The gift of self-hatred...from feminism to your daughter

That's actually a decent point. Both of my boys have GF's who are painfully shy. As a mother I worry that they are both going to have to work harder to make up for these girl's inability to function in a job and stuff. My eldest is actually moving out of state because they hope it'll be cheaper (son's job has an opening there for him.)

These gals wouldn't make it in the real world without a man to tend to them. It is anti-feminist for my boys to be willing to take on that "dominant male" role or are they doing these gals a service by accepting them despite that fault?

So you see your potential daughters-in-law as being faulty and blame them for their inability to support themselves? Am I getting that right?, because thsts what I get out of your post.... anger thst your boys might hace to support their potential wife.

Well I blame their parents for not helping them with their self-confidence earlier, but that's not so much the point. Nor is it that my boys will have to work harder to make up income, my boys will work hard and take good care of them regardless, if they were not so stubborn as to let me help them financially I'd be less worried.

My point was merely that such girls exist in the world and they require a 'traditional' man. Feminism makes it harder and harder to have such a relationship. There are many angles they might attack from. Just look at how they accuse President Trump of abusing Melania. I have no doubt that some women will think these girls abused, they're terrified to speak in public, they hide behind my sons like frightened puppies. What will happen when their little girlfriends decide to "save them" - convince them they're being mistreated, and these girls are so insecure they might even believe it.
Well I blame their parents for not helping them with their self-confidence earlier, but that's not so much the point. Nor is it that my boys will have to work harder to make up income, my boys will work hard and take good care of them regardless, if they were not so stubborn as to let me help them financially I'd be less worried.

You raised two Men who u derstand their responsibility to support their family. Thsts something to be very proud of. Especially in this day and age. Did you ever think that maybe these ladies were raised to believe that their proper place in Society was different than what you seem to believe it should be?

My point was merely that such girls exist in the world and they require a 'traditional' man. Feminism makes it harder and harder to have such a relationship. There are many angles they might attack from. Just look at how they accuse President Trump of abusing Melania. I have no doubt that some women will think these girls abused, they're terrified to speak in public, they hide behind my sons like frightened puppies. What will happen when their little girlfriends decide to "save them" - convince them they're being mistreated, and these girls are so insecure they might even believe it.

I'm a Traditional Man and this idea so many people seem to have that being a Traditional Man is somehow an excessive burden is silly. I believe that's my proper place in the world; just as my wife believes it's her proper place to be a quiet, in the background, housewife.

As for their girlfriends and "interventions"..... it happens a lot less thsn you think. Most of the girls with attitudes similar to your potential daughters-in-law have made their preference for a Traditional relationship well kmown to their friends and family.
My extremely feminine smart daughter is also a proud feminist who hates no one- least of all herself.

The only one peddling hate here is you. What is your problem?

The only part of that I believe is "feminist"..

Of course you don't- you don't believe any woman can be a strong woman who believes in women's equality.

You experience the pain of differing views with little grace. Are you sure you are a "strong independent woman"?

I am pretty sure I am no kind of woman at all. Since I have mentioned I am a proud father of a daughter who could beat your ass at paintball or cooking a chicken.

As a proud father of a daughter who embraces- and is embraced by feminism- I calling out your bullshit.

Paintball! Lol. Is that like the ultimate masculine test? Ok perhaps she can. Since I've never done anything so silly.

The cooking Yes. She can outcook me no doubt. Tell her to keep practicing the cooking. It's very important skill for a young woman ...unless she plans on being alone and barren for the rest of her life. In that case opening a can of cat food for her cats will suffice.

Wow....when your wife dies I guess you will be left to opening a can of cat food to feed yourself- since you don't know how to cook and are totally dependent on your wife for cooking.

My daughter is no whiner like you.
You need to get out more. I know plenty of single women raising children and supporting the household. And they do so without gov't assistance. But I can see why you would say you don't know any. That would mess up your narrative.

Single mothers raising fatherless kids...I need to seek these out? Why?

Well for one thing you might learn something.

Secondly, you might meet some interesting people.

Thirdly, you might be in a position to be a helpful neighbor.

Or you could just sit in righteous judgment of them.

Ahh the liberal horror of being judged.
I think I prefer the last option though. Choices have consequences.

How very "Christian" of you...

And you always encourage Christianity don't you?

Nope- I enjoy pointing out when American Christians are acting 'un-Christian' like.

Actually- I encourage the wisdom of Jesus- there is a lot of wisdom of Jesus that I try to emulate- including not only 'love thy neighbor' but the much, much harder 'love thy enemy'.
As a former "tomboy", it's difficult to believe that ANY competent medical professional would use such a denigrating term in regard to young females. Calling a girl a tomboy is incredibly insulting and demeaning.

Yes tomboys are repulsive.

Tomboys are repulsive?

How can you find this character 'repulsive'?
As a former "tomboy", it's difficult to believe that ANY competent medical professional would use such a denigrating term in regard to young females. Calling a girl a tomboy is incredibly insulting and demeaning.

If this article you're quoting is real, it's some radical asshole with strange ideas and a hatred of feminists.

Some "tomboys" lol]

You have a wierdly twisted view of what a 'tomboy' is.

Some tomboy's are lesbians. Some lesbians are tomboys. Neither inclusive or exclusive.

Here is the equivalent:

Some Christians

As a former "tomboy", it's difficult to believe that ANY competent medical professional would use such a denigrating term in regard to young females. Calling a girl a tomboy is incredibly insulting and demeaning.

Yes tomboys are repulsive. But pushed as the norm by media elites. I'm not sure it's a pejorative though. What term should he have used...something like "masculinized women" or "dykey women" or what?

So you are repulsed by tomboys. Obviously many men are not. Your tastes are not everyone's tastes.

I see you haven't answered my question.

It appears he is 'repulsed' by strong women.
Ann Coultur, brilliant as always, once said "feminism is the hatred of all things feminine"..

Ann Coulter?

No one promotes hate more successfully than her.

If it were not for feminism she would not be able to have the platform she has now- because men would not have allowed her a voice.
Don't worry liberals...big monopolistic corporations like google are watching out for you to make sure no unapproved ideas slip out. It's for your own good. Really.

Speaking of which- that big monopolistic Conservative corporations lost one its sexual abusers yesterday....
I think feminism had it's place, allowing women to vote, giving them the legal support to get themselves and their children out of abusive relationships, even giving them legal support for working, however, I often feel like the bad outweighs the good in many ways. Look at the single mother issue among the poor. If we hadn't been pushing the cultural revolution of woman power "don't need a man" bullshit then it would be a social stigma to abandon your wife and kids - such a man would be looked down upon by women and wouldn't be as likely to find anyone but whores to continue their games with. In the end the children would benefit from having both sides of the gender picture; and I think that's important too - a template of sorts to mimic in a way. If one parent was available to keep eyes on the kids we wouldn't have such a big gang and drug problem. If one parent could stay home the economy wouldn't have become a two-income system.

There's a lot of good that came out of women's suffrage, but I also see a lot of bad - and frankly the bad far outweighs the good because, to my eyes, it's causing a cascade failure of society.

Why blame feminism on men abandoning their familial responsibilities? Seriously- the ones responsible for abandoning their family is the one who abandons the family- not the one who sticks with the family.

And I say that with some bitterness- because my sister's husband abandoned her for a younger woman recently- this is not the fault of 'feminism'- if anything it is the opposite- male entitlement. Feminism is not to blame for him being an asshole- that is the assholes fault.
She is the only woman where she works, does exactly the same job as the men, and drives one of these every day, complete with full air brakes:

Congrats. Good for her. Sounds like you two make it work very well.

Obviously, you know it wouldn't have worked for me. Then again, I'm not sure how much you would enjoy being in a relationship with a woman like my wife, who is less outgoing and take-charge.

Different viewpoints for different couples.

Exactly- and there doesn't need to be any judgement on either type of person for who they are.
We do need to keep them helpless, barefoot and pregnant.

Exhibit A. is that the ONLY alternative to masculinization of young girls that can be imagined?

As a woman, I take EXTREME offence to the OP. Encouraging women to be active, smart and strong isn't making girls more masculine, it's making them more capable.

I grew up playing sports, catching tadpoles in creeks and gathering wild berries for my mother to make into jam. All while wearing pretty dresses my mother made for me.

Today I'm making pretty dresses for my granddaughter to wear while she plays with her cars and Legos. Strong, capable women make the country stronger, make stronger marriages and more successful life partners.

Weakness encourages dependance, poverty and helplessness. I realize this is the preferred Conservative wife model but such women don't make good partners or helpmates.

Exactly and then some.

As with damn near everything, scared little RWNJ white males are terrified of equality because they know they can't measure up.

My bet is the OP couldn't do most of what the average woman does on any given day.

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That's actually a decent point. Both of my boys have GF's who are painfully shy. As a mother I worry that they are both going to have to work harder to make up for these girl's inability to function in a job and stuff. My eldest is actually moving out of state because they hope it'll be cheaper (son's job has an opening there for him.)

These gals wouldn't make it in the real world without a man to tend to them. It is anti-feminist for my boys to be willing to take on that "dominant male" role or are they doing these gals a service by accepting them despite that fault?

I don't have a problem with either party in a relationship agreeing to the kind of relationship that works for them- so long as it isn't abusive.

That being said- if I were you, I would likewise be concerned. This is not a 'feminist' issue- it is a balanced partnership issue.

One more thing- if your boys think that they are doing these girls a favor by staying with them- the relationship will be doomed.
As a former "tomboy", it's difficult to believe that ANY competent medical professional would use such a denigrating term in regard to young females. Calling a girl a tomboy is incredibly insulting and demeaning.

Yes tomboys are repulsive. But pushed as the norm by media elites. I'm not sure it's a pejorative though. What term should he have used...something like "masculinized women" or "dykey women" or what?

So you are repulsed by tomboys. Obviously many men are not. Your tastes are not everyone's tastes.

I see you haven't answered my question.

It appears he is 'repulsed' by strong women.

Scared of them is more likely.

Intelligent, capable women wouldn't bother with the likes of him because they want the same attributes in their men.

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That's actually a decent point. Both of my boys have GF's who are painfully shy. As a mother I worry that they are both going to have to work harder to make up for these girl's inability to function in a job and stuff. My eldest is actually moving out of state because they hope it'll be cheaper (son's job has an opening there for him.)

These gals wouldn't make it in the real world without a man to tend to them. It is anti-feminist for my boys to be willing to take on that "dominant male" role or are they doing these gals a service by accepting them despite that fault?

So you see your potential daughters-in-law as being faulty and blame them for their inability to support themselves? Am I getting that right?, because thsts what I get out of your post.... anger thst your boys might hace to support their potential wife.

My point was merely that such girls exist in the world and they require a 'traditional' man. Feminism makes it harder and harder to have such a relationship. .

They require a man who is willing to be such a 'traditional man'- frankly I don't see how that is any different than a man who is too frightened and incapable to work- marrying a woman with money.

These girls do not require such a man- your boys will be enabling these girls to be such women. And that is okay if that is what they all want to do.

Nobody is forced to marry a person anymore- we all make our choices and are responsible for the mates we chose.
Apparently your boys are chosing girls who 'need' them for their very survival. That works for some people. It doesn't seem healthy to me- but if it works for them- who am I to judge?
Anathema Syriusly

Both of you have missed my point.

My point is that these kinds of girls exist and they need traditional men, like my boys, or they'd be in a world of hurt.

I'm an anti-feminist... I believe that feminism is harmful, these kinds of girls are just an example of that harm - and there are a lot more than you think out there, clearly cause my boys keep pulling them out of the wood work and have been for at least a decade. This is the kinda girl they're attracted to - even if I find them pathetic simpering wusses.

Feminism would label my boys as assholes and controlling, holding these girls down with traditionalism, etc. But the truth is my boys are strong, reliable, and open/honest with their opinions on what /they/ want in their partner. They tend to hate feminists. They want girls who will take on the roll of raising their kids, they want girls who are polite and proper females, they want to spoil them rotten and do everything they ask of them. They want to hold open the car doors for them, they want to buy them dinner and flowers. They want to take care of them. All of that is opposed by feminists, and not only opposed, it's hated upon constantly.

If I hadn't raised my boys to be proper family men, then these girls would be in for a rough life. These girls /need/ anti-feminism.
As a former "tomboy", it's difficult to believe that ANY competent medical professional would use such a denigrating term in regard to young females. Calling a girl a tomboy is incredibly insulting and demeaning.

Yes tomboys are repulsive.

Tomboys are repulsive?

How can you find this character 'repulsive'?
View attachment 127567

She's smart and dares to ask questions.

Nothing scares "men" like the OP more than that.

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Anathema Syriusly

Both of you have missed my point.

My point is that these kinds of girls exist and they need traditional men, like my boys, or they'd be in a world of hurt.

There are men that exist who refuse to get jobs, and refuse to help out around the house and just generally end up depending on women to take care of everything in their lives.

We usually don't excuse them by saying that they just need a woman to take care of them- we call them losers.

If your boys are fine with girls like this- then thats fine. But the United States is filled with the wreckage of marriages where the husband abandons a wife after 20 years and she doesn't know how to support herself.

I don't think any man- or woman- should be excused from being expected to be able to support themselves- even if as a couple they choose to have a single income family(as my wife and I have done).
Anathema Syriusly

Feminism would label my boys as assholes and controlling, holding these girls down with traditionalism, etc. But the truth is my boys are strong, reliable, and open/honest with their opinions on what /they/ want in their partner. They tend to hate feminists. .

Feminists would label your boys as assholes- because your boys hate women for being feminists.

Why would your boys hate Condaleeza Rice?

Feminists don't have a problem with strong reliable and honest men- they just want to be treated as equals by those men.

Its not complicated.

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