The genius TRUMP

President Trump warned Europe and our NATO allies in 2018 to prepare. They chose to mostly do nothing.

And this to:

You, I, nor anyone else here in the US give's a shit about who owns or controls the Ukraine.

It matters to me when Putin decides to kill people with his military who are not a threat to Russia just like it was wrong for Dubya to kill Iraqis who were no threat to anyone let alone us 8000 miles away.

Putin should not be called a genius for deliberately killing innocent civilians. He should have a price to pay for that. Trump has his nose up Putin’s ass - so he’s killing Ukrainians too. And Putin must appreciate having Tucker, Trump and the MAGA : MRGA coalition behind him.
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It matters to me when Putin decides to kill people with his military who are not a threat to Russia just like it was wrong for Dubya to kill Iraqis who were no threat to anyone let alone us 8000 miles away.

Putin should not be called a genius for deliberately killing innocent civilians. He should have a price to pay for that. Trump has his nose up Putin’s ass - so he’s killing Ukrainians too. And Putin must appreciate having Tucker, Trump and the MAGA : MRGA coalition behind him.

But on the other hand, you was probably fine with BLM/antifa killing innocent citizens and cops. Ok with their rioting and looting.

I call BS. No one here, unless they're from Ukraine, cares about Ukraine who who runs that country.
What we all car about is the higher costs of everything here, because it actually affects our lives. Ukraine does not.

The Ukraine is just pissed because of a pipeline going from Russia to Germany, bypassing the Ukraine. Ukraine can't charge Russia for passage of oil through Ukraine. They've been charging Russia out the wazoo for years to get oil through the Ukraine to Germany and other countries east of Ukraine.
But on the other hand, you was probably fine with BLM/antifa killing innocent citizens and cops. Ok with their rioting and looting.
Don't change the subject.
I call BS. No one here, unless they're from Ukraine, cares about Ukraine who who runs that country.
You cared about the Vietnamese enough to let 55000 soldiers get slaughtered for no reason.
Admit it. You want biden to fail so why would you care about human life.
What we all car about is the higher costs of everything here, because it actually affects our lives. Ukraine does not.
It will. When somebody bombs that pipeline as revenge, watch the price of oil sky rocket then.
Don't tell me you don't give a rat's.
The Ukraine is just pissed because of a pipeline going from Russia to Germany, bypassing the Ukraine. Ukraine can't charge Russia for passage of oil through Ukraine. They've been charging Russia out the wazoo for years to get oil through the Ukraine to Germany and other countries east of Ukraine.

The pipeline is under the sea. Your scenario is a complete lie and Putin is the aggressor. Do you ever think?
If you truly don’t give a shit about who owns or controls the Ukraine why does it matter to you that Putin didn't invade Ukraine when Trump was president.l?

Because we didn't get into a war with Russia when Trump was president. The left can complain about what Trump said during that time, but he didn't get us into a war with Russia. He tried to make Russia a closer ally. Being allies with a superpower as big as Russia is a good thing.
I care because we will have to pay for this war with tax dollars and bodies. We'll have to pay more at the pump. More at the grocery check out.
If the Ukraine had never dissolved itself from the USSR, would it have mattered back then? No. So it don't matter now.
How a war affects us here in the USA is all that matters to us 99%ers.
Don't change the subject.

You cared about the Vietnamese enough to let 55000 soldiers get slaughtered for no reason.
Admit it. You want biden to fail so why would you care about human life.

It will. When somebody bombs that pipeline as revenge, watch the price of oil sky rocket then.
Don't tell me you don't give a rat's.

The pipeline is under the sea. Your scenario is a complete lie and Putin is the aggressor. Do you ever think?

If it doesn't affect us here in the US, then it don't matter to me. War mongers got us into vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, and hundreds of other little wars/occupations.

Biden has already failed. And it had nothing to do with what I think about him. His 30% approval rating means there's a TON of democrats who also see how Biden has been a failure.

If the pipeline gets bombed and the fuel prices go up, you're correct. I will care. I will wonder why our own oil companies aren't producing more. Why they're charging us more for something that's not even coming from across the sea. But being the pipeline is under the sea, means it'll probably not get bombed. So your scenario is fiction.

You're just making up stuff. And not giving any solid reasons as to why any American should care about Ukraine.
But on the other hand, you was probably fine with BLM/antifa killing innocent citizens and cops
BLM and ANTIFA Killed nobody. Putin is head of state with the second most powerful military on earth / comparing a peaceful protest movement to Putin is absurd.
He tried to make Russia a closer ally. Being allies with a superpower as big as Russia is a good thing.
The US cannot align itself with a war criminal dictator who has become a terrorist. That you think we should join an alliance with a terrorist nation and leave NATO tells me you are unfit to be an American..
If it doesn't affect us here in the US, then it don't matter to me.

War mongers got us into vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, and hundreds of other little wars/occupations.
You mean all the Republican POTUS. But you never objected
Biden has already failed. And it had nothing to do with what I think about him. His 30% approval rating means there's a TON of democrats who also see how Biden has been a failure.
Talk about making stuff up. You have no evidence of what democrats are thinking. You're a liar.
You thought trump was to win also but he didn't.
If the pipeline gets bombed and the fuel prices go up, you're correct. I will care.
But you'll blame Biden regardless apart from the fact he is attempting to stop it's destruction. Obviously you care about human life unless it's an american life. How arrogant any are you. All you care about is the price of gas. How caring of you.
I will wonder why our own oil companies aren't producing more.
Because thevcspit a list system you all live allows then to gouge as they like and we don't want any socialist govt interfering do we.
Why they're charging us more for something that's not even coming from across the sea.
That's the system when you adopt world parity and the capitalist system. You voted for it.
But being the pipeline is under the sea, means it'll probably not get bombed. So your scenario is fiction.
Really? How ignorant ar e you? As I that would stop someone. That shows what you know. nothing.
You're just making up stuff. And not giving any solid reasons as to why any American should care about Ukraine.
You're right. I was mistaken that the greatest country on earth cares about anyone. How wrong was I. Yet here you are confirming it. What a self centred narcissistic conceited POS you are.
Countries invaded by Putin during Trump. 0
Countries invaded by Putin during Biden. 2
It is hilarious to see all you useful idiots joining Traitor Trump and Comrade Carlson to fondle KGB Putin's balls and on your knees calling Biden weak toward Russia.

Just how self-unaware do you submissive sucklings have to be?!?

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