The Genesis of the Revelation of Biden’s Classified Document Crimes Is “the Hunter Laptop” – Kash Patel


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Genesis of the Revelation of Biden’s Classified Document Crimes Is

“the Hunter Laptop” – Kash Patel

26 Jan 2023 ~~ By Joe Hoft

Kash Patel shared in an op-ed yesterday that the genesis of revelation of Biden’s classified document crimes is the Hunter Biden laptop.
In 2022, we first approached the topic of Presidential records when President Trump’s home was raided in an unnecessary, unprecedented, and unlawful action by the corrupt FBI. We soon found out that the President had the ultimate right to take whatever records he wished upon leaving the White House. This was well defined in the Presidential Records Act. He did nothing wrong.
Then early this month the corrupt DOJ announced that they had found classified top-secret files in Biden’s possession that were illegally in his possession for years since he was Vice President. VP Biden did not have the rights provided to the President when he obtained these documents and therefore they attorney Mike Davis claimed they were stolen.
See also:
So why was the revelation of the classified documents in Biden’s possession, some of which were top-secret, ever reported?
Is it because Biden is on his way out? Is it a Deep State ploy to remove idle-minded Biden from the White House before the 2024 election gets into full gear?
This doesn’t make sense because the corrupt and criminal actors in the Democrat Party and their allies in the media and Deep State aren’t about to eat their own. So why is it these documents ever came to light?
Kash Patel believes the answer is in the Hunter Biden laptop.
Patel concludes:
This investigation into the handling of these classified documents did not begin in November 2022. The timing of the documents is no coincidence. This scandal was perfectly timed and flawlessly revealed with the assistance of the corrupt media.​

The Laptop From Hell is turning out to be the Biden's Achilles heel. That is why the politically biased Chris Wray of the FBI/STASI snatched it up and hid it from the public.
Don't forget that the FBI/STASI has had control of the Laptop(s) since October 2019 but were made aware of the laptop during the Summer of the same year.
Why hasn't anything been done after more than three years. The simple answer is Democrat control of D.C. and weaponization of all 17 agencies. The FBI/STASI are covering up ALL the evidence necessary to put all these traitorous, corrupt players behind bars.
The FBI/STASI as become part of the conspiracy against America and it's citizens.
Don't forget the DoJ originally refused to tell us that those Top Secret/Eyes Only on the Ukraine and China were found in open access at the Biden mansion, garage and an abandoned unsecure closet at the UPenn Think Tank.
This is an attempt by the political right to deal with sensitive foreign policy secrets that can't be exposed for the sake of domestic policy bullshit reasons.

Trump would have to know the truth from being the C-in-C, but he dare not say.

That is, unless he becomes ready to throw his entire country to the dogs that are interested in destroying America.

He just might, as he hits the point at which his ego is destroyed to the point at which nothing much will matter to him anymore.

A nuclear WW3 as a result?
The Genesis of the Revelations of the Numbers of the King's Exodus.
The simple answer is Democrat control of D.C. and weaponization of all 17 agencies. The FBI/STASI are covering up ALL the evidence necessary to put all these traitorous, corrupt players behind bars.
We are seeing the fall of our country and the lawlessness that the FBI is so obviously engaged in is going to reap a bad harvest for law enforcement all over the nation. The double standards have become so blatant that sooner or later, more Americans than just the DC crowd are going to start ignoring the law and fighting back when they are being singled out.

It is coming. Just imagine the Schutzstaffel FBI showing up pre-dawn and battering down the door and arresting citizens whose only offense is a differing political opinion. THAT game will have a VERY limited window of success for the FBI, before people really begin to fight back with equally violent means.
As long as Americans had at least a reasonable chance to believe that the justice system was generally fair, these police agencies had no real issues with people refusing to come quietly and let the system work it out. NOW, we are treated to blatantly politicized "justice", backed up by a corrupt media and the day is coming when average Americans will simply refuse to obey government agencies that are seen as obviously corrupt and politically targeted.
Patel... The epitome of a habitual liar. He's so Santos like.
Yeah, J6 was so open about his testimony, they did it behind closed doors because it didn't support their false narrative.
They've had that laptop forever and have done nothing. This is an Obama decision to stop Joe from running again. Operation Crash and Burn is burning Biden, not saving him...
They've had that laptop forever and have done nothing. This is an Obama decision to stop Joe from running again. Operation Crash and Burn is burning Biden, not saving him...
I see CNN doing stories about Hunter's emails and implicating the entire Biden crime family. This is interesting.

The Bidens “Fixed” Crimes by Corrupt Actors for a Fee – Hunter Made $1 Million for Connecting Chinese Actor with US Attorney

The Bidens; were using classified information to the benefit of the Hunter Biden family business.
A second email that showed Hunter Biden was sharing classified information with individuals at Burisma in Ukraine, which is the definition of espionage.
A third email recently uncovered shows more Biden family crimes related to classified information and espionage.
The E-mail discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop was sent from Blue Star Strategies, a firm that has reportedly been under investigation by the DOJ since 2021. The email that was sent in December 2015 had an attachment that included classified information from a White House conference call on Joe Biden’s upcoming trip to Ukraine. This email was also sent to Burisma and it implicates Joe Biden.
Hunter never registered as a foreign agent. It is incredible that he was never caught!? Each act violating FARA rules was a felony.


The most bizarre part of these crimes are that people think the Biden’s will be held to account. NOTHING will happen to this crime syndicate. They have the entire DC Deep States bureaucracy, the DOJ and the Stasi FBI to protect them.
Surely, certain Democrats are starting to realize that the Biden perfidious corruption in the Ukraine is true and that we can no longer afford to throw money at it to cover up his traitorous corruption so they are letting all the stuff come out or making it all come out, Because the only way to stop the war in Ukraine is to get Biden out of office.
Then there's Hunter Biden's incestual affair with is niece Natalie. Notably a text message where he told his 13 year old niece that he “wanted to help fold her laundry” he also went ballistic when he was denied access to his niece.
For those that don’t know, “fold laundry” is used between lovers to make it appear nothing nefarious is going on.
See: Urban Dictionary: fold clothes
Former President Truman was right. Anyone who gets rich while in public office is a crook. Biden is the biggest crook to occupy the office, even a larger crook than LBJ was. At least LBJ had the decency to confine his thievery domestically and didn’t sell out to foreign countries.

The Bidens “Fixed” Crimes by Corrupt Actors for a Fee – Hunter Made $1 Million for Connecting Chinese Actor with US Attorney

The Bidens; were using classified information to the benefit of the Hunter Biden family business.
A second email that showed Hunter Biden was sharing classified information with individuals at Burisma in Ukraine, which is the definition of espionage.
A third email recently uncovered shows more Biden family crimes related to classified information and espionage.
The E-mail discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop was sent from Blue Star Strategies, a firm that has reportedly been under investigation by the DOJ since 2021. The email that was sent in December 2015 had an attachment that included classified information from a White House conference call on Joe Biden’s upcoming trip to Ukraine. This email was also sent to Burisma and it implicates Joe Biden.
Hunter never registered as a foreign agent. It is incredible that he was never caught!? Each act violating FARA rules was a felony.


The most bizarre part of these crimes are that people think the Biden’s will be held to account. NOTHING will happen to this crime syndicate. They have the entire DC Deep States bureaucracy, the DOJ and the Stasi FBI to protect them.
Surely, certain Democrats are starting to realize that the Biden perfidious corruption in the Ukraine is true and that we can no longer afford to throw money at it to cover up his traitorous corruption so they are letting all the stuff come out or making it all come out, Because the only way to stop the war in Ukraine is to get Biden out of office.
Then there's Hunter Biden's incestual affair with is niece Natalie. Notably a text message where he told his 13 year old niece that he “wanted to help fold her laundry” he also went ballistic when he was denied access to his niece.
For those that don’t know, “fold laundry” is used between lovers to make it appear nothing nefarious is going on.
See: Urban Dictionary: fold clothes
Former President Truman was right. Anyone who gets rich while in public office is a crook. Biden is the biggest crook to occupy the office, even a larger crook than LBJ was. At least LBJ had the decency to confine his thievery domestically and didn’t sell out to foreign countries.
Nice post!

I know Biden was on the foreign relations committee as senator, this is how he had access to classified documents, but doesn't excuse his possession of them at any place other than DC during his tenure as senator. Being as Biden was Obama's point man on Ukraine issues, most of these doc's are probably directly related to dealings on that front. The fact that Hunter was using the Del. home as his office, is quite telling in how these doc's showed up there.
There is a steady trickle of emails coming out, almost daily that are even more incriminating than the last.

FOX Nation offered a holiday subscription for a year for $12. What a deal. They have a growing 3 part special on Hunter's laptop, all based on emails and photos from the LT. Unbelievable what transpired with the whole family.

Remember the prophetic words of Barack Obama:

"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

Hunter Biden finally admits infamous laptop is his as he pleads for criminal probe

1 Feb 2023 ~~ By Victor Nava, Miranda Divine & Samuel Chamberlain

So much for, the laptop “could be” mine.
First son Hunter Biden’s lawyers admitted late Wednesday that the infamous laptop the now-52-year-old abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in the throes of his crack cocaine addiction does indeed belong to him.
The revelation came in a petulant letter from Hunter’s lawyers seeking a criminal probe into what they called, attempts to “weaponize” its contents.
In the 14-page letter to Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings, Biden attorney Abbe Lowell claimed that repair shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac “unlawfully” accessed Hunter’s laptop data and worked with former President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani to “weaponize” sordid and incriminating contents on it against Joe Biden.
“This failed dirty political trick directly resulted in the exposure, exploitation, and manipulation of Mr. Biden’s private and personal information,” Lowell wrote.
“Mr. Mac Isaac’s intentional, reckless, and unlawful conduct allowed for hundreds of gigabytes of Mr. Biden’s personal data, without any discretion, to be circulated around the Internet.”
Mac Isaac took possession of the laptop and hard drive late in 2019 after trying and failing for months to notify Hunter that the device was ready to be picked up. Once the shop owner saw the laptop’s contents — including emails detailing influence-peddling involving then-Vice President Joe Biden and videos of the younger Biden smoking crack and having sex with prostitutes and his work subordinates — he alerted the FBI.
The reports were initially dismissed by former top intelligence officials as the product of “Russian disinformation” — only to be belatedly confirmed by media outlets including the New York Times, Washington Post and CBS News.
Hunter Biden himself and his own lawyers have previously tried to sow doubt that the allegedly water-damaged computer abandoned at the Mac Isaac’s shop was Biden’s.

Hmm..., will the 51 phony, lying and sanctimonious former intelligence officials retract their letter saying that Hunter’s laptop had all the earmarks of a Russian information operation?
That is, unless they mean the laptop has all the earmarks of a diary of the actions of Russian agents aka The Biden Crime Syndicate.
All "Intelligence Experts" who signed the now infamous letters, should immediately lose their security clearance for laying.
All "journalist" who, for years peddled, the "Russian Misinformation" should immediately and publicly issue a formal clarification to their audience.
All politicians who pushed ...
Kind of weird to say: Hey! that's not mine. And then later say: Hey! that is mine and you looked at it and needed to o to jail.
Hunter, how is somebody supposed to know they need your permission if it supposedly isn't yours? Are they required to read your mind that you are lying?
Seems the N.Y. Slimes has already authenticated your ownership.
Yet, the FBI and DoJ have yet, to investigate or prosecute Hunter and is the criminal crew involved in this traitorous foreign espionage.


The Genesis of the Revelation of Biden’s Classified Document Crimes Is

“the Hunter Laptop” – Kash Patel

26 Jan 2023 ~~ By Joe Hoft

Kash Patel shared in an op-ed yesterday that the genesis of revelation of Biden’s classified document crimes is the Hunter Biden laptop.
In 2022, we first approached the topic of Presidential records when President Trump’s home was raided in an unnecessary, unprecedented, and unlawful action by the corrupt FBI. We soon found out that the President had the ultimate right to take whatever records he wished upon leaving the White House. This was well defined in the Presidential Records Act. He did nothing wrong.
Then early this month the corrupt DOJ announced that they had found classified top-secret files in Biden’s possession that were illegally in his possession for years since he was Vice President. VP Biden did not have the rights provided to the President when he obtained these documents and therefore they attorney Mike Davis claimed they were stolen.
See also:
So why was the revelation of the classified documents in Biden’s possession, some of which were top-secret, ever reported?
Is it because Biden is on his way out? Is it a Deep State ploy to remove idle-minded Biden from the White House before the 2024 election gets into full gear?
This doesn’t make sense because the corrupt and criminal actors in the Democrat Party and their allies in the media and Deep State aren’t about to eat their own. So why is it these documents ever came to light?
Kash Patel believes the answer is in the Hunter Biden laptop.
Patel concludes:
This investigation into the handling of these classified documents did not begin in November 2022. The timing of the documents is no coincidence. This scandal was perfectly timed and flawlessly revealed with the assistance of the corrupt media.​

The Laptop From Hell is turning out to be the Biden's Achilles heel. That is why the politically biased Chris Wray of the FBI/STASI snatched it up and hid it from the public.
Don't forget that the FBI/STASI has had control of the Laptop(s) since October 2019 but were made aware of the laptop during the Summer of the same year.
Why hasn't anything been done after more than three years. The simple answer is Democrat control of D.C. and weaponization of all 17 agencies. The FBI/STASI are covering up ALL the evidence necessary to put all these traitorous, corrupt players behind bars.
The FBI/STASI as become part of the conspiracy against America and it's citizens.
Don't forget the DoJ originally refused to tell us that those Top Secret/Eyes Only on the Ukraine and China were found in open access at the Biden mansion, garage and an abandoned unsecure closet at the UPenn Think Tank.

And by 'answer', its Kash Patel just making shit up.
C'mon, Doc.

The 'op-ed' can't actually back any claim its making. Kash Patel doesn't have access to the specifics of what was in the classified docs found among Biden's residencies and offices. He's offering us baseless speculation.

And then going on another baseless speculation run by trying to connect it to Hunter's laptop. While not being able to point any classified information there either.

And then Kash goes on speculation spelunking by trying to claim he knows Joe Biden's intentions, motivations and thoughts. A man he doesn't know, has never met, has never been in the same room with.

It a Russian nested doll of made up stories. Each reliant on the last. None of them backed by evidence.

Kash knows his audience.
C'mon, Doc.

The 'op-ed' can't actually back any claim its making. Kash Patel doesn't have access to the specifics of what was in the classified docs found among Biden's residencies and offices. He's offering us baseless speculation.

And then going on another baseless speculation run by trying to connect it to Hunter's laptop. While not being able to point any classified information there either.

And then Kash goes on speculation spelunking by trying to claim he knows Joe Biden's intentions, motivations and thoughts. A man he doesn't know, has never met, has never been in the same room with.

It a Russian nested doll of made up stories. Each reliant on the last. None of them backed by evidence.

Kash knows his audience.

Yet the follow up post #11 confirms Patel's allegations, with other links.
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Yet the follow up post confirms Patel's allegations, with other links.

Links to what is contained in the classified docs found in Biden's various offices and residencies? he didn't. Kash just made that shit up.

Links to what 'classified information' was on Hunter's laptop? he didn't.

Links to what Biden was thinking, what his motivations where?, he didn't.

Patel made it up, citing himself. Speculation to support conjecture, conjecture to support imagination.

Again, Kash knows his audience. Your ilk doesn't ask questions.
In the end. Does the Laptop belong to Hunter, or doesn't it? He gave up his property to the computer repair store by abandoning the laptop to the shop.
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Hunter Biden’s ridiculous legal letter trying to distract from real scandal — Joe Biden​

3 Feb 2023 ~~ By Andrew C. McCarthy

Let’s keep our eye on the ball, kids. Hunter Biden is a sideshow.

There is only one question that matters, one question that ought to be riveting our attention, and Congress’ attention, regarding what is deceptively labeled the “Hunter” Biden investigation: When President Barack Obama made his vice president, Joe Biden, the point man for US policy regarding such authoritarian, anti-American regimes as China and Russia, and such notoriously corrupt regimes as Ukraine, why did agents of those regimes believe it was in their interest to pay millions of dollars to the Biden family?
The president’s troubled, unstable son is beside the point, except to the extent that his supposed business acumen was the pretext for these money flows.
What we need to know is: What did the Chinese believe they were buying?
Hunter is in the news, playing the victim, trying to make it all about him. In this, he’s got a lot in common with the Biden administration, which would have you believe that the Justice Department’s seemingly endless criminal investigation is all about Hunter, not about President Biden’s knowledge of and participation in the lucrative Biden family business of cashing in on his political influence.
These are quite intentional distractions.
Hunter Biden is a sideshow.
The critical matter in the Biden probe is not the possible criminal liability of Hunter — or, for that matter, any other Biden. Potential prosecution is a second- or third-order issue, at best. The thing that matters most is the national security of the United States. The material question is whether American policy toward hostile regimes is being influenced by the millions of dollars that agents of those regimes paid the Bidens.
As to Joe Biden, his brother Jim, and other Bidens whom the laptop evidence exposes raking in big foreign bucks, the only question is whether the laptop’s contents are authentic — and, as we’ve noted, that’s not a question at all, as even Hunter concedes authenticity. The other Bidens have no basis to suppress the laptop. Prosecutors are free to use the evidence against them.
What matters here is why corrupt and anti-American regimes thought it was in the interest of those regimes to pay the Bidens millions of dollars. Put another way, when CEFC, an elaborate Chinese intelligence operation posing as an international business conglomerate, paid the Bidens $6 million in a year’s time, and when it was planned that 10% of an even more lucrative CEFC deal would be held by Hunter for “the big guy,” what was Beijing expecting to get out of its investment?

If Hunter Biden can get away with this, using Biden friendly judges, that would be just step one. Step two would be trying to get any information/evidence from the laptop, as well as any information/evidence garnered as a result of leads from the laptop, being thrown out in his legal case because it was all acquired without a warrant issued to Hunter Biden. I believe the original warrant the FBI used to pickup the laptop from Mac Issac was issued to Issac.
The computer shop owner turned the laptop over to the FBI in November 2019 after Hunter apparently abandoned the laptop. He didn't go to Rudy until October 2020. To this day, the FBI has not at the least authenticated the laptop or revealed any of its contents. Forget the influence peddling and Joe's involvement...
Additionally, the Delaware State Police were given a copy of the laptop as well simply because the laptop hard drive contained pornographic images of underage girls.

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