The genius TRUMP

If you need any more evidence that trump was never in American and hated the place, here it is.

As usual, colon is behind the curve. He needs another high colonic. This colon clown is so stupid, he thinks that it is “unAmerican” to properly assess the intelligence of an opponent.

Newsflash: we can all agree that Putin is a scumbag and a maniac. We can label him with pretty fair accuracy as being a “dictator.” And despite all of that, it can still be true that he does employ some genius tactics.

So some basic advice for colon and other morons of his stripe: it is actually a good idea to properly assess your opponent’s smarts.
So we have Trump supporting Putin and Biden leading an international coalition to stop him
What makes you say that Trump is supporting PUtin? Trump doesn't support Putin no matter how much you dem trolls try to spin shit-------Trump is saying that Putin is smarter than Biden. Biden is an idiot-
You're just too smart for us.
Oh, my avatar demurs.
We would never claim to be 'smart'.
At least vs. most folks.
But others?


"You are a funt cace."
Well, look at that, a bit of misogyny tryin' too hard to be clever.
But misogyny is misogyny. Even when it springs from over-compensation.
of Course. Putin has spent the last six years cultivating Trump voters like you Who will say the stupid kind of things that you just said.

Not giving a shit about that part of the world doesn't mean we're pro Putin. Nor does it mean we're pro-Trump. I'm pro-minding our own business and securing our own borders, fixing our own problems.
I'm anti-war for oil. Democrats used to be against that very thing. But suddenly we have a democrat president who supports the military industrial complex, and wars for oil, you lefties are all in favor of it.
Why? Because you're not going to put on a uniform and help Biden fight Russia (and probably China)

The land between Ukraine and Kazakhstan is Russia. It's always been Russia. But let's just say that the people in that area broke free from the USSR in 1991, and now Russia wanted it back. Would it make any difference to any of us over here? Not really. But if Biden made you think it was important, you'd follow along like sheep, as the republicans followed along with W bush and his war against Iraq.
What makes you say that Trump is supporting PUtin? Trump doesn't support Putin no matter how much you dem trolls try to spin shit-------Trump is saying that Putin is smarter than Biden. Biden is an idiot-

Trump has always supported Putin

He called Putin a genius and is condemning Biden for leading international sanctions against him

Trump has stated Russia has a right to Ukraine
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What makes you say that Trump is supporting PUtin? Trump doesn't support Putin no matter how much you dem trolls try to spin shit-------Trump is saying that Putin is smarter than Biden. Biden is an idiot-
But why would an American president say a foreign dictator is smarter than an American president. Even if you believe it to be true? In what way does that support America?
As usual, colon is behind the curve. He needs another high colonic. This colon clown is so stupid, he thinks that it is “unAmerican” to properly assess the intelligence of an opponent.

Newsflash: we can all agree that Putin is a scumbag and a maniac. We can label him with pretty fair accuracy as being a “dictator.” And despite all of that, it can still be true that he does employ some genius tactics.

So some basic advice for colon and other morons of his stripe: it is actually a good idea to properly assess your opponent’s smarts.
Trump openly supports a dictatorship he tried to install in USA. That's the part youre embarrassed about. He licked the arse if every dictator in earth but you still deny you supported a dictator purely to stop democrats and nothing else.

You can issue your childish rebuttals but nothing will change the facts. I have wedged you repigs on those and you cant take it.
Stick to your filthy bible.
Trump openly supports a dictatorship he tried to install in USA. That's the part youre embarrassed about. He licked the arse if every dictator in earth but you still deny you supported a dictator purely to stop democrats and nothing else.

You can issue your childish rebuttals but nothing will change the facts. I have wedged you repigs on those and you cant take it.
Stick to your filthy bible.
Wipe the spittle off your chin, you illiterate raving retard. Colon, you remain an entirely worthless and dishonest member of this message board. GFY. :fu:

Brandon —> :suck:<— colon
Wipe the spittle off your chin, you illiterate raving retard. Colon, you remain an entirely worthless and dishonest member of this message board. GFY. :fu:

Brandon —> :suck:<— colon
I'm under your skin and you dont have the guts to admit I'm right. Home of the brave my arse. A country half full of groveling brain dead gun toting egotistical bunch of far right racists pigs.
Aren't you pleased you stuck your snotty nose in? I am.
Everytime you reply I get another whack.
I'm under your skin and you dont have the guts to admit I'm right. Home of the brave my arse. A country half full of groveling brain dead gun toting egotistical bunch of far right racists pigs.
Aren't you pleased you stuck your snotty nose in? I am.
Everytime you reply I get another whack.
Colon, you’re still crying about the fact that you were named after a shit filled bodily organ. I have to admit, it was very foresightful. Prescient even.

You have zero ability to get under my skin whereas I’ve already gotten a permanent mansion in your tiny skull. Rent free of course.

The only thing a twerp like you can do is whack off. Get back down on Brandon now. Your break’s over, bitch. :fu:
Colon, you’re still crying about the fact that you were named after a shit filled bodily organ. I have to admit, it was very foresightful. Prescient even.

You have zero ability to get under my skin whereas I’ve already gotten a permanent mansion in your tiny skull. Rent free of course.

The only thing a twerp like you can do is whack off. Get back down on Brandon now. Your break’s over, bitch. :fu:
You keep replying. Does that tell you something?

You can't kerp away from me with your childish rebuttals. But I love it because everytime you reply I get another whack at you. Have another go dickhead godbotherer.
Recognizing a successful strategy doesn't mean you hate a third party that's not even in the contest, you fucking fool.
What a pathetic justification. You should have said trumps connection with Putin was only through his love of Christmas and wanting to spread his love there.

You know I'm right You fool but not enough guts to admit it.
You keep replying. Does that tell you something?

You can't kerp away from me with your childish rebuttals. But I love it because everytime you reply I get another whack at you. Have another go dickhead godbotherer.
Yes. I can’t KERP myself from mocking you.

Alas for you, colon, I don’t take kindly to arrogant Pissants such as you. I have never been concerned with your inane comebacks. Your constant flood of bullshit just provides me with additional evidence of your vapidity. All the more reason to continue to expose you for what you are.

When you toss Brandon’s salad, does he occasionally come out of his demented stuporous fugue state? Does he pat you on your head and ask you to play with his leg hair?
It wasn’t a justification for anything. Pay attention, retard.

Learn commas and capitalization rules, you illiterate imbecile.
I always know when my opposition is out if ammo. Like the ignorant fool you are, you focus on grammar.
It must hurt When you have no answers. I love it so keep replying.

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