The gift of self-hatred...from feminism to your daughter

Why are girls looking to swap gender based on a character in the Hunger Games? Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) is pretty hot as a girl and well capable physically. Why the need to swap gender? Just be a girl and do what you want to do. Maybe I shouldn't have asked...

Because youngsters have trouble understanding that its just a movie. That K Everdeen has never fired an arrow offscreen without special effects improving the shot. They are bombarded with this message and they look at themselves and, not being able to karate chop four guys into submission, they feel less than. They have feminine urges and they wonder why they are different (not knowing that it is the masculine women the media presents who are different) and they develop self hatred and self revulsion.
They are taught that only by being manly are they fully human.

My daughter does not fit your narrative above. She is an excellent shot (with a firearm), but then so is her mother.

She can be very feminine and "girly". She can also be a badass when she needs to be. I pity the man who raises a hand to her.

She has seen plenty of movies, but never thought she had to be totally masculine. And I have not seen the media portray that to the exclusion of femininity.

So you are contrasting shooting and "badass" with "feminine and girly". Is that correct?

I am describing the many facets of my daughter. I did not contrast them at all. They can be very similar.
Anybody with any sense (not liberal), or with any morals, can see that feminism is a blinding hatred for anything feminine.


Popularity of tomboys is encouraging girls to swap gender, says NHS psychologist

More than double the number of girls compared to boys now seek the NHS's gender identity development service
8 MAY 2017 • 10:00PM
The popularity of tomboys has sparked a sharp rise in the number of girls wanting to swap gender, according to a leading NHS psychologist.

New statistics show that for the first time, more than double the number of girls compared to boys seek the NHS's gender identity development service.

In popular culture, lead characters such as Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games, Tris Prior in the Divergent series, or Eleven in Stranger Things, have sparked a revival of strong tomboyoish, females.

In the past year there have been 1,400 'assigned at birth' females who have sought treatment, compared with 616 males.

Orignal Article

Let's see if you have the balls to answer a very simple question.

You used Katniss Everdeen as an example of a Hollywood character that is harming females (especially girls). What is it, exactly, about the character that you think is harmful? Come on, answer this one simple question. No dancing or sidestepping.
Anybody with any sense (not liberal), or with any morals, can see that feminism is a blinding hatred for anything feminine.


Popularity of tomboys is encouraging girls to swap gender, says NHS psychologist

More than double the number of girls compared to boys now seek the NHS's gender identity development service
8 MAY 2017 • 10:00PM
The popularity of tomboys has sparked a sharp rise in the number of girls wanting to swap gender, according to a leading NHS psychologist.

New statistics show that for the first time, more than double the number of girls compared to boys seek the NHS's gender identity development service.

In popular culture, lead characters such as Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games, Tris Prior in the Divergent series, or Eleven in Stranger Things, have sparked a revival of strong tomboyoish, females.

In the past year there have been 1,400 'assigned at birth' females who have sought treatment, compared with 616 males.

Orignal Article

One thing missing from the article you linked, and that is any actual evidence that the increase in the popularity of tomboys has anything to do with the increase in the number of girls seeking gender reassignment. Absolutely none at all. The logical fallacy of confusing cause and effect is clearly evident.
Are you going to answer DOTR? Or are you going to be a pussy about it? Come on, man up and answer.
Anybody with any sense (not liberal), or with any morals, can see that feminism is a blinding hatred for anything feminine.

My extremely feminine smart daughter is also a proud feminist who hates no one- least of all herself.

The only one peddling hate here is you. What is your problem?

The only part of that I believe is "feminist".
Why are girls looking to swap gender based on a character in the Hunger Games? Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) is pretty hot as a girl and well capable physically. Why the need to swap gender? Just be a girl and do what you want to do. Maybe I shouldn't have asked...

They are taught that only by being manly are they fully human.

I seriously recommend you look inward to find why you believe this crap you are spewing.

For every Mockingjay- there is 3 or 4 La La Lands with women in skirts looking for love.

Why are you so terrified of the image of a strong woman competing equally with a man?

Why do you associate "strong women" with (1) rarity and (2) terror?
I seriously recommend you look inward to find why you believe this crap you are spewing.

For every Mockingjay- there is 3 or 4 La La Lands with women in skirts looking for love.

Why are you so terrified of the image of a strong woman competing equally with a man?

Are you asking why I posted a quote from a medical professional ?

Medical professional?? Quack is more like it.

As a former "tomboy", it's difficult to believe that ANY competent medical professional would use such a denigrating term in regard to young females. Calling a girl a tomboy is incredibly insulting and demeaning.

If this article you're quoting is real, it's some radical asshole with strange ideas and a hatred of feminists.
Anybody with any sense (not liberal), or with any morals, can see that feminism is a blinding hatred for anything feminine.

My extremely feminine smart daughter is also a proud feminist who hates no one- least of all herself.

The only one peddling hate here is you. What is your problem?

The only part of that I believe is "feminist".
They are taught that only by being manly are they fully human.

I seriously recommend you look inward to find why you believe this crap you are spewing.

For every Mockingjay- there is 3 or 4 La La Lands with women in skirts looking for love.

Why are you so terrified of the image of a strong woman competing equally with a man?

Why do you associate "strong women" with (1) rarity and (2) terror?
I seriously recommend you look inward to find why you believe this crap you are spewing.

For every Mockingjay- there is 3 or 4 La La Lands with women in skirts looking for love.

Why are you so terrified of the image of a strong woman competing equally with a man?

Are you asking why I posted a quote from a medical professional ?

Medical professional?? Quack is more like it.

As a former "tomboy", it's difficult to believe that ANY competent medical professional would use such a denigrating term in regard to young females. Calling a girl a tomboy is incredibly insulting and demeaning.

If this article you're quoting is real, it's some radical asshole with strange ideas and a hatred of feminists.

The "medical professional" is talking out his ass. He offers no evidence to correlate the two things. I don't doubt that more girls are seeking gender reassignment. I also don't doubt that tomboys have become increasingly popular.

The problem is, there is no evidence linking the two.
You need to get out more. I know plenty of single women raising children and supporting the household. And they do so without gov't assistance. But I can see why you would say you don't know any. That would mess up your narrative.

Single mothers raising fatherless kids...I need to seek these out? Why?

Well for one thing you might learn something.

Secondly, you might meet some interesting people.

Thirdly, you might be in a position to be a helpful neighbor.

Or you could just sit in righteous judgment of them.

Ahh the liberal horror of being judged.
I think I prefer the last option though. Choices have consequences.

How very "Christian" of you...

And you always encourage Christianity don't you?
I am describing the many facets of my daughter. I did not contrast them at all. .

No you were contrasting them.

"She can be very feminine and "girly" "

Then, lest we get the impression she is too feminine you said....

"She can also be a badass when she needs to be"

It appears you think "feminine and girly" don't bring to mind "badass". That is an "also".
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As a former "tomboy", it's difficult to believe that ANY competent medical professional would use such a denigrating term in regard to young females. Calling a girl a tomboy is incredibly insulting and demeaning.

Yes tomboys are repulsive. But pushed as the norm by media elites. I'm not sure it's a pejorative though. What term should he have used...something like "masculinized women" or "dykey women" or what?
Anybody with any sense (not liberal), or with any morals, can see that feminism is a blinding hatred for anything feminine.

My extremely feminine smart daughter is also a proud feminist who hates no one- least of all herself.

The only one peddling hate here is you. What is your problem?

The only part of that I believe is "feminist"..

Of course you don't- you don't believe any woman can be a strong woman who believes in women's equality.

You experience the pain of differing views with little grace. Are you sure you are a "strong independent woman"?

I am pretty sure I am no kind of woman at all. Since I have mentioned I am a proud father of a daughter who could beat your ass at paintball or cooking a chicken.

As a proud father of a daughter who embraces- and is embraced by feminism- I calling out your bullshit.

Paintball! Lol. Is that like the ultimate masculine test? Ok perhaps she can. Since I've never done anything so silly.

The cooking Yes. She can outcook me no doubt. Tell her to keep practicing the cooking. It's very important skill for a young woman ...unless she plans on being alone and barren for the rest of her life. In that case opening a can of cat food for her cats will suffice.
Anybody with any sense (not liberal), or with any morals, can see that feminism is a blinding hatred for anything feminine.


Popularity of tomboys is encouraging girls to swap gender, says NHS psychologist

More than double the number of girls compared to boys now seek the NHS's gender identity development service
8 MAY 2017 • 10:00PM
The popularity of tomboys has sparked a sharp rise in the number of girls wanting to swap gender, according to a leading NHS psychologist.

New statistics show that for the first time, more than double the number of girls compared to boys seek the NHS's gender identity development service.

In popular culture, lead characters such as Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games, Tris Prior in the Divergent series, or Eleven in Stranger Things, have sparked a revival of strong tomboyoish, females.

In the past year there have been 1,400 'assigned at birth' females who have sought treatment, compared with 616 males.

Orignal Article
Gender roles are so last century.

- NCAA basketball playing tomboy :banana:
As a former "tomboy", it's difficult to believe that ANY competent medical professional would use such a denigrating term in regard to young females. Calling a girl a tomboy is incredibly insulting and demeaning.

If this article you're quoting is real, it's some radical asshole with strange ideas and a hatred of feminists.

Some "tomboys" lol



I am describing the many facets of my daughter. I did not contrast them at all. .

No you were contrasting them.

"She can be very feminine and "girly" "

Then, lest we get the impression she is too feminine you said....

"She can also be a badass when she needs to be"

It appears you think "feminine and girly" don't bring to mind "badass". That is an "also".

No, not at all. I could just as well have said "She can be feminine and girly. She can also turn men's heads". I was describing my daughter's characteristics.

I see you haven't answered my question. What, exactly, is so wrong with the character Katniss Everdeen?
As a former "tomboy", it's difficult to believe that ANY competent medical professional would use such a denigrating term in regard to young females. Calling a girl a tomboy is incredibly insulting and demeaning.

Yes tomboys are repulsive. But pushed as the norm by media elites. I'm not sure it's a pejorative though. What term should he have used...something like "masculinized women" or "dykey women" or what?

So you are repulsed by tomboys. Obviously many men are not. Your tastes are not everyone's tastes.

I see you haven't answered my question.
Why are girls looking to swap gender based on a character in the Hunger Games? Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) is pretty hot as a girl and well capable physically. Why the need to swap gender? Just be a girl and do what you want to do. Maybe I shouldn't have asked...

Of course she is attractive. This is not really new. The Hollywood trope of the badass woman tends to try for attractive. After all aggressive...AND ugly? Who wants to see that? That wouldn't satisfy any male fantasies as Hollywood creeps see them. For example...lil ol' Daisy Duke just after beating up a man.



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No, not at all. I could just as well have said "She can be feminine and girly. She can also turn men's heads". I was describing my daughter's characteristics.

You could have. But that would have been redundant. It is part of "feminine and girly" to turn men's heads.
Also that would not have virtue signaled your loyalty to the cause. There is no way you would ever stop at describing your daughter as feminine. You have to list the feminine qualities and then add the contrasting "also" as you know " feminine and girly" just doesn't quite say "badass" as well as it says "turns men's heads".
Gender roles are so last century.

- NCAA basketball playing tomboy :banana:

Yet you still play in an all girls league. Last century you said? Ever heard of "cognitive dissonance"?
No, not at all. I could just as well have said "She can be feminine and girly. She can also turn men's heads". I was describing my daughter's characteristics.

You could have. But that would have been redundant. It is part of "feminine and girly" to turn men's heads.
Also that would not have virtue signaled your loyalty to the cause. There is no way you would ever stop at describing your daughter as feminine. You have to list the feminine qualities and then add the contrasting "also" as you know " feminine and girly" just doesn't quite say "badass" as well as it says "turns men's heads".

I am not responsible for how you misinterpret my words. I have clarified what I meant. Yet you insist on telling me what I meant.

And you still don't have the balls to answer a question about what you posted. Come on. Quit being a pussy. Man up and answer the question. YOu were the one who demeaned the character. Now tell us why.
DOTR, you have tried to claim that there was a connection between the popularity of tomboys/strong women and the increase in girls wanting gender reassignment. I disagree. And the linked article offered no evidence at all.

But in my last few posts, I used some language that may provide a better answer. I challenged you to "man up". I said you didn't have the balls to answer. And I called you a pussy. These are common terms in our society. You don't think that teaches girls that being a man is better? If you beat someone, they are your bitch. You don't think these are all much more powerful messages than Katniss Everdeen?

If you want to blame someone for girls wanting to be boys, try blaming the boys and men who continually reaffirm that they think men are superior.
DOTR, you have tried to claim that there was a connection between the popularity of tomboys/strong women and the increase in girls wanting gender reassignment. I disagree. And the linked article offered no evidence at all.

But in my last few posts, I used some language that may provide a better answer. I challenged you to "man up". I said you didn't have the balls to answer. And I called you a pussy. These are common terms in our society. You don't think that teaches girls that being a man is better? If you beat someone, they are your bitch. You don't think these are all much more powerful messages than Katniss Everdeen?

If you want to blame someone for girls wanting to be boys, try blaming the boys and men who continually reaffirm that they think men are superior.

Well before we do let's first try not ignoring the old women here who do it. For a feminist it seems there is no greater insult than deeming your opponent to be less than masculine. And the women on this thread have done it constantly. No, I didn't overlook it. I thought it more telling to let it sit. It vividly shows the depth of their self revulsion and their fear of being "out manned".
I noticed your proclivity for it as well. Granted you aimed them at a male which isn't as bad. I happen to agree that femininity in a man is no virtue. But there it is.
Your posts here would make a fine power point explaining the dangers of cognitive dissonance. While virtue signaling your feminist bonavfides you constantly used accusations of femininity as a slur.
Not me. You.
When describing women you excused their feminine qualities (which should never need excusing) by adding masculine qualities.
Not me. You.
I could comfortably describe my daughters as "girly" and not feel I had insulted them. I think it is because I find femininity in women to be quite admirable and worthy in itself and needing no masculine sugar coating to be palatable.

Ann Coultur, brilliant as always, once said "feminism is the hatred of all things feminine".

I don't share their hatred.

As far as your disagreement with Dr Polly Carmichael that's fine. Maybe this mental illness spreading among children is due to something else. But it's one hell of a coincidence if so. And she is the one on the front lines.

BTW I recently read that Jennifer Lawrence, feminist icon and archer superb, says she has been imitating men in her speech to gain confidence. Look it up. I didn't save the article but we live in an amazing age. Search for "Lawrence I watched how men speak " or similar and it should pop up.
Some girl power icon.

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