The Gaystapo is at it again

Surgery isn't performed on minors. These bills would ban puberty blockers, not just surgeries (which are already prohibited)
Oh sweetie...take the “L” already. It’s a fact that I have proven. Sex change surgeries happen on minors. I’ve given multiple links including physicians talking about the surgeries they have performed on children.
Surgery isn't performed on minors. These bills would ban puberty blockers, not just surgeries (which are already prohibited)
Wait...they are already “prohibited”? So you can provide us with the existing federal law then, right?

Don’t worry Sea, we’ll wait. :popcorn: :laugh:
Surgery isn't performed on minors. These bills would ban puberty blockers, not just surgeries (which are already prohibited)
Hahahahaha...even “PolitiFact” acknowledges that children can (and do) undergo sex change surgeries...
Castilla is right that there is no law regulating transition-related treatment separately from other medically-necessary care and the same age regulations apply — minors need parental consent.
Oh sweetie...taking the “L” already. You are absolutely humiliating yourself.

Fact-checking claim about transgender children in Texas
Surgery isn't performed on minors. These bills would ban puberty blockers, not just surgeries (which are already prohibited)
Bwahahaha!!! Boston Children’s Hospital bragging about being the first pediatric center dedicated to sex change patients!!!
The problem with that logic is that you would THEN have to treat every conception as a person. Since 2/3rds of fertilized ovum never attach to the Uterine Wall, you'd need to treat Tampons as Crime Scenes...

People die of natural causes all the time. Most aren't investigated as possible homicides unless there's some evidence to suggest that the death was anything but natural.
Surgery isn't performed on minors. These bills would ban puberty blockers, not just surgeries (which are already prohibited)
Wait...they are already “prohibited”? So you can provide us with the existing federal law then, right?

Don’t worry Sea, we’ll wait. :popcorn: :laugh:

So now the statist needs a law for something that isn't done? Nobody is performing gender reassignment surgery on minors. Nobody.

When it comes to caring for children who might be exhibiting signs of gender dysphoria, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends the "gender-affirmative care model" that prioritizes validating a child’s gender identity and supporting their exploration and expression of that identity.

"There are absolutely no medical interventions or surgical interventions on any prepubertal child," said Colt Keo-Meier, a Texas-based psychologist and author who specializes in gender and sexual health. "That is not happening."

The widely accepted "Standards of Care" maintained by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health also emphasize this point.

"Before any physical interventions are considered for adolescents, extensive exploration of psychological, family, and social issues should be undertaken," the standards read. "The duration of this exploration may vary considerably depending on the complexity of the situation."

Once a child starts puberty, other options emerge. Keo-Meier said the most common treatment — medication to delay the onset of puberty — is fully reversible.

"That is literally just hitting pause," he said.

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health outline minimum criteria that must be met before a child can receive puberty-suppressing medication, including that the child has demonstrated a "long-lasting and intense pattern of gender nonconformity or gender dysphoria" and that it "emerged or worsened with the onset of puberty."

Other, interventions like hormone therapy (partially reversible) or surgery (irreversible) won’t be considered until a patient reaches adolescence.

Even then, the Standards of Care stress that certain procedures should not be performed until a patient is old enough to consent on their own (typically 16-18 years old) and others should occur only once a person has received other treatments for a specific time period.

Our Ruling

Castilla said state lawmakers "left children able to be sterilized and mutilated at any point in their life" by failing to adopt a law prohibiting minors from undergoing medical or surgical gender transitions.

Castilla is right that there is no law regulating transition-related treatment separately from other medically-necessary care and the same age regulations apply — minors need parental consent.

Widely accepted guidelines for transition care emphasize gender-affirming care and therapy as primary tools for children. More intensive options, like surgery or hormone treatment, are typically reserved for older adolescents (with parental consent) and adults.

We rate this claim Mostly False.
Surgery isn't performed on minors. These bills would ban puberty blockers, not just surgeries (which are already prohibited)
Hahahahaha...even “PolitiFact” acknowledges that children can (and do) undergo sex change surgeries...
Castilla is right that there is no law regulating transition-related treatment separately from other medically-necessary care and the same age regulations apply — minors need parental consent.
Oh sweetie...taking the “L” already. You are absolutely humiliating yourself.

Fact-checking claim about transgender children in Texas

Parental consent for hormone replacement, idiot. Link to a child or adolescent in the United States getting gender reassignment surgery before 18. Hell even 16. We'll wait...:popcorn:
Surgery isn't performed on minors. These bills would ban puberty blockers, not just surgeries (which are already prohibited)
Oh sweetie...take the “L” already. It’s a fact that I have proven. Sex change surgeries happen on minors. I’ve given multiple links including physicians talking about the surgeries they have performed on children.

Link to them, liar. Find ONE.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket
Been searching through the rube sites for insults again have we?
Very informative
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.

You'd probably bring back slavery, child labor and keep women from voting...So you certainly don't believe in it...Maybe 18th century form of it but not todays that is for sure.
Oh come on man, you've sucked a mile or two. Swallowed a couple gallons. Why pretend?
Not only that - but his avatar sums up the left-wing ideology. It's why they are out in the streets every night assaulting people, blocking traffic, throwing human waste on law enforcement, setting fires, and damaging property.
I have great neighbours. Black too omg
Where on earth do you live?
Confederate white old boy land?
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.

You'd probably bring back slavery, child labor and keep women from voting...So you certainly don't believe in it...Maybe 18th century form of it but not todays that is for sure.
Oh come on man, you've sucked a mile or two. Swallowed a couple gallons. Why pretend?
Interesting how zero college trumpanzees seem preoccupied with male sex?
Wonder why?
I aint gay but liberty is liberty.
Yeah....and the officer (and society) has the liberty to accept science, accept biology, accept the truth, and refer to this man as a man.
You'd probably bring back slavery, child labor and keep women from voting...So you certainly don't believe in it...Maybe 18th century form of it but not todays that is for sure.
Those are some incredible accusations simply because I accept science, biology, and truth, Drama Queen.
And founder lynchings?
I'm all for returning to the white old fart times
People die of natural causes all the time. Most aren't investigated as possible homicides unless there's some evidence to suggest that the death was anything but natural.

Okay... but how do you tell without an investigation? Most deaths happen in a hospital with a medical professional in attendance. When they aren't.... they usually at least check the body for signs of violence.

So are we going to investigate every miscarriage?

Again, I give you the case of Purvi Patel, who was put in prison because she had miscarried.

Fighting the Criminalization of Pregnancy Outcomes — NAPAWF

This is the future you anti-choice nuts want to give us... and most of us are "Hard Pass".
So now the statist needs a law for something that isn't done?
Hahahahaha!! You claimed it was “prohibited”. That requires a law. Now you change your bullshit story and claim “well... uh... it’s just not done”.

You got caught lying.

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