The gift of self-hatred...from feminism to your daughter

Anybody with any sense (not liberal), or with any morals, can see that feminism is a blinding hatred for anything feminine.


Popularity of tomboys is encouraging girls to swap gender, says NHS psychologist

More than double the number of girls compared to boys now seek the NHS's gender identity development service
8 MAY 2017 • 10:00PM
The popularity of tomboys has sparked a sharp rise in the number of girls wanting to swap gender, according to a leading NHS psychologist.

New statistics show that for the first time, more than double the number of girls compared to boys seek the NHS's gender identity development service.

In popular culture, lead characters such as Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games, Tris Prior in the Divergent series, or Eleven in Stranger Things, have sparked a revival of strong tomboyoish, females.

In the past year there have been 1,400 'assigned at birth' females who have sought treatment, compared with 616 males.

Orignal Article
I didnt know shooting a bow and arrow made one a tomboy.
Yeah, don't tell Diana that; she'd turn you into a rock or something.

Again, feminism would hate my sons simply because they want 'traditional' women - you feminists attach an automatic stigma of abuse and ill intentions to that idea. "

Sigh- hmmm how should I label you and tell you how you would react.

You Conservatives would hate my daughter because she is strong, strong willed, independent and capable. You Conservatives attach an automatic stigma of abuse and ill intentions to the idea of a strong capable woman.

Don't you see what you are doing here?

I have already said I wouldn't hate your sons. I have already said my daughter would hate your sons. I don't think Condaleeza Rice would hate your sons- not for wanting 'feminine women'

Feminism wants equal rights for women. Feminism doesn't say women cannot be feminine. Feminism doesn't say that women cannot get married, and raise kids. Feminism doesn't say that a man can't open a door for a woman.

Feminism says that women shouldn't be pigenholed into being feminine. That women should have the choice of a career and/or a family and raising kids. Feminism says that women are capable of opening their own doors.

Remember- the only persons who you have identified personally who actually 'hate' anyone for their beliefs- are you identifying your sons for hating 'feminists'.

Who are these 'feminists' you keep refering to that your sons hate- and that you think hate your sons?
Syriusly I live in Alaska, like it says under my avatar. All my boys went to Boy Scouts actually, I was a den mother for many years.

Again, feminism would hate my sons simply because they want 'traditional' women - you feminists attach an automatic stigma of abuse and ill intentions to that idea. Oh making them dependent, oh enabling their weakness, etc. Yet these girls exist and that is how they are. My boys are the kind of men they want, yet you will sit there on a high horse telling the women they are wrong, telling my boys they are wrong. This is the hatred face of feminism. It's not a "positive force" in this case at all, it's a rabid rejection of what individuals want to do - a condemnation of individual choice and a concession to "group think" that feminism is the 'better' way to be. These girls disagree, my boys disagree, but feminists don't care, they must attack it because it threatens their "movement"
I don't agree that every woman should be forced to be a "feminist." It should be a choice, though, not an expectation either by society or a mate.
There have been a lot of strong women in my family because the men tended to have bad hearts and die young. Maybe because of that, a few generations of women in my family have been raised to get enough training/education to be able to take care of themselves. They can go on to marry and have whatever relationship they want with him, but be prepared. It could happen he's gone and suddenly you have to earn a living and deal with the car mechanic etc.
Syriusly I live in Alaska, like it says under my avatar. All my boys went to Boy Scouts actually, I was a den mother for many years.

My boys are the kind of men they want, yet you will sit there on a high horse telling the women they are wrong, telling my boys they are wrong. This is the hatred face of feminism. "

Sigh- the only person making any claims of 'hatred' in this thread- is you saying your sons hate feminists.

I have repeatedly said that if your boys and these girls are okay with their relationship then it is their issue:

I don't have a problem with either party in a relationship agreeing to the kind of relationship that works for them- so long as it isn't abusive.

These girls do not require such a man- your boys will be enabling these girls to be such women. And that is okay if that is what they all want to do.

Apparently your boys are chosing girls who 'need' them for their very survival. That works for some people. It doesn't seem healthy to me- but if it works for them- who am I to judge?

If your boys are fine with girls like this- then thats fine

I haven't said your boys are bad- and indeed- you were the one who first raised your concerns about the girls that they were marrying.

You seem incredibly judgemental on anyone who happens to advocate for the equal treatment of women- and on women being self sufficient.
.My point is that these kinds of girls exist and they need traditional men, like my boys, or they'd be in a world of hurt.

I'm an anti-feminist... I believe that feminism is harmful, these kinds of girls are just an example of that harm - and there are a lot more than you think out there, clearly cause my boys keep pulling them out of the wood work and have been for at least a decade. This is the kinda girl they're attracted to - even if I find them pathetic simpering wusses.

Feminism would label my boys as assholes and controlling, holding these girls down with traditionalism, etc. But the truth is my boys are strong, reliable, and open/honest with their opinions on what /they/ want in their partner. They tend to hate feminists. They want girls who will take on the roll of raising their kids, they want girls who are polite and proper females, they want to spoil them rotten and do everything they ask of them. They want to hold open the car doors for them, they want to buy them dinner and flowers. They want to take care of them. All of that is opposed by feminists, and not only opposed, it's hated upon constantly.

If I hadn't raised my boys to be proper family men, then these girls would be in for a rough life. These girls /need/ anti-feminism.

No. What Society as a whole needs (your boys and these girls included) is a return to stable, generally accepted and embraced gender roles. Roles that are backed up in oir Laws, our Education system, and our own living rooms every night.

It took my until 12 days before my 40th birthday to get married because I couldn't find a woman like your boys have found. Probably because I live in the most Liberal part of the country.

Im routinely attacked as a Neanderthal, a Ludite, and a Misogynist both online and in person. I hust smile and consider it a compliment as I move forward in life.
.My point is that these kinds of girls exist and they need traditional men, like my boys, or they'd be in a world of hurt.

I'm an anti-feminist... I believe that feminism is harmful, these kinds of girls are just an example of that harm - and there are a lot more than you think out there, clearly cause my boys keep pulling them out of the wood work and have been for at least a decade. This is the kinda girl they're attracted to - even if I find them pathetic simpering wusses.

Feminism would label my boys as assholes and controlling, holding these girls down with traditionalism, etc. But the truth is my boys are strong, reliable, and open/honest with their opinions on what /they/ want in their partner. They tend to hate feminists. They want girls who will take on the roll of raising their kids, they want girls who are polite and proper females, they want to spoil them rotten and do everything they ask of them. They want to hold open the car doors for them, they want to buy them dinner and flowers. They want to take care of them. All of that is opposed by feminists, and not only opposed, it's hated upon constantly.

If I hadn't raised my boys to be proper family men, then these girls would be in for a rough life. These girls /need/ anti-feminism.

No. What Society as a whole needs (your boys and these girls included) is a return to stable, generally accepted and embraced gender roles. Roles that are backed up in oir Laws, our Education system, and our own living rooms every night.

It took my until 12 days before my 40th birthday to get married because I couldn't find a woman like your boys have found. Probably because I live in the most Liberal part of the country.

Im routinely attacked as a Neanderthal, a Ludite, and a Misogynist both online and in person. I hust smile and consider it a compliment as I move forward in life.
What do you think of Rosie the Riveter?
Depressing to read that so many of battles for very basic rights have not actually moved forward from the days when I first came across them. How is it possible that men and women are still living in the dark ages, still thinking that women are and should be subservient to men?

The description above of "traditional men" are indeed a burden. Women who stay childlike, never learning to take care of themselves do find themselves unable to function when their husband dies or leaves.

There's nothing masculine about capable women. If you have a daughter, don't you want her to make her life choices based on what she wants rather than being forced into decisions by her own helplessness?

Why would a parent hold their child back like that?

Life isn't about what you or I or anyone else WANT. It's about what we SHOILD do. That's the entire point of Life - Right and Wrong.

If my wife and I have a daughter she will be taught her proper place, just az a Son would be taught His. They would also be taught not to give in to modern social constructs that seek to destroy Proper Society.
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No, you misunderstood what I was saying and where I'm coming from, probably because you missed some of my posts. Let me try to clear this up by repeating myself and adding a bit. I'm an anti-feminist in many ways - but I don't walk that walk. I'm a bisexual alpha female who prefers open marriage and likes control in all things. I'm not sure you could actually get much more "classical feminist" than myself: I am fiercely independent, strong, self-reliant, and I don't need a fucking man but for my own pleasure. First husband and I divorced over it, because he wanted a traditional wife and I told him that wasn't happening because I was corporate. I had to compromise, my kids or my career and I resented it. I made the right choice though I wasn't happy about it; my kids and I juggled my career around them and their needs. My first husband was the casualty, I dumped him for my career because all my "family time" went to the kids, not him, he was on his own. In the end, someone had to be sacrificed and it wasn't going to be my boys.

In any event that is how I know feminism's flaws because I am one. I've also been fighting with feminists most of my life because they're total bitches, feminists are why I'm not a lesbian. There are very few "classical feminists" left, I don't know where you've been but the femi-nazi's have taken over. They rage about how women don't need a man, they rage against the "shackles of marriage" (and some even of having kids at all) They are not open to /anyone/ being traditional and they openly attack it at every opportunity. I have even seen it from my sons own eyes, women and girls snipping at my son for holding the door open for them at restaurants and the like. Trying to "defend" their girlfriends because they order for them (because they're too shy to speak to the pushy waitress.)

So again: without men like my boys, these girls would be lambs to the slaughter. Without men like my boys they'd be fucked. These girls disgust me; weak pathetic excuses for women in my personal opinion, but it's not about /me/. It's about what my boys want, what those girls want/how they are. MY opinion is mine, not theirs. Just as the feminists opinions are their own, not these girls, not my boys. I am able to set aside my personal opinions and feelings about it, feminists today are not, they have to forward the 'movement' no matter who gets hosed in the process, no matter how unhappy they make folks like my sons and those shy traditional girls. They don't care about their existence, they just want to change them all.
Rosie the Riveter was a good feminist model; the homemaker who showed women's true strength, the strength women always had, in trying times. She was a symbol of women's quiet power, not a rejection of traditional gender roles...

You look at sayings that used to be common-place like, "Behind every man is a good woman." Gender roles were not oppression, there was a lot of respect.
Rosie the Riveter was a good feminist model; the homemaker who showed women's true strength, the strength women always had, in trying times. She was a symbol of women's quiet power, not a rejection of traditional gender roles...

You look at sayings that used to be common-place like, "Behind every man is a good woman." Gender roles were not oppression, there was a lot of respect.

The problem is that when GI Joe came home from Europe and the Pacific, Rosie didn't necessarily want to go back to being a good wife and mother

In any event that is how I know feminism's flaws because I am one. I've also been fighting with feminists most of my life because they're total bitches, feminists are why I'm not a lesbian. There are very few "classical feminists" left, I don't know where you've been but the femi-nazi's have taken over. They rage about how women don't need a man, they rage against the "shackles of marriage" (and some even of having kids at all) They are not open to /anyone/ being traditional and they openly attack it at every opportunity. I have even seen it from my sons own eyes, women and girls snipping at my son for holding the door open for them at restaurants and the like. Trying to "defend" their girlfriends because they order for them (because they're too shy to speak to the pushy waitress.) .

I said where I am- I am in San Francisco. The heartland of Liberalism, Lesbians and Feminism.

And I don't experience any of that. My daughter goes to public school where we have lesbian couples raising kids- and they have no problem with their daughters dating boys who open doors for them.

As I said- my daughter is a feminist- and is happy to have her boyfriend open the door for her- and not once- not ever- here in San Francisco- has anyone said a single negative thing about it.

So where are all of these flaming feminists?

And fyi- none of us 'need' marriage- but I think it is a wonderful institution that is good for most people.

You keep railing against 'feminists' and I am sure that there are women who are just as judgemental as you say that they are- but I am not seeing them. Nor is my very feminist daughter.
Rosie the Riveter was a good feminist model; the homemaker who showed women's true strength, the strength women always had, in trying times. She was a symbol of women's quiet power, not a rejection of traditional gender roles...

At the time she was seen as exactly that- women earning independent incomes was considered very much a rejection of 'traditional' dependence on men gender roles.
You look at sayings that used to be common-place like, "Behind every man is a good woman." Gender roles were not oppression, there was a lot of respect.

Gender roles often were oppression. Hell gender roles were often legally enforced. Gender roles included looking the other way while men strayed the other way- but wives were sluts and whores if they did. Single men were encouraged to sow their oats- while single women were sluts if they had sex with any man.

Women being told that they didn't need to be paid as much as men- was not a 'lot of respect'.
I am able to set aside my personal opinions and feelings about it, feminists today are not,.


You have been consistently condemning feminists for how they are in this thread- it doesn't seem like you are setting aside your personal opinions or feelings at all.

No one has condemned your sons here- you have expressed your judgement on the girls. No 'feminist' is here telling your boys that they are evil because they have chosen girls that will be entirely dependent on them.

But i suspect you are short changing these girls.
.....So again: without men like my boys, these girls would be lambs to the slaughter. Without men like my boys they'd be fucked. These girls disgust me; weak pathetic excuses for women in my personal opinion, but it's not about /me/. It's about what my boys want, what those girls want/how they are. MY opinion is mine, not theirs. Just as the feminists opinions are their own, not these girls, not my boys. I am able to set aside my personal opinions and feelings about it, feminists today are not, they have to forward the 'movement' no matter who gets hosed in the process, no matter how unhappy they make folks like my sons and those shy traditional girls. They don't care about their existence, they just want to change them all.

Nothing personal, but without women like you "classic feminists", this woildnt be an issue to begn with. Rosie the Riveter gave Anerican women the idea they COULD do things they hadnt in the past.

Unfortunately nobody explained to Rosie that the only reason she SHOULD be doing it was because GI Joe was overseas gettlng his ass shot off rather than working in the factory.

When Joe came home, Rosie wasn't necessarily interested in returning to her proper place in Society. Joe maintained his place as Rosie's husband but Rosie didn't alwzys live up to "Love, Honor, Serve, and Obey".

Over time this gave their worthless son Jack the idea that he didnt have to live up to his Societal expectations either. He burbed his draft card and fled to Canada. Their daughter Rhonda turned out like you.

And Society has just devolved from there.
.....So again: without men like my boys, these girls would be lambs to the slaughter. Without men like my boys they'd be fucked. These girls disgust me; weak pathetic excuses for women in my personal opinion, but it's not about /me/. It's about what my boys want, what those girls want/how they are. MY opinion is mine, not theirs. Just as the feminists opinions are their own, not these girls, not my boys. I am able to set aside my personal opinions and feelings about it, feminists today are not, they have to forward the 'movement' no matter who gets hosed in the process, no matter how unhappy they make folks like my sons and those shy traditional girls. They don't care about their existence, they just want to change them all.

Nothing personal, but without women like you "classic feminists", this woildnt be an issue to begn with. Rosie the Riveter gave Anerican women the idea they COULD do things they hadnt in the past.

Unfortunately nobody explained to Rosie that the only reason she SHOULD be doing it was because GI Joe was overseas gettlng his ass shot off rather than working in the factory.

When Joe came home, Rosie wasn't necessarily interested in returning to her proper place in Society. Joe maintained his place as Rosie's husband but Rosie didn't alwzys live up to "Love, Honor, Serve, and Obey".

Over time this gave their worthless son Jack the idea that he didnt have to live up to his Societal expectations either. He burbed his draft card and fled to Canada. Their daughter Rhonda turned out like you.

And Society has just devolved from there.

Actually I agree with you heh
As a woman, I take EXTREME offence to the OP. Encouraging women to be active, smart and strong isn't making girls more masculine, it's making them more capable.

I grew up playing sports, catching tadpoles in creeks and gathering wild berries for my mother to make into jam. All while wearing pretty dresses my mother made for me.

Today I'm making pretty dresses for my granddaughter to wear while she plays with her cars and Legos. Strong, capable women make the country stronger, make stronger marriages and more successful life partners.

Weakness encourages dependance [sic], poverty and helplessness. I realize this is the preferred Conservative wife model but such women don't make good partners or helpmates.

I'm in complete agreement with you except for the highlighted part.

My wife is a very strong, capable woman, perhaps more so at times than I am. As a conservative, I wouldn't have it any other way, nor would any other conservative that I know.

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