The genius TRUMP

Sanctions are used as a deterrent. They are useless after the war has been won. What is the Fuck going to do to protect this country? Will he even be bothered to secure our borders?

Sanctions are also a punishment. What use is Ukraine to Putin, if the sanctions turn Russia into an economic wasteland.

Russia’s stock market and currency took historic blows in the wake of the invasion of Ukraine, signs that the threat of Western sanctions is inflicting an immediate, though hard to assess, impact on the nation’s economy.

In the hours after tanks rolled across the border and Russian planes struck targets inside Ukraine, Russia’s stock market lost nearly half of its value before a partial rebound that still left it down by a third.

That's like the DOW dropping by 10,000 points overnight.
Putin didn't invade Ukraine when Trump was president.
Not until Trump wouldn't take the flack for giving the go ahead.

Putin is a genius - Donald J. Trump, right before the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
It's hard to pretend the biden crime family doesn't have a lot of baggage in Ukraine.... and Putin would out it in a second if he gets the chance.

The stammering shit clown better lean into those 81 million votes and fix this..... quick.
of Course. Putin has spent the last six years cultivating Trump voters like you Who will say the stupid kind of things that you just said.
Putin is a fucking animal.... and your drooling fucktard with 81M votes is the laughingstock of the planet...

The two concepts are not mutually exclusive.
It's hard to pretend the biden crime family doesn't have a lot of baggage in Ukraine.... and Putin would out it in a second if he gets the chance.

So you think Putin is invading Ukraine because they have information to help get Trump elected?

That is what you said.
of Course. Putin has spent the last six years cultivating Trump voters like you Who will say the stupid kind of things that you just said.

You, I, nor anyone else here in the US give's a shit about who owns or controls the Ukraine. So all this fake compassion makes the left look ridiculous. What goes on over there is none of our business. Just like what goes on over here is none of their business.

You lefties are just following Biden because he's the guy you was forced to vote for. Obviously not your first choice. Biden was no one's first choice.
Our MIC's (Military Industrial Complex) lobbyist are making a killing off all this. And for what? So they can stop an oil pipeline that leads to Germany. Which cuts Ukraine out of the $5 billion per year that Russia is paying the Ukraine to transport oil through the Ukraine.

This ain't about Ukraine's sovereignty. It's about oil. It's about the MIC. A dispute between the Ukraine and Russia, which involved oil. Remember your opposition to W and his oil grab in Iraq? It's the same god dayum thing. Oil and the wars invovled.

So stop acting like you give a shit about anyone in the Ukraine.
So you think Putin is invading Ukraine because they have information to help get Trump elected?

That is what you said.

Here's an assist from one of your trusted sites:

There's plenty more where that came from, just say the word. And it literally has nothing to do with President Trump.
You, I, nor anyone else here in the US give's a shit about who owns or controls the Ukraine. ...

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge--and more. To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. - JFK, inaugural address
In a land of deceit, truth is a capital offense. No doubt about it. Putin has planned this meticulously. Genius, pretty much he is.
Especially the timing. Smart move to wait until the alpha was out of office and a beta is in charge.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge--and more. To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. - JFK, inaugural address
JFK would shit on this covey of marxists burning the country to the ground now. That is an idiotic reference.

progressve trannys.jpg
A prepared statement, I just heard it, more sanctions.
Putin holds the keys to Europe's economies via fuel. They need him more than they need an independent Ukraine. Plus JoePutz ended our energy independence on day 1, so we're going for a ride, too. Fucking democrats and their cheating.
Putin holds the keys to Europe's economies via fuel. They need him more than they need an independent Ukraine. Plus JoePutz ended our energy independence on day 1, so we're going for a ride, too. Fucking democrats and their cheating.
Today, Anthony Blinken asked for assurances that Russia will continue to sell us 500,000 barrels of crude a day. Russia agreed, at $105.00 a barrel, to start.

Where are the sanctions? Seems like you and I are paying them. Watch. Europe will not stand for sanctions while we ignore them. They will make their own deal.

We have no competent leadership at all. None.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge--and more. To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. - JFK, inaugural address

Friends is one thing. Being their babysitter is another.

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