The Giuliani Smear Campaign Gets Very Interesting

Like I said you're not very doesn't matter who they are they cannot show Giuliani's image in a sales transaction without his consent....sooooo if he has consented how stupid does that make you look?


The film is already released. As I said, I don't believe Amazon Prime needs the kind of permission one would need to release a movie in theaters or air something on regular television. I suppose Rudy could sue but good luck with that.

Face it, Rudy got punked and it serves him right for cavorting with Russian spies.

You are totally wrong....if it got released then Giuliani was compensated for it or will be compensated for simply cannot do what you're dreaming of. Actually I now remember the original news story from well over six weeks ago....this is not something that just happened the other day that I know for sure. No question there has been a business arrangement or will be by court order......


Interesting - Got a link to share with the class?

Don't need's common law. He might get away with it if he was giving the movie away for free as some kind of public information service...but charging money for it? Giuliani will have half the profits if they did it wrong trust me......he may be a fool....but he's not ignorant of corporate law or personal law for that matter.


Nope, there are different laws for subscription services like Amazon Prime. But hey, Rudy can feel free to reach into his legal briefs and whip out his subpoenas. :cool-45:

That's when he isn't fondling himself in front of 15 year old girls in hotel rooms. Fucking pervert.

He wasnt fondling himself in front of 15 year old girls. Fucking liar.

He should not have been in a hotel room with a 15 year old, period.

She wasnt 15, holy shit. The woman is actually 24 and she was posing as a conservative journalist. Borat said she was 15 as a joke, you fucking moron.

She presented herself to Rudy as 15 yrs old. It doesn't matter her actual age.

She presented herself as a conservative journalist, dumbass

Don't matter. Rudy is a married man.

It does when you liars are trying to say he tried to fuck a 15 year old, you dumbfuck.
Im not saying he is an asshole, i am clarifying what ACTUALLY happened.
Do you understand now?

It never got that far so we'll never know if he tried to fuck her. We do know he fondled himself in front of a 15 year old girl in a hotel room.

No he didnt. He thought she was a journalist.
Let me guess, you choose truth over facts? :lol:

Ok, he thought she was a 15 year old journalist, because there are so many of those!

That's when he isn't fondling himself in front of 15 year old girls in hotel rooms. Fucking pervert.

He wasnt fondling himself in front of 15 year old girls. Fucking liar.

He should not have been in a hotel room with a 15 year old, period.

She wasnt 15, holy shit. The woman is actually 24 and she was posing as a conservative journalist. Borat said she was 15 as a joke, you fucking moron.

She presented herself to Rudy as 15 yrs old. It doesn't matter her actual age.

She presented herself as a conservative journalist, dumbass

Don't matter. Rudy is a married man.

It does when you liars are trying to say he tried to fuck a 15 year old, you dumbfuck.
Im not saying he is an asshole, i am clarifying what ACTUALLY happened.
Do you understand now?

It never got that far so we'll never know if he tried to fuck her. We do know he fondled himself in front of a 15 year old girl in a hotel room.

No he didnt. He thought she was a journalist.
Let me guess, you choose truth over facts? :lol:

Ok, he thought she was a 15 year old journalist, because there are so many of those!

Lol you dumbass :lol:
No he didnt. Goddamn, did yall retarded mfers even read about it?

In one scene of the film, which officially premieres Friday on Amazon Prime, the former New York City mayor is seen touching himself in the presence of a woman who’s posing as a conservative reporter.
The woman is Bulgarian actress Maria Bakalova, 24, who in the movie portrays Borat’s teenage daughter.

The scene ends when star Sacha Baron Cohen, playing Borat, bursts into the room and says, “She’s 15, she’s too old for you!”
Yes, we know: Pictures or it didn’t happen.

The fact that he twiddled the Rudy Tootie on camera is embarrassing enough huh? Ah well, at least he's single after divorcing his third wife last year. ;)
Rudy married his cousin, then later brought his mistress home to live in the NY Governor's residence, Gracie Mansion, while his 2nd wife and children were still living there.

Rudy has always been a creep and a pervert.
Rudy is being investigated by Borat for jerking off in front of a 15 year old girl

View attachment 405603

Funny while Cohen is trying to remain relevant with his rehashed slapstick TRUMP is negotiating peace deals in the middle's all good I'm sure if there's a movie about the TRUMP years Cohen will be a shoo-in for Mnuchin....
Funny how Trumps personal advisor can’t verify that some unknown reporter is scamming him.

Kamala gets pranked...
From Daily Mail:

‘GRETA’: I am so terrified of what Trump is doing, I even cannot eat or sleep when I see him on TV. That terrible meeting in the UN building in September, I have nightmares. I saw him in the corridor and shouted to him to sign the Paris climate agreement. He came over and he said softly to me “You will never achieve the goal”.’

Her ‘father’ then says she was carrying a recorder and recorded the conversation, that if Harris wants it they can provide it to her. “Maybe this recording can help you,” ‘Greta’ says.

Harris bites, “That would be wonderful,” she responds.

‘Greta’ says, “In my side, I can testify against this terrible man.”

“Yes definitely, thank you so much,” Harris replies.

The pranksters appeared to pull a mockery of her Kamala the Cop label with one part of the conversation.

Rudy is being investigated by Borat for jerking off in front of a 15 year old girl

View attachment 405603

Funny while Cohen is trying to remain relevant with his rehashed slapstick TRUMP is negotiating peace deals in the middle's all good I'm sure if there's a movie about the TRUMP years Cohen will be a shoo-in for Mnuchin....
Funny how Trumps personal advisor can’t verify that some unknown reporter is scamming him.

Funny how a guy that's as ugly as a Gargoyle can think that a 24 year old ten wacker would be interested in him for any other reason....I didn't say the guy was quick....but he's not a pedohile....or a porn star for that matter either. If he didn't see that one coming he got what he deserved....but pedophilia? Nope.....nothing there at all but an old fool.

Shows the poor judgement of a key personal advisor to the president.
This man brought down the mafia but can’t realize that he is being set up?
Sacha Baron Cohen: ‘It was pretty clear to us’ what Rudy Giuliani did in new ‘Borat’

“If the president’s lawyer found what he did there appropriate behavior, then heaven knows what he’s done with other female journalists in hotel rooms,” Baron Cohen said Friday on “Good Morning America.”

“I urge everyone to watch the movie,” the British comedian and “The Trial of the Chicago 7" actor added. “It is what it is. He did what he did. And make your own mind up. ... It was pretty clear to us.”

“I’ve always felt safe with our team, with our crew, with Sacha in my corner,” Bakalova said on “GMA.” “I actually never felt that I’ve been in danger. That’s why I’m lucky, because I had them.”
What's really interesting is how some "salacious" video and emails were rejected by Rudy previously in 2019.
Something really fishy about this whole deal and Giuliani needs to come clean.

There are so many holes in this supposed smear of Biden and his son. The FBI is further investigating this as a Russian dis-information campaign while Rudy is under investigation as well.

"Rudy Giuliani, the personal attorney for President Donald Trump, was approached by someone offering allegedly compromising emails and images belonging to Hunter Biden in spring 2019, according to two individuals familiar with the meeting. Giuliani was approached with the offer while at a lunch in New York City in late May of last year, according to the sources. The content included emails, as well as allegedly salacious video. The offer was declined, one of the individuals said, amid credibility questions."

"Giuliani has not said when exactly he was first offered compromising content belonging to Biden. But the timing of the alleged lunch meeting — and Giuliani’s apparent suspicions about the credibility of the content dangled in front of him — raise significant questions about the former mayor’s intent when he opted to distribute strikingly similar content to news outlets earlier this month."

"In a text to Salon, Giuliani said he had “no such recollection” of the meeting. “I don’t remember anyone remotely like that,” he added."

"The alleged meeting also complicates key elements of the already hazy cover story Giuliani spun to journalists about how he first came into the alleged Hunter Biden hard drive. The New York Post covered some of the unverified contents in a dubious report last week after Fox News declined to do so over credibility concerns."

"The newly revealed meeting also aligns with key aspects of new report from Time, in which two individuals alleged that emails and photos said to belong to Hunter Biden had been for sale for as much as $5 million on the Ukrainian black market while Giuliani and associates attempted to dig up dirt in the foreign country."

"Giuliani’s efforts to smear the Bidens with baseless allegations about business dealings in Ukraine led directly to his client’s impeachment last year. Those accusations have been repeatedly debunked, and journalists quickly pointed out major errors and holes in The Post’s report. The FBI has since opened an investigation into the story as part of a possible Russian disinformation operation, according to multiple reports."

That was a terrible deflection spin job smear campaign by you.
1) everything and I do mean everything has been verified and validated by many sources and techniques.
2)I'VE BEEN STATING THESE THINGS BEFORE THE FOUND LAPTOP LAST YEAR, it's common knowledge that is suppressed by those in the media benefiting and in bed with these criminal foreign relations schemes. That's why the biggest protesters of draining the swamp on both sides of the isle (Adam Schiff, Mitt Romney, Colin Powell) always kvetching about Trump going after the corruption, these are always CFR and CFA members=big money corruption belonging to those councils.
3)you'd be saying the greatest prosecuter of mobsters and corruption suddenly and magically became corrupt to fit your deflection narrative spin job.
4)you'd be admitting abuses of power in going after Trump was comitted in false charges and corrupt investigation which by chance Biden had his hands in=treason.
5)in doing so you admit Biden and Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and certain corrupt intelligence and investigative officers abused their power causing a fake impeachment that tied the gov'ts hands at the early stages of the pandemic instead of preping and legislation thus to blame for many of the 220,000 deaths.
6)you'd be admiting your propaganda is a treasonous act in participation and collab with foreign entities.
7)you'd be siding and protecting sex TRAFICKING, perhaps you should be placed on the predators list if you aren't already.
8)you'd be admitting your lack of education or pathelogical tendancies to insult the intelligence of your target audience by lying and making up false narratives to smokescreen your sociopathic agendas.

That's when he isn't fondling himself in front of 15 year old girls in hotel rooms. Fucking pervert.

He wasnt fondling himself in front of 15 year old girls. Fucking liar.

He should not have been in a hotel room with a 15 year old, period.

She wasnt 15, holy shit. The woman is actually 24 and she was posing as a conservative journalist. Borat said she was 15 as a joke, you fucking moron.

Doesn't matter - Rudy THOUGHT she was 15 and twiddled the Rudy Tootie. That's the way cops catch predators. With decoys.

No he didnt. Goddamn, did yall retarded mfers even read about it?

In one scene of the film, which officially premieres Friday on Amazon Prime, the former New York City mayor is seen touching himself in the presence of a woman who’s posing as a conservative reporter.
The woman is Bulgarian actress Maria Bakalova, 24, who in the movie portrays Borat’s teenage daughter.

The scene ends when star Sacha Baron Cohen, playing Borat, bursts into the room and says, “She’s 15, she’s too old for you!”
Yes, we know: Pictures or it didn’t happen.

Let me put it to you this way:

Giuliani is 76 years old, what the fuck was he trying to do with a woman younger than his grandchildren?
Like I said you're not very doesn't matter who they are they cannot show Giuliani's image in a sales transaction without his consent....sooooo if he has consented how stupid does that make you look?


The film is already released. As I said, I don't believe Amazon Prime needs the kind of permission one would need to release a movie in theaters or air something on regular television. I suppose Rudy could sue but good luck with that.

Face it, Rudy got punked and it serves him right for cavorting with Russian spies.

You are totally wrong....if it got released then Giuliani was compensated for it or will be compensated for simply cannot do what you're dreaming of. Actually I now remember the original news story from well over six weeks ago....this is not something that just happened the other day that I know for sure. No question there has been a business arrangement or will be by court order......


Interesting - Got a link to share with the class?

Don't need's common law. He might get away with it if he was giving the movie away for free as some kind of public information service...but charging money for it? Giuliani will have half the profits if they did it wrong trust me......he may be a fool....but he's not ignorant of corporate law or personal law for that matter.


Nope, there are different laws for subscription services like Amazon Prime. But hey, Rudy can feel free to reach into his legal briefs and whip out his subpoenas. :cool-45:
You are completely full of shit. There are no such exemptions for permissions.
It's understandable that you feel foolish for not realizing that Giuliani had to give permission or will be compensated but you're insistence that someone's image can be used for profit without their permission is a total bologna sandwich dude.

The FBI sat on Hunter Biden's Laptop which proved The President was Innocent and The Bidens were guilty while The DemNazis tried to Impeach The President in a Shameful display of EVIL, CORRUPTION, GREED AND POWER.

Like I said you're not very doesn't matter who they are they cannot show Giuliani's image in a sales transaction without his consent....sooooo if he has consented how stupid does that make you look?


The film is already released. As I said, I don't believe Amazon Prime needs the kind of permission one would need to release a movie in theaters or air something on regular television. I suppose Rudy could sue but good luck with that.

Face it, Rudy got punked and it serves him right for cavorting with Russian spies.

You are totally wrong....if it got released then Giuliani was compensated for it or will be compensated for simply cannot do what you're dreaming of. Actually I now remember the original news story from well over six weeks ago....this is not something that just happened the other day that I know for sure. No question there has been a business arrangement or will be by court order......


Interesting - Got a link to share with the class?

Don't need's common law. He might get away with it if he was giving the movie away for free as some kind of public information service...but charging money for it? Giuliani will have half the profits if they did it wrong trust me......he may be a fool....but he's not ignorant of corporate law or personal law for that matter.


Nope, there are different laws for subscription services like Amazon Prime. But hey, Rudy can feel free to reach into his legal briefs and whip out his subpoenas. :cool-45:
You are completely full of shit. There are no such exemptions for permissions.
It's understandable that you feel foolish for not realizing that Giuliani had to give permission or will be compensated but you're insistence that someone's image can be used for profit without their permission is a total bologna sandwich dude.


So Rudy agreed to let folks see him spank his monkey for a fee? Link or I call BS. :rolleyes-41:
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That's when he isn't fondling himself in front of 15 year old girls in hotel rooms. Fucking pervert.

He wasnt fondling himself in front of 15 year old girls. Fucking liar.

He should not have been in a hotel room with a 15 year old, period.

She wasnt 15, holy shit. The woman is actually 24 and she was posing as a conservative journalist. Borat said she was 15 as a joke, you fucking moron.

Doesn't matter - Rudy THOUGHT she was 15 and twiddled the Rudy Tootie. That's the way cops catch predators. With decoys.

No he didnt. Goddamn, did yall retarded mfers even read about it?

In one scene of the film, which officially premieres Friday on Amazon Prime, the former New York City mayor is seen touching himself in the presence of a woman who’s posing as a conservative reporter.
The woman is Bulgarian actress Maria Bakalova, 24, who in the movie portrays Borat’s teenage daughter.

The scene ends when star Sacha Baron Cohen, playing Borat, bursts into the room and says, “She’s 15, she’s too old for you!”
Yes, we know: Pictures or it didn’t happen.

Let me put it to you this way:

Giuliani is 76 years old, what the fuck was he trying to do with a woman younger than his grandchildren?

His kids won't even speak to him. Dude is a slime ball - Crappy husband and crappy father. Perfect for Trump.

It doesn't look like Rudy Giuliani's two children will have a role in his presidential campaign. According to media reports, the GOP frontrunner's third marriage has alienated his son, Andrew, 21, and daughter, Caroline, 18, from their father.​
Giuliani's 21-year-old son, Andrew, told The New York Times that he would be too busy working on his golf game to participate in his father's presidential campaign.​
"There's obviously a little problem that exists between me and his wife," the younger Giuliani told the newspaper. "And we're trying to figure that out. But as of right now it's not working as well as we would like."​
The New York Daily News reported that Giuliani rarely spends time with his children and that he had failed to attend many important events in their lives, including Andrew's golf tournaments and Caroline's school plays.​


That's when he isn't fondling himself in front of 15 year old girls in hotel rooms. Fucking pervert.

He wasnt fondling himself in front of 15 year old girls. Fucking liar.

He should not have been in a hotel room with a 15 year old, period.

She wasnt 15, holy shit. The woman is actually 24 and she was posing as a conservative journalist. Borat said she was 15 as a joke, you fucking moron.

Doesn't matter - Rudy THOUGHT she was 15 and twiddled the Rudy Tootie. That's the way cops catch predators. With decoys.

No he didnt. Goddamn, did yall retarded mfers even read about it?

In one scene of the film, which officially premieres Friday on Amazon Prime, the former New York City mayor is seen touching himself in the presence of a woman who’s posing as a conservative reporter.
The woman is Bulgarian actress Maria Bakalova, 24, who in the movie portrays Borat’s teenage daughter.

The scene ends when star Sacha Baron Cohen, playing Borat, bursts into the room and says, “She’s 15, she’s too old for you!”
Yes, we know: Pictures or it didn’t happen.

Let me put it to you this way:

Giuliani is 76 years old, what the fuck was he trying to do with a woman younger than his grandchildren?

His kids won't even speak to him. Dude is a slime ball - Crappy husband and crappy father. Perfect for Trump.

It doesn't look like Rudy Giuliani's two children will have a role in his presidential campaign. According to media reports, the GOP frontrunner's third marriage has alienated his son, Andrew, 21, and daughter, Caroline, 18, from their father.​
Giuliani's 21-year-old son, Andrew, told The New York Times that he would be too busy working on his golf game to participate in his father's presidential campaign.​
"There's obviously a little problem that exists between me and his wife," the younger Giuliani told the newspaper. "And we're trying to figure that out. But as of right now it's not working as well as we would like."​
The New York Daily News reported that Giuliani rarely spends time with his children and that he had failed to attend many important events in their lives, including Andrew's golf tournaments and Caroline's school plays.​

Yep. His daughter is urging people to vote for Biden.
What's really interesting is how some "salacious" video and emails were rejected by Rudy previously in 2019.
Something really fishy about this whole deal and Giuliani needs to come clean.

There are so many holes in this supposed smear of Biden and his son. The FBI is further investigating this as a Russian dis-information campaign while Rudy is under investigation as well.

"Rudy Giuliani, the personal attorney for President Donald Trump, was approached by someone offering allegedly compromising emails and images belonging to Hunter Biden in spring 2019, according to two individuals familiar with the meeting. Giuliani was approached with the offer while at a lunch in New York City in late May of last year, according to the sources. The content included emails, as well as allegedly salacious video. The offer was declined, one of the individuals said, amid credibility questions."

"Giuliani has not said when exactly he was first offered compromising content belonging to Biden. But the timing of the alleged lunch meeting — and Giuliani’s apparent suspicions about the credibility of the content dangled in front of him — raise significant questions about the former mayor’s intent when he opted to distribute strikingly similar content to news outlets earlier this month."

"In a text to Salon, Giuliani said he had “no such recollection” of the meeting. “I don’t remember anyone remotely like that,” he added."

"The alleged meeting also complicates key elements of the already hazy cover story Giuliani spun to journalists about how he first came into the alleged Hunter Biden hard drive. The New York Post covered some of the unverified contents in a dubious report last week after Fox News declined to do so over credibility concerns."

"The newly revealed meeting also aligns with key aspects of new report from Time, in which two individuals alleged that emails and photos said to belong to Hunter Biden had been for sale for as much as $5 million on the Ukrainian black market while Giuliani and associates attempted to dig up dirt in the foreign country."

"Giuliani’s efforts to smear the Bidens with baseless allegations about business dealings in Ukraine led directly to his client’s impeachment last year. Those accusations have been repeatedly debunked, and journalists quickly pointed out major errors and holes in The Post’s report. The FBI has since opened an investigation into the story as part of a possible Russian disinformation operation, according to multiple reports."

I thought this was about Rudi masturbating in camera in that new movie.

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