The genius TRUMP

Here's Brandon's chance to prove me wrong.
BIDEN is his name.
If there are good results in his latest adventure, I'll stand corrected.
No you won't because you have never given an inch to democrats.
But I just don't see it right now, it looks like Biden is just not accomplishing anything for America here,
What did America accomplish from Vietnam?
He never implied anything like that. You all hate communists and now he's doing your dirty work so you support the communists. You're all hypocrites
BTW, this would have NEVER happened if Sleepy Joe wasn't in office.
So you have evidence directly from Putin that Ukraine was never gonna be invaded by Russia?
I say you're a liar. Its been on their agenda since the Crimean thing.

Btw, who will you back if Biden goes to the aid of Taiwan when China attacks it?
Will you desire for Biden to fail again force you to back the Chinese and further your hypocrisy???
Answer that smart arse. I have all you Dillard wedged on this issue and you haven't the guts to admit it.
And that isn't my fault.
You do realize gas went $100 a barrel just now?
They should change the symbol of the Democrat party:



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This must be what Biden meant by "restoring the should of America". The idiot is taking us into a world war with a superpower now. Perhaps he meant "DESTROYING the soul of America".
So, if the predicted 10’s of thousands Ukrainians die by an unwarranted attack by Russia, the Little Trumpster Cultist will not display an ounce of outrage or empathy. They will be too busy and distracted kissing Trump’s ass, while heaping praise of the mass murderer, Putin.
I say my prediction will be right on.
And?? Does that mean we DIDN'T create 6 million jobs?

If you are going to mindlessly say Biden is the cause of everything, then go ahead and credit him for the good stuff as well.
No. You didn't create six million jobs. Partially opening thev lockdown may have allowed six million people to return to work, but that's not creating any jobs.
SCROTUS is probably still sleeping and soiling the bedsheets with a shit-eating grin on his face. At 10 am the visiting angel will show him Ukraine on a map and teach him how to pronounce it. Then we'll get a stammering teleprompter session written by a 22-year old intern talking about how badass the stuttering shit clown is.

Predictable (and feckless) as fuck.

biden vax expert.jpg
Partially opening thev lockdown may have allowed six million people to return to work
Oooooh so you mean to say huge economic disruptions have CONSEQUENCES?

Consequences like inflation? Nuuh you don't give a shit about considerations for causality, you just want to shit on (D) for whatever bad happens, while blaming something else for anything good.
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