or temporarily.
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You can't or didn't read it. They were talking about blockers, dolt. You cannot get gender reassignment surgery until you are 18. Women can get breast reductions with parental permission, but that's it. You should read an article before you post it. You don't care if you look stupid though, obviously.

To believe that giving a child drugs to intentionally stunt the normal course of development and maturation is harmless, one has to be almost as batshit insane as one must be to believe that a boy can be a girl.

His clinic has worked with local surgeons who've done breast removal surgery on girls at age 16
Breast reductions are not gender reassignment. You lied or you're stupid...or both.

Removing healthy body parts, in order to reinforce an insane delusion, is malpractice, no matter the age of the patient. Certainly so, when the patient is a minor.

It's all fraud and malpractice, anyway. As a matter of undeniable biological fact, a boy is not a girl and cannot become a girl, and a girl is not a boy and cannot become a boy, no matter what sort of bizarre pseudomedical Frankensteinery is performed on any such person. Any procedure performed under the premise that it can change the patient's sex is being performed under false pretenses, and any physical who has any willing part in it needs to have his license permanently revoked for malpractice, and needs to be criminally prosecuted for fraud and assault.
From my link...
His clinic has worked with local surgeons who've done breast removal surgery on girls at age 16
Breast reductions are not gender reassignment. You lied or you're stupid...or both.
Oh sweetie...I bolded in red “breast removal”. That isn’t “reduction”. Your desperation and propaganda is duly noted.

Removing a young girls breasts is pure mutilation in the name of “gender reassignment” bulkshit.
From my link...
His clinic has worked with local surgeons who've done breast removal surgery on girls at age 16
Breast reductions are not gender reassignment. You lied or you're stupid...or both.
Oh sweetie...I bolded in red “breast removal”. That isn’t “reduction”. Your desperation and propaganda is duly noted.

Removing a young girls breasts is pure mutilation in the name of “gender reassignment” bulkshit.

It's a reduction. And it's not gender reassignment. So, are you lying or stupid?
Am I ok with them? No. Not at all. But it doesn’t matter what I’m ok with. It’s not my life and they aren’t my children.

See...that’s how freedom works.

Again, the problem with your definition of freedom is that it usually means those with wealth or power abusing the rest of us.

The government should have been looking out for those kids before the crazy cult started molesting them.

Certainly before they all committed mass suicide because Koresh didn't want to go to prison.
It's a reduction. And it's not gender reassignment. So, are you lying or stupid?
It’s not a “reduction”. It’s removal. As in the disgusting mutilation of completely cutting off a young girls breasts. Not making them smaller. Removing them.

You’re a sick fucking individual to not only support that, but to openly lie about it in hopes of allowing more young girls to be brutally mutilated.

It's a reduction. And it's not gender reassignment. So, are you lying or stupid?
It’s not a “reduction”. It’s removal. As in the disgusting mutilation of completely cutting off a young girls breasts. Not making them smaller. Removing them.

You’re a sick fucking individual to not only support that, but to openly lie about it in hopes of allowing more young girls to be brutally mutilated.

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You're arguing semantics because you were stupidly, ignorantly wrong. Gender reassignment is not performed on anyone younger than 18. Breast reduction is not gender reassignment. (Which is not news to the thousands and thousands of women who get it done every year.)
You're arguing semantics because you were stupidly, ignorantly wrong. Gender reassignment is not performed on anyone younger than 18. Breast reduction is not gender reassignment. (Which is not news to the thousands and thousands of women who get it done every year.)

Do you understand that “removal” and “reduction” do not mean the same thing, here?

And if not for a fraudulent charade of “gender reassignment”, then what is the purpose, here, of removing an underage girl's healthy breasts, or of employing harmful chemicals to prevent them from developing in the first place, as well as to otherwise stunt her normal process of growth and maturation?
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket
If a transgender is murdered and they use their DNA to investigate the crime will the evidence of their true gender be acceptable in a court? yes
If a transgender is murdered and they use their DNA to investigate the crime will the evidence of their true gender be acceptable in a court? yes

I can almost see a case taking a bizarre twist, with someone accused of murdering a “woman” building a defense around the fact that the alleged victim's DNA proves him to be male; undermining the prosecution's credibility by pointing out that it has this one aspect of the case glaringly wrong.
Do you understand that “removal” and “reduction” do not mean the same thing, here?

And if not for a fraudulent charade of “gender reassignment”, then what is the purpose, here, of removing an underage girl's healthy breasts, or of employing harmful chemicals to prevent them from developing in the first place, as well as to otherwise stunt her normal process of growth and maturation?

Yes, we need to get her on her knees and get her to Pray to Jay-a-zus to get those sinful thoughts out of her head that she might actually be a boy.

I can almost see a case taking a bizarre twist, with someone accused of murdering a “woman” building a defense around the fact that the alleged victim's DNA proves him to be male; undermining the prosecution's credibility by pointing out that it has this one aspect of the case glaringly wrong.

Then again, you think Joseph Smith was talking to God, so you could believe anything.

The law has already got this covered. It's why transphobes who murder people go to prison.
You can be opposed to abortion and still support a woman's right to choose.

Well, you can if you're a soulless sociopath, anyway.

If you have a sense of right and wrong, then it's not so easy to support anyone's “right” to gratuitously and savagely murder an innocent human being in cold blood.

But since you have no conscience, I wouldn't expect you to understand that.
Yes, we need to get her on her knees and get her to Pray to Jay-a-zus to get those sinful thoughts out of her head that she might actually be a boy.

As any sane person would understand, a girl who thinks that she might be a boy, has something very wrong with her mind. If anyone has suggested that the correct treatment is for such a girl to “…Pray to Jay-a-zus to get those sinful thoughts out of her head that she might actually be a boy.”, I missed it. But the problem is not in her healthy reproductive system or secondary sexual characteristics, and there is no cure in having those parts of her psychically mutilated in a vain attempt to force reality to fit her delusions.

The unalterable reality is that she is a girl, she is not a boy, and there is no amount of pseudomedical Frankensteinery that can make her a boy. If it is possible to effectively treat her condition, then that treatment can only be accomplished by getting her to accept the unalterable reality that she is female, and to live her life accordingly. Anything else is malpractice and fraud, and in the end, does not help her at all.
Well, you can if you're a soulless sociopath, anyway.

If you have a sense of right and wrong, then it's not so easy to support anyone's “right” to gratuitously and savagely murder an innocent human being in cold blood.

But since you have no conscience, I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

Fetuses aren't people, and women who don't want to be pregnant will find a way to end their pregnancies no matter what the law is.

As any sane person would understand, a girl who thinks that she might be a boy, has something very wrong with her mind. If anyone has suggested that the correct treatment is for such a girl to “…Pray to Jay-a-zus to get those sinful thoughts out of her head that she might actually be a boy.”, I missed it. But the problem is not in her healthy reproductive system or secondary sexual characteristics, and there is no cure in having those parts of her psychically mutilated in a vain attempt to force reality to fit her delusions.

Guy, people get their bodies "mutilated" all the time to "fit their delusions".

Hair Plugs
Breast implants
Tummy Tucks

I could go on. Oddly, you never have a problem with people mutliating their bodies under those circumstances...But man, they use surgery to reassign gender, and you get your Magic Underwear in a knot.

The unalterable reality is that she is a girl, she is not a boy, and there is no amount of pseudomedical Frankensteinery that can make her a boy. If it is possible to effectively treat her condition, then that treatment can only be accomplished by getting her to accept the unalterable reality that she is female, and to live her life accordingly. Anything else is malpractice and fraud, and in the end, does not help her at all.

Medical Professionals think differently. When you get a Ph.D. or M.D., get back to me.
Guy, people get their bodies "mutilated" all the time to "fit their delusions".

Hair Plugs
Breast implants
Tummy Tucks

I could go on. Oddly, you never have a problem with people mutliating their bodies under those circumstances...But man, they use surgery to reassign gender, and you get your Magic Underwear in a knot.

There's a huge difference, here.

The procedures you list are to make superficial alterations that those undergoing them hope will make them more attractive. I don't think anyone seriously believes that such procedures result in any fundamental change to who or what they are.

To undergo a procedure to “reassign gender” is madness. As a matter of undeniable scientific fact, such procedures do no such thing at all. A man who has a complete set of “sex-change” procedures is still a man, just a mutilated, castrated man. Anyone who thinks that such a mutilated, ruined freak of a man is, in any meaningful sense, a woman, is delusional.
There's a huge difference, here.

The procedures you list are to make superficial alterations that those undergoing them hope will make them more attractive. I don't think anyone seriously believes that such procedures result in any fundamental change to who or what they are.

To undergo a procedure to “reassign gender” is madness. As a matter of undeniable scientific fact, such procedures do no such thing at all. A man who has a complete set of “sex-change” procedures is still a man, just a mutilated, castrated man. Anyone who thinks that such a mutilated, ruined freak of a man is, in any meaningful sense, a woman, is delusional.

There are trannies out there you'd never know weren't Cis-gendered.

What is a "meaningful sense". Now, I realize that your cult is massively misogynistic and you keep your women in their place (which is barefoot and preggers), but frankly, if I'm not in a relationship with her, I don't care if she's cis-gendered or transgender. Her gender really isn't a factor to me.

We are probably not to far from a time when transgender women can carry babies to term. We currently have donor eggs ,, surrogate mothers, IVF and a whole lot of other "Cheats" in the reproduction game, where a child could potentially have multiple parents.

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