The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

What we are witnessing is a preview of what our healthcare will look like in the future under obamacare. Sick people lost in a inefficient and beaurocratic system.

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By the way - I keep asking this question to every Dumbocrat on USMB and not one of you have been man enough to answer it. Please tell me where is the origin of debt on this?

You never asked me the question, which is pretty easy to answer.

The debt began with Ronald Reagan and his tax cuts for the rich. That started the whole ball of bullshit rolling along. Reagan, Bush41 and Bush43 are responsible for $9 trillion of the debt and Obama is responsible for $8 trillion.

Now fuck off and die!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Not the national debt you fuck'n Down syndrome buffoon... :eusa_doh:

You're perceived notion that myself and others are indebted to you if you decide you have a "need" that you can't afford. Where do you derive this power over the rest of us to make us labor (just like slaves) against our will on your behalf? Where is the origin of your perception of our debt to you and other parasites like you [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION]?
Not having insurance isn't a choice to be made. No sane person would go without it in this country. Also why breathing oxygen isn't a choice. Hence no freedoms are lost.

Well not now. obama took that choice away. Freedom lost. Derp.

No intelligent person would choose to go without it. Hence, it's not a real choice, just like breathing oxygen really isn't a choice. You can pretend it is, but at the end of the day, you're going to do it anyway.

You're opinion not withstanding, prior to the (un)aca people had a choice. Now? obama took that choice away. Freedom lost.

You're comparing a reflex bodily function to choosing to purchase a product (or not)? :lol:

Please, keep spinning.
It's not an outrageous figure. Just a broken leg is $10k. Without insurance, who do you think is paying those bills?

The person who broke their leg should be paying for it. But thanks to welfare baby communists like you, I end up paying for you and your children.

Yes, that would be the "personally responsible" thing to do...hence the individual mandate because if you don't have insurance, I'm paying your bills. It's why the GOP came up with it in the first place.

There is still no "personal responsibility" here stupid. A person who couldn't afford insurance before Obamacare still can't afford it after Obamacare. As Obama himself said, "mandating that people who can't afford health insurance purchase health insurance is as stupid as mandating that people who can't afford a house purchase a house to solve homelessness" (how hilarious is it that this asshole contradicts himself in EVERYTHING - just like his hard stance that raising the debt ceiling is "a failure of leadership", "unpatriotic", and "irresponsible" - which gets your panties in a bunch every time).

I'm still paying for someone else's healthcare. Only now I'm paying the wasteful government as opposed to the hospital.

Nobody knows how to take stupid to a whole new level quite like wytchey... :bang3:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Not the national debt you fuck'n Down syndrome buffoon... :eusa_doh:

You're perceived notion that myself and others are indebted to you if you decide you have a "need" that you can't afford. Where do you derive this power over the rest of us to make us labor (just like slaves) against our will on your behalf? Where is the origin of your perception of our debt to you and other parasites like you [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION]?
That's just another one of your bullshit lies, you un-American prick.

Are you that stupid that you have to make up your own arguments to argue against?
Well not now. obama took that choice away. Freedom lost. Derp.

No intelligent person would choose to go without it. Hence, it's not a real choice, just like breathing oxygen really isn't a choice. You can pretend it is, but at the end of the day, you're going to do it anyway.

You're opinion not withstanding, prior to the (un)aca people had a choice. Now? obama took that choice away. Freedom lost.

You're comparing a reflex bodily function to choosing to purchase a product (or not)? :lol:

Please, keep spinning.

That's how desperate this buffoon is to defend the indefensible. He will put any nonsensical, immature spin on it as long as the government keeps feeding him table scraps.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Not the national debt you fuck'n Down syndrome buffoon... :eusa_doh:

You're perceived notion that myself and others are indebted to you if you decide you have a "need" that you can't afford. Where do you derive this power over the rest of us to make us labor (just like slaves) against our will on your behalf? Where is the origin of your perception of our debt to you and other parasites like you [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION]?
That's just another one of your bullshit lies, you un-American prick.

Are you that stupid that you have to make up your own arguments to argue against?

What lie [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION]?!? Dumbocrats created Social Security in 1931. Dumbocrats created Medicare & Medicaid in 1967. Dumbocrats created Obamacare. You asshole believe that if you have a "need" or a want that you can't afford, someone else owes it to you.

So I ask again stupid - where is the origin of our debt to you? Where do you derive your perceived power to make us labor on your behalf?

I love watching you have a meltdown because your ideology is destroyed with facts.

By the way - I keep asking this question to every Dumbocrat on USMB and not one of you have been man enough to answer it. Please tell me where is the origin of debt on this?

You never asked me the question, which is pretty easy to answer.

The debt began with Ronald Reagan and his tax cuts for the rich. That started the whole ball of bullshit rolling along. Reagan, Bush41 and Bush43 are responsible for $9 trillion of the debt and Obama is responsible for $8 trillion.

Now fuck off and die!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Not the national debt you fuck'n Down syndrome buffoon... :eusa_doh:

You're perceived notion that myself and others are indebted to you if you decide you have a "need" that you can't afford. Where do you derive this power over the rest of us to make us labor (just like slaves) against our will on your behalf? Where is the origin of your perception of our debt to you and other parasites like you [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION]?

"We the people...."
Well not now. obama took that choice away. Freedom lost. Derp.

No intelligent person would choose to go without it. Hence, it's not a real choice, just like breathing oxygen really isn't a choice. You can pretend it is, but at the end of the day, you're going to do it anyway.

You're opinion not withstanding, prior to the (un)aca people had a choice. Now? obama took that choice away. Freedom lost.

You're comparing a reflex bodily function to choosing to purchase a product (or not)? :lol:

Please, keep spinning.

And that "choice" made my premiums increase, year after year. You may not be about personal responsibility, but I am not about to subsidize the cost of healthcare for people who can afford to pay for insurance but "choose" not to. No real freedoms are lost, but my freedom from your selfish choices are gained.
So one type of advertising is okay with you, another isn't. Thanks for admitting your hypocrisy.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

SW - you're really so stupid that you don't understand why one advertises?

Yep - no doubt about it - you've definitely been a dependent of government since becoming an "adult" (and I do use that term lightly).

By the way, thank you for admitting you are a hypocrite (by your own standards). After all, since you approve one type of spending (welfare for you and your children) you must approve ALL forms of spending (Iraq "war").


Of course I do. Why is Armed Forces advertising different than ACA advertising? Both need healthy young people in order to work. Of course, the Armed Forces advertising costs considerably more than the ACA advertising, 26 Million for the National Guard alone. And how many recruits do they report getting for their big buck sponsorship? None.

Oh my God! The ACA is mandatory dummy! The military is not. Ergo it really doesn't matter what people think of the ACA and thus spending money to advertise for it is a waste. Advertisements are for items of choice. That's why Apple advertise the iPad. Because you have a choice of whether or not to purchase it.

Want to try again sweetie? Even in the most egregious forms of stupidity, you just can't bring yourself to go "yeah, that was pretty dumb right there by the Democrats". You will literally humiliate yourself to the ends of the earth and beyond trying to defend the indefensible. :eusa_doh:
It must be fun to make up your own facts.

When you resort to outright lying, you know you've lost.

Apparently there is no limit to your ignorance...

Obamacare leaves millions uninsured. Here?s who they are.

48 Million Americans Are Uninsured Ahead Of Obamacare Changes

48 million Americans without health insurance - Census Bureau 48 million Americans without health insurance, according to Census - Sep. 17, 2013

CBO: Obamacare Will Leave 30 Million Uninsured | CNS News

Uh Oh: 36 Percent of Uninsured Americans "Do Not Plan" to Seek Coverage Through Obamacare - Guy Benson

If this were a prize fight, you would have suffered a first round knock out a long time ago son. Now it's just a blood bath. Please have your corner throw in the towel. I'm actually feeling bad about mangling you so horribly here.

You said uninsured by choice. Big difference. Of course you have failed again.

I said a PORTION choose to not carry insurance you fuck'n buffoon and that is an undeniable FACT. You continue to expose your ignorance to the world [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]
$6B was awarded to a PR agency to promote ObamaCare...I wonder how much of that is being recycled into DNC campaign donations.

You said uninsured by choice. Big difference. Of course you have failed again.

I said a PORTION choose to not carry insurance you fuck'n buffoon and that is an undeniable FACT. You continue to expose your ignorance to the world [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]

And none of your links you shared support any of the garbage coming out of your mouth.
Racist Joe Manchin (D) is now proposing that the Individual Mandate be delayed for a year.

He's such Nazi KKK Racist!

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is working on legislation to effectively delay Obamacare's individual mandate for one year, his office told TPM on Wednesday.

His spokesman, Jonathan Kott, said Manchin opposes a bill proposed by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) to delay the mandate for a more indefinite period of time while problems with the insurance exchanges persist.

"He doesn't support the Rubio bill and is working on bill to delay the penalty for a year," Kott said.....

Manchin Working On Bill To Delay Obamacare Individual Mandate
No intelligent person would choose to go without it. Hence, it's not a real choice, just like breathing oxygen really isn't a choice. You can pretend it is, but at the end of the day, you're going to do it anyway.

You're opinion not withstanding, prior to the (un)aca people had a choice. Now? obama took that choice away. Freedom lost.

You're comparing a reflex bodily function to choosing to purchase a product (or not)? :lol:

Please, keep spinning.

And that "choice" made my premiums increase, year after year. You may not be about personal responsibility, but I am not about to subsidize the cost of healthcare for people who can afford to pay for insurance but "choose" not to. No real freedoms are lost, but my freedom from your selfish choices are gained.

And you think that the (un)aca will change that, don't you? :lol: Sucker.

Newflash, skippy. You're still subsidizing the cost of others insurance.

Personal responsibility?? I've always had insurance, everyone of my family members have always had insurance ... even when they had to purchase an individual policy themselves. They had the freedom of choice to select what coverage worked best for them. Now? They have to pay for things they do not need, provides zero benefit to them, and jacks their premiums. Freedom of choice, lost. Thanks obama.

Spin away, little spider.
No intelligent person would choose to go without it. Hence, it's not a real choice, just like breathing oxygen really isn't a choice. You can pretend it is, but at the end of the day, you're going to do it anyway.

You're opinion not withstanding, prior to the (un)aca people had a choice. Now? obama took that choice away. Freedom lost.

You're comparing a reflex bodily function to choosing to purchase a product (or not)? :lol:

Please, keep spinning.

And that "choice" made my premiums increase, year after year. You may not be about personal responsibility, but I am not about to subsidize the cost of healthcare for people who can afford to pay for insurance but "choose" not to. No real freedoms are lost, but my freedom from your selfish choices are gained.

So you get to take choice away from people because you're too inept to get a job that pays enough for you avoid your premium? Really Adolf? Is that how that works? You get to take choice away from people simply because you don't like the cost of something?

And these assholes claim they are not communists? Holy Jesus, this is the very definition of communism here. I'm going to FORCE you to do something because I can't afford something. :bang3:
You're opinion not withstanding, prior to the (un)aca people had a choice. Now? obama took that choice away. Freedom lost.

You're comparing a reflex bodily function to choosing to purchase a product (or not)? :lol:

Please, keep spinning.

And that "choice" made my premiums increase, year after year. You may not be about personal responsibility, but I am not about to subsidize the cost of healthcare for people who can afford to pay for insurance but "choose" not to. No real freedoms are lost, but my freedom from your selfish choices are gained.

And you think that the (un)aca will change that, don't you? :lol: Sucker.

Newflash, skippy. You're still subsidizing the cost of others insurance.
No shit. But the mandate will result in more people having insurance and for those who still choose to be idiots and intentionally not purchase insurance then the penalty is in place to at least offset their lack of personal responsibility to some degree.

Personal responsibility?? I've always had insurance, everyone of my family members have always had insurance ... even when they had to purchase an individual policy themselves. They had the freedom of choice to select what coverage worked best for them. Now? They have to pay for things they do not need, provides zero benefit to them, and jacks their premiums. Freedom of choice, lost. Thanks obama.

Spin away, little spider.

Oh, so you'll have insurance no matter what. Mandate or not. So no actual freedom is lost. Got it.
You're opinion not withstanding, prior to the (un)aca people had a choice. Now? obama took that choice away. Freedom lost.

You're comparing a reflex bodily function to choosing to purchase a product (or not)? :lol:

Please, keep spinning.

And that "choice" made my premiums increase, year after year. You may not be about personal responsibility, but I am not about to subsidize the cost of healthcare for people who can afford to pay for insurance but "choose" not to. No real freedoms are lost, but my freedom from your selfish choices are gained.

So you get to take choice away from people because you're too inept to get a job that pays enough for you avoid your premium? Really Adolf? Is that how that works? You get to take choice away from people simply because you don't like the cost of something?

And these assholes claim they are not communists? Holy Jesus, this is the very definition of communism here. I'm going to FORCE you to do something because I can't afford something. :bang3:

The cost for everyones healthcare has been increasing for years. That's the point. EVERYONE is complaining about the cost of healthcare premiums for years now. This is the point. How fucking slow are you? Of course I want my premiums to be lower. You would too if you actually purchased your own health insurance.
You said uninsured by choice. Big difference. Of course you have failed again.

I said a PORTION choose to not carry insurance you fuck'n buffoon and that is an undeniable FACT. You continue to expose your ignorance to the world [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]

And none of your links you shared support any of the garbage coming out of your mouth.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Seriously son, you have to turn off Nick Jr. and turn on CNN once in a while. There were endless stories on this for 5 fuck'n years now. If you're so fuck'n stupid as to not know (or to pretend to not know) that there was a large portion of people in this country that chose to go without health insurance to save money, well, I can't help you. You're just too fuck'n stupid and willfully ignorant to help. You want to be remain ignorant because ignorance is bliss. You were trained to obey the Dumbocrat party and you intend to keep it that way.

Not all of America's 46 million uninsured people can be considered victims of a system that excludes them financially or because of pre-existing conditions. According to an unpublished Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of the CDC's 2008 National Health Interview Survey, 2% of uninsured people said they simply didn't want health insurance. Some experts say others who could - and should - buy insurance choose not to because they perceive the costs as too high.

People Who Choose Not To Have Health Insurance - Kaiser Health News

(It's amazing what you learn when you turn off Nick Jr. and you don't go to a radical left-wing blog. By the way faggot, you can't attempt to dispute this by calling this a "right-wing" site - as this is a healthcare system's website! How does my dick taste, faggot?)


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