The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

Tyrone: Don't forget to add:
Are you a rape baby born to a mother who actually loves you
as a gift from God and wants to keep you?

Also: where's the chart for people who yell about Black slavery in America
but don't mind buying products keeping Asian people enslaved in China and India
or go on strike if they're not paid 10-15 an hour as "living wage"

How many cats do you have?

I'm guessing 6.

No I cannot keep pets. I work two jobs, and all my money has being going to
pay off credit card debts from lending to community nonprofits doing the work
to repair damages done to a national historic district we are trying to save.

We have gotten no help from Democrats who only raise money for their own campaigns.

I am a member of the Democrat party trying to set up corrections and restitution
for the long history of damage and fraud, but only the little people at the bottom care
to do the work. All the politicians and media hype have bought and sold out the party
where they only focus on elections and campaigns but not investing directly in solutions.

Ironically the same solutions that came out of my district for restoring the historic landmarks as a sustainable campus for housing, jobs and service internships
can be used to convert sweatshops and replace slave labor with work-study jobs.

So we have the solutions and proposed them repeatedly to city state and federal offices.
But they are always too busy working on easier things for political points, this harder
work that takes uniting all the parties (not bashing each other to get elected) is left behind.

so the people trying to do all this work have no resources that aren't already stretched to the max trying to fix this ourselves. I am working two jobs and can't keep up, and the other community leader I am helping who wrote up the Vet housing plan can't get help or attention of anyone either, because she is a Black woman Republican.

We can't figure out if the problem is we are both women, I am an Asian Democrat and she is Black Republican, and so we are expected to work like slaves while men expect to be in charge and have everyone work under them. So we can't get our ideas taken seriously though I posted hers online and tried to start a petition. It seems individual women sympathize with us, while the men are content to play bully games at all costs. not sure?

here's the website: Freedmen's Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing
I have Gladys' Vet housing plans posted there, and the sustainable campus plans signed by Sheila Jackson Lee. I am thinking of trying to ask Oprah for help to set up a school system
that incorporates all the community plans and history to generate income to preserve it.

but people are so caught up in political warfare, millions go into campaigns to fight each other, and even 130 M to push Obamacare, but not putting those millions into actually setting up a model for training people in providing the health care and social services.

so I can barely pay for my gas and rent and other bills I have been paying for other nonprofits who got screwed by govt where I had to bail them out or they would go under.

I can't pay for cats or anything extra. just lucky to keep both my jobs. If I lose my day job and have to pay for insurance, I won't be able to afford this and repair the damage done by the Democrat party I am still struggling to get paid for by demanding that taxpayer money be refunded which Democrat administrations funneled to developer interests to destroy the national history (from churches, gravesites, rowhouses, brick streets, all landmarks registered nationally as a freed slave and civil rights history). if we could get tax money paid back that was abused, then we could pay to restore the damages instead of me trying to work 2 jobs and Gladys 2-3 jobs paying for all the costs ourselves. it's crazy.

If Oprah could interview Gladys and me, the whole Democrat party would have to answer why they are abusing us like slaves to fix the damage their leaders did, the president spending billions running for office and millions more pushing his ACA, while the solutions that the residents in our historic community wrote into federal reforms passed through Congress in 1994 could have solved all these problems had they been funded instead of demolished and censored to cater to developer interests so Democrats stayed in office.

These same plans for building sustainable campuses combining education, housing, jobs, and social/health services
can be used to solve issues with Vet housing and Health Care, immigration and prison reform, and restitution for govt abuses and crime paid back into community development and jobs.

As long as people are too busy wasting millions fighting, then these solutions go unfunded instead of setting up models to prove and perfect how they work more cost effectively instead of raising taxes.
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Of course I do. Why is Armed Forces advertising different than ACA advertising? Both need healthy young people in order to work. Of course, the Armed Forces advertising costs considerably more than the ACA advertising, 26 Million for the National Guard alone. And how many recruits do they report getting for their big buck sponsorship? None.

Oh my God! The ACA is mandatory dummy! The military is not. Ergo it really doesn't matter what people think of the ACA and thus spending money to advertise for it is a waste. Advertisements are for items of choice. That's why Apple advertise the iPad. Because you have a choice of whether or not to purchase it.

Want to try again sweetie? Even in the most egregious forms of stupidity, you just can't bring yourself to go "yeah, that was pretty dumb right there by the Democrats". You will literally humiliate yourself to the ends of the earth and beyond trying to defend the indefensible. :eusa_doh:

They are both advertising to young, healthy people. Last I checked, the military isn't having a difficult time recruiting people and the millions spent on NASCAR advertising has produced no results. If the advertising for the ACA produces no results as well, then it too should be stopped. Let's see first.

Well now you're just back pedaling. I made it very clear in the post of how much and where the military spending on recruitment is done is a completely difficult discussion. I'll agree with you 100% that millions on NASCAR - especially if it's not improving recruitment - is a complete and unacceptable waste (something the government is good at).

But that doesn't change the fact that something which is mandatory renders advertisement completely useless as there is no need to convince anyone of anything. It's mandatory... :bang3:
Yes, that would be the "personally responsible" thing to do...hence the individual mandate because if you don't have insurance, I'm paying your bills. It's why the GOP came up with it in the first place.

There is still no "personal responsibility" here stupid. A person who couldn't afford insurance before Obamacare still can't afford it after Obamacare. As Obama himself said, "mandating that people who can't afford health insurance purchase health insurance is as stupid as mandating that people who can't afford a house purchase a house to solve homelessness" (how hilarious is it that this asshole contradicts himself in EVERYTHING - just like his hard stance that raising the debt ceiling is "a failure of leadership", "unpatriotic", and "irresponsible" - which gets your panties in a bunch every time).

I'm still paying for someone else's healthcare. Only now I'm paying the wasteful government as opposed to the hospital.

Nobody knows how to take stupid to a whole new level quite like wytchey... :bang3:

When we paid for others healthcare before the ACA, we did it in the most inefficient, ineffective and expensive way possible. Work smarter, not harder.

The problem is - you Dumbocrats won't work at all. Your inability to pay your bills is not my responsibility. It really is that simple SW.

You can deliver of us all of the sob stories that you want, but it doesn't change anything. You cannot tell me where the origin of my debt to your wants and needs arises from and there is a reason for that. Because you parasites are flat out in the wrong.
When we paid for others healthcare before the ACA, we did it in the most inefficient, ineffective and expensive way possible. Work smarter, not harder.

Hi Seawytch: The most effective way to serve more people is
to promote spiritual healing which is FREE and has been medically documented
in cases of curing not only cancer, but diabetes, schizophrenia, rheumatoid arthritis
and other diseases and conditions including addiction and abuse-related issues.

As effective, safe and free as this is
it cannot be imposed by govt.

So if the best solution in the world cannot be mandated or regulated by govt, what makes you think insurance can be mandated when it does not address or cure the cause of disease and thus is not necessary but an option for paying COSTS which could be avoided, reduced or prevented by spiritual healing in the first place.

It would be one thing if the ACA allowed for these practices as an equal option.
but the requirements would penalize people for it, because it is free and is
about curing the diseases to prevent the costs, and the ACA is only about paying costs through insurance and not about addressed or reducing the costs of the actual treatments and services.

this ACA should be voluntary, as is spiritual healing which more effectively addresses cutting the costs of not only public health, but of CRIME which cost taxpayers BILLIONS more. those costs could be managed where the money we already waste on prisons and feeding/housing/health care for nonworking offenders could pay for education and health care instead of raising taxes or forcing working citizens to buy insurance. why not pay us back for money we spend on criminal health care, and use THAT to pay for people who don't commit crimes?

there are other ways besides insurance.
and spiritual healing would actually address the cause of diseases as well as crimes.
so it would be more cost effective.
Hi RDD: I would bet the beliefs I have as an individual, whicy are protected by law,
are less than 2%, maybe a fraction of 1% of the people in the world.

Yet, I would NOT put up with legislation that violated my religious beliefs by
banning and punishing me for them, even if I were less than 1% of 1% of the population.

Because it's not a good portion, it's 2%. A very small minority of the group. You've made it clear that you have difficulty with numbers but now you've clearly demonstrated you don't understand percentages.

"Ooooh, 1 million sounds like a lot! That must mean it's a "good portion". Nevermind that it's only 2% of the total number, it still sounds like a lot!"

Holy fucking fail.

RDD it is clear that the votes in Congress were divided by Party.

If a bill was written by and biased toward Muslims and against Hindus,
forcing people to eat beef only and banning pork for example,
and the votes in Congress were 51% yes votes by Muslims and pro-Muslims
and 49% by Hindus, Christians, and anti-Muslims (and Vegans who said
the bill didn't go far enough but should have banned all meat).

Would you impose that bill on all people of all beliefs across the nation
just because the majority in Congress voted the majority
even though the votes were either Muslims or proMuslims who got kickbacks.

Wouldn't you say that was religiously discriminating and
imposing a belief on the rest of the nation by abusing govt to do so?

So why not with political beliefs?
Why push one at the exclusion and punishment of others?

Is it really that hard to see what's going on here?
People taking turns bullying like Hindus and Muslims, or Sunni vs. Shiite.
We already went through this with Protestants vs. Catholics.
Do we need to keep repeating this same scenario without learning from history?

I'm sorry, but I am going to do you a favor and let you know that I don't bother reading your posts. I tried, but you start with a stat about number of people uninsured voluntarily and end up talking about bullying Hindus. You're all over the place and I'm pretty sure we'll never be on the same wave length. So please save the energy next time you are hoping for me to respond to some long winded post you write....chances are it's just not going to happen.
obama and the dems successfully took away freedom of choice from Americans and your reply to that is 'go start a thread'.


You want to deny access to health insurance for millions of people because there might be something on your policy you may not need.

And I'm the loser?

Republicans have NEVER "denied" ANYONE access to ANYTHING you lying fuck. Just because your lazy and can't afford something doesn't mean I'm "denying" it to you. It just means you can't afford it because you don't want to work. And that is your problem.

As I told RDean in another - even a fuck'n wild animal in the forest can figure out how to survive without help from the government. What does it say about you [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] that you apparently cannot? :eusa_doh:

I'll take "Things people will say to justify their selfishness for $200" Alex.
2% of 46 million is 920,000 you uneducated fuck'n moron.

Would you not refer to almost 1 million people as "a good portion"? :lmao:

Because it's not a good portion, it's 2%. A very small minority of the group. You've made it clear that you have difficulty with numbers but now you've clearly demonstrated you don't understand percentages.

"Ooooh, 1 million sounds like a lot! That must mean it's a "good portion". Nevermind that it's only 2% of the total number, it still sounds like a lot!"

Holy fucking fail.

1 million have CHOSEN not to carry health insurance asshat. You wildly claimed that "no one" would do that. You lose!

I certainly did not say it wasn't done. I said it wasn't a "good portion" of people doing it. Which you so kindly proved for me. Now you're flat out lying. You must be proud.

Let me know when you're ready for another statistics lesson.
You want to deny access to health insurance for millions of people because there might be something on your policy you may not need.

And I'm the loser?

No, I believe the pool can still be paid for by people who believe in depending on insurance through federal mandates, and not force it on people who don't believe in that approach.

It is enough for just the supporters to pay for it.
You can cover everyone that way who believes in going this route.

SEE my other msg to Seawytch that promoting spiritual healing
will do more to cut the costs of disease and treatment.

It would especially cut the costs of crime, so the billions of taxes wasted
per state on prisons could easily pay for housing, health care and education
by combining these into campuses for sustainable jobs, training and services.

Spiritual healing not only cures addiction and cycles of abuse,
but also can cure criminal illness where medicine alone has failed.

The main problem is that this method works by free choice, so it cannot be mandated by govt, so it takes longer to prove it works so more people understand and access it.
because it is free, no politician or pharmaceutical/insurance lobby will profit from it. It will reduce costs so we save resources that way, but does not give anyone political points.

it cannot be bought and sold like all the other issues can for votes and party interests.
Hi RDD: I would bet the beliefs I have as an individual, whicy are protected by law,
are less than 2%, maybe a fraction of 1% of the people in the world.

Yet, I would NOT put up with legislation that violated my religious beliefs by
banning and punishing me for them, even if I were less than 1% of 1% of the population.

I'm sorry, but I am going to do you a favor and let you know that I don't bother reading your posts. I tried, but you start with a stat about number of people uninsured voluntarily and end up talking about bullying Hindus. You're all over the place and I'm pretty sure we'll never be on the same wave length. So please save the energy next time you are hoping for me to respond to some long winded post you write....chances are it's just not going to happen.

Sorry, I will go back and edit my msg.

My point is that 2% or 1% does not give the govt the right
to violate my religious principles. Even if I am just one person,
it is unconstitutional to overrule and ban my beliefs by law.

Is that more clear? sorry!
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When we paid for others healthcare before the ACA, we did it in the most inefficient, ineffective and expensive way possible. Work smarter, not harder.

Hi Seawytch: The most effective way to serve more people is
to promote spiritual healing which is FREE and has been medically documented
in cases of curing not only cancer, but diabetes, schizophrenia, rheumatoid arthritis
and other diseases and conditions including addiction and abuse-related issues.

As effective, safe and free as this is
it cannot be imposed by govt.

The most effective way to serve the people is FREEDOM. There is a reason they say: "Liberalism - ideas so good they have to be forced on other people".

Just take a look at the history of people who thought the best idea was to FORCE other people to do something and then look how it turned out:

Joseph Stalin - 20 millions Russians dead via genocide and the complete and total collapse of the U.S.S.R.

Adolf Hitler - 6 million Jews dead via genocide, Adolf dead via suicide, and the complete and total collapse of Germany

Fidel Castro - collapsed Cuba and left the entire nation in perpetual poverty. Recently admitted that communism does NOT work.

Obviously, I could go on all day listing these types of failures (Kim Jong-Il, Idi Amin, Ho Chi Minh, Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot, Mao Zedong, etc.) but it's painfully obvious to even a 2nd grader that Dumbocrat policy (ie redistribution of wealth, government control over everything, and force) is a platform of catastrophic failure.
Because it's not a good portion, it's 2%. A very small minority of the group. You've made it clear that you have difficulty with numbers but now you've clearly demonstrated you don't understand percentages.

"Ooooh, 1 million sounds like a lot! That must mean it's a "good portion". Nevermind that it's only 2% of the total number, it still sounds like a lot!"

Holy fucking fail.

1 million have CHOSEN not to carry health insurance asshat. You wildly claimed that "no one" would do that. You lose!

I certainly did not say it wasn't done. I said it wasn't a "good portion" of people doing it. Which you so kindly proved for me. Now you're flat out lying. You must be proud.

Let me know when you're ready for another statistics lesson.

Ahhhh! [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] caught LYING!!!

Here is the exact post: #182

Here is the exact quote:
Not having insurance isn't a choice to be made. No sane person would go without it in this country. Also why breathing oxygen isn't a choice. Hence no freedoms are lost.

And here is the exact link to his post: HERE

Game over . You just got exposed for being the LYING piece of shit that you are!!!

1 million have CHOSEN not to carry health insurance asshat. You wildly claimed that "no one" would do that. You lose!

I certainly did not say it wasn't done. I said it wasn't a "good portion" of people doing it. Which you so kindly proved for me. Now you're flat out lying. You must be proud.

Let me know when you're ready for another statistics lesson.

Ahhhh! [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] caught LYING!!! He did it AGAIN in post #200.

Here is the exact post: #200

Here is the exact quote:
No intelligent person would choose to go without it. Hence, it's not a real choice, just like breathing oxygen really isn't a choice. You can pretend it is, but at the end of the day, you're going to do it anyway.

And here is the exact link to his post: HERE

Game over . You just got exposed for being the LYING piece of shit that you are!!!

1 million have CHOSEN not to carry health insurance asshat. You wildly claimed that "no one" would do that. You lose!

I certainly did not say it wasn't done. I said it wasn't a "good portion" of people doing it. Which you so kindly proved for me. Now you're flat out lying. You must be proud.

Let me know when you're ready for another statistics lesson.

Ahhhh! [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] caught LYING!!!

Here is the exact post: #182

Here is the exact quote:
Not having insurance isn't a choice to be made. No sane person would go without it in this country. Also why breathing oxygen isn't a choice. Hence no freedoms are lost.

And here is the exact link to his post: HERE

Game over . You just got exposed for being the LYING piece of shit that you are!!!
Seriously????? I said no sane person would do it. That doesn't mean it's not done. There are certainly a number of idiots/insane people in this country. You're evidence of that. In fact, there is probably a defined number of people like this. I wonder if there are any stats to support this....maybe something like 2% of people. Sound familiar?

You've ONCE again proved me correct with your own posts. I would think you're a plant to make me look good, if I didn't know better.

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I'll take "Things people will say to justify their selfishness for $200" Alex.

Dear RDD:
Sorry if my msgs were too taxing.

I have trouble editing because I work two jobs and have to rush.

If you reply and tell me what's wrong, I can revise it.
I can't magically read minds and get it right the first time.

Please do not punish me for working two jobs.
I have to pay off huge debts I invested to fix political problems with govt
that I studied and compiled the best solutions from all sources.

I actually have solid answers that don't require slamming people.

Proposing real longterm solutions does not fit in short sound bytes.

You show what is wrong with politics run by today's media,
where everyone wants fast answers that fit in fast attention spans.

It is easier to slam someone for attention; but to present real solutions
"takes too long to understand"

And comprehensive solutions like mine, that address several issues at once,
get ignored. They are too hard to explain and look like they're running too much together.

This made me very sad, but that's reality.

Thanks for demonstrating why people and politicians slam each other.

And why negative slams get more attention in public, while real sincere efforts go uncredited
for putting together realistic longterm solutions that would prevent any need to slam anyone.

This is why we don't see solutions the media, only BS propaganda!

Thanks for pointing that out, RDD
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1 million have CHOSEN not to carry health insurance asshat. You wildly claimed that "no one" would do that. You lose!

I certainly did not say it wasn't done. I said it wasn't a "good portion" of people doing it. Which you so kindly proved for me. Now you're flat out lying. You must be proud.

Let me know when you're ready for another statistics lesson.

Ahhhh! [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] caught LYING!!! He did it AGAIN in post #200.

Here is the exact post: #200

Here is the exact quote:
No intelligent person would choose to go without it. Hence, it's not a real choice, just like breathing oxygen really isn't a choice. You can pretend it is, but at the end of the day, you're going to do it anyway.

And here is the exact link to his post: HERE

Game over . You just got exposed for being the LYING piece of shit that you are!!!

And again you prove me correct. I did not say it didn't happen. I said "no intelligent person" would do that. You've shown that 2% of the country are not intelligent. Thanks for proving me right, AGAIN.

I certainly did not say it wasn't done. I said it wasn't a "good portion" of people doing it. Which you so kindly proved for me. Now you're flat out lying. You must be proud.

Let me know when you're ready for another statistics lesson.

Ahhhh! [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] caught LYING!!! He did it AGAIN in post #200.

Here is the exact post: #200

Here is the exact quote:
No intelligent person would choose to go without it. Hence, it's not a real choice, just like breathing oxygen really isn't a choice. You can pretend it is, but at the end of the day, you're going to do it anyway.

And here is the exact link to his post: HERE

Game over . You just got exposed for being the LYING piece of shit that you are!!!

And again you prove me correct. I did not say it didn't happen. I said "no intelligent person" would do that. You've shown that 2% of the country are not intelligent. Thanks for proving me right, AGAIN.


So you're saying the 1 million people out there - some of which have IQ's much higher than yours, and educations much higer than yours, are not "intelligent"?


You just owned bitch! I proved you LIED!!!
I'll take "Things people will say to justify their selfishness for $200" Alex.

Dear RDD:
Your decision to assume my messages have no value if they are long made me sad.

I have trouble editing because I work two jobs and have to rush.

If you reply and tell me what's wrong, I can revise it.
I can't magically read minds and get it right the first time.

Please do not punish me for working two jobs.
I have to pay off huge debts I invested to fix political problems with govt
that I studied and compiled the best solutions from all sources.

I actually have solid answers that don't require slamming people.

Proposing real longterm solutions does not fit in short sound bytes.

It is insulting to me that you would reply to short msgs that slam and say nothing.

But messages with REAL content and solutions get skipped?

This is why the solutions I spent 20 years pooling from different groups
are still waiting. They don't get credit because people are distracted by fighting.

You show what is wrong with America,
and our political system that wants fast answers.

It is easier to slam someone for attention; but to present real solutions
"takes too long to understand"

This made me very sad, but that's reality.

Thanks for demonstrating why people and politicians slam each other.

You reward that by responding to negative slams, while skipping the real
sincere efforts to put together solutions that would prevent any need to slam anyone.

Thanks RDD

I have no problems with long messages. Yours are just so all over the place and long winded, I get tired just trying to figure out what your point is.
Ahhhh! [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] caught LYING!!! He did it AGAIN in post #200.

Here is the exact post: #200

Here is the exact quote:

And here is the exact link to his post: HERE

Game over . You just got exposed for being the LYING piece of shit that you are!!!

And again you prove me correct. I did not say it didn't happen. I said "no intelligent person" would do that. You've shown that 2% of the country are not intelligent. Thanks for proving me right, AGAIN.


So you're saying the 1 million people out there - some of which have IQ's much higher than yours, and educations much higer than yours, are not "intelligent"?


You just owned bitch! I proved you LIED!!!

That's exactly what I'm saying. Anyone who chooses to not have insurance in this country is an idiot. Good thing it's NOT a good portion of people as you've pointed out and it's only 2% of those who are uninsured.
So why don't you start a thread about modifying the insurance options to only cover the things you want.'d rather complain that the whole law is shitty. Good for you.

obama and the dems successfully took away freedom of choice from Americans and your reply to that is 'go start a thread'.


You want to deny access to health insurance for millions of people because there might be something on your policy you may not need.

And I'm the loser?

No, you twit. I want people to be able to have the choice of whether they need all that coverage for themselves. Key word: CHOICE. Dear God, I really needed to spell that out for you??
obama and the dems successfully took away freedom of choice from Americans and your reply to that is 'go start a thread'.


You want to deny access to health insurance for millions of people because there might be something on your policy you may not need.

And I'm the loser?

No, you twit. I want people to be able to have the choice of whether they need all that coverage for themselves. Key word: CHOICE. Dear God, I really needed to spell that out for you??

So why aren't you advocating for that portion of the law to be fixed? You're not advocating that the whole law should be repealed?

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