The genius TRUMP

Trump doesn't have any power to support Putin or to oppose him.

He's only observing what is happening, like the rest of us.
Trump is singing the praises of a communist regime that every Republican hates. Yet here you are attempting to defend his treasonous actions because you still think he will be returned.
You are a hypocrite.
Sleepy Joe may be leading an international coalition, but his leadership has been a failure.
That's your ignorant opinion because you hate dems. End of story. What else would a dumb idiot say?
No one on the international front is interested in following an old man who is tremendously over his head.
Well in case you don't know, western Europe are looking to him for protection. Is that not taking notice of him?
You hate him so much for no reason, you are fabricating shit because of hate. You're pathetic.
BTW, Trump was on the phone with Laura this evening.

Make no mistake about it, this would have never happened if Sleepy Joe had not seized power last year.
Democratically elected and your GOP approved the election result??? Hardly a government seizure.

If anyone wanted to seize power it was dickhead Donny on j6. He with out doubt attempted to over throw democracy but you think Biden seized power???
Have you any idea how stupid and hate filled you sound? You're brain dead through hate, ignorance and envy.
In a land of deceit, truth is a capital offense. No doubt about it. Putin has planned this meticulously. Genius, pretty much he is.
Dumbass, that is certianly not the truth.

Aside from everything else, by starting a war of choice Putin has ensured a deep recesison for his country. No lobster off his plate, but his citizens will pay heavy economic toll for years if not decades. A true patriot does right by his people and yet again Putin screwed his own.

Not only that, but Trump, a former POTUS saying that WE should imulate these tactics with our own neighbors is a total disgrace and yet another reminder why he is completely unfit for high office.
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Crazy how the Sleepy joe got us in a depression.....

Well, that's a sad note.
That you and your family now live in and are experiencing a personal "depression".

It is sad because the rest of America is doing great. Jobs are plentiful. 'Help Wanted' signs are everywhere. Wages are rising. Housing is booming. Real estate is rising. Residential starts are gonna be the most in over 50 years. Corporations are profitable. Demand is strong. New technologies continue to make our lives easier and better. (albeit, faster)

It is sad to hear that poster Conserveguy has not been able to craft a more satisfying life for himself and his family here in the United States of America. A country and an economy that those who are keenly ambitious are desperate to immigrate to, contribute to....and be successful in.
Dumbass, that is certianly not the truth.

Aside from everything else, with his imperialistic moves Putin has ensured a deep recesison for his country. No lobster off his plate, but his citizens will pay heavy economic toll for years if not decades.

Not only that, but Trump, a former POTUS saying that WE should imulate these tactics with our own neighbors is a toal disgrace and yet another reminder why he is unfit for high office.
How can you be so monumentally ignorant? Seriously. Do you not know what's happening right now?
Trump is singing the praises of a communist regime that every Republican hates. Yet here you are attempting to defend his treasonous actions because you still think he will be returned.
You are a hypocrite.

That's your ignorant opinion because you hate dems. End of story. What else would a dumb idiot say?

Well in case you don't know, western Europe are looking to him for protection. Is that not taking notice of him?
You hate him so much for no reason, you are fabricating shit because of hate. You're pathetic.

Democratically elected and your GOP approved the election result??? Hardly a government seizure.

If anyone wanted to seize power it was dickhead Donny on j6. He with out doubt attempted to over throw democracy but you think Biden seized power???
Have you any idea how stupid and hate filled you sound? You're brain dead through hate, ignorance and envy.

We'll see how successful Brandon is with his "international coalition".

But if you listened to President Trump this evening, you would know that Biden is just driving Putin and Xi together into a coalition, with his his stupidity. Maybe things will work out, but those in the know are of a different opinion and see this as a terrible blow to America.

As far as the 2020 election, the results are disputed but Biden still has absolute power regardless of those results.

That's just the facts, and as a result, what is happening now is Brandon's responsibility. Not Trump who is retired and living in Florida.
So we have Trump supporting Putin and Biden leading an international coalition to stop him
Acknowledging Putin played FJB is supporting Russia. Remember how TRUMP would alway say you don't announce you're plans to the enemy, FJB should take note.
Well, that's a sad note.
That you and your family now live in and are experiencing a personal "depression".

It is sad because the rest of America is doing great. Jobs are plentiful. 'Help Wanted' signs are everywhere. Wages are rising. Housing is booming. Real estate is rising. Residential starts are gonna be the most in over 50 years. Corporations are profitable. Demand is strong. New technologies continue to make our lives easier and better. (albeit, faster)

It is sad to hear that poster Conserveguy has not been able to craft a more satisfying life for himself and his family here in the United States of America. A country and an economy that those who are keenly ambitious are desperate to immigrate to, contribute to....and be successful in.
It's the Biden Depression, bud. Tough for a number of hard working taxpayers right now getting the shaft because the incompetence Sleepy joe instilled. We just have to accept because obviously "demand is strong". But also way overpriced. So let's try to survive this Biden Depression together. While make it through when President Trump can win again.
We'll see how successful Brandon is with his "international coalition".

But if you listened to President Trump this evening, you would know that Biden is just driving Putin and Xi together into a coalition, with his his stupidity. Maybe things will work out, but those in the know are of a different opinion and see this as a terrible blow to America.

As far as the 2020 election, the results are disputed but Biden still has absolute power regardless of those results.

That's just the facts, and as a result, what is happening now is Brandon's responsibility. Not Trump who is retired and living in Florida.
Here we Go again. Same old diatribe accusing Biden of in bed with the communists. Fuck off. You're an idiot.
Here we Go again. Same old diatribe accusing Biden of in bed with the communists. Fuck off. You're an idiot.

Here's Brandon's chance to prove me wrong.

If there are good results in his latest adventure, I'll stand corrected.

But I just don't see it right now, it looks like Biden is just not accomplishing anything for America here,

BTW, this would have NEVER happened if Sleepy Joe wasn't in office.

And that isn't my fault.
If you need any more evidence that trump was never in American and hated the place, here it is.

Nah, we have an imbecile in office.

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