The gift of self-hatred...from feminism to your daughter

If I hadn't raised my boys to be proper family men, then these girls would be in for a rough life. These girls /need/ anti-feminism.


My grandmother worked from the day she could walk. By the age of 14 she was working at other families so that her family didn't have to feed her. She worked all of her life- she had a rough life- and a productive life. When her husband died- she continued to work and support herself when the life insurance company screwed her over.

Your boys will be enabling these girls. And that is okay- if that is what works for them.

By the way- proper family men take care of their families- that doesn't mean marrying gimpy girls that can't take care of themselves- that means doing the hard work of making a marriage and family work.

Your boys could be proper family men with women who were not as helpless- but they aren't choosing to.
Anathema Syriusly
They want girls who will take on the roll of raising their kids, they want girls who are polite and proper females, they want to spoil them rotten and do everything they ask of them. They want to hold open the car doors for them, they want to buy them dinner and flowers. They want to take care of them. All of that is opposed by feminists, and not only opposed, it's hated upon constantly..

Again- Condaleeza Rice- a proud feminist- proud of being raised by her feminist father who pushed her to succeed.

When have you heard Condaleeza Rice hating on men who hold car doors open for women?

And what the hell is a 'proper female'- it appears that you think that a 'proper female' is one incapable of fending for herself.

Whats next- hoping for bound feet?
I think feminism had it's place, allowing women to vote, giving them the legal support to get themselves and their children out of abusive relationships, even giving them legal support for working, however, I often feel like the bad outweighs the good in many ways. Look at the single mother issue among the poor. If we hadn't been pushing the cultural revolution of woman power "don't need a man" bullshit then it would be a social stigma to abandon your wife and kids - such a man would be looked down upon by women and wouldn't be as likely to find anyone but whores to continue their games with. In the end the children would benefit from having both sides of the gender picture; and I think that's important too - a template of sorts to mimic in a way. If one parent was available to keep eyes on the kids we wouldn't have such a big gang and drug problem. If one parent could stay home the economy wouldn't have become a two-income system.

There's a lot of good that came out of women's suffrage, but I also see a lot of bad - and frankly the bad far outweighs the good because, to my eyes, it's causing a cascade failure of society.

Why blame feminism on men abandoning their familial responsibilities? Seriously- the ones responsible for abandoning their family is the one who abandons the family- not the one who sticks with the family.

And I say that with some bitterness- because my sister's husband abandoned her for a younger woman recently- this is not the fault of 'feminism'- if anything it is the opposite- male entitlement. Feminism is not to blame for him being an asshole- that is the assholes fault.

And feminism is to "blame" for the woman left taking care of the family being able to support them by being something other than a nurse or a teacher.
They don't need me/you/anyone telling them what's proper for them.

Do they need Hollywood feminists telling them what is proper? Do they need feminist groups ordering Mattel not to allow little girls to play with barbies which say "math class is tough"? Do they need JJ Adams creating a feminist Star Wars and claiming the original Star Wars was "for boys"?
Oh meant to say they don't anyone EXCEPT feminists telling them what's proper.
Those are extreme views (although people have been bitching about Barbie for years). What DragonLady said in her response is more what practical feminism is about.
What's the matter little man, afraid of strong independent females.
Whine a bit more, just like the whiny little bitch in the whitehouse.

What is a strong independent female? I don't think I've ever met one but doubt they are scary.
I know some big nasty looking bulkdykes where I work. But they aren't scary. Just pitiful.

The fact that you claim to have never met a strong, independent female speaks volumes. The fact that you use "bull dykes" as the only possible version of a strong, independent female is laughable.

If what you say is true, that you have never met a strong, independent female, you should be ranting to teach girls how to be strong and how to be independent. The alternative is weak and dependent.

You don't have ADD do you? I don't call bulldykes strong and independent. I call them pitiful. Wanna read that again?
What's a bulldyke. To you, I mean. Can a woman be strong and independent and NOT be a bulldyke?
Anybody with any sense (not liberal), or with any morals, can see that feminism is a blinding hatred for anything feminine.


Popularity of tomboys is encouraging girls to swap gender, says NHS psychologist

More than double the number of girls compared to boys now seek the NHS's gender identity development service
8 MAY 2017 • 10:00PM
The popularity of tomboys has sparked a sharp rise in the number of girls wanting to swap gender, according to a leading NHS psychologist.

New statistics show that for the first time, more than double the number of girls compared to boys seek the NHS's gender identity development service.

In popular culture, lead characters such as Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games, Tris Prior in the Divergent series, or Eleven in Stranger Things, have sparked a revival of strong tomboyoish, females.

In the past year there have been 1,400 'assigned at birth' females who have sought treatment, compared with 616 males.

Orignal Article
I didnt know shooting a bow and arrow made one a tomboy.
Syriusly So as I said, feminists would try to convince these girls to leave my boys. Also accuse my boys of being "bad men" simply because they want to pamper their girls / future wives and do what they think is best for their kids / family. You prove all my points beautifully. (Also, how many times are you going to reply to my post dude? That's like what six? And you're /still/ not done coming unglued over the simple fact that my boys want traditional wives, and found them.)

Feminists get pissed off when they hold open doors for girls, even their GFs, they yell at my boys for being "condescending." Feminists think it's "controlling" for them to tell their GFs that they would expect them to dedicate themselves to their kids - my boys give the girls a choice before the "relationship" even starts. Feminists look at shit like "what about divorce" when marriage is supposed to be forever - husband's /shouldn't/ abandon their marriage for stupid shit and I've made damn sure my boys know that marriage requires their commitment even if they hit rough spots, they have to work through it.

(Their father and I both know the dangers of rushing into marriage, we tied the knot when I was 19, rushing to have that white picket fence without thinking. The only reason we don't regret it is that we have our two boys because of it. Its still a huge embarrassment for both of us to admit we've been divorced, a failure on our records - a lack of commitment. It took us almost 5 years to actually divorce because we were such good friends and we knew we could "make it work", but it wouldn't have been "marriage" because it was fake. We thought divorce was the right thing to do back then, but in the end we both regretted getting divorced. It was too late though, you can't go back after you've moved on. We both got new partners, new children through marriage, you can't undo that, you can't abandon that. We told our boys everything, the mistakes on both ends of the marriage and they seem to have taken it to heart. Neither wants kids until they're financially stable, neither wants to get married until they're older, etc.)
Depressing to read that so many of battles for very basic rights have not actually moved forward from the days when I first came across them. How is it possible that men and women are still living in the dark ages, still thinking that women are and should be subservient to men?

The description above of "traditional men" are indeed a burden. Women who stay childlike, never learning to take care of themselves do find themselves unable to function when their husband dies or leaves.

There's nothing masculine about capable women. If you have a daughter, don't you want her to make her life choices based on what she wants rather than being forced into decisions by her own helplessness?

Why would a parent hold their child back like that?

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Depressing to read that so many of battles for very basic rights have not actually moved forward from the days when I first came across them. How is it possible that men and women are still living in the dark ages, still thinking that women are and should be subservient to men?

The description above of "traditional men" are indeed a burden. Women who stay childlike, never learning to take care of themselves do find themselves unable to function when their husband dies or leaves.

There's nothing masculine about capable women. If you have a daughter, don't you want her to make her life choices based on what she wants rather than being forced into decisions by her own helplessness?

Why would a parent hold their child back like that?

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I think people that want their girls to be subservient have some issues with pedophilia. They want their girls docile and easy to control.
And feminism is to "blame" for the woman left taking care of the family being able to support them by being something other than a nurse or a teacher.

Back in the day a husband would pay alimony and/or child support. Somehow that deterrent from divorce went away (I'm not sure that was feminism though.) My first husband insisted on paying child support in addition to being there for the boys (I never needed it, but he insisted it was the "right thing to do" - not all men are assholes, good fathers/husbands will ensure their exes and children are taken care of even /after/ divorce.)
Syriusly So as I said, feminists would try to convince these girls to leave my boys. Also accuse my boys of being "bad men" simply because they want to pamper their girls / future wives and do what they think is best for their kids / family. You prove all my points beautifully. )

And I do that by repeatedly- like 6 times- saying that if that is what both of partners in the couple want- that is okay?

I don't know of any 'feminist' who would try to convince these girls to leave your boys- unless your boys were mistreating them.

My daughter- as strong of a feminist as I know- certainly wouldn't. She would be baffled why your boys would settle for girls who you seem to acknowledge as being socially crippled- but she doesn't care what other couples do.

Most feminists don't.

As a father- and feminist myself- I don't accuse your boys of being bad men at all- if they want to pamper these girls fine- I pamper my daughter and wife all the time- but if they hate all feminists then I think that they are ignorant and misguided- and just stupid- to hate my daughter because she happens to believe in equality for women.
I think feminism had it's place, allowing women to vote, giving them the legal support to get themselves and their children out of abusive relationships, even giving them legal support for working, however, I often feel like the bad outweighs the good in many ways. Look at the single mother issue among the poor. If we hadn't been pushing the cultural revolution of woman power "don't need a man" bullshit then it would be a social stigma to abandon your wife and kids - such a man would be looked down upon by women and wouldn't be as likely to find anyone but whores to continue their games with. In the end the children would benefit from having both sides of the gender picture; and I think that's important too - a template of sorts to mimic in a way. If one parent was available to keep eyes on the kids we wouldn't have such a big gang and drug problem. If one parent could stay home the economy wouldn't have become a two-income system.

There's a lot of good that came out of women's suffrage, but I also see a lot of bad - and frankly the bad far outweighs the good because, to my eyes, it's causing a cascade failure of society.

Why blame feminism on men abandoning their familial responsibilities? Seriously- the ones responsible for abandoning their family is the one who abandons the family- not the one who sticks with the family.

And I say that with some bitterness- because my sister's husband abandoned her for a younger woman recently- this is not the fault of 'feminism'- if anything it is the opposite- male entitlement. Feminism is not to blame for him being an asshole- that is the assholes fault.

And feminism is to "blame" for the woman left taking care of the family being able to support them by being something other than a nurse or a teacher.

Infuriating that single mothers are punished for being responsible and caring for their children while dead beat dads are called "sowing their wild oats".

And yeah, I can't imagine how that is the fault of equality between men and women.

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And feminism is to "blame" for the woman left taking care of the family being able to support them by being something other than a nurse or a teacher.

Back in the day a husband would pay alimony and/or child support. Somehow that deterrent from divorce went away (I'm not sure that was feminism though.))

LOL- assholes have been abandoning their families long before divorce and child support were 'easy'- read stories from the Depression- thousands of men abandoned their families.

Good men- and good women- don't abandon their families- but a man or a woman who depends on someone else entirely for their support will be in bad shape when the non-good people abandon them.
And feminism is to "blame" for the woman left taking care of the family being able to support them by being something other than a nurse or a teacher.

Back in the day a husband would pay alimony and/or child support. Somehow that deterrent from divorce went away (I'm not sure that was feminism though.))

LOL- assholes have been abandoning their families long before divorce and child support were 'easy'- read stories from the Depression- thousands of men abandoned their families.

Good men- and good women- don't abandon their families- but a man or a woman who depends on someone else entirely for their support will be in bad shape when the non-good people abandon them.

Yea. Lets plan for divorce and every woman in the country getting totally fucked over out of this side of our mouth.

On the other side of our mouth, meh let them all in, what's the worst that could happen?
Feminists get pissed off when they hold open doors for girls, even their GFs, they yell at my boys for being "condescending." Feminists think it's "controlling" for them to tell their GFs that they would expect them to dedicate themselves to their kids - my boys give the girls a choice before the "relationship" even starts. Feminists look at shit like "what about divorce" when marriage is supposed to be forever - husband's /shouldn't/ abandon their marriage for stupid shit and I've made damn sure my boys know that marriage requires their commitment even if they hit rough spots, they have to work through it.)

I live in San Francisco. I don't know if you can find a city in the United States that is more 'feminist' oriented than the City.

My daughter's boyfriend rushes to open the door for her everytime- its very sweet. No feminist has ever yelled at him- or my daughter. Where the hell do you live? Who are these mystery feminists?

And feminists are bad because they want women to be able to support themselves in case their husband does abandon her, or dies.....that is a bad thing?

You must be really opposed to the Boy Scouts- and their whole "Be Prepared" ethos.
And feminism is to "blame" for the woman left taking care of the family being able to support them by being something other than a nurse or a teacher.

Back in the day a husband would pay alimony and/or child support. Somehow that deterrent from divorce went away (I'm not sure that was feminism though.))

LOL- assholes have been abandoning their families long before divorce and child support were 'easy'- read stories from the Depression- thousands of men abandoned their families.

Good men- and good women- don't abandon their families- but a man or a woman who depends on someone else entirely for their support will be in bad shape when the non-good people abandon them.

Yea. Lets plan for divorce and every woman in the country getting totally fucked over out of this side of our mouth.

On the other side of our mouth, meh let them all in, what's the worst that could happen?

Do you oppose fire insurance because you don't want to 'plan for a fire'?
Syriusly I live in Alaska, like it says under my avatar. All my boys went to Boy Scouts actually, I was a den mother for many years.

Again, feminism would hate my sons simply because they want 'traditional' women - you feminists attach an automatic stigma of abuse and ill intentions to that idea. Oh making them dependent, oh enabling their weakness, etc. Yet these girls exist and that is how they are. My boys are the kind of men they want, yet you will sit there on a high horse telling the women they are wrong, telling my boys they are wrong. This is the hatred face of feminism. It's not a "positive force" in this case at all, it's a rabid rejection of what individuals want to do - a condemnation of individual choice and a concession to "group think" that feminism is the 'better' way to be. These girls disagree, my boys disagree, but feminists don't care, they must attack it because it threatens their "movement"
Syriusly I live in Alaska, like it says under my avatar. All my boys went to Boy Scouts actually, I was a den mother for many years.

Again, feminism would hate my sons simply because they want 'traditional' women - you feminists attach an automatic stigma of abuse and ill intentions to that idea. Oh making them dependent, oh enabling their weakness, etc. Yet these girls exist and that is how they are. My boys are the kind of men they want, yet you will sit there on a high horse telling the women they are wrong, telling my boys they are wrong. This is the hatred face of feminism. It's not a "positive force" in this case at all, it's a rabid rejection of what individuals want to do - a condemnation of individual choice and a concession to "group think" that feminism is the 'better' way to be. These girls disagree, my boys disagree, but feminists don't care, they must attack it because it threatens their "movement"
The term "traditional" is insulting to them. Thats why they would hate them. They represent a problem. The idea that somehow its wrong to be strong is insulting and frankly ignorant.

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