The George Floyd Hoax

Uh, guy, the Jury hasn't even been selected yet.
I should also point out that the jury that heard the case of Jason van Dyke consisted of 7 whites, 3 Hispanics, 1 black and 1 Asian... and they still found him guilty.

Jason Van Dyke executed a Black teen by shooting him 16 times and got less than a 7 year sentence

Black American music artist Bobby Shmurda never killed or shot ANYONE and he got a 7 year sentence for being AFFILIATED with an alleged gang..

And by the way Jason Van Dyke is out now. He only did a couple of years in Shawshank.

And he got protective custody. They made sure not put him in general population. They try to dress it and say "He's no longer in federal custody"


That basically means he's out and chilling
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most are justified--that's why!!!!!

No. Pretty much all murders of black people by white cops are justified by white people.

--DUH..most cops do not want to MURDER anyone....or kill without reason!! ...some might, but their OPPORTUNITIES to do so are very small

Lets looks at what happens when a Black Houston police officer shot and killed a couple of white suspected drug dealers during a drug raid.

Guess what happened ?

He was immediately charged with murder.

None of the #BlueLivesMatter talk for this case. No “sensitivity” training. No “diversity” classes. Black cops get JAIL

And also - How many black people were on various forums and all over social media supporting this black cop who killed white people ?

How many black people were all over social media trying to trash these white people's image ?

I'll wait

1. it's not about race--race has nothing to do with it

Say you who writes thread after thread about black people

2. they are not trying to kill them [ Garner/Floyd ] but to subdue them

Yeah of course because if black people obey police orders nothing will happen. Right ?

....MBrown/ASterling/etc --all justified

Of course.

no, most are justified ..sorry., the black cop that killed white lady Justin Damond was not justified---she was doing NOTHING wrong--not a criminal

...MBrown ATTACKED the cop ....etc
you are so hate filled and racist you can't see the truth
most are justified--that's why!!!!!

No. Pretty much all murders of black people by white cops are justified by white people.

--DUH..most cops do not want to MURDER anyone....or kill without reason!! ...some might, but their OPPORTUNITIES to do so are very small

Lets looks at what happens when a Black Houston police officer shot and killed a couple of white suspected drug dealers during a drug raid.

Guess what happened ?

He was immediately charged with murder.

None of the #BlueLivesMatter talk for this case. No “sensitivity” training. No “diversity” classes. Black cops get JAIL

And also - How many black people were on various forums and all over social media supporting this black cop who killed white people ?

How many black people were all over social media trying to trash these white people's image ?

I'll wait

1. it's not about race--race has nothing to do with it

Say you who writes thread after thread about black people

2. they are not trying to kill them [ Garner/Floyd ] but to subdue them

Yeah of course because if black people obey police orders nothing will happen. Right ?

....MBrown/ASterling/etc --all justified

Of course.'s the proof--BLACK man finds white cop INNOCENT of shooting black man
Uh, guy, the Jury hasn't even been selected yet.
I should also point out that the jury that heard the case of Jason van Dyke consisted of 7 whites, 3 Hispanics, 1 black and 1 Asian... and they still found him guilty.

Jason Van Dyke executed a Black teen by shooting him 16 times and got less than a 7 year sentence


And by the way Jason Van Dyke is out now. He only did a couple of years in Shawshank.

Actually, no, he isn't. Now, my brother and his wife are actually good friends with Van Dyke. My brother and I have not been on speaking terms for four years because I have some funny idea that if they catch you on tape shooting someone lying on the ground, you should go to prison. (Of course, my brother is a racist asshole and his wife is batshit crazy, so no great loss.)

He probably will be released in 2022.


That basically means he's out and chilling

He was temporarily transferred to a Federal Facility after he was beaten up by some other prisoners. This is probably the main reason why cops who kill get out early... they usually behave themselves and protecting them from the other prisoners is a full time job.

I should also point out that all the community activists and family members who are mewling over Laquan McDonald now had no problem when he was living on the streets with untreated mental issues.

Now anyone who has followed me here knows I'm a pretty strong advocate of holding the cops accountable when they fuck up. But I also see the other side of it. We ask cops to clean up problems like mental illness, drug addiction, crime that results from poverty and 99% of the time, they get it right. The McDonalds and Floyds are the aberrations, not the rule.

Black American music artist Bobby Shmurda never killed or shot ANYONE and he got a 7 year sentence for being AFFILIATED with an alleged gang..

I had to actually look this one up.

You left out the part about dealing drugs, conspiring to murder people, getting involved in gang fights in and out of prison, smuggling weapons into prison, etc. And despite all the bad behavior in prison, he still got out a year early.
no, most are justified ..sorry.

No. All killings of black ppl by cops are justified by white supremacists.

@harmonics, the black cop that killed white lady Justin Damond was not justified---she was doing NOTHING wrong--not a criminal

Of course


So a White cop kills black person on camera (many times showing the blk person was not doing anything threatening) & gets off.

A black cop kills a white woman who runs up on cop car in dark alley and bangs on car door. Cop can't see, shoots and gets 12 1//2 years.

Got it.

If that was a Black woman that pounded on the trunk of a police car in a dark alley, knowing they were investigating a violent crime, they would have called her ghetto, and said she deserved what she got.

If she was black we'd know her whole criminal history by now along with a mugshot but there's none of that cause she's was a white woman. Why didn't she comply? It was dark out. How was the officer supposed to know she wasn't armed!?!

But we got the usual


And guess what ?


They never made her fight for the $20 million. They just announced it the day after he was convicted. She didn't have to sue or settle for it. It was just given away. When the families are black they have to sue, incur cost, take them through the entire legal process before they settle right before the trial years later. The central park 5 from 20 years ago are STILL fighting to get paid and she got paid out IMMEDIATELY.

Meanwhile Philando Castile's family only received a 3 million dollar settlment for their wrongful death suit and his girlfriend only received $800, 000 and both shootings took place in the same state.

...MBrown ATTACKED the cop ....etc

Hang on a sec. No he didn't. A liar was allowed to testify. She wasn't even there.

I mean let's just take a second and think.

Darren Wilson the cop who claimed Mike Brown charged him. OK. So what Darren Wilson asks you to belive that Mike Brown punched him threw the window ?

(Yeah because of course we black men know that punching a cop is always going to work out well for us)

Then Darren Wilson shot Mike Brown in the hand. This is not my words. This is his testimony. So he says Mike Brown ran and at some point 50 yards away Mike Brown must have said to himself

"Wait a minute !! To hell with this !! Why am I running ? I think I'll just turn around and charge the cop because I'm sure he doesn't have any more bullets and even though he's proven that he'll shoot me, he wouldn't do it again and even though I'm a 300 pound guy. I reckon I can cover that 50 yard in half a second before he can pull the trigger"

That's what Darren Wilson got the jury to believe. You could not make up but Darren Wilson did his gofundme and was able to raise half a mill of that story

And bear in mind. Darren Wilson had weeks to think this bullshit. He had weeks to write his testimony.
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Why is it when a police officer shoots dead a black man, it is always racism.

So who is going to stop the black on black crime that is rampant in the US as they kill each other?
You seriously don't know the difference between being shot & killed by your government (the police) with no repercussions (it's never called murder) and being shot & killed by a random criminal?

Hint: There is no statute of limitations on murder.
Just pointing out the hypocrisy of the media is all.

You see looting and rioting and law breakers in cities across the country with people dying in the mix and the media says they are mostly peaceful protests. You have a media that calls them protestors. Then police that try to establish order and who may kill a black person as a result because they may be resisting arrest and breaking laws, those police are referred to by the press as racists.

But when you have conservatives march in Washington and break laws and shot dead, then the police are praised, even if the people killed were unarmed. Then those people protesting are called insurrectionists who are trying to overthrow the country.

So what is the difference between the two? I guess the later is you are protecting the elite powers in Congress, and the other you are either trying to protect the lives of average Americans, or just trying to protect your own life as a police officer.

Anyone can see the hypocrisy, except brain dead twits like yourself.
My brother and I have not been on speaking terms for four years because I have some funny idea that if they catch you on tape shooting someone lying on the ground, you should go to prison.

Perhaps he should have been telling the truth, instead of lying.
Now, my brother and his wife are actually good friends with Van Dyke.

OK. So where is Van Dyke ?

My brother and I have not been on speaking terms for four years

Please excuse me while I break out the worlds smallest violin

because I have some funny idea that if they catch you on tape shooting someone lying on the ground, you should go to prison. (Of course, my brother is a racist asshole and his wife is batshit crazy, so no great loss.)

No. You're brother is a white extremist. He's an extreme advocate of white supremacy.

He probably will be released in 2022.

Where is he now ? He's already probably been released

He was temporarily transferred to a Federal Facility after he was beaten up by some other prisoners. This is probably the main reason why cops who kill get out early... they usually behave themselves and protecting them from the other prisoners is a full time job.

Yeah of course because cops are the only people who go through shit in prison. Right ?

I should also point out that all the community activists and family members who are mewling over Laquan McDonald now had no problem when he was living on the streets with untreated mental issues.

Yeah of course because homeless people deserve to die. Right ?

Now anyone who has followed me here knows I'm a pretty strong advocate of holding the cops accountable when they fuck up. But I also see the other side of it.

There is no other side

Video Shows Laquan McDonald, 17, Shot by Police | The New York Times - YouTube

We ask cops to clean up problems like mental illness, drug addiction, crime that results from poverty

Laquan McDonald didn't ask for the police solve mental illness, drug addiction or poverty problems. Laquan McDonald could have been any black man and the result would have been the same. Laquan McDonald just wanted the police officer not to be a white supremacist.

and 99% of the time, they get it right. The McDonalds and Floyds are the aberrations, not the rule.

If 99% of police are good and get it right then why is it that when the 99% of the good cops try and challenge the 1% bad cops, the bad cops close ranks and make life hell for the good cops ?


Don't listen to me. Listen to Michael Wood Jr. and Joe Crystal (both white Baltimore cops whose honesty about police brutality got them run out of policing)

But hey ! You're the one whose saying the 99% police get it right.

Systems operate as they are designed to operate, with or without the approval of who turns the gears of the machine. Sure you can push against the gears if you like, but the machinery is stronger than you.

if you were a “good cop” in the NYPD during the days of widespread stop-and-frisk, what would your goodness be worth?

The system of policing in the city at that time was dedicated to the daily harassment of black ppl, almost none of whom had drugs or weapons on them, very few of them were even issued a citation for any wrongdoing.

As such, a police man's job, every day they walked out the door of the precinct was to fk with people. And solely as a way to assert dominance.

Again. Don't listen to me.

This was official policy

When one New York State Senator, himself formerly a member of the NYPD, challenged Commissioner Ray Kelly on the practice, he was told that the racial targeting within stop-and-frisk was intentional, because the goal was to “instill fear in them, every time they leave their home, that they could be stopped by the police.”
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most are justified--that's why!!!!!

No. Pretty much all murders of black people by white cops are justified by white people.

--DUH..most cops do not want to MURDER anyone....or kill without reason!! ...some might, but their OPPORTUNITIES to do so are very small

Lets looks at what happens when a Black Houston police officer shot and killed a couple of white suspected drug dealers during a drug raid.

Guess what happened ?

He was immediately charged with murder.

None of the #BlueLivesMatter talk for this case. No “sensitivity” training. No “diversity” classes. Black cops get JAIL

And also - How many black people were on various forums and all over social media supporting this black cop who killed white people ?

How many black people were all over social media trying to trash these white people's image ?

I'll wait

1. it's not about race--race has nothing to do with it

Say you who writes thread after thread about black people

2. they are not trying to kill them [ Garner/Floyd ] but to subdue them

Yeah of course because if black people obey police orders nothing will happen. Right ?

....MBrown/ASterling/etc --all justified

Of course.

here, you screwed up answer:
most are justified--that's why!!!!!

No. Pretty much all murders of black people by white cops are justified by white people.

--DUH..most cops do not want to MURDER anyone....or kill without reason!! ...some might, but their OPPORTUNITIES to do so are very small

Lets looks at what happens when a Black Houston police officer shot and killed a couple of white suspected drug dealers during a drug raid.

Guess what happened ?

He was immediately charged with murder.

None of the #BlueLivesMatter talk for this case. No “sensitivity” training. No “diversity” classes. Black cops get JAIL

And also - How many black people were on various forums and all over social media supporting this black cop who killed white people ?

How many black people were all over social media trying to trash these white people's image ?

I'll wait

1. it's not about race--race has nothing to do with it

Say you who writes thread after thread about black people

2. they are not trying to kill them [ Garner/Floyd ] but to subdue them

Yeah of course because if black people obey police orders nothing will happen. Right ?

....MBrown/ASterling/etc --all justified

Of course.

no, most are justified ..sorry., the black cop that killed white lady Justin Damond was not justified---she was doing NOTHING wrong--not a criminal

And the black cop who shot her is currently doing time. How often does that happen when a white cop "mistakenly" shoots a black person because he thought he had a gun, when he didn't, or was reaching for one, when there wasn't one, etc. etc. etc.
Why is it when a police officer shoots dead a black man, it is always racism.

So who is going to stop the black on black crime that is rampant in the US as they kill each other?
You seriously don't know the difference between being shot & killed by your government (the police) with no repercussions (it's never called murder) and being shot & killed by a random criminal?

Hint: There is no statute of limitations on murder.
Just pointing out the hypocrisy of the media is all.

You see looting and rioting and law breakers in cities across the country with people dying in the mix and the media says they are mostly peaceful protests. You have a media that calls them protestors. Then police that try to establish order and who may kill a black person as a result because they may be resisting arrest and breaking laws, those police are referred to by the press as racists.

But when you have conservatives march in Washington and break laws and shot dead, then the police are praised, even if the people killed were unarmed. Then those people protesting are called insurrectionists who are trying to overthrow the country.

So what is the difference between the two? I guess the later is you are protecting the elite powers in Congress, and the other you are either trying to protect the lives of average Americans, or just trying to protect your own life as a police officer.

Anyone can see the hypocrisy, except brain dead twits like yourself.
I understand that it's hard losing one's favored status however that's no reason to throw in the towel and just stop trying. If you actually put your mind to it, you can discern the difference between people who are lawfully exercising a right guaranteed to them by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and those who are taking advantage of the protestors to wreak havoc by looting and rioting using the legitimate protestors as cover. The media also oftentimes fails to make the distinction often referring to the people rioting & looting as "protestors" which probably contributes to your perception that they are one and the same.

By contrast the people who showed up on January 6th 2021 for the explicit purpose as stated by them to "stop the steal" by preventing, interfering with and/or delaying the certification of the 2020 presidential election result is why they're referrred to by our law enforcement officials and government as "insurrectionists"
[ in-suh-rek-shuhn ]​
an act or instance of rising in revolt, rebellion, or resistance against civil authority or an established government.​

As far as Ashli Babbitt, I posted this yesterday:
If Ashli Babbitt had been a black 14 year Air Force veteran, I imagine you all would still be stating what you always say when a black person gets shot by the police - she should have 1) not broken the law (even if it was later determined that she had not) and/or 2) she should have listened to the police and obeyed their commands without realizing or more likely caring that disobedience or minor violations of the law (traffic violations and resisting arrest) are not legal grounds for the use of deadly force.​
On the other hand, the thing that makes Babbitt's situation different is that the Capitol police are tasked with protecting our congressional representatives and were attempting to maintain a defensive position to keep the mob from getting to them. This is the position that they were defending which gave them an advantage at the time Babbitt attempted to breach the window. Had they allowed her to make it through that window, the assumption is that everyone behind her would have poured in immediately after her, quickly out numbering and overwhelming the officers, advantage gone.​
People that shoot, irrespective if they're law enforcement or civilians, are taught to shoot to "stop the treat" leaving it up to the shooter's discretion as to when the threat has been eliminated. They're also taught to shoot for center mass which essentially is the middle of the chest area. I would opine that the officer who shot her successfully did both as no one else breached that window or to the best of my knowledge, attempted to do so.​
Threat stopped. And it has NOTHING to do with her race or the fact that she's female (or unarmed)​
OK. So where is Van Dyke ?

Probably in prison, somewhere. You obviously don't say where because you don't want some gangbangers shanking him.

No. You're brother is a white extremist. He's an extreme advocate of white supremacy.

No, he's someone who is upset that his friend went to prison. Frankly, the reason why people like him voted for Trump is they are a little sick and tired of the guilt trip that is being laid on them. They see their middle class lifestyle eroding away and on top of that, they are being blamed for hundreds of years of racism.

Yeah of course because cops are the only people who go through shit in prison. Right ?

I'm the first person to think we need to end the "Prison-Industrial" complex. Reality check, though. Ex-police get extra abuse in prison, which is why they need to be protected.

Yeah of course because homeless people deserve to die. Right ?

You missed my point. Where were all those community activists when the kid was living on the streets, abusing drugs, when his mother was abusing him, etc? They'd have all crossed the street to get away from the buggy homeless dude. Yes, van Dyke was in the wrong for shooting him, but frankly, a lot of these community activist types weren't doing much to help his situation.

Laquan McDonald didn't ask for the police solve mental illness, drug addiction or poverty problems. Laquan McDonald could have been any black man and the result would have been the same. Laquan McDonald just wanted the police officer not to be a white supremacist.

McDonald wasn't just some random guy walking on the street. He was breaking into a truck when the police were called. Here's the thing. The mentally ill may not want the cops to solve their problem, but the rest of us do. And 99% of the time, they get it right. They don't shoot anyone and they get the person to a facility for some kind of treatment. Then they stop taking their meds and they are back on the street engaging in the same behavior. Wash, rinse, repeat.

If 99% of police are good and get it right then why is it that when the 99% of the good cops try and challenge the 1% bad cops, the bad cops close ranks and make life hell for the good cops ?

They shouldn't. But then again, for every bad cop who gets caught, there are a lot of good cops who get false complaints against them. For instance, I looked up one of the names on your little meme..

Wasn't as clear cut as you made it out to be. She wasn't fired by the police department, she was fired by the town council. And it just wasn't over the incident where she interfered in the arrest of a person suffering a mental health crisis.

Systems operate as they are designed to operate, with or without the approval of who turns the gears of the machine. Sure you can push against the gears if you like, but the machinery is stronger than you.

if you were a “good cop” in the NYPD during the days of widespread stop-and-frisk, what would your goodness be worth?

The system of policing in the city at that time was dedicated to the daily harassment of black ppl, almost none of whom had drugs or weapons on them, very few of them were even issued a citation for any wrongdoing.

And who demanded that? You bring up Stop and Frisk, without bringing up how crime in NYC was out of control in the 1980's and 1990's. How everyone, including the black community, was DEMANDING the police do something about the gangs and the crime.

So Giuliani and Bloomberg did something. And everyone was happy about it until they weren't. But don't worry, DeBlasio has fixed the problem.

most are justified--that's why!!!!!

No. Pretty much all murders of black people by white cops are justified by white people.

--DUH..most cops do not want to MURDER anyone....or kill without reason!! ...some might, but their OPPORTUNITIES to do so are very small

Lets looks at what happens when a Black Houston police officer shot and killed a couple of white suspected drug dealers during a drug raid.

Guess what happened ?

He was immediately charged with murder.

None of the #BlueLivesMatter talk for this case. No “sensitivity” training. No “diversity” classes. Black cops get JAIL

And also - How many black people were on various forums and all over social media supporting this black cop who killed white people ?

How many black people were all over social media trying to trash these white people's image ?

I'll wait

1. it's not about race--race has nothing to do with it

Say you who writes thread after thread about black people

2. they are not trying to kill them [ Garner/Floyd ] but to subdue them

Yeah of course because if black people obey police orders nothing will happen. Right ?

....MBrown/ASterling/etc --all justified

Of course.

no, most are justified ..sorry., the black cop that killed white lady Justin Damond was not justified---she was doing NOTHING wrong--not a criminal

And the black cop who shot her is currently doing time. How often does that happen when a white cop "mistakenly" shoots a black person because he thought he had a gun, when he didn't, or was reaching for one, when there wasn't one, etc. etc. etc.

1. HUGE difference--you fkd up----she was not doing anything wrong, not resisting/etc
2. HAHAHAHAHHA--you have the word mistakenly in quotes--= YES YES--because it's not mistakenly--it's justified----MBrown's case was investigate THREE times--by Obama's admin and a cop hating BLACK man-who could find nothing wrong--even though he tried very hard to's not mistakenly.
....they are justified or at worse, QUESTIONABLE--not clear on if they are wrong or right
3. if a white cop did the SAME thing, he would go to jail also
4. this cop DID go to jail for a ''''''mistake'''''':
We've already been through an entire "Summer of Love" where protests resulted in hundreds of deaths and hundreds of millions of dollars worth of property damage:

2020 Leftwing insurrection - Conservapedia

Now there is a high probability of more riots in Minneapolis and other cities when the verdict is reached in the murder case against Derek Chauvin, except George Floyd wasn't "murdered."

"Truth is the first victim in politics. Factions and passions rule. Random facts are picked as weapons, no one thinks things through.

We need to understand the facts surrounding the death of George Floyd.
Many key facts are being ignored..."

Or Did George Floyd Die of a Drug Overdose? Fatal Fentanyl: A Forensic Analysis -


All those drugs were administered through this neck by the officer's knee.

It's a brilliant plan!

no, most are justified ..sorry.

No. All killings of black ppl by cops are justified by white supremacists.

@harmonics, the black cop that killed white lady Justin Damond was not justified---she was doing NOTHING wrong--not a criminal

Of course


So a White cop kills black person on camera (many times showing the blk person was not doing anything threatening) & gets off.

A black cop kills a white woman who runs up on cop car in dark alley and bangs on car door. Cop can't see, shoots and gets 12 1//2 years.

Got it.

If that was a Black woman that pounded on the trunk of a police car in a dark alley, knowing they were investigating a violent crime, they would have called her ghetto, and said she deserved what she got.

If she was black we'd know her whole criminal history by now along with a mugshot but there's none of that cause she's was a white woman. Why didn't she comply? It was dark out. How was the officer supposed to know she wasn't armed!?!

But we got the usual


And guess what ?


They never made her fight for the $20 million. They just announced it the day after he was convicted. She didn't have to sue or settle for it. It was just given away. When the families are black they have to sue, incur cost, take them through the entire legal process before they settle right before the trial years later. The central park 5 from 20 years ago are STILL fighting to get paid and she got paid out IMMEDIATELY.

Meanwhile Philando Castile's family only received a 3 million dollar settlment for their wrongful death suit and his girlfriend only received $800, 000 and both shootings took place in the same state.

...MBrown ATTACKED the cop ....etc

Hang on a sec. No he didn't. A liar was allowed to testify. She wasn't even there.

I mean let's just take a second and think.

Darren Wilson the cop who claimed Mike Brown charged him. OK. So what Darren Wilson asks you to belive that Mike Brown punched him threw the window ?

(Yeah because of course we black men know that punching a cop is always going to work out well for us)

Then Darren Wilson shot Mike Brown in the hand. This is not my words. This is his testimony. So he says Mike Brown ran and at some point 50 yards away Mike Brown must have said to himself

"Wait a minute !! To hell with this !! Why am I running ? I think I'll just turn around and charge the cop because I'm sure he doesn't have any more bullets and even though he's proven that he'll shoot me, he wouldn't do it again and even though I'm a 300 pound guy. I reckon I can cover that 50 yard in half a second before he can pull the trigger"

That's what Darren Wilson got the jury to believe. You could not make up but Darren Wilson did his gofundme and was able to raise half a mill of that story

And bear in mind. Darren Wilson had weeks to think this bullshit. He had weeks to write his testimony.
1. HUGE difference--you fkd up----she was not doing anything wrong, not resisting/etc....Damond was not doing ANYTHING wrong
2.----MBrown's case was investigate THREE times--by Obama's admin and a cop hating BLACK man-who could find nothing wrong--even though he tried very hard to

....most are justified --the others are, at worst, QUESTIONABLE--not clear on if they are wrong or right
3. if a white cop did the SAME thing, he would go to jail also
like this one DID when it was not justified--you lose:
Let me ask you something, if the unarmed woman at the Capital that was gunned down had been black, what would your reaction have been? Racism?

Yeah because using an alleged fake $20 to buy some groceries is the same crime as hordes of people storrming the capitol building armed with guns and bombs looking to kill government officials. Right ?
SO if the unarmed woman was black who got shot dead, you would not have assigned racial intent?

Is this correct?

What other times is it OK to gun down unarmed black people?

For the record, of course.
After 6 burglaries, 3 car thefts, Multiple illegal trespasses, An ongoing cocaine and alcohol addiction,
Committing 2 violent home invasions, 3 armed robberies, Dealing Fentanyl and Meth, Passing counterfeit money, Beating 4 victims senseless and being arrested 23 times since 1998.
George Floyd hasn’t committed a crime in over 10 months now…
After 6 burglaries, 3 car thefts, Multiple illegal trespasses, An ongoing cocaine and alcohol addiction,
Committing 2 violent home invasions, 3 armed robberies, Dealing Fentanyl and Meth, Passing counterfeit money, Beating 4 victims senseless and being arrested 23 times since 1998.
George Floyd hasn’t committed a crime in over 10 months now…

I wood say dat he done re-habilitated hisself.

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