The Gaystapo is at it again

They aren't in the process of destroying the planet.
Joe believes everything Al fucking Gore tells him...

Thinking there's a magic fairy up in the sky who will punish you for doing the wrong thing and tells you to go out and kill people who worship didn't sky fairies.
Only the muslim faith preaches that. The one faith you’re too much of a coward to denounce.
Joe believes everything Al fucking Gore tells him...

No, I believe what I can see with my own damned eyes. Chicago winters were actually brutal when I was a kid. So bad mayors got voted out of office for not responding to them properly. We are going through yet another mild winter this year.

Only the muslim faith preaches that. The one faith you’re too much of a coward to denounce.

LIke Most Conservative Christians, you never read your own bible.

What Does the Bible Say About Killing Non Believers?

2 Chronicles 15:12-13 ESV / 650 helpful votes
And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman.

1 Corinthians 5:9-13 ESV / 399 helpful votes
I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindler—not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside. “Purge the evil person from among you.”

2 Chronicles 15:13 ESV / 370 helpful votes
But that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman.

1 Samuel 15:2-3 ESV / 349 helpful votes
Thus says the Lord of hosts, ‘I have noted what Amalek did to Israel in opposing them on the way when they came up out of Egypt. Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”
Joe believes everything Al fucking Gore tells him...
No, I believe what I can see with my own damned eyes. Chicago winters were actually brutal when I was a kid. So bad mayors got voted out of office for not responding to them properly. We are going through yet another mild winter this year.
Yeah...and 2013 and 2014 were among the coldest on record. Then again, your dumb ass was probably a kid in 2013 and 2014. No adult could be a dumb as you.

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Yeah...and 2013 and 2014 were among the coldest on record. Then again, your dumb ass probably was a kid in 2013 and 2014. No adult could be a dumb as you.

You need to stop reading Koch Brothers Propaganda, buddy.

2014 Set for Record Hot; Record Cold Thing of the Past

August, September and October of 2014 have all been the warmest such months on record, as shown by data from NASA, the Japan Meteorological Agency and NOAA, which released its October global numbers Thursday.

More evidence that the left is the ultimate party of regression. They aspire to the level of apes. :eusa_doh:

You’ll just have to forgive me Joe (whether you like it or not) but I hold myself and all of my fellow humans (leftists not included obviously) to juuuuust a smidge higher standard than a filthy ape.

They don’t shower - ever (like leftists) and they eat their own shit (like leftists). So yeah, not surprised that they will hump any fucking thing they see. But you’re supposed to be just a bit more refined that that, spanky.

Okay, buddy.. here's what apes don't do.

They don't have religious wars.
They don't commit genocide
They don't exploit each other or put each other in slavery
They aren't in the process of destroying the planet.
Is it any wonder that Joey wants the human race to “aspire” to the level of filthy monkeys? They are infested with herpes (just like the left) because they are unhygienic and hump anything that moves - including their own gender (just like the left). :puke:

Roving band of herpes-ridden monkeys now roaming northeast Florida
Wow, you keep missing the point, don't you? It's kind of sad.
Then again, you need to try to convince people you have a case of the "Not Gays" when you picked up that Tranny in a bar.

Speaking of the GAYstapo, here's our old friend JoeBlowjob, lying between every suck. LOL
Wow, you keep missing the point, don't you? It's kind of sad.
Then again, you need to try to convince people you have a case of the "Not Gays" when you picked up that Tranny in a bar.

Speaking of the GAYstapo, here's our old friend JoeBlowjob, lying between every suck. LOL

You seem to be a big fan of dirty talk. Can't you respond in a civilized manner without your sexual dirt? "Blowjobs" "suck[ing]" Really? Is this the way you live? It seems like a lot of you right-wingers have filthy mouths? Why is that?
It seems like a lot of you right-wingers have filthy mouths? Why is that?
Funny...that’s been my observation from the left. But I never had to ask why. The left is almost always raised in single-parent homes by people that don’t care about them and they reject God. Leads to immoral people with foul mouths.
It seems like a lot of you right-wingers have filthy mouths? Why is that?
Funny...that’s been my observation from the left. But I never had to ask why. The left is almost always raised in single-parent homes by people that don’t care about them and they reject God. Leads to immoral people with foul mouths.

Where do get these fantasies from? I don't know who "the left" is supposed to be, but you can have no idea of a stranger's family background. This is impossible. This "reject[ing] God" is particularly asinine. You can have no idea of what a stranger's religious beliefs are or whether or not s/he has any. Rejecting a particular person's ideas, no matter of what sect has awarded him or her with a clerical title, has absolutely nothing to do with rejecting a supreme being, since no one can represent the supreme being. It's not possible.
The Gaystapo is hell bent on eliminating all freedom and constitutional rights in the United States.

Compelled Speech Is Hitting Close to Home

You're really late on the "compelled speech" thing. Everybody has to say "under God" now when saying the Pledge of Allegiance because of an act of Congress. Some states have laws requiring doctors to read a government-written script to women considering having an abortion, including when the government script contradicts the doctor's advice and known medical facts, even though the doctors work for private organizations not connected to the government. Everybody has to stand for the national anthem and can't take a knee instead.

I'm not sure if this Caldara thing even fits into an argument about compelled speech. The article to which you linked makes no mention of the AP Stylebook, to which employees of the paper are required to adhere, while other articles do. There is no evidence that the Post compelled him to write about gender, but he and every other writer on staff must follow the stylebook no matter what they write. During my career, I had to follow our stylebook, too.

Caldara is merely complaining about what he sees as political bias in the stylebook, but, as an employee, he was required to follow his employer's policy. This is not an issue of compelled speech.
The Gaystapo is hell bent on eliminating all freedom and constitutional rights in the United States.

Compelled Speech Is Hitting Close to Home
I'm not sure what your complaint is here, Poodle.
Well that’s because you have a low IQ. My “complaint” is that a business fired a man for speaking scientific truth.

In a free market, they have every right to do that. In a free society, I have every right to exercise my 1st Amendment right and call them out on it, publicly.

Being a low IQ fascist, that confuses you. :dunno:
Well that’s because you have a low IQ. My “complaint” is that a business fired a man for speaking scientific truth.

No, they fired him for not following company policies, which you would normally have no issue with if it were a working stiff who parked in the wrong parking space.

In a free market, they have every right to do that. In a free society, I have every right to exercise my 1st Amendment right and call them out on it, publicly.

Then he should start his own paper, and print whatever stuff he wants. True, he'd probably have a hard time getting financing because most banks don't want to be associated with hate.

THIS is why you homophobes are going to lose. People with money realize that there's no money to be made off your irrational hate.
Not the least bit surprised that the left places sexual deviance over education...

When did big banks become "the left"?

Again, you miss the point. Homophobia was useful for a while to the Wealthy to get stupid Christians to vote against their own economic interests... but they realize that they lose more money being homophobes..... so they are stopping it.

In short, you Christians got used like a $10 whore and got thrown to the side of the road.

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