The Gaystapo is at it again

But point stands. This is only about money that is available because the government requires schools to provide them. Otherwise no one would care.
Once again, Joey accidentally lets his misogyny slip. He thinks that nobody would care about girls/women if not for government.

Heā€™s one of those psychos that stews over not being able to pick up a girl until his hate for women is so deep, he snaps and kills them. Sadly, weā€™ve seen his type before.

But no, Joey, normal people love and respect women and will not tolerate the leftā€™s disgusting War on Women.
Guy, you are the one with the sexual hangups. The only reason I support Trans rights is to watch people like you have their heads explode.
Joe...youā€™re light in the loafers and limp in the wrist. Everybody can see that. You hate women, you love to see them oppressed, and your favorite cause is empowering queers.

Your shame is epic though. Thoroughly enjoying that. :laugh:
Actually, thatā€™s not the complaint at all. Your ignorance on high school athletics is truly astounding. You donā€™t have to ā€œwinā€ anything to ā€œqualifyā€ for an athletic scholarship. In fact, the term ā€œqualifyā€ doesnā€™t even apply other than when it comes to academic requirements.

Athletic scholarships are given by athletic departments based solely on their belief in the athletic ability of the high school athlete. Thatā€™s it. Period. You donā€™t have to ā€œwinā€ anything. Ever. Itā€™s just what they see of your athletic ability on film and in person.

Then they wouldn't be worried. How do you measure 'ability"? By how many tournaments they win. The whole complaint of these girls is that they are coming in third behind two lady-boys.

Meaning girls who aren't competing against lady-boys are winning other championships and getting more attention from the schools in that obligatory Title IX compliance grant. You see, it's not like the Universities would care either, if Title IX didn't make them care. They aren't making any money off Women's Track.

So letā€™s do it, snowflake.
  • I graduated with a college degree. You didnā€™t.

Actually,not true. I got a degree in 1985 from the University of Illinois.

Iā€™ve never been fired or laid off. You have.

Which means all of nothing. I mean, I know you are still working that same job you've worked since you graduated two years ago.

I make more in a week than you make in a month.

Real people who make money don't brag about it... But I am glad to see I've hit a nerve.

I played D1 college football (highest level - with the big know, Michigan, Notre Dame, etc.). You didnā€™t.

I served 11 years in the United States Army... Boom. I win.
Guy, you are the one with the sexual hangups. The only reason I support Trans rights is to watch people like you have their heads explode.
Joe...youā€™re light in the loafers and limp in the wrist. Everybody can see that. You hate women, you love to see them oppressed, and your favorite cause is empowering queers.

Your shame is epic though. Thoroughly enjoying that. :laugh:

Sorry, man. I'm straight. I know you fantasize about me every night....

But you aren't my type.

But it's hilarious watching people like you get all upset about this non-issue.
That's easy enough on an anonymous internet forum, where one can claim to be or to have done anything, and it's often impossible for others to prove or verify whether those claims are true or not.

That's true.> I mean, I could provide pictures proving I did the things I did, and some Mormon Asshole will claim it's a picture of someone else.

Oh, wait, I totally did that.
Yeeaahh...not really an ā€œaccomplishmentā€, snowflake. The U.S. Army doesnā€™t turn away anybody. If you want to serve, they welcome you with open arms.

Actually, it's a lot harder than you think. In fact, the Army rejects 80% of applicants. It wasn't that high in my day, but it was still pretty high. Can't pass the physical, the background check, the ASVAB.

Now, I wasn't just enlisted, I was in for 11 years and got out at the rank of E-6, (Staff Sergeant), which 90% of enlistees don't make.
The Gaystapo desperately wants to wage this bat-shit crazy war
In every human cultureā€”indeed, in every mammalian speciesā€”meaningful distinctions between male and female remain. To reduce children to genderless unicorns simply awaiting hormonal guidance from within piles absurdity upon absurdity.
I'm not sure why the left hates science, but we must be committed to destroying them in this bat-shit crazy war of theirs. Fuck the gaystapo and their anti-science agenda.
The Gaystapo desperately wants to wage this bat-shit crazy war
In every human cultureā€”indeed, in every mammalian speciesā€”meaningful distinctions between male and female remain. To reduce children to genderless unicorns simply awaiting hormonal guidance from within piles absurdity upon absurdity.
I'm not sure why the left hates science, but we must be committed to destroying them in this bat-shit crazy war of theirs. Fuck the gaystapo and their anti-science agenda.
Puppy, don't pretend you know or care anything about science.

Transgender brains are more like their desired gender from an early age
The Gaystapo desperately wants to wage this bat-shit crazy war
In every human cultureā€”indeed, in every mammalian speciesā€”meaningful distinctions between male and female remain. To reduce children to genderless unicorns simply awaiting hormonal guidance from within piles absurdity upon absurdity.
I'm not sure why the left hates science, but we must be committed to destroying them in this bat-shit crazy war of theirs. Fuck the gaystapo and their anti-science agenda.
Look at people who run the Democratic Party? They are all from the great Sodom of modern ages: The People's Republic of Gaylifornia.
The Gaystapo desperately wants to wage this bat-shit crazy war
In every human cultureā€”indeed, in every mammalian speciesā€”meaningful distinctions between male and female remain. To reduce children to genderless unicorns simply awaiting hormonal guidance from within piles absurdity upon absurdity.
I'm not sure why the left hates science, but we must be committed to destroying them in this bat-shit crazy war of theirs. Fuck the gaystapo and their anti-science agenda.

Science is based on demonstrable and testable fact. This runs contrary to everything the party stands for. The ONLY truth to democrats is that which the party declares at any given second.

Orwell explained it in "!984." Mathmatics is normally considered the "purest" type of scholarship, since it is entirely abstract. It would thus seem to be the least likely to be subject to political manipulation, the "final frontier" where everyone can agree on absolute truths. When the Party insists that it has the right to declare that 2 + 2 = 5, it is making a claim to total control over every aspect of objective reality. Nothing is beyond its fiat. You will remember that O'Brien also claims to Smith that the Party could cancel the laws of gravity if it should wish. Forcing Smith to assent to the proposition that 2 + 2 = 5 indicates that the Party demands to be in control of every aspect of his thinking and every framework through which he constructs reality. The Party's will is all; "objective reality" only exists insofar as it conforms to the Party's program.
The Gaystapo desperately wants to wage this bat-shit crazy war
In every human cultureā€”indeed, in every mammalian speciesā€”meaningful distinctions between male and female remain. To reduce children to genderless unicorns simply awaiting hormonal guidance from within piles absurdity upon absurdity.
I'm not sure why the left hates science, but we must be committed to destroying them in this bat-shit crazy war of theirs. Fuck the gaystapo and their anti-science agenda.
Puppy, don't pretend you know or care anything about science.

Transgender brains are more like their desired gender from an early age

So, if the party were to declare that Gravity is a choice, you could fly?
The Gaystapo desperately wants to wage this bat-shit crazy war
In every human cultureā€”indeed, in every mammalian speciesā€”meaningful distinctions between male and female remain. To reduce children to genderless unicorns simply awaiting hormonal guidance from within piles absurdity upon absurdity.
I'm not sure why the left hates science, but we must be committed to destroying them in this bat-shit crazy war of theirs. Fuck the gaystapo and their anti-science agenda.
Puppy, don't pretend you know or care anything about science.

Transgender brains are more like their desired gender from an early age

So, if the party were to declare that Gravity is a choice, you could fly?

We've been flying for over a century. Science supports the idea that gender can be fluid. Heck, it's all over in nature.

Look at people who run the Democratic Party? They are all from the great Sodom of modern ages: The People's Republic of Gaylifornia.

It's more than that, the party has declared war on objective reality. A creature like Seawytch will believe that drinking sea water will quench her thirst should the party declare it so. She won't merely say it, she will believe it with every fiber of her pathetic being. To the Maoists, reality is whatever the party wishes it to be. That which might refute the party must be subverted. Biology is an enemy as it interferes with the party.

If the party tells her that she will lay an egg, she'll build a nest and start clucking.

The biggest mistake a person can make when dealing with democrats is to think they are in any way rational.
We've been flying for over a century. Science supports the idea that gender can be fluid. Heck, it's all over in nature.

It's good that you acknowledge that democrats are at the same level of evolutionary development as slugs. Though slugs are more intelligent and vastly more rational.
Look at people who run the Democratic Party? They are all from the great Sodom of modern ages: The People's Republic of Gaylifornia.

It's more than that, the party has declared war on objective reality. A creature like Seawytch will believe that drinking sea water will quench her thirst should the party declare it so. She won't merely say it, she will believe it with every fiber of her pathetic being. To the Maoists, reality is whatever the party wishes it to be. That which might refute the party must be subverted. Biology is an enemy as it interferes with the party.

If the party tells her that she will lay an egg, she'll build a nest and start clucking.

The biggest mistake a person can make when dealing with democrats is to think they are in any way rational.
Indoctrination from media mafia and university campuses.

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