The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

The problem is - you Dumbocrats won't work at all. Your inability to pay your bills is not my responsibility. It really is that simple SW.

You can deliver of us all of the sob stories that you want, but it doesn't change anything. You cannot tell me where the origin of my debt to your wants and needs arises from and there is a reason for that. Because you parasites are flat out in the wrong.'s only Democrats that refuse to get insurance...that must be why the GOP dreamed up the individual mandate. :lol:

No [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] - but it is only Democrats who expect someone else to pick up the bills.

The only thing I've ever advocated is to be left the hell alone, for people to take personal responsibility, and for the federal government to be forced to abide by the Constitution as they are legally bound to be. Gasp! :eek:

And for those basic American principles, your side considers me a "monster". Kind if speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Now what have you asked for? For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all meals provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have housing provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all healthcare needs provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all transportation provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all education provided to them if they wish. And for the federal government to trample the rights of any person and violate the law in order to achieve those desires.

Again, kind of speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Puppy, I'm sure this won't do any good, but I'll try to make this as simple as I can so you can grasp it. I'll even promise to type really slowly for you.

Before the ACA most people got their insurance through their employer or spouses employer. That hasn't changed. Also before the ACA a small percentage of people purchased their own insurance, but usually from a very small pool of providers. That did change with the ACA. Those individuals can purchase their insurance from an exchange with a larger pool of providers. What they are finding is that this competition has lowered premium prices for those individuals.

Now, we also had a small percentage of people that would not purchase insurance. These are the people that think they can't get sick or get into an accident. When something happens to these people, those of us with insurance pay for them. The ACA requires that these people purchase insurance, be personally responsible.

Finally there is a small percentage of Americans that did not have insurance because they couldn't. Maybe they had a pre-existing condition that prevented them from getting insurance or maybe they just simply couldn't afford it. These folks are the ones that clog county hospitals and emergency rooms. They didn't get preventative care so they would ignore problems until they reached a point where the treatment is more expensive or it is too late to do anything about the individuals health. Now, with the ACA these people get subsidies to purchase insurance. Yes, we are still paying for these individuals, but we aren't paying for their care, we're helping pay for their insurance so that when or if they do get sick, they get to go to a doctor right away and the insurance pays for their care. This saves the government, the taxpayer, money...lots of it.

Yes, I do believe that Education and Health Care are a right not a privilege that should be the same for each and every American. I make no bones about my desire for a single payer system, but that's not the system we have and I won't let perfect be the enemy of good.
Dear xxxxxx

Thank you for contacting me to express your views regarding health reform. I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond.

I support the Affordable Care Act (ACA), health reform legislation signed into law by President Obama in 2010. The ACA creates important new benefits for health insurance consumers (while failing to provide consumer choice in whether they want some of these new benefits), expands access to care, and protects Medicare while reducing the federal deficit (counting chickens? the fat lady hasn't sung yet).

The ACA makes it easier for people to shop for health insurance plans (if you can access the website) and protects consumers from some of the most egregious abuses by health insurance companies. For example, the law prohibits insurers from denying coverage (this is a good thing), charging higher premiums (this is complete bullshit. higher risk people SHOULD pay a higher rate), or refusing reimbursement for the millions of people who have pre-existing health conditions like cancer, diabetes, or asthma (again, no problem). The law also stops insurance companies from setting annual or lifetime limits on coverage (a good thing, although it will raise costs), allows young adults to stay on their parents' health insurance until age 26 (this will keep the parents premiums higher; why aren't they consistent with their numbers? 17 and up on income tax is not considered a child, 26 and under on health insurance is), and requires new insurance plans to cover preventive health care such as mammograms and diabetes screenings without a co -pay (one of the reasons premiums are so expensive is because they cover everything under the sun. Dumb. Try covering oil changes and inspections for your car and see what happens to your premiums. You'd spend less money if you paid for a mammogram or other testing out of pocket on an as-needed basis, vs paying for it in premiums.)

Under the ACA, individuals who get insurance through an employer or Medicare can continue to receive this coverage. In addition, the law creates new health insurance marketplaces through which individuals who do not have access to affordable insurance or who want to explore new insurance options can shop for coverage (the website is a snafu). California's health insurance marketplace is known as Covered California, and is online now at On this website, individuals can compare plans, find out if they qualify for subsidies (someone else footing the bill) to reduce the cost of coverage, and enroll in a plan of their choice (notice how you can't get a freaking price for this without signing in and providing very personal information? that is bullshit.) For your information, I have attached a fact sheet that provides more information about Covered California and the Affordable Care Act (affordable? well, I suppose it is if you get someone else to pay for your ass).

Although I support the many new consumer protections and preventive health benefits created as part of the Affordable Care Act, I recognize that the law remains controversial (gee, yathink??) . Please know that I have made note of your views and will keep them in mind as I continue to monitor the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Should have any further comments or questions, please feel free to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841. Best regards.

Sincerely yours,

Dianne Feinstein
United States Senator

Well, isn't she special?'s only Democrats that refuse to get insurance...that must be why the GOP dreamed up the individual mandate. :lol:

No [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] - but it is only Democrats who expect someone else to pick up the bills.

The only thing I've ever advocated is to be left the hell alone, for people to take personal responsibility, and for the federal government to be forced to abide by the Constitution as they are legally bound to be. Gasp! :eek:

And for those basic American principles, your side considers me a "monster". Kind if speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Now what have you asked for? For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all meals provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have housing provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all healthcare needs provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all transportation provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all education provided to them if they wish. And for the federal government to trample the rights of any person and violate the law in order to achieve those desires.

Again, kind of speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Puppy, I'm sure this won't do any good, but I'll try to make this as simple as I can so you can grasp it. I'll even promise to type really slowly for you.

Before the ACA most people got their insurance through their employer or spouses employer. That hasn't changed. Also before the ACA a small percentage of people purchased their own insurance, but usually from a very small pool of providers. That did change with the ACA. Those individuals can purchase their insurance from an exchange with a larger pool of providers. What they are finding is that this competition has lowered premium prices for those individuals.

Now, we also had a small percentage of people that would not purchase insurance. These are the people that think they can't get sick or get into an accident. When something happens to these people, those of us with insurance pay for them. The ACA requires that these people purchase insurance, be personally responsible.

Finally there is a small percentage of Americans that did not have insurance because they couldn't. Maybe they had a pre-existing condition that prevented them from getting insurance or maybe they just simply couldn't afford it. These folks are the ones that clog county hospitals and emergency rooms. They didn't get preventative care so they would ignore problems until they reached a point where the treatment is more expensive or it is too late to do anything about the individuals health. Now, with the ACA these people get subsidies to purchase insurance. Yes, we are still paying for these individuals, but we aren't paying for their care, we're helping pay for their insurance so that when or if they do get sick, they get to go to a doctor right away and the insurance pays for their care. This saves the government, the taxpayer, money...lots of it.

Yes, I do believe that Education and Health Care are a right not a privilege that should be the same for each and every American. I make no bones about my desire for a single payer system, but that's not the system we have and I won't let perfect be the enemy of good.

There is a smaller pool of providers not larger, and this is due to the elimination of competition from out of state providers. So, Johnny in Vermont can't shop for a premium which meets their individual needs, that may be provided at the cost they seek, but its in Alabama. The needs, and where you shop, are determined by the government. That is not a good thing

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No [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] - but it is only Democrats who expect someone else to pick up the bills.

The only thing I've ever advocated is to be left the hell alone, for people to take personal responsibility, and for the federal government to be forced to abide by the Constitution as they are legally bound to be. Gasp! :eek:

And for those basic American principles, your side considers me a "monster". Kind if speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Now what have you asked for? For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all meals provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have housing provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all healthcare needs provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all transportation provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all education provided to them if they wish. And for the federal government to trample the rights of any person and violate the law in order to achieve those desires.

Again, kind of speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Puppy, I'm sure this won't do any good, but I'll try to make this as simple as I can so you can grasp it. I'll even promise to type really slowly for you.

Before the ACA most people got their insurance through their employer or spouses employer. That hasn't changed. Also before the ACA a small percentage of people purchased their own insurance, but usually from a very small pool of providers. That did change with the ACA. Those individuals can purchase their insurance from an exchange with a larger pool of providers. What they are finding is that this competition has lowered premium prices for those individuals.

Now, we also had a small percentage of people that would not purchase insurance. These are the people that think they can't get sick or get into an accident. When something happens to these people, those of us with insurance pay for them. The ACA requires that these people purchase insurance, be personally responsible.

Finally there is a small percentage of Americans that did not have insurance because they couldn't. Maybe they had a pre-existing condition that prevented them from getting insurance or maybe they just simply couldn't afford it. These folks are the ones that clog county hospitals and emergency rooms. They didn't get preventative care so they would ignore problems until they reached a point where the treatment is more expensive or it is too late to do anything about the individuals health. Now, with the ACA these people get subsidies to purchase insurance. Yes, we are still paying for these individuals, but we aren't paying for their care, we're helping pay for their insurance so that when or if they do get sick, they get to go to a doctor right away and the insurance pays for their care. This saves the government, the taxpayer, money...lots of it.

Yes, I do believe that Education and Health Care are a right not a privilege that should be the same for each and every American. I make no bones about my desire for a single payer system, but that's not the system we have and I won't let perfect be the enemy of good.

There is a smaller pool of providers not larger, and this is due to the elimination of competition from out of state providers. So, Johnny in Vermont can't shop for a premium which meets their individual needs, that may be provided at the cost they seek, but its in Alabama. The needs, and where you shop, are determined by the government. That is not a good thing


They couldn't sell across state lines BEFORE the ACA so there is no "elimination of competition". The exchanges are creating competition.

Oh, and there IS a provision in the ACA that allows sales across state lines. Bet you didn't know that did you?
Puppy, I'm sure this won't do any good, but I'll try to make this as simple as I can so you can grasp it. I'll even promise to type really slowly for you.

Before the ACA most people got their insurance through their employer or spouses employer. That hasn't changed. Also before the ACA a small percentage of people purchased their own insurance, but usually from a very small pool of providers. That did change with the ACA. Those individuals can purchase their insurance from an exchange with a larger pool of providers. What they are finding is that this competition has lowered premium prices for those individuals.

Now, we also had a small percentage of people that would not purchase insurance. These are the people that think they can't get sick or get into an accident. When something happens to these people, those of us with insurance pay for them. The ACA requires that these people purchase insurance, be personally responsible.

Finally there is a small percentage of Americans that did not have insurance because they couldn't. Maybe they had a pre-existing condition that prevented them from getting insurance or maybe they just simply couldn't afford it. These folks are the ones that clog county hospitals and emergency rooms. They didn't get preventative care so they would ignore problems until they reached a point where the treatment is more expensive or it is too late to do anything about the individuals health. Now, with the ACA these people get subsidies to purchase insurance. Yes, we are still paying for these individuals, but we aren't paying for their care, we're helping pay for their insurance so that when or if they do get sick, they get to go to a doctor right away and the insurance pays for their care. This saves the government, the taxpayer, money...lots of it.

Yes, I do believe that Education and Health Care are a right not a privilege that should be the same for each and every American. I make no bones about my desire for a single payer system, but that's not the system we have and I won't let perfect be the enemy of good.

There is a smaller pool of providers not larger, and this is due to the elimination of competition from out of state providers. So, Johnny in Vermont can't shop for a premium which meets their individual needs, that may be provided at the cost they seek, but its in Alabama. The needs, and where you shop, are determined by the government. That is not a good thing


They couldn't sell across state lines BEFORE the ACA so there is no "elimination of competition". The exchanges are creating competition.

Oh, and there IS a provision in the ACA that allows sales across state lines. Bet you didn't know that did you?

News for you Seawytch: Once you add a bunch of bureaucracy to the process, only companies who can afford lawyers can keep up with those who do. That's why many smaller medical practices had to close down because they couldn't hire staff or lawyers to follow the govt process for getting paid. Wake up, honey!

A. for those who benefit like Aetna or other companies that can survive while other companies bail out, they will deal with this
B. for those who wanted singlepayer and understand this step will force companies out and more control into the federal govt programs, they put up with this too

Please be honest that you are one who will benefit from B so you support this. The sooner you get where this is going you can help your fellow advocates so the system doesn't crash but you can transition to your single payer plan. If you don't see the roof coming down, you are wasting your time you could be using to build your next house to move into. so get going. if you support this transition then you are responsible for where it's going. these activists need help to organize if they will successfully set up singlepayer for themselves.

If any companies survive under A, they will either be so big they can accommodate for losses and bureaucratic red tape during the transition while others cannot, or they will be so insular like USAA* they can keep managing their own base, or like charity/nonprofit health coops that operate independently anyway so long as they "qualify for exemption or for state innovations" etc. Again, only if you have LEGAL RESOURCES to make sure you fit the law. Do you realize how exhaustive that is? Do you have any clue how much companies have had to spend on legal departments to decide whether to comply or drop out? ???

*(USAA was always for military families only, didn't need federal govt to tell them how to run their business, and they have direct contacts, reps, and LOBBYISTS working with Congress/govt to make sure no changes were made to the law they couldn't handle. how many companies have that kind of support and resources to protect their business? so this is forcing out the smaller businesses and individuals who they serve who DON'T have that kind of protection.)

Very few will not be affected, honey. So please don't waste time arguing with people who don't approve. The people who want a smoother transition to single payer need supporters like you to make it work. You need to start pooling your resources together to make sure you get what you want before the govt messes it up worse. Get involved
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The problem is - you Dumbocrats won't work at all. Your inability to pay your bills is not my responsibility. It really is that simple SW.

You can deliver of us all of the sob stories that you want, but it doesn't change anything. You cannot tell me where the origin of my debt to your wants and needs arises from and there is a reason for that. Because you parasites are flat out in the wrong.'s only Democrats that refuse to get insurance...that must be why the GOP dreamed up the individual mandate. :lol:

No [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] - but it is only Democrats who expect someone else to pick up the bills.

The only thing I've ever advocated is to be left the hell alone, for people to take personal responsibility, and for the federal government to be forced to abide by the Constitution as they are legally bound to be. Gasp! :eek:

And for those basic American principles, your side considers me a "monster". Kind if speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Now what have you asked for? For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all meals provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have housing provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all healthcare needs provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all transportation provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all education provided to them if they wish. And for the federal government to trample the rights of any person and violate the law in order to achieve those desires.

Again, kind of speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Dear Rottweiler: I agree in the people pushing this to pay for it themselves and they'd have no opposition. the billions Democrats spend on campaigns could go directly here. if they would have listened to the Greens even Pres candidate Jill Stein and health care/currency coop trainer Paul Glover, they'd be done by now.

I have friends who are pushing singlepayer and where we disagree is I think THEY should foot the bill for this transition stage if they believe it is necessary.

the most I could find is some antiwarspending activists willing to push to collect back on abused war contracts, get taxpayers reimbursed millions of dollars, and use that to fund reforms. so it doesn't have to be any new taxes, but can be payback from taxmoney that corrupt corporate/govt dealings cost taxpayers in the past. and these politicians/lawyers could be hired on commission to collect that on public behalf for investing in health care.
Dear RDD and Rottweiler:
I hope we are past the slamming which was interfering with making your points.

Here is more about losing free choice:

Basically, people are now required to register and report to govt "proof of insurance" and/or *PROVE they meet the requirements that are RESTRICTED BY RELIGION* (ie if you want to be "exempted" and "pay for your own health care without insurance" you must be a "member of a religious group or organization in existence since 1999 where the members share their medical expenses"). So paying for your own health care yourself or through family or church does NOT count as a qualified registered religious organization and you are not exempted because you don't meet "religious requirements set by govt."

How is that NOT regulating or discriminating by religion?

The govt goes through this with conscientious objectors who refuse service or go AWOL
and it's a mess fighting those arguments with govt but necessary for the defense policies.

This was NOT NECESSARY to impose new legislation that introduces religious regulation!

So me and others are losing our freedom to pay for our own care without reporting to govt or be fined a higher tax than we can afford.

We are losing rights or freedom without "due process" to PROVE we had committed a crime or abuse first. How is wanting to pay for your own health care a CRIME?

Is this more clear?'s only Democrats that refuse to get insurance...that must be why the GOP dreamed up the individual mandate. :lol:

No [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] - but it is only Democrats who expect someone else to pick up the bills.

The only thing I've ever advocated is to be left the hell alone, for people to take personal responsibility, and for the federal government to be forced to abide by the Constitution as they are legally bound to be. Gasp! :eek:

And for those basic American principles, your side considers me a "monster". Kind if speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Now what have you asked for? For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all meals provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have housing provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all healthcare needs provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all transportation provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all education provided to them if they wish. And for the federal government to trample the rights of any person and violate the law in order to achieve those desires.

Again, kind of speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Before the ACA most people got their insurance through their employer or spouses employer. That hasn't changed.

Once again, Seawytch displays her profound ignorance for the world...

Are these people still getting their insurance through their employer or spouses employer?
UPS Dropping Spouses Health Coverage - Business Insider

Are these people still getting their insurance through their employer or spouses employer?
Hospital Staff Under The Knife: Layoffs Pick Up As ObamaCare Looms -

Are these people still getting their insurance through their employer or spouses employer?
Citing Obamacare, Cleveland Clinic to Cut $300M, Warns of Layoffs - US News and World Report

Are these people still getting their insurance through their employer or spouses employer?
Bonnie Doon Ice Cream blames Obamacare for plant shutdown - Fox 28: South Bend, Elkhart IN News, Weather, Sports

Are these people still getting their insurance through their employer or spouses employer?
Medical Company Smith & Nephew Lays Off Almost 100 People, Blames Obamacare

Are these people still getting their insurance through their employer or spouses employer?
Hospitals Suffering From Mass Layoffs Thanks to Obamacare - Katie Pavlich

You're right about one thing though [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] - you're definitely not allowing "perfect to be the enemy of good". Hell, you're not even allowing shitty to be the enemy of catstrophic. And Obamacare has literally been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be catastrophic . But all you know is that it was supported by a Dumbocrat, so you will play the loyal little lap dog and support it too - even in the face of all evidence which indicates it catastrophic. :bang3:
Yes, I do believe that Education and Health Care are a right not a privilege that should be the same for each and every American.

This is astounding stupidity on a level I can't even begin to fathom. It's literally the equivalent of saying "I believe the world is flat" or "I believe that fire does not exist".

You don't get to "believe" what is a right and what isn't. Rights are explicitly spelled out in the U.S. Constitution and healthcare or education is not one of them.

Do you understand that you cannot make something which requires money to be a right because rights are guaranteed and you cannot guarantee money on someone else's behalf?

Do you understand that your rights end where mine begin and therefore you have absolutely zero grounds to force me to pay for someone else's needs or wants?

Of course you don't understand these things because you truly are painfully stupid. You're an immature, idealistic, fuck'n child. Of course it would be wonderful if every American could have the best healthcare in the world for free. But mature adults take that dream, examine all of the ideas/options to make it come to fruition, and them come to the scientific conclusion that it is literally impossible. It can't be "free" and you have no right to force someone else to pay for it. It really is that simple (and how frightening that you can't grasp something that simple).
This is astounding stupidity on a level I can't even begin to fathom. It's literally the equivalent of saying "I believe the world is flat" or "I believe that fire does not exist".

You don't get to "believe" what is a right and what isn't. Rights are explicitly spelled out in the U.S. Constitution and healthcare or education is not one of them.

Do you understand that you cannot make something which requires money to be a right because rights are guaranteed and you cannot guarantee money on someone else's behalf?

Do you understand that your rights end where mine begin and therefore you have absolutely zero grounds to force me to pay for someone else's needs or wants?

Of course you don't understand these things because you truly are painfully stupid. You're an immature, idealistic, fuck'n child. Of course it would be wonderful if every American could have the best healthcare in the world for free. But mature adults take that dream, examine all of the ideas/options to make it come to fruition, and them come to the scientific conclusion that it is literally impossible. It can't be "free" and you have no right to force someone else to pay for it. It really is that simple (and how frightening that you can't grasp something that simple).
If you think it's okay to charge someone $37,000 for a one night stay in the hospital, then it's also okay for someone to get health insurance for free. Your position is, if they're allowed to do it, then it's none of your god-damn business.

Door swings both ways, fuckhead!
This is astounding stupidity on a level I can't even begin to fathom. It's literally the equivalent of saying "I believe the world is flat" or "I believe that fire does not exist".

You don't get to "believe" what is a right and what isn't. Rights are explicitly spelled out in the U.S. Constitution and healthcare or education is not one of them.

Do you understand that you cannot make something which requires money to be a right because rights are guaranteed and you cannot guarantee money on someone else's behalf?

Do you understand that your rights end where mine begin and therefore you have absolutely zero grounds to force me to pay for someone else's needs or wants?

Of course you don't understand these things because you truly are painfully stupid. You're an immature, idealistic, fuck'n child. Of course it would be wonderful if every American could have the best healthcare in the world for free. But mature adults take that dream, examine all of the ideas/options to make it come to fruition, and them come to the scientific conclusion that it is literally impossible. It can't be "free" and you have no right to force someone else to pay for it. It really is that simple (and how frightening that you can't grasp something that simple).
If you think it's okay to charge someone $37,000 for a one night stay in the hospital, then it's also okay for someone to get health insurance for free. Your position is, if they're allowed to do it, then it's none of your god-damn business.

Door swings both ways, fuckhead!

Well, for a homo like you, the "door swings both ways" (just like your anus). However, what someone so profoundly stupid as you [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION] doesn't understand is that it's not "free". Forcing someone else to pay for it (slavery) doesn't make the service "free". It's just paid for through slavery.

How dumb are you exactly? :eusa_whistle:

Now, there are plenty of physicians who perform their labor for free as charitable acts. And I applaud and support that 100%. Because it's not slavery, it's of that clinicians own free will.

Watching your meltdown after meltdown because I'm owning you with facts is absolutely priceless. Truly. I have gotten more laughs from your posts these past two days than I've had all week. Thank you for that.
Well, for a homo like you, the "door swings both ways" (just like your anus). However, what someone so profoundly stupid as you [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION] doesn't understand is that it's not "free". Forcing someone else to pay for it (slavery) doesn't make the service "free". It's just paid for through slavery.

How dumb are you exactly? :eusa_whistle:

Now, there are plenty of physicians who perform their labor for free as charitable acts. And I applaud and support that 100%. Because it's not slavery, it's of that clinicians own free will.

Watching your meltdown after meltdown because I'm owning you with facts is absolutely priceless. Truly. I have gotten more laughs from your posts these past two days than I've had all week. Thank you for that.
You're not "owning with facts". I've got to pull up my pant legs everytime I read your posts so I don't get them dirty in case you have a heavy flow.

If you think it's okay to throw $4 trillion away on that bullshit Iraq war, then shut your whiney little bitchy ass regarding the ACA.

And fuck you with your "free" shit! If you go to anyone of the exchanges, they got about 30 plans to pick from and they all cost money to the one being insured. Even the ones with a $0 per year premium, have a $5000 deductable. So no one is getting anything for free, dumbass!
It's not a failure and it isn't going anywhere. You all should know by now, Rs have tried to repeal it 40 times. :eusa_eh:

It's here to stay. Yay.
The problem is - you Dumbocrats won't work at all. Your inability to pay your bills is not my responsibility. It really is that simple SW.

You can deliver of us all of the sob stories that you want, but it doesn't change anything. You cannot tell me where the origin of my debt to your wants and needs arises from and there is a reason for that. Because you parasites are flat out in the wrong.'s only Democrats that refuse to get insurance...that must be why the GOP dreamed up the individual mandate. :lol:

No [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] - but it is only Democrats who expect someone else to pick up the bills.

I really wish rw's could explain how buying and paying for your own health care insurance is "expecting someone else to pick of the bills" while Socialist EMTALA that forces insured patients to pay the bills for the uninsured.

The truth is, lazy rw's like having their bills paid by Ds. If rw's believed in taking personal responsibility, they would be in favor of paying for own health care insurance.
It's not a failure and it isn't going anywhere. You all should know by now, Rs have tried to repeal it 40 times. :eusa_eh:

It's here to stay. Yay.
The right is afraid it's going to get as popular as Medicare.

Even if by some miracle they take the WH in 2016, so many people will be in the system, they won't be able to do anything at all. They can't do anything now but whine.'s only Democrats that refuse to get insurance...that must be why the GOP dreamed up the individual mandate. :lol:

No [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] - but it is only Democrats who expect someone else to pick up the bills.

I really wish rw's could explain how buying and paying for your own health care insurance is "expecting someone else to pick of the bills" while Socialist EMTALA that forces insured patients to pay the bills for the uninsured.

The truth is, lazy rw's like having their bills paid by Ds. If rw's believed in taking personal responsibility, they would be in favor of paying for own health care insurance.

God, the way insurance worked before, they had to pick up the slack for those who had no insurance. Now they complain that people have to pay for their own.
No [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] - but it is only Democrats who expect someone else to pick up the bills.

I really wish rw's could explain how buying and paying for your own health care insurance is "expecting someone else to pick of the bills" while Socialist EMTALA that forces insured patients to pay the bills for the uninsured.

The truth is, lazy rw's like having their bills paid by Ds. If rw's believed in taking personal responsibility, they would be in favor of paying for own health care insurance.

God, the way insurance worked before, they had to pick up the slack for those who had no insurance. Now they complain that people have to pay for their own.

Since not one of them knows the definition of "socialism", they also don't understand that paying your own way is pretty much the opposite.

From reading posts here, I believe they just want to keep the gravy train that pays for their health care.
This is astounding stupidity on a level I can't even begin to fathom. It's literally the equivalent of saying "I believe the world is flat" or "I believe that fire does not exist".

You don't get to "believe" what is a right and what isn't. Rights are explicitly spelled out in the U.S. Constitution and healthcare or education is not one of them.

Do you understand that you cannot make something which requires money to be a right because rights are guaranteed and you cannot guarantee money on someone else's behalf?

Do you understand that your rights end where mine begin and therefore you have absolutely zero grounds to force me to pay for someone else's needs or wants?

Of course you don't understand these things because you truly are painfully stupid. You're an immature, idealistic, fuck'n child. Of course it would be wonderful if every American could have the best healthcare in the world for free. But mature adults take that dream, examine all of the ideas/options to make it come to fruition, and them come to the scientific conclusion that it is literally impossible. It can't be "free" and you have no right to force someone else to pay for it. It really is that simple (and how frightening that you can't grasp something that simple).
If you think it's okay to charge someone $37,000 for a one night stay in the hospital, then it's also okay for someone to get health insurance for free. Your position is, if they're allowed to do it, then it's none of your god-damn business.

Door swings both ways, fuckhead!

Well, for a homo like you, the "door swings both ways" (just like your anus). However, what someone so profoundly stupid as you [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION] doesn't understand is that it's not "free". Forcing someone else to pay for it (slavery) doesn't make the service "free". It's just paid for through slavery.

How dumb are you exactly? :eusa_whistle:

Now, there are plenty of physicians who perform their labor for free as charitable acts. And I applaud and support that 100%. Because it's not slavery, it's of that clinicians own free will.

Watching your meltdown after meltdown because I'm owning you with facts is absolutely priceless. Truly. I have gotten more laughs from your posts these past two days than I've had all week. Thank you for that.

If obamacare was really going to be bad I'd think the right would be happy. Then they would have something to run on. Remember, all you guys have is rick cruz or rand paul.'s only Democrats that refuse to get insurance...that must be why the GOP dreamed up the individual mandate. :lol:

No [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] - but it is only Democrats who expect someone else to pick up the bills.

The only thing I've ever advocated is to be left the hell alone, for people to take personal responsibility, and for the federal government to be forced to abide by the Constitution as they are legally bound to be. Gasp! :eek:

And for those basic American principles, your side considers me a "monster". Kind if speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Now what have you asked for? For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all meals provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have housing provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all healthcare needs provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all transportation provided to them if they wish. For every person - regardless of circumstance - to have all education provided to them if they wish. And for the federal government to trample the rights of any person and violate the law in order to achieve those desires.

Again, kind of speaks volumes, doesn't it?

Dear Rottweiler: I agree in the people pushing this to pay for it themselves and they'd have no opposition. the billions Democrats spend on campaigns could go directly here. if they would have listened to the Greens even Pres candidate Jill Stein and health care/currency coop trainer Paul Glover, they'd be done by now.

I have friends who are pushing singlepayer and where we disagree is I think THEY should foot the bill for this transition stage if they believe it is necessary.

the most I could find is some antiwarspending activists willing to push to collect back on abused war contracts, get taxpayers reimbursed millions of dollars, and use that to fund reforms. so it doesn't have to be any new taxes, but can be payback from taxmoney that corrupt corporate/govt dealings cost taxpayers in the past. and these politicians/lawyers could be hired on commission to collect that on public behalf for investing in health care.

While I love the idea of recovering tax dollars that were lost through waste, fraud, and abuse [MENTION=22295]emilynghiem[/MENTION]- keep in mind that the Obamacare nightmare goes a lot further than taxes (if that's all it was, I'd probably bend over and take it as, ultimately, money doesn't mean all that much to me).

But I will never bend on the Constitution, rights, or my children's future. Not a day goes by that I don't think about the the unthinkable sacrifices that were made by strangers on my behalf so that I can live the amazing life that I do. The least I can do is uphold what they made that sacrifice for (while, sadly, Dumbocrats piss all over what they made that sacrifice for and do so with contempt towards it).

I will never accept being unconstitutionally forced by the federal government to purchase a good or service. I will never accept redistribution of wealth. And I will never accept socialism/marxism/communism.

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