The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

So one type of advertising is okay with you, another isn't. Thanks for admitting your hypocrisy.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

SW - you're really so stupid that you don't understand why one advertises?

Yep - no doubt about it - you've definitely been a dependent of government since becoming an "adult" (and I do use that term lightly).

By the way, thank you for admitting you are a hypocrite (by your own standards). After all, since you approve one type of spending (welfare for you and your children) you must approve ALL forms of spending (Iraq "war").


Perhaps you did not notice that spending on assistance to our citizens serves a social purpose and provides benefits to our society... I approve such spending...the spending on Iraq did us no good, served no social purpose, provided no benefits and killed a bunch of innocent people... I repudiate that spending with prejudice...:cool:

First of all, spending on "assistance" serves absolutely no purpose what so ever and in fact does tremendously more harm than good.

But that aside, perhaps SW did not notice that advertising to recruit for the military is simply a must, while advertising for a law that already passed is not only comparing apples-to-oranges, but is also a monumental waste.

Incidentally, can you describe where the origin of debt arises from [MENTION=45552]TyroneSlothrop[/MENTION]?
Another post where you refuse to lay out a basic payment plan. It's not a difficult request, yet you refuse to answer. Your excuses are lame and your viewpoint has been exposed as selfish and flawed.

What are you talking about asshat? I've been waiting for 40 posts now for you to answer why Obama and the Dumbocrats fine cadillac healthcare plans in Obamacare when they claim that Obamacare is to create quality, affordIable healthcare (which is exactly what a cadillac healthcare plan is).

I'll tell you what [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION], when you answer my question (which I asked first and a long time ago), I'll answer yours. Until then, well, you continue to embarrass yourself by exposing your ignorance.

I'm still waiting [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION] (and, frankly, this is getting exceedingly humiliating for you now).

Why did Obama and the Dumbocrats place a penalty/fine for cadillac healthcare plans in Obamacare when they claim that the entire point of Obamacare was to create quality, affordable healthcare (which is exactly what a cadillac healthcare plan is)?

Someone is exposing their ignorance by dodging a simple question... :eusa_whistle:

(come welfare queen - you've had about 5 hours now to look this up :lol:)
Dear Rottweiler. I posted a draft of a letter on another thread.
Would you considet joining me in a 10 to 30 million dollar lawsuit
Against Obama and Democrat leaders for conspiring to
Violate Constitutional rights including equal protection inclusion
Representation of our beliefs in free choice of health care and
Spiritual healing without discrimination or penalty by law.
It would be more for educational outreach to pressure govt leaders
To declare Aca optional and voluntary to make it lawful.
But if it takes lawyers suing the Democrat Party, i have a laundry list
Of violations abusing tax money to violate equal rights that are
More egregious and grievous than this embarrassment here.
Let me know! I'd like help to write and circulate a plea from a
Fellow prohoice democrat to defend constitutional equality
Which this law completely violates and the party system abuses. Thanks!
Perhaps you did not notice that spending on assistance to our citizens serves a social purpose and provides benefits to our society...

Perhaps you did not notice just how severely brainwashed you've been by communist propaganda? "Provides benefits to our society"? Are you kidding me? Few things are more harmful to our society. And what's amazing is even the most basic, fundamental principles of animal life illustrates this fact.

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud of the fact it is distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us 'Please Do Not Feed the Animals.' Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.

Seriously folks, only the federal government could be so stupid as to contradict themselves to that degree.

Here endeth the lesson
Perhaps you did not notice that spending on assistance to our citizens serves a social purpose and provides benefits to our society...

Perhaps you did not notice just how severely brainwashed you've been by communist propaganda? "Provides benefits to our society"? Are you kidding me? Few things are more harmful to our society. And what's amazing is even the most basic, fundamental principles of animal life illustrates this fact.

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud of the fact it is distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us 'Please Do Not Feed the Animals.' Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.

Seriously folks, only the federal government could be so stupid as to contradict themselves to that degree.

Here endeth the lesson

Maybe just perhaps maybe your consciousness is vibrating so low that you do not notice differences between people and animals appear to be somewhat categorical and simplistic in your conclusions... I reject with prejudice your way of thinking about folks, I reject your lesson...:lol: :badgrin:
14 Planned Parenthood Organizations Are Obamacare Navigators

Pretend you’re shocked.


- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Isn't it amazing that Dumbocrats cried in the streets like little girls over terrorists being interrogated with some slightly (and I stress slightly) harsh tactics, but they celebrate the murder of an American baby?

I mean, if you value life so much that you weep over a vicious terrorist having water splashed in his face, how the fuck do you celebrate, support, and fund an innocent baby being brutally and horrifically murdered? :cuckoo:

what was the name of the baby ?
The guy cares about fetuses but not about walking talking breathing human beings...its wild wild stuff...he says feeding wild animals is like the Food stamp program...WTF thinks like that ...

Perhaps you did not notice that spending on assistance to our citizens serves a social purpose and provides benefits to our society...

Perhaps you did not notice just how severely brainwashed you've been by communist propaganda? "Provides benefits to our society"? Are you kidding me? Few things are more harmful to our society. And what's amazing is even the most basic, fundamental principles of animal life illustrates this fact.

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud of the fact it is distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us 'Please Do Not Feed the Animals.' Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.

Seriously folks, only the federal government could be so stupid as to contradict themselves to that degree.

Here endeth the lesson

Maybe just perhaps maybe your consciousness is vibrating so low that you do not notice differences between people and animals appear to be somewhat categorical and simplistic in your conclusions... I reject with prejudice your way of thinking about folks, I reject your lesson...:lol: :badgrin:

To clarify, the comparison should be made between
Feeding ppl with fish
Teaching ppl to fish for themselves

In this case perhaps you are right with bears who naturally
Learn to catch their own fish
Dont wait for other bears
And dont go through insurance run by third parties
To add more complications to the process
Last edited:
The guy cares about fetuses but not about walking talking breathing human beings...its wild wild stuff...he says feeding wild animals is like the Food stamp program...WTF thinks like that ..

This is simply unbelievable... A fetus is completely helpless [MENTION=45552]TyroneSlothrop[/MENTION]. And that's how this guy views himself and his fellow Dumnocrats. As helpless infants who must be provided for and even have the government wipe their little chins when they get spittle on it.

You seriously don't see a difference between a fetus and a grown adult? Jesus man, even every species in the animal kingdom differentiates between their babies and their adults... :bang3:
Perhaps you did not notice just how severely brainwashed you've been by communist propaganda? "Provides benefits to our society"? Are you kidding me? Few things are more harmful to our society. And what's amazing is even the most basic, fundamental principles of animal life illustrates this fact.

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud of the fact it is distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us 'Please Do Not Feed the Animals.' Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.

Seriously folks, only the federal government could be so stupid as to contradict themselves to that degree.

Here endeth the lesson

Maybe just perhaps maybe your consciousness is vibrating so low that you do not notice differences between people and animals appear to be somewhat categorical and simplistic in your conclusions... I reject with prejudice your way of thinking about folks, I reject your lesson...:lol: :badgrin:

To clarify, the comparison should be made between
Feeding ppl with fish
Teaching ppl to fish for themselves

In this case perhaps you are right with bears who naturally
Learn to catch their own fish
Dont wait for other bears
And dont go through insurance run by third parties
To add more complications to the process

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

SW - you're really so stupid that you don't understand why one advertises?

Yep - no doubt about it - you've definitely been a dependent of government since becoming an "adult" (and I do use that term lightly).

By the way, thank you for admitting you are a hypocrite (by your own standards). After all, since you approve one type of spending (welfare for you and your children) you must approve ALL forms of spending (Iraq "war").


Perhaps you did not notice that spending on assistance to our citizens serves a social purpose and provides benefits to our society... I approve such spending...the spending on Iraq did us no good, served no social purpose, provided no benefits and killed a bunch of innocent people... I repudiate that spending with prejudice...:cool:

First of all, spending on "assistance" serves absolutely no purpose what so ever and in fact does tremendously more harm than good.

But that aside, perhaps SW did not notice that advertising to recruit for the military is simply a must, while advertising for a law that already passed is not only comparing apples-to-oranges, but is also a monumental waste.

Incidentally, can you describe where the origin of debt arises from [MENTION=45552]TyroneSlothrop[/MENTION]?

I'm waiting patiently here T - can you tell me where this origin of debt arises from?
As the Dumbocrats on USMB love to crow about - Obamacare was passed into law by Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld by the Supreme Court. So why exactly does the federal government have to piss away billions to promote an existing law?!? Has this ever been done with any other law in U.S. history?

They begged the NBA to help promote it and the NBA said yes. They begged the NFL to help promote it, and the NFL told them to go fuck themselves (doh!). So why are they so desperate to reach people through Hollywood and sports? Because even the Dumbocrats know this is a miserable failure, and they know it is going to be repealed eventually unless they can do major damage control and brainwash the masses (especially the young and impressionable - hence the NBA, NFL, etc.) that this is a "good" thing.

Super Bowl champ Baltimore Ravens getting paid $130,000 to promote Obamacare |
Fuck you! Take that Obamacare hate and shove it up your un-American ass! The law is a better alternative than paying $37,000 for a one night stay in the hospital.

You don't give shit about this country. All you wanna do, is rape its resources. No matter how harmful a system is to average American's, as long as you can make a buck on it, it's tough shitsky for the rest of the country.

You've chosen company over country. Which makes you a disgusting piece of shit! I've had it with all your Obamacare lies. Take your lunacy and shove it up your ass, then get the fuck out of the country! People like you, do more harm than al Qaeda.
The guy cares about fetuses but not about walking talking breathing human beings...its wild wild stuff...he says feeding wild animals is like the Food stamp program...WTF thinks like that ..

This is simply unbelievable... A fetus is completely helpless [MENTION=45552]TyroneSlothrop[/MENTION]. And that's how this guy views himself and his fellow Dumnocrats. As helpless infants who must be provided for and even have the government wipe their little chins when they get spittle on it.

You seriously don't see a difference between a fetus and a grown adult? Jesus man, even every species in the animal kingdom differentiates between their babies and their adults... :bang3:

A fetus has the mother the fetus does not need you or the rest of the want to cut off food stamps for children seriously do not see the difference between a wild animal and a person receiving nutrition are aware through the dimness that children eat from food stamp don't you? Every species differentiates between its species and others do not see a difference between feeding a wild bear and helping a single parent female led family with nutrition assistance...WTF is that ?:eusa_drool:
Perhaps you did not notice that spending on assistance to our citizens serves a social purpose and provides benefits to our society... I approve such spending...the spending on Iraq did us no good, served no social purpose, provided no benefits and killed a bunch of innocent people... I repudiate that spending with prejudice...:cool:

First of all, spending on "assistance" serves absolutely no purpose what so ever and in fact does tremendously more harm than good.

But that aside, perhaps SW did not notice that advertising to recruit for the military is simply a must, while advertising for a law that already passed is not only comparing apples-to-oranges, but is also a monumental waste.

Incidentally, can you describe where the origin of debt arises from [MENTION=45552]TyroneSlothrop[/MENTION]?

I'm waiting patiently here T - can you tell me where this origin of debt arises from?

I am not you 'do boy " Clarence :badgrin::lol:
Last edited:
Perhaps you did not notice just how severely brainwashed you've been by communist propaganda? "Provides benefits to our society"? Are you kidding me? Few things are more harmful to our society. And what's amazing is even the most basic, fundamental principles of animal life illustrates this fact.

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud of the fact it is distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us 'Please Do Not Feed the Animals.' Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.

Seriously folks, only the federal government could be so stupid as to contradict themselves to that degree.

Here endeth the lesson

Maybe just perhaps maybe your consciousness is vibrating so low that you do not notice differences between people and animals appear to be somewhat categorical and simplistic in your conclusions... I reject with prejudice your way of thinking about folks, I reject your lesson...:lol: :badgrin:

To clarify, the comparison should be made between
Feeding ppl with fish
Teaching ppl to fish for themselves

In this case perhaps you are right with bears who naturally
Learn to catch their own fish
Dont wait for other bears
And dont go through insurance run by third parties
To add more complications to the process

That is not the comparison the wing nut made..his lesson is and continues to be
1) Life begins at conception and ends when the mother gives birth
2) Feeding American children through Food stamp assistance is exactly the same as feeding a wild bear in Yellowstone :cool:
As the Dumbocrats on USMB love to crow about - Obamacare was passed into law by Congress, signed into law by the president, and upheld by the Supreme Court. So why exactly does the federal government have to piss away billions to promote an existing law?!? Has this ever been done with any other law in U.S. history?

They begged the NBA to help promote it and the NBA said yes. They begged the NFL to help promote it, and the NFL told them to go fuck themselves (doh!). So why are they so desperate to reach people through Hollywood and sports? Because even the Dumbocrats know this is a miserable failure, and they know it is going to be repealed eventually unless they can do major damage control and brainwash the masses (especially the young and impressionable - hence the NBA, NFL, etc.) that this is a "good" thing.

Super Bowl champ Baltimore Ravens getting paid $130,000 to promote Obamacare |
Fuck you! Take that Obamacare hate and shove it up your un-American ass! The law is a better alternative than paying $37,000 for a one night stay in the hospital.

You don't give shit about this country. All you wanna do, is rape its resources. No matter how harmful a system is to average American's, as long as you can make a buck on it, it's tough shitsky for the rest of the country.

You've chosen company over country. Which makes you a disgusting piece of shit! I've had it with all your Obamacare lies. Take your lunacy and shove it up your ass, then get the fuck out of the country! People like you, do more harm than al Qaeda.

Ah - a communist rant by comrade B.O.!

In a twist of irony, it's the parasites like B.O. here who have chosen their greedy selves over country. We're $17 trillion in debt, but comrade [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION] here thinks the United States owes him cancer treatments on the house.

If you gave the slightest fuck about this country you greedy, selfish bastard, you'd incur the cost yourself or even die of the cancer to ensure the continued success of this nation. But not Billo_Really here - no sir! Never served his country a single day in the military and he sure as hell isn't going to serve it by being a big boy by taking personal responsibility for himself now.

Remember when John F. Kennedy said "Ask NOT what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"? He must be rolling over in his grave vomiting listening to his party being hijacked by socialists/marxists/communists who keep demanding that the country owes them everything from free food and healthcare to free transportation and entertainment.
Maybe just perhaps maybe your consciousness is vibrating so low that you do not notice differences between people and animals appear to be somewhat categorical and simplistic in your conclusions... I reject with prejudice your way of thinking about folks, I reject your lesson...:lol: :badgrin:

To clarify, the comparison should be made between
Feeding ppl with fish
Teaching ppl to fish for themselves

In this case perhaps you are right with bears who naturally
Learn to catch their own fish
Dont wait for other bears
And dont go through insurance run by third parties
To add more complications to the process

That is not the comparison the wing nut made..his lesson is and continues to be
1) Life begins at conception and ends when the mother gives birth
2) Feeding American children through Food stamp assistance is exactly the same as feeding a wild bear in Yellowstone :cool:

And your ignorant position continues to be that adults are exactly like a fetus - completely helpless in every capacity. :bang3:

You don't have the right to commit murder idiot. But that doesn't mean I owe you shit because I uphold the laws preventing murder. :bang3:

By the way - I noticed you and your Dumbocrat pals still can't tell me where is the origin of debt. Pretty much puts this entire debate to rest, doesn't it?

Game over. Real Americans who actually abide by the Constitution wins!

Ah - a communist rant by comrade B.O.!

In a twist of irony, it's the parasites like B.O. here who have chosen their greedy selves over country. We're $17 trillion in debt, but comrade [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION] here thinks the United States owes him cancer treatments on the house.

If you gave the slightest fuck about this country you greedy, selfish bastard, you'd incur the cost yourself or even die of the cancer to ensure the continued success of this nation. But not Billo_Really here - no sir! Never served his country a single day in the military and he sure as hell isn't going to serve it by being a big boy by taking personal responsibility for himself now.

Remember when John F. Kennedy said "Ask NOT what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"? He must be rolling over in his grave vomiting listening to his party being hijacked by socialists/marxists/communists who keep demanding that the country owes them everything from free food and healthcare to free transportation and entertainment.
Hey shithead, I'm making monthly payments on that bill.

The difference between you and I, I don't have to make up bullshit with which to argue with.
You're serious, aren't you?

The freedom of choice was lost. The freedom to choose not to have maternity, newborn, pediatric care (including vision and dental) included in one's coverage because they are a 55 year old, single guy with no kids. The freedom to choose to keep your individual catastrophic health insurance plan that you have had for years was taken away. Why? Because it wasn't (un)aca compliant ... it didn't include coverage for maternity, newborn, pediatric care (including vision and dental). The freedom to choose a plan that fit one's needs, rather than a plan that fit someone else's needs, was taken away. The freedom to keep healthy and pay a lower rate is gone. Now people with pre-existing conditions don't pay more for their coverage, even though they are a higher risk.

You're another stupid leftist who can't see the forest for the trees.

News flash, insurance plans have always and will always cover services that not everyone needs. Until the day comes out where there is a a-la-carte insurance plan, this is a ridiculous and invalid talking point.

Like I said, no freedoms were lost.

I can't believe you went back to the well on this after you already had your ass handed to you... :lol:

Can you please explain how freedoms were not lost since I'm now forced to do something which I previously had the freedom to chose whether or not to do it? Please? :lmao:

I've pointed out numerous times that you're not losing any freedom if it wasn't something you would ever consider going without anyway. But then again you have said you would breathe something other than oxygen so you're obviously an idiot.

But we all knew that already.
News flash, insurance plans have always and will always cover services that not everyone needs. Until the day comes out where there is a a-la-carte insurance plan, this is a ridiculous and invalid talking point.

Like I said, no freedoms were lost.


And where is my choice to pay for all my health care myself without going through insurance which isn't the same as paying for health care.

Do you understand this choice is now penalized?

I think you are assuming that everyone needs to be under insurance anyway as the only choice, is this where we are branching off on two different pages?

Once you assume "everyone needs to be on insurance" then you don't see any choices missing.

Is this what's happening?

B. Do you really have no concept that a group of doctors and charity nurses can invest directly in setting up clinics or teaching hospitals for serving people for free or low cost WITHOUT insurance. But just exchange medical education/training for services to the public, and have investors, donors and clients pay for it similar to university funding.

Do you realize this is not a legal choice under ACA but would be penalized?

Do you really believe there is "no other way on earth" to pay for health care except go through insurance? What did we do before there was insurance?

This is like saying there is no source of money but the Federal Reserve.
but there are legal forms of independent currency and barter that people can use, that are NOT banned. These exchanges are taxed like other federal money.

1. why do you think all other forms of paying for health care should be disqualified
EXCEPT insurance
2. why do you think this should be done through federal govt
instead of letting each state or community decide

are you really so dependent on insurance or federal govt you think those are your only choices?

do you really have no concept that other people live without depending on insurance or federal govt but pay for their own expenses themselves? I know people who do. why should those people be forced to pay for a system they don't need and penalized for wanting to invest in health programs that can cost less and serve more people?

I'm all for eliminating insurance companies from the healthcare equation. Unfortunately that would be "socialism" and we know how Republicans feel about that dirty word.

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