The Gaystapo is at it again

In a free market, they have every right to do that. In a free society, I have every right to exercise my 1st Amendment right and call them out on it, publicly.
Then he should start his own paper, and print whatever stuff he wants.
I say “In a free market, they have every right to do that. In a free society, I have every right to exercise my 1st Amendment right and call them out on it, publicly” to point out your ignorance of whining about my post and you respond with the irrational “then he should start his own paper”.

I just said they had every right and I support them. Dumb ass. Do you even read what you write? :laugh:

By the way, I’ve spent a decade listening to you cry like a little girl how not everyone can own their own business and how businesses owe their workers whatever workers demand. Funny how you suddenly think he could start his own business after all of us heard you cry that you couldn’t.
A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report.

At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly.

"A cop is disciplined for filling out an accurate police report."

"At some point, our side is going to start fighting back, and then it will get ugly."

another VIOLENT MURDEROUS HUMAN SCUM conservative threatening violence.
REPORTED for lying about me.
I say “In a free market, they have every right to do that. In a free society, I have every right to exercise my 1st Amendment right and call them out on it, publicly” to point out your ignorance of whining about my post and you respond with the irrational “then he should start his own paper”.

I just said they had every right and I support them. Dumb ass. Do you even read what you write

Okay, he's perfectly free to be a homophobic twat, if he wants to, but he shouldn't expect a newspaper to print his drivel.

Just like you don't go and stand on a desk where you fetch coffee for the big man and scream the kind of homophobic shit you scream here, because you'd be doing this by the end of the day.

I am so fucking sick of these fucking leftists and their faggots waging a war on women. Women deserve so much better than this.

Exclusive: 2 Girls Speak Out on Having to Compete With Biological Males

Oh, noes, I didn't get a cheap plastic trophy I will stick in my attic in five years and stop caring about!

The horror. The horror of it all.

This is the key part of the article.

“The objective is fairness in women’s sports,” Holcomb told The Daily Signal.

“Title IX is there for a reason,” she said. “It’s to give athletes like Chelsea [Mitchell] and Alanna [Smith] the opportunity to excel and be victorious.”

So really, the problem here is that we use women's athletics, which most of us wouldn't care about otherwise, as a reason to get girls some of that sweet, sweet scholarship money. You know, the kind of government interference you whine about loudly under normal circumstances. Left to their own devices, no Title IX, the colleges would just give out scholarships for sports they can make money on, which are played exclusively by MEN.

But you are all for this kind of government interference if you can whine about Trans people.
I am so fucking sick of these fucking leftists and their faggots waging a war on women. Women deserve so much better than this.

Exclusive: 2 Girls Speak Out on Having to Compete With Biological Males
Oh, noes, I didn't get a cheap plastic trophy I will stick in my attic in five years and stop caring about!

The horror. The horror of it all.
Note the misogyny here. Women universally reject him (because he’s an asshole) and he hates them for it because - like everything else in life - he can’t take responsibility for his own behavior.
So really, the problem here is that we use women's athletics, which most of us wouldn't care about otherwise, as a reason to get girls some of that sweet, sweet scholarship money. You know, the kind of government interference you whine about loudly under normal circumstances.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Hey snowflake? Athletic scholarships don’t come from government. Not even from state schools that receive government funding. Athletics departments are exclusively funded by athletic event revenues, corporate sponsors, and boosters. Dumb ass.
So this mentally disturbed, sexual deviant believes that he can mandate to society what he is called?
“If I’ve done everything I need to do for the state of Florida to recognize me as a female, he doesn’t have a right to purposely mis-gender me,” Kendall said of the police officer. “It was inappropriate and kind of bullying and sends a message to the transgender community.”
It is not "bullying" to accept science and biology. And it is not "bullying" to speak the truth.

Cop facing discipline after ‘mis-gendering’ transgender person on driving ticket
Thought Crimes are totalitarian
The Left Wingers are a crazy cult
So really, the problem here is that we use women's athletics, which most of us wouldn't care about otherwise, as a reason to get girls some of that sweet, sweet scholarship money. You know, the kind of government interference you whine about loudly under normal circumstances.
Oh...and not for nothing dumb ass...but most high school student athletes will never receive an athletic scholarship. The overwhelming majority end up at Division 3 schools which aren’t even permitted to give athletic scholarships by NCAA rules. :laugh:

Only your elite athletes receive athletic scholarships. So that is not what this issue is about.
Lascivious decadence. Most of us working class don't care what gays want or need. We make babies and our needs should decide what is prevalent. We do listen though, We don't pander and our politicians should do likewise.
Note the misogyny here. Women universally reject him (because he’s an asshole) and he hates them for it because - like everything else in life - he can’t take responsibility for his own behavior.

Oh, poodle, sweetie... you need to stop projecting. We totally believe you when you picked up that Tranny in the bar, you totally had a case of the "not-gays".

Oh...and not for nothing dumb ass...but most high school student athletes will never receive an athletic scholarship. The overwhelming majority end up at Division 3 schools which aren’t even permitted to give athletic scholarships by NCAA rules.

Only your elite athletes receive athletic scholarships. So that is not what this issue is about.

You miss the point ENTIRELY. Of course, only a FEW girls will get those sweet, sweet Title IX scholarships. Just like only a very few people will win the lottery, but millions still buy tickets.

But the only reason why there are ANY scholarships for these sports is because the government mandates them.

They aren't running for fun, they are running for money, because anything to make the working class debase itself for money if funny to the One Percent.

Then they wonder why Bernie is winning.
Hey snowflake? Athletic scholarships don’t come from government. Not even from state schools that receive government funding. Athletics departments are exclusively funded by athletic event revenues, corporate sponsors, and boosters. Dumb ass.

Wow, you miss the point again. The GOVERNMENT mandates that schools set aside those scholarships for "Girls sports that don't make any money". Left to their own devices, before Title IX, the only people who got scholarships were the people who played sports people would pay money to see.

Nobody would care about "Girl's track" if there wasn't a big pot of money at the end of that rainbow.
They aren't running for fun, they are running for money...
As a high school dropout, I realize this is a tough concept for you, but athletes actually love the sport they play. They don't do it for money. Not at the high school or collegiate level anyway.

I can't believe you still haven't realized how ridiculous you sound each time you are proven wrong. You get more and more desperate, resulting in more and more insane posts...such as "the 1% makes athletes 'debase' themselves by competing". Spoken like a true socialist who spent their life on the sidelines demanding handouts. Joey has no idea how rewarding competing can be. How sad.
The GOVERNMENT mandates that schools set aside those scholarships for "Girls sports that don't make any money".
Bingo! Not males who want to be girls. Actual girls. You know, the gender you have a deep-seated hatred for because they find you repugnant. Thank you for admitting it, albeit accidentally. :laugh:
Just like you don't go and stand on a desk where you fetch coffee for the big man and scream the kind of homophobic shit you scream here, because you'd be doing this by the end of the day.
Joey (because he's queer and thus hypersensitive about the issue) has convinced himself that it's "homophobic" to say someone born with a dick is a man. :laugh:

Meanwhile, the rest of the world just calls that basic biology. :lmao:
And once again you're trying to distract from your original lies as though we will forget them.’re the one lying in every post over the last 24 hours or so. It’s been proven. It was proven yet again when you claimed that gender reassignment was “prohibited” for children. When I asked for the federal law that prohibits it, you turned around and claimed you never said that :eusa_doh:

I provided multiple links proving that you sick people butcher children. And I’ve provided multiple links and screen shots proving you keep lying about all of it. You lose (as always).

You haven't provided diddly. You have not produced a single individual that got gender reassignment surgery before they were 18. Why? Because there aren't any. Why? Because it isn't done.
Don't say never. It has been done.
The boy who was raised a girl
As a high school dropout, I realize this is a tough concept for you, but athletes actually love the sport they play. They don't do it for money. Not at the high school or collegiate level anyway.

Let's drop all the scholarships and then see how many people show up. My guess. Not many.

Remember, the whole complaint of these girls is that they can't win and qualify for scholarships.

I can't believe you still haven't realized how ridiculous you sound each time you are proven wrong. You get more and more desperate, resulting in more and more insane posts...such as "the 1% makes athletes 'debase' themselves by competing". Spoken like a true socialist who spent their life on the sidelines demanding handouts. Joey has no idea how rewarding competing can be. How sad.

Guy, I'd compare my resume to yours any day of the week, knowing I'd come out better.

But point stands. This is only about money that is available because the government requires schools to provide them. Otherwise no one would care.

Bingo! Not males who want to be girls. Actual girls. You know, the gender you have a deep-seated hatred for because they find you repugnant. Thank you for admitting it, albeit accidentally.

Guy, you are the one with the sexual hangups. The only reason I support Trans rights is to watch people like you have their heads explode.


We all know you picked up that Tranny in the Bar, but you have a case of the "not gays".
Remember, the whole complaint of these girls is that they can't win and qualify for scholarships.
Actually, that’s not the complaint at all. Your ignorance on high school athletics is truly astounding. You don’t have to “win” anything to “qualify” for an athletic scholarship. In fact, the term “qualify” doesn’t even apply other than when it comes to academic requirements.

Athletic scholarships are given by athletic departments based solely on their belief in the athletic ability of the high school athlete. That’s it. Period. You don’t have to “win” anything. Ever. It’s just what they see of your athletic ability on film and in person.
Guy, I'd compare my resume to yours any day of the week, knowing I'd come out better.
So let’s do it, snowflake.
  • I graduated with a college degree. You didn’t.
  • I played D1 college football (highest level - with the big know, Michigan, Notre Dame, etc.). You didn’t.
  • I’ve never been fired or laid off. You have.
  • I make more in a week than you make in a month.
  • I’m married, you’re not (no woman can stand you).
  • I have two beautiful children. You have none.
Game over. Thanks for playing.

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