The Gaystapo is at it again

Fetuses aren't people, and women who don't want to be pregnant will find a way to end their pregnancies no matter what the law is.

They aren't? What are they? A toaster? coffee maker? a Buick?

A non-viable parasitic mass of tissue that will die when separated from the host.

Not a person.

Now, here's the thing, even when abortion was "illegal", no one was charged with "Murder" for having them or performing them. IN fact, women were never arrested for having an abortion, and providers were only charged if they screwed up and injured the woman.

My guess is, you guys haven't given any thought to how you are going to enforce your "Feelings".
There are trannies out there you'd never know weren't Cis-gendered.

Being able to impersonate something that one is not, well enough to fool most observers, does not make that person what he is falsely claiming to be.

A mutilated man, who can credibly fool anyone into thinking that he is a woman, is still not a woman, but merely a mutilated man.

What is a "meaningful sense". Now, I realize that your cult is massively misogynistic and you keep your women in their place (which is barefoot and preggers), but frankly, if I'm not in a relationship with her, I don't care if she's cis-gendered or transgender. Her gender really isn't a factor to me.

We are probably not to far from a time when transgender women can carry babies to term. We currently have donor eggs ,, surrogate mothers, IVF and a whole lot of other "Cheats" in the reproduction game, where a child could potentially have multiple parents.

You're arguing semantics because you were stupidly, ignorantly wrong. Gender reassignment is not performed on anyone younger than 18. Breast reduction is not gender reassignment. (Which is not news to the thousands and thousands of women who get it done every year.)
You’re not arguing’re flat out lying your ass off despite everything being in black and white for everyone to see. :eusa_doh

One more time, just for fun. Not “reduction” (which is a drastically different thing). Removal. And yes, they are doing more than just that on children as young as 6. You’ve been proven wrong as usual.

Again, the problem with your definition of freedom is that it usually means those with wealth or power abusing the rest of us.

The government should have been looking out for those kids...
Again, the problem with your fucked up views is that it means an unconstitutional nanny state.

Please cite for us the article and section of the U.S. Constitution...ah never mind. We’ve done this song and dance a zillion times and all it does is prove you’re too lazy to read a three pages.
When do they become a person?

Legally, when they are born and a birth certificate is issued.

Being able to impersonate something that one is not, well enough to fool most observers, does not make that person what he is falsely claiming to be.

A mutilated man, who can credibly fool anyone into thinking that he is a woman, is still not a woman, but merely a mutilated man.

Again, keep telling yourself that Tranny you hit on was totally fooling you. You totally have a case of the Not-Gays...

Again, the problem with your fucked up views is that it means an unconstitutional nanny state.

Please cite for us the article and section of the U.S. Constitution...ah never mind. We’ve done this song and dance a zillion times and all it does is prove you’re too lazy to read a three pages.

We weren't talking about the federal government here, buddy. We were talking about state agencies stepping in to protect children from their religious crazy parents.

I really don't think government should be limited to the thinking of barely literate slave rapists in the 18th century.
And what better way to accomplish this, than to pump flammable gas into their house, and then set it on fire with flame throwers mounted on tanks?

Um, yeah, I can totally see your sympathy for David Koresh, he was a modern day Joseph Smith.

Except there were THREE investigations of the Waco incident, one of them led by Republican John Danforth, and all three of them found that the Davidians set the fires themselves...
You're arguing semantics because you were stupidly, ignorantly wrong. Gender reassignment is not performed on anyone younger than 18. Breast reduction is not gender reassignment. (Which is not news to the thousands and thousands of women who get it done every year.)
You’re not arguing’re flat out lying your ass off despite everything being in black and white for everyone to see. :eusa_doh

One more time, just for fun. Not “reduction” (which is a drastically different thing). Removal. And yes, they are doing more than just that on children as young as 6. You’ve been proven wrong as usual.

View attachment 300309

Christ, you make yourself more of a moron every day, just like Trump. A reduction and a removal are not drastically different.

FTM/N Breast Reduction vs. Breast Reconstruction: What’s the Difference?
Female-to-male (FTM/N) chest surgery, commonly referred to as “top” surgery, is a highly adaptable procedure designed to make you feel more comfortable with your body. Most often the goal of FTM/N is to reduce “feminine” characteristics to make your body appear more “masculine” or less gendered.

Both breast reduction and chest reconstruction are elected to remove excess skin, fat and tissue from the chest. The biggest difference between the two procedures is the amount of skin and tissue removed. Breast reduction can be used to minimize, but not completely eliminate the breasts, and as a result the chest isn’t contoured to appear male.

FTM/N chest reconstruction removes nearly all underlying fat and tissue (including milk producing ducts and glands) to give the appearance of a masculine-looking chest. In some cases, chest reconstruction surgery also requires free nipple grafting (nipple removal and relocation) which typically results in a reduction in nipple sensation.
And its 16, not 6 you lying sack of shit.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket
Next time I get pulled over I'm going to claim I'm really a dog and then tell him that you can't give a dog a fine.

Then I'll pee on his leg.
Legally, when they are born and a birth certificate is issued.

Removing a baby from the womb via c-section is "born". You do realize that babies could be removed from the mother as early as 22 weeks and survive with medical assistance. At 8 months, just imagine how viable the baby is.,and yet you and your ilk are ok with that same baby being killed at any time prior to the woman going into labor., all to protect your ideology and belief that a woman can choose. That is murder, plain and simple. I don't expect you to be moral, you are an anti-religious, liberal Democrat, but at least have some human decency.
Removing a baby from the womb via c-section is "born". You do realize that babies could be removed from the mother as early as 22 weeks and survive with medical assistance. At 8 months, just imagine how viable the baby is.,and yet you and your ilk are ok with that same baby being killed at any time prior to the woman going into labor., all to protect your ideology and belief that a woman can choose. That is murder, plain and simple. I don't expect you to be moral, you are an anti-religious, liberal Democrat, but at least have some human decency.

I do. I'm not the kind of cocksucker who would make a woman give birth to a dying baby because some Magic Sky Fairy maybe said that was bad, even though most of you are kind of hard pressed to show me in the bible where. (The bible didn't consider you a person until you were a year old, because infant mortality was something like 50%.)

NObody has a late abortion unless something has gone horribly wrong, and you fucks need to mind your own business.
Christ, you make yourself more of a moron every day, just like Trump. A reduction and a removal are not drastically different.
Sweetie...if they were the “same thing” you wouldn’t have used the term “reduction” instead of removal. You were proven wrong and you know it. And now you’re throwing a little tantrum, just like all of the snowflakes on the left when President Trump owns them. From your own link:
Breast reduction can be used to minimize, but not completely eliminate the breasts, and as a result the chest isn’t contoured to appear male.
Removal completely removes (ie total mutilation and attempt to alter gender). Far cry from reduction, sweetie. You know it. I know it. The whole board knows it. Just admit you don’t know shit about your favorite subject and move along.
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.

You'd probably bring back slavery, child labor and keep women from voting...So you certainly don't believe in it...Maybe 18th century form of it but not todays that is for sure.

you completely ignored his post to post your talking points

you did not address anything, but lefty douchebags cant win an argument, these people think there are more than 2 genders, lololol
Christ, you make yourself more of a moron every day, just like Trump. A reduction and a removal are not drastically different.
Sweetie...if they were the “same thing” you wouldn’t have used the term “reduction” instead of removal. You were proven wrong and you know it. And now you’re throwing a little tantrum, just like all of the snowflakes on the left when President Trump owns them. From your own link:
Breast reduction can be used to minimize, but not completely eliminate the breasts, and as a result the chest isn’t contoured to appear male.
Removal completely removes (ie total mutilation and attempt to alter gender). Far cry from reduction, sweetie. You know it. I know it. The whole board knows it. Just admit you don’t know shit about your favorite subject and move along.

Sugar, you lied...over and over. First you claimed gender reassignment surgery was being performed on minors, it is not. Then you claimed there's a HUGE difference between reduction and removal. There isn't. The only difference is in the amount of tissue being removed. You then lied and said breast reduction/removal was being done on children as young as six. Another lie.
So, you're in favor of late term abortion?

I am in favor of letting the woman and her doctor decide what the best course of action is. If they are performing a late trimester abortion (Late term is an inaccurate phrase, if a fetus comes to term it's born) there's usually a damned good reason for it.
What about the baby - the innocent child? Imagine the pain....
Christ, you make yourself more of a moron every day, just like Trump. A reduction and a removal are not drastically different.
Sweetie...if they were the “same thing” you wouldn’t have used the term “reduction” instead of removal. You were proven wrong and you know it. And now you’re throwing a little tantrum, just like all of the snowflakes on the left when President Trump owns them. From your own link:
Breast reduction can be used to minimize, but not completely eliminate the breasts, and as a result the chest isn’t contoured to appear male.
Removal completely removes (ie total mutilation and attempt to alter gender). Far cry from reduction, sweetie. You know it. I know it. The whole board knows it. Just admit you don’t know shit about your favorite subject and move along.

Sugar, you lied...over and over. First you claimed gender reassignment surgery was being performed on minors, it is not. Then you claimed there's a HUGE difference between reduction and removal. There isn't. The only difference is in the amount of tissue being removed. You then lied and said breast reduction/removal was being done on children as young as six. Another lie.

First kids should never make that kind of decision, ever. Kids are stupid and confused, parents should educate and lead them and when they are of age they can make those decisions, how is this hard to understsnd?

And why are they having ANY surgery? Again the left is fucked up, really sick people

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