The Gettysburg Address

To even imply that the traitors remotely thought that all men are created equal shows what abdouchebag Mencken is

It doesn't matter what they thought. The claim that Lincoln and the Northern states were fighting for the right of self-determination is obvious hooey. They were fighting to impose confiscatory tariffs on the Southern states, and nothing more.
The legend is wrong of course.
Today a politician better have writers or help in writing a speech, one little flaw and bingo. Think of Obama or Bush misreading or mispronouncing a word from the teleprompter and it gives posters glee for some years as they keep repeating the flaw, to prove stupidity or a flaw of facts.
The best Gettysburg Address parody was perhaps by Mad Magazine. They presented the Address as corrected by an English teacher.
Slavery apologists like Bri are boring. You see them everywhere, defending their beloved slaver heroes.

Assholes like you are boring. Pointing out the crimes of the Lincoln administration doesn't make you a slavery apologist. however weasels like you will always try to make these discussions about supporting slavery or opposing it when that isn't the issue.

You're a sleazy hosebag, and nothing more.
Have you heard of free states? By the time Lincoln gave that speech northern states were mostly free states. ;)

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

By the time he gave the speech? That's a little late, don't you think? What about when the war started? You can hardly claim that the North was fighting to end slavery when quite a number of states in the union still practiced slavery.

We can debate till the end of time that the north fought to end slavery.......but there is no doubt the south fought to preserve it

Irrelevant. It doesn't change the fact that Lincoln is a liar.
According to legend Lincoln wrote the speech while on the train to Gettysburg. Today the politicians can't give a speech without a small army of speech writers, psychologists and political analysts. How many memorable speeches were ever given during the 20th century?

Churchills iron Curtain speech
FDRs the only thing you have to fear is fear itself
JFKs ask not what your country can do for you
MLKs I have a dream
Reagans tear down this wall
To even imply that the traitors remotely thought that all men are created equal shows what abdouchebag Mencken is

It doesn't matter what they thought. The claim that Lincoln and the Northern states were fighting for the right of self-determination is obvious hooey. They were fighting to impose confiscatory tariffs on the Southern states, and nothing more.

Then why did the South unilaterally in their declarations of secession identify maintaining slavery as a primary reason?
To even imply that the traitors remotely thought that all men are created equal shows what abdouchebag Mencken is

It doesn't matter what they thought. The claim that Lincoln and the Northern states were fighting for the right of self-determination is obvious hooey. They were fighting to impose confiscatory tariffs on the Southern states, and nothing more.

Then why did the South unilaterally in their declarations of secession identify maintaining slavery as a primary reason?

People don't want to be associated with horrific crimes or events. They want to believe they are fundamentally good. So they create narratives and myths to whitewash the sins of the past. It's a basic human trait. This is what is happening with those who say the Confederacy didn't leave because of slavery.
CIVIL WAR REVISIONISM..always a good time, eh?

What amazes me is how angry people some still get about the issue of the CSA.

And the same people who get so angry will -- to the man -- tell us that they think slavery is not okay.

It was however, they usually explain to us in one way or the other, a noble act for the CSA to defend the practice of slavery in 1860.

Interesting example of cognitive dissonance, no?

CIVIL WAR REVISIONISM..always a good time, eh?

What amazes me is how angry people some still get about the issue of the CSA.

And the same people who get so angry will -- to the man -- tell us that they think slavery is not okay.

It was however, they usually explain to us in one way or the other, a noble act for the CSA to defend the practice of slavery in 1860.

Interesting example of cognitive dissonance, no?


With many, and bripat9643 in particular, there is no risk of cognitive dissonance; his posts are, however, a discordant and meaningless mixture of 'sounds'.
Boy, you seriously need some help.

Why, because I'm not a brainwashed dolt like you?

Because you're an obsessed freak show.

You're the one who follows me all over the forum. That seems pretty freaky to me.

I realize upsetting your comfortable version of history is causing you severe distress. It always does when people discover a big chunk of what they believe turns out to be a lie. However, some of us are more concerned about what is true than what makes us feel good about ourselves.
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CIVIL WAR REVISIONISM..always a good time, eh?

What amazes me is how angry people some still get about the issue of the CSA.

And the same people who get so angry will -- to the man -- tell us that they think slavery is not okay.

It was however, they usually explain to us in one way or the other, a noble act for the CSA to defend the practice of slavery in 1860.

Interesting example of cognitive dissonance, no?


With many, and bripat9643 in particular, there is no risk of cognitive dissonance; his posts are, however, a discordant and meaningless mixture of 'sounds'.

There's no risk of dissonance because that would require holding beliefs that conflict with each other. See, I'm not the one who believes Lincoln was fighting for the right of self determination when it's undeniable he was brutally imposing a regime on people who didn't want it. I'm not the one who claims Lincoln started the war to free the slaves when even Lincoln admits he didn't give a damn about the slaves.
The Gettysburg address was complete and utter most speeches statist politicians spout.

The real truth....
Today’s essay by Kirkpatrick Sale brilliantly illustrates the “entirely fraudulent” nature of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. The “nation” was not founded in 1776, as Lincoln weirdly asserted, but years later when the Constitution was ratified; it was not founded on the principle of egalitarianism (“all men are created equal”) either; the founders did not revere democracy (“government of the people, by the people, for the people”) but feared it; and the War to Prevent Southern Independence was not fought over any of these things, as Lincoln falsely claimed in what has to be the Biggest Political Lie in American history.

The great H.L. Mencken recognized this decades ago. The late Joe Sobran also demolished this lie while pointing out that the entire purpose of the existence of such neocon propaganda mills as Harry Jaffa’s Claremont Institute is to perpetuate this Big Lie since it is the “rhetoric of continuing revolution” (a.k.a., the rhetoric of perpetual war for perpetual peace). Most of the rest of Lincoln’s rhetoric about the American founding, about which Sobran thought he knew next to nothing, is properly characterized as a “spectacular absurdity” by Donald Livingston.

A New Birth of Tyranny: Lincoln?s ?Entirely Fraudulent? Gettysburg Address ?
It doesn't matter what they thought. The claim that Lincoln and the Northern states were fighting for the right of self-determination is obvious hooey. They were fighting to impose confiscatory tariffs on the Southern states, and nothing more.

Then why did the South unilaterally in their declarations of secession identify maintaining slavery as a primary reason?

People don't want to be associated with horrific crimes or events. They want to believe they are fundamentally good. So they create narratives and myths to whitewash the sins of the past. It's a basic human trait. This is what is happening with those who say the Confederacy didn't leave because of slavery.

No one says that, numskull.

Another thing people do when they want to ignore horrific crimes and events is makeup bogus history. They want to believe they are fundamentally good. Hence, the reason Lincoln has been made into a virtual deity when in reality he is one of the greatest tyrants of history.
To even imply that the traitors remotely thought that all men are created equal shows what abdouchebag Mencken is

It doesn't matter what they thought. The claim that Lincoln and the Northern states were fighting for the right of self-determination is obvious hooey. They were fighting to impose confiscatory tariffs on the Southern states, and nothing more.

Then why did the South unilaterally in their declarations of secession identify maintaining slavery as a primary reason?

It doesn't matter what they put in their declarations of secession. The bottom line is that Lincoln didn't invade the Confederacy to end slavery. He didn't give a damn about the slaves. He was a white supremacist. He invaded the Confederacy to impose the Morill tariff on the South. He said so himself.
It doesn't matter what they thought. The claim that Lincoln and the Northern states were fighting for the right of self-determination is obvious hooey. They were fighting to impose confiscatory tariffs on the Southern states, and nothing more.

Then why did the South unilaterally in their declarations of secession identify maintaining slavery as a primary reason?

It doesn't matter what they put in their declarations of secession. The bottom line is that Lincoln didn't invade the Confederacy to end slavery. He didn't give a damn about the slaves. He was a white supremacist. He invaded the Confederacy to impose the Morill tariff on the South. He said so himself.

Quotes from Abe Lincoln..

"Whenever I hear any one arguing for slavery I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume VIII, "Speech to One Hundred Fortieth Indiana Regiment" (March 17, 1865), p. 361.

"What I do say is, that no man is good enough to govern another man, without that other's consent. I say this is the leading principle - the sheet anchor of American republicanism." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume II, "Speech at Peoria, Illinois" (October 16, 1854), p. 266.

"We think slavery a great moral wrong, and while we do not claim the right to touch it where it exists, we wish to treat it as a wrong in the territories, where our votes will reach it." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume IV, "Speech at New Haven, Connecticut" (March 6, 1860), p. 16.

"In 1841 you and I had together a tedious low-water trip, on a Steam Boat from Louisville to St. Louis. You may remember, as I well do, that from Louisville to the mouth of the Ohio there were, on board, ten or a dozen slaves, shackled together with irons. That sight was a continual torment to me; and I see something like it every time I touch the Ohio, or any other slave-border." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume II, "Letter to Joshua F. Speed" (August 24, 1855), p. 320.

"I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. I can not remember when I did not so think, and feel." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume VII, "Letter to Albert G. Hodges" (April 4, 1864), p. 281.
I realize upsetting your comfortable version of history is causing you severe distress.

You're not upsetting anything and you're not changing anything. You are just running around in circles waving your arms around and screaming like a maniac. The sooner you let this weird obsession go the better off you'll be.
Then why did the South unilaterally in their declarations of secession identify maintaining slavery as a primary reason?

People don't want to be associated with horrific crimes or events. They want to believe they are fundamentally good. So they create narratives and myths to whitewash the sins of the past. It's a basic human trait. This is what is happening with those who say the Confederacy didn't leave because of slavery.

No one says that, numskull.

Another thing people do when they want to ignore horrific crimes and events is makeup bogus history. They want to believe they are fundamentally good. Hence, the reason Lincoln has been made into a virtual deity when in reality he is one of the greatest tyrants of history.

You're a perfect example of what I'm talking about, statist.

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