The gift of self-hatred...from feminism to your daughter

Why are girls looking to swap gender based on a character in the Hunger Games? Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) is pretty hot as a girl and well capable physically. Why the need to swap gender? Just be a girl and do what you want to do. Maybe I shouldn't have asked...

Because youngsters have trouble understanding that its just a movie. That K Everdeen has never fired an arrow offscreen without special effects improving the shot. They are bombarded with this message and they look at themselves and, not being able to karate chop four guys into submission, they feel less than. They have feminine urges and they wonder why they are different (not knowing that it is the masculine women the media presents who are different) and they develop self hatred and self revulsion.
They are taught that only by being manly are they fully human.

My daughter does not fit your narrative above. She is an excellent shot (with a firearm), but then so is her mother.

She can be very feminine and "girly". She can also be a badass when she needs to be. I pity the man who raises a hand to her.

She has seen plenty of movies, but never thought she had to be totally masculine. And I have not seen the media portray that to the exclusion of femininity.

So you are contrasting shooting and "badass" with "feminine and girly". Is that correct?
Funny my wife is a conservative AND did all those things you did AND is a mother of 4 kids and cooks,cleans etc. She is the farthest thing from a femitard as she could be. Oh and she works as well. Feminism is a mental disorder just like liberalism.

We have four kids as well. And my wife does indeed despise liberalism and feminism. She is pretty much an independent thinker...Hollywood propaganda just doesn't sway her.
If she's an independent thinker for real, she's a feminist.
They don't need me/you/anyone telling them what's proper for them.

Do they need Hollywood feminists telling them what is proper? .

Hollywood tells a story- it doesn't tell women what they must be- that would be you.

You are the one telling our girls what is proper- and projecting your hate onto them.

Hollywood deliberately imposes a view. And tells women what they must be. And then says "who me" if you disagree with it. Like yourself.

Hollywood produces fiction. If your children don't know the difference, perhaps its time you had a talk with them.

Hollywood also produces movies with women playing the damsel in distress. Would you prefer your daughter imitate that?

I would prefer my daughters avoid Hollywood influence entirely. But it's only part of the problem. Hollywood does it's part but the message is insidious.
You need to get out more. I know plenty of single women raising children and supporting the household. And they do so without gov't assistance. But I can see why you would say you don't know any. That would mess up your narrative.

Single mothers raising fatherless kids...I need to seek these out? Why?

Well for one thing you might learn something.

Secondly, you might meet some interesting people.

Thirdly, you might be in a position to be a helpful neighbor.

Or you could just sit in righteous judgment of them.

Ahh the liberal horror of being judged.
I think I prefer the last option though. Choices have consequences.
o hell no...we wont go from the op's topic to saying that dotr doesnt take care of his own.....just o hell no

Feminists would sacrifice EVERY young girl to advance feminism. It is evil.

You would sacrifice EVERY young girl to deny all girls the opportunity to decide what is the correct path for themselves-that is evil.

Offering an alternative to your party line only seems evil to you.
I've seen positive depictions of gays from Hollywood, but oddly, they never tempted me to be gay.

It's mostly conservative men who think Hollywood can make someone change their sexual preference. It must be a personal experience thing.
They don't need me/you/anyone telling them what's proper for them.

Do they need Hollywood feminists telling them what is proper? .

Hollywood tells a story- it doesn't tell women what they must be- that would be you.

You are the one telling our girls what is proper- and projecting your hate onto them.

Hollywood deliberately imposes a view. And tells women what they must be. And then says "who me" if you disagree with it. Like yourself.

Hollywood is not you. That is what you are doing. Not Hollywood.

Remember- the only one 'hating' in this thread- is you.

This is known as gas lighting. And you are a coward.
You don't know what gas lighting means, do you?
You need to get out more. I know plenty of single women raising children and supporting the household. And they do so without gov't assistance. But I can see why you would say you don't know any. That would mess up your narrative.

Single mothers raising fatherless kids...I need to seek these out? Why?

Well for one thing you might learn something.

Secondly, you might meet some interesting people.

Thirdly, you might be in a position to be a helpful neighbor.

Or you could just sit in righteous judgment of them.

Ahh the liberal horror of being judged.
I think I prefer the last option though. Choices have consequences.

Don't get your undies twisted when those you judge don't care what you think.
Anybody with any sense (not liberal), or with any morals, can see that feminism is a blinding hatred for anything feminine.

My extremely feminine smart daughter is also a proud feminist who hates no one- least of all herself.

The only one peddling hate here is you. What is your problem?

The only part of that I believe is "feminist".
Do they need Hollywood feminists telling them what is proper? .

Hollywood tells a story- it doesn't tell women what they must be- that would be you.

You are the one telling our girls what is proper- and projecting your hate onto them.

Hollywood deliberately imposes a view. And tells women what they must be. And then says "who me" if you disagree with it. Like yourself.

Hollywood is not you. That is what you are doing. Not Hollywood.

Remember- the only one 'hating' in this thread- is you.

This is known as gas lighting. And you are a coward.

And by 'coward' you mean I am pointing out what an asshole you are.

Here is a thought- why don't you stop telling me- and my daughter- how she should behave?

I see you are confused. I called you a coward because you pretend Hollywood doesn't have an agenda. That way you don't have to defend it.
Anybody with any sense (not liberal), or with any morals, can see that feminism is a blinding hatred for anything feminine.

My extremely feminine smart daughter is also a proud feminist who hates no one- least of all herself.

The only one peddling hate here is you. What is your problem?

The only part of that I believe is "feminist"..

Of course you don't- you don't believe any woman can be a strong woman who believes in women's equality.
Here is a thought- why don't you stop telling me- and my daughter- how she should behave?

If you see praising femininity as giving you orders....then you will just have to put up with it. Behave as you like and please, watch out for all the judgement.
But silencing me is not one of your options.
I see you are confused. I called you a coward because you pretend Hollywood doesn't have an agenda. That way you don't have to defend it.

You called me a coward because you are weeny hiding behind your anonymity.

Hollywood does have an agenda- and its to make money.

Mockingjay made them millions- that is their agenda.

The fact that its about a strong woman and that pisses you off is just a fun bennie.
Here is a thought- why don't you stop telling me- and my daughter- how she should behave?

If you see praising femininity as giving you orders....then you will just have to put up with it. Behave as you like and please, watch out for all the judgement.
But silencing me is not one of your options.

I have no illusion that anyone will stop your ignorant hate driven drivel.

But I will be glad to point out what crap it is.
Anybody with any sense (not liberal), or with any morals, can see that feminism is a blinding hatred for anything feminine.

My extremely feminine smart daughter is also a proud feminist who hates no one- least of all herself.

The only one peddling hate here is you. What is your problem?

The only part of that I believe is "feminist"..

Of course you don't- you don't believe any woman can be a strong woman who believes in women's equality.

You experience the pain of differing views with little grace. Are you sure you are a "strong independent woman"?
o hell no...we wont go from the op's topic to saying that dotr doesnt take care of his own.....just o hell no

Feminists would sacrifice EVERY young girl to advance feminism. It is evil.

You would sacrifice EVERY young girl to deny all girls the opportunity to decide what is the correct path for themselves-that is evil.

Offering an alternative to your party line only seems evil to you.

Hey- you must be thrilled- Hollywood is putting out a miniseries promoting your party line:

Anybody with any sense (not liberal), or with any morals, can see that feminism is a blinding hatred for anything feminine.

My extremely feminine smart daughter is also a proud feminist who hates no one- least of all herself.

The only one peddling hate here is you. What is your problem?

The only part of that I believe is "feminist"..

Of course you don't- you don't believe any woman can be a strong woman who believes in women's equality.

You experience the pain of differing views with little grace. Are you sure you are a "strong independent woman"?

I am pretty sure I am no kind of woman at all. Since I have mentioned I am a proud father of a daughter who could beat your ass at paintball or cooking a chicken.

As a proud father of a daughter who embraces- and is embraced by feminism- I calling out your bullshit.
You need to get out more. I know plenty of single women raising children and supporting the household. And they do so without gov't assistance. But I can see why you would say you don't know any. That would mess up your narrative.

Single mothers raising fatherless kids...I need to seek these out? Why?

Well for one thing you might learn something.

Secondly, you might meet some interesting people.

Thirdly, you might be in a position to be a helpful neighbor.

Or you could just sit in righteous judgment of them.

Ahh the liberal horror of being judged.
I think I prefer the last option though. Choices have consequences.

How very "Christian" of you...
You need to get out more. I know plenty of single women raising children and supporting the household. And they do so without gov't assistance. But I can see why you would say you don't know any. That would mess up your narrative.

Single mothers raising fatherless kids...I need to seek these out? Why?

Was that the only thing I have talked about? No.

But your claims to know no single mothers does suggest a rather isolated existence.

It suggests an experience outside your bubble.

How so? Unless my "bubble" is so small I limit the people I come in contact with.

Obviously single mothers are not rare. And yet you say you don't know any. How does that suggest anything outside my experience?
What's the matter little man, afraid of strong independent females.
Whine a bit more, just like the whiny little bitch in the whitehouse.

What is a strong independent female? I don't think I've ever met one but doubt they are scary.
I know some big nasty looking bulkdykes where I work. But they aren't scary. Just pitiful.

The fact that you claim to have never met a strong, independent female speaks volumes. The fact that you use "bull dykes" as the only possible version of a strong, independent female is laughable.

If what you say is true, that you have never met a strong, independent female, you should be ranting to teach girls how to be strong and how to be independent. The alternative is weak and dependent.

You don't have ADD do you? I don't call bulldykes strong and independent. I call them pitiful. Wanna read that again?
What exactly is a "bulldyke" to you?

Pretty sure he calls them that behind their backs.....

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