The Gaystapo is at it again

Usually? While I agree that there are cases where it would be cruel to force the birth, I wouldn't say usually...In those instances are statistically insignificant when compared to the number of abortions that happen due to pure contraceptive purposes....

Contraceptive abortions happen in the first trimester when the fetus is the size of a peanut.

Late abortions are done for solid medical reasons.

I already said that if it is medically necessary to save the life of the mother was a call by the doctor...

But, we have seen monsters (my opinion) like Tiller, and Gosnell who seemed perfectly fine killing babies for cash....

I couch my abortion views in terms of three qualifiers...Rape, incest, or medically necessary to save the life of the mother....That's it. Abortion as a contraceptive measure, which is the vast majority of abortions, should NOT be legal. If the woman doesn't want to have a child, then do participate in the activity that causes that to happen....Simple as that.
Yet when women are forced to not only give birth to the child of violent rape but raise the child those who support abortion in cases of rape are strangely silent.
I cannot wait until the Gaystapo is stomped out like the Gestapo was...
Concerned Women for America’s Penny Nance says incoming freshmen at Virginia Tech were told things like, "Don't make judgments about the gender or the sexual identity of the person that you're talking to. … You need to be open-minded."
Here’s an idea: how about fuck you? How about, this is America - the land of liberty - and I’ll make any “judgement” that I want to make?

Preferred Pronouns and More: What a Mom Saw at Her Son's College Orientation
Now, look what you've done. You've put me in the position of almost agreeing with JoeB131 on an important point.

Taking the life of a human being, especially an innocent human being, is an extremely drastic act, that is only ever acceptable under extremely drastic circumstances.

Having been conceived as a result of an act of rape is absolutely •NOT• a drastic enough circumstance to justify the killing of an innocent human being. The baby did not have any willing part in that crime, and it cannot be justified to put him to death for that crime. To even make that argument undermines the position that an unborn child is a human being, whose own right to life deserves to be protected, even if the circumstances of his existence are seriously inconvenient to someone else.

You think being forced to give birth to your rapists' baby is an "inconvenience"?

This is the problem with most of you anti-choice nuts. You want to give a fetus more rights than the person it is inside.

Once it becomes a diploid organism of the species Homo Sapiens, with its own unique genetic pattern that distinguishes it as a separate organism from its parents, it becomes a human life. That is when its own life begins. That is the point where something exists, that did not exist at all just before. From that point, until the end of its life, hopefully many decades later, every change that it undergoes is just a matter of development and aging, and not of anything new suddenly coming into existence.

The problem with that logic is that you would THEN have to treat every conception as a person. Since 2/3rds of fertilized ovum never attach to the Uterine Wall, you'd need to treat Tampons as Crime Scenes...


Law and Order: Tampon Squad!

200,000 pregnancies end in miscarriage... If you take the silly position that fetuses are people, then each one of those would be investigated as a potential homicide. We've already had cases where overzealous prosecutors have gone after women who've had miscarriages.

Again- I'd be more impressed with your concern for children if you weren't trying to build fences to keep them out and throwing them into concentration camps.
I cannot wait until the Gaystapo is stomped out like the Gestapo was...
Concerned Women for America’s Penny Nance says incoming freshmen at Virginia Tech were told things like, "Don't make judgments about the gender or the sexual identity of the person that you're talking to. … You need to be open-minded."
Here’s an idea: how about fuck you? How about, this is America - the land of liberty - and I’ll make any “judgement” that I want to make?

Preferred Pronouns and More: What a Mom Saw at Her Son's College Orientation

oh, noes... it sounds horrible. Telling people to treat other people with respect!!!
First you claimed gender reassignment surgery was being performed on minors...
And then I proved it.

No, you lied about it. Gender reassignment surgery is not performed on minors, period. Breast reduction is not gender reassignment surgery and is 100% reversable.

Actually, you claimed there was no difference between breast removal and breast reduction (which is fall-down hilarious).

The only difference is in the amount of tissue removed.
6-year olds don’t have breasts, you ignorant dolt. :lmao:

I made no such claim. :laugh:

You claimed that worse than surgery was being performed on children. You did it right here: The Gaystapo is at it again

You said: "And yes, they are doing more than just that on children as young as 6."

Please keep posting ignorant lies and I'll keep shooting them down with facts.
I cannot wait until the Gaystapo is stomped out like the Gestapo was...
Concerned Women for America’s Penny Nance says incoming freshmen at Virginia Tech were told things like, "Don't make judgments about the gender or the sexual identity of the person that you're talking to. … You need to be open-minded."
Here’s an idea: how about fuck you? How about, this is America - the land of liberty - and I’ll make any “judgement” that I want to make?

Preferred Pronouns and More: What a Mom Saw at Her Son's College Orientation

What is so terrible about not making gender assumptions about a person? Tell us why that is so horrible and an affront to "liberty"?
What is so terrible about not making gender assumptions about a person? Tell us why that is so horrible and an affront to "liberty"?
Because I will not be told what assumptions I can and cannot make. It’s called freedom. A concept completely foreign to the Gaystapo.
Gender reassignment surgery is not performed on minors, period.
Oh Sea. Sea, Sea, Sea. This is so embarrassing for you. Why would your fellow Dumbocrats block a bill that prevents surgeries on minors if surgeries aren’t happening anyway?!? Oops!!!
His bill prohibits doctors from performing "surgeries that sterilize, including castration, vasectomy, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, metoidioplasty, orchiectomy, penectomy, phalloplasty, and vaginoplasty" on minors, as well as injecting them with puberty-blockers.
Seriously sweetie, you’ve been DEAD CAUGHT lying. Just throw in the towel and take the “L”. You keep making it worse for yourself.

Democrats want to block a law that would ban sex change operations for children in Florida

:dance: :dance: :dance:
What is so terrible about not making gender assumptions about a person? Tell us why that is so horrible and an affront to "liberty"?
Because I will not be told what assumptions I can and cannot make. It’s called freedom. A concept completely foreign to the Gaystapo.

And you are free to be an asshole in your free time and on your own. In employment or school, you follow the rules. You didn't answer WHY you feel the need to make assumptions about people's gender? So you can follow them into restrooms, sicko?

Women are getting harassed in bathrooms because of anti-transgender hysteria
Because I will not be told what assumptions I can and cannot make. It’s called freedom. A concept completely foreign to the Gaystapo.

Not at all. What you want is for your privileges to be protected, but not theirs.

The only reason to not call someone by their identity is to be an asshole... which clearly you think is the definition of liberty.

Just because you CAN do a thing doesn't mean you SHOULD do a thing. That's living in a civilized society.
I cannot wait until the Gaystapo is stomped out like the Gestapo was...
Concerned Women for America’s Penny Nance says incoming freshmen at Virginia Tech were told things like, "Don't make judgments about the gender or the sexual identity of the person that you're talking to. … You need to be open-minded."
Here’s an idea: how about fuck you? How about, this is America - the land of liberty - and I’ll make any “judgement” that I want to make?

Preferred Pronouns and More: What a Mom Saw at Her Son's College Orientation
Concerned Women of America....:71: the same group that predicted that if gay marriage was legalized, women by the thousands, if not millions, would divorce their husbands to marry each other. :71:
Because I will not be told what assumptions I can and cannot make. It’s called freedom. A concept completely foreign to the Gaystapo.

Not at all. What you want is for your privileges to be protected, but not theirs.

The only reason to not call someone by their identity is to be an asshole... which clearly you think is the definition of liberty.

Just because you CAN do a thing doesn't mean you SHOULD do a thing. That's living in a civilized society.
CRC trumpanzees don't get that. Their "brains" can't process it.
Just because you CAN do a thing doesn't mean you SHOULD do a thing. That's living in a civilized society.
Bingo! The only correct thing Joe has ever said.

At the end of the day, it’s a choice. Neither government, nor universities, nor the Gaystapo has any authority to tell people how they should think.
Just because you CAN do a thing doesn't mean you SHOULD do a thing. That's living in a civilized society.
Bingo! The only correct thing Joe has ever said.

At the end of the day, it’s a choice. Neither government, nor universities, nor the Gaystapo has any authority to tell people how they should think.
You have the complete right to be an ass.
I cannot wait until the Gaystapo is stomped out like the Gestapo was...
Concerned Women for America’s Penny Nance says incoming freshmen at Virginia Tech were told things like, "Don't make judgments about the gender or the sexual identity of the person that you're talking to. … You need to be open-minded."
Here’s an idea: how about fuck you? How about, this is America - the land of liberty - and I’ll make any “judgement” that I want to make?

Preferred Pronouns and More: What a Mom Saw at Her Son's College Orientation
Concerned Women of America....:71:
When you can’t dispute the message...attack the messenger. The mantra of the defeated left. :eusa_doh:
Just because you CAN do a thing doesn't mean you SHOULD do a thing. That's living in a civilized society.
Bingo! The only correct thing Joe has ever said.

At the end of the day, it’s a choice. Neither government, nor universities, nor the Gaystapo has any authority to tell people how they should think.
You have the complete right to be an ass.
Yep. And only you fascists are pissed about it. :dunno:
Gender reassignment surgery is not performed on minors, period.
Oh Sea. Sea, Sea, Sea. This is so embarrassing for you. Why would your fellow Dumbocrats block a bill that prevents surgeries on minors if surgeries aren’t happening anyway?!? Oops!!!
His bill prohibits doctors from performing "surgeries that sterilize, including castration, vasectomy, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, metoidioplasty, orchiectomy, penectomy, phalloplasty, and vaginoplasty" on minors, as well as injecting them with puberty-blockers.
Seriously sweetie, you’ve been DEAD CAUGHT lying. Just throw in the towel and take the “L”. You keep making it worse for yourself.

Democrats want to block a law that would ban sex change operations for children in Florida

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Your link didn't support your claim, idiot. Surgery isn't performed on minors. These bills would ban puberty blockers, not just surgeries (which are already prohibited) Cobb legislator proposes new law to criminalize physical gender change of children

"It’s also incredibly ill-informed,” Slipakoff told the MDJ. “It concerns me that Mrs. Ehrhart doesn’t have a grasp on some of the most basic treatments involved in the transition process yet feels qualified to write legislation making it illegal. For example, children are not being castrated — that’s simply not a thing that is even happening​
Bingo! The only correct thing Joe has ever said.

At the end of the day, it’s a choice. Neither government, nor universities, nor the Gaystapo has any authority to tell people how they should think.

No problem. Just keep in mind, if you are a racist or a homophobe, there are consequences.

You see, back in 2000, one of my "Good Christian Coworkers" found out that someone she worked with was gay, and whined to the company to get her fired.

Today we fire the homophobes...

I cannot wait until the Gaystapo is stomped out like the Gestapo was...
Concerned Women for America’s Penny Nance says incoming freshmen at Virginia Tech were told things like, "Don't make judgments about the gender or the sexual identity of the person that you're talking to. … You need to be open-minded."
Here’s an idea: how about fuck you? How about, this is America - the land of liberty - and I’ll make any “judgement” that I want to make?

Preferred Pronouns and More: What a Mom Saw at Her Son's College Orientation
Concerned Women of America....:71:
When you can’t dispute the message...attack the messenger. The mantra of the defeated left. :eusa_doh:
I noticed you cut off about two thirds of my post. :71:
Just because you CAN do a thing doesn't mean you SHOULD do a thing. That's living in a civilized society.
Bingo! The only correct thing Joe has ever said.

At the end of the day, it’s a choice. Neither government, nor universities, nor the Gaystapo has any authority to tell people how they should think.
You have the complete right to be an ass.
Yep. And only you fascists are pissed about it. :dunno:
You certainly have the right to be an ass, feel free to keep exercising that right.

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