The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

News flash, insurance plans have always and will always cover services that not everyone needs. Until the day comes out where there is a a-la-carte insurance plan, this is a ridiculous and invalid talking point.

Like I said, no freedoms were lost.

I can't believe you went back to the well on this after you already had your ass handed to you... :lol:

Can you please explain how freedoms were not lost since I'm now forced to do something which I previously had the freedom to chose whether or not to do it? Please? :lmao:

I've pointed out numerous times that you're not losing any freedom if it wasn't something you would ever consider going without anyway. But then again you have said you would breathe something other than oxygen so you're obviously an idiot.

But we all knew that already.

Speculating on what my decision would be is irrelevant. The fact that the decision is no longer available to me means I've lost freedoms.

This is painfully clear to even a 1st grader junior (and it's clear to you too - you just know admitting the truth hurts your radical cause).
You're serious, aren't you?

The freedom of choice was lost. The freedom to choose not to have maternity, newborn, pediatric care (including vision and dental) included in one's coverage because they are a 55 year old, single guy with no kids. The freedom to choose to keep your individual catastrophic health insurance plan that you have had for years was taken away. Why? Because it wasn't (un)aca compliant ... it didn't include coverage for maternity, newborn, pediatric care (including vision and dental). The freedom to choose a plan that fit one's needs, rather than a plan that fit someone else's needs, was taken away. The freedom to keep healthy and pay a lower rate is gone. Now people with pre-existing conditions don't pay more for their coverage, even though they are a higher risk.

You're another stupid leftist who can't see the forest for the trees.

News flash, insurance plans have always and will always cover services that not everyone needs. Until the day comes out where there is a a-la-carte insurance plan, this is a ridiculous and invalid talking point.

Like I said, no freedoms were lost.

I no longer have the freedom to decide whether or not to carry insurance. Freedoms were lost and you know it. Pretending like the sun isn't hot and water isn't wet isn't a defense you fuck'n moron. You're just humiliating yourself more than normal now.

Not having insurance isn't a choice to be made. No sane person would go without it in this country. Also why breathing oxygen isn't a choice. Hence no freedoms are lost.
Ah - a communist rant by comrade B.O.!

In a twist of irony, it's the parasites like B.O. here who have chosen their greedy selves over country. We're $17 trillion in debt, but comrade [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION] here thinks the United States owes him cancer treatments on the house.

If you gave the slightest fuck about this country you greedy, selfish bastard, you'd incur the cost yourself or even die of the cancer to ensure the continued success of this nation. But not Billo_Really here - no sir! Never served his country a single day in the military and he sure as hell isn't going to serve it by being a big boy by taking personal responsibility for himself now.

Remember when John F. Kennedy said "Ask NOT what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country"? He must be rolling over in his grave vomiting listening to his party being hijacked by socialists/marxists/communists who keep demanding that the country owes them everything from free food and healthcare to free transportation and entertainment.
Hey shithead, I'm making monthly payments on that bill.

The difference between you and I, I don't have to make up bullshit with which to argue with.

Which part did I "make up" B.O.? The fact that we're $17 trillion in debt? The fact that the Dumbocrats are paying the Baltimore Ravens to promote a law passed 3 - 4 years ago? The fact that your selfish ass would rather see the country die for you than for you to die for the country? No, really [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION] - please specify for us which part was "made up bullshit"? The fact that you didn't means you can't.

By the way - I keep asking this question to every Dumbocrat on USMB and not one of you have been man enough to answer it. Please tell me where is the origin of debt on this?
I have a family member who died of leukemia. Bill was well over $500K. Catastrophic injury or disease can go over "lifetime limit" in no time.

And your point is? Because something is expensive, you get to force someone else to pay for it? Is that where you're going with this? :lmao:

I think because ppl dont want to believe free spiritual healing can cure the cause of cancer
And end dependence on chemotherapy and medications that mke money
They want everyone to pay for that instead. Otherwise using medical research to
Prove how spiritual healing works would prove Christians and
Conservatives right. They want to use federal govt as their substitute church.

They complain about religions forcing their views in public,
So until they make the same mistake they won't understand
They are basically mandating that everyone else pay to follow
Their beliefs in insurance and fine people for having different
Beliefs that dont count as a choice under govt regulations.

They have to commit the same wrongs they accuse others of.
So prochoice ppl now sound like prolife and prolife are
Arguing for prochoice free of govt regulations and controls.

As soon as everyone gets that they swapped positions,
We can quit playing these games bullying back and forth.
We need to separate beliefs by party and fund our own programs
Not charge our pet projects to the public but either get money
By serving as a business or get donations as a charity or
Investments in a school. But on a voluntary basis not forced by law.
Whoever gets this first wins. Until we do, we all lose.

I've never heard of spiritual healing curing cancer or removing a tumor but if that's what you believe... best of luck to you.
News flash, insurance plans have always and will always cover services that not everyone needs. Until the day comes out where there is a a-la-carte insurance plan, this is a ridiculous and invalid talking point.

Like I said, no freedoms were lost.

I no longer have the freedom to decide whether or not to carry insurance. Freedoms were lost and you know it. Pretending like the sun isn't hot and water isn't wet isn't a defense you fuck'n moron. You're just humiliating yourself more than normal now.

Not having insurance isn't a choice to be made. No sane person would go without it in this country. Also why breathing oxygen isn't a choice. Hence no freedoms are lost.

What are you talking about?!? The Dumbocrats themselves declared that 30 million Americans went without health insurance - a good portion of which was by choice.

Want to try again junior? :lmao:
And your point is? Because something is expensive, you get to force someone else to pay for it? Is that where you're going with this? :lmao:

I think because ppl dont want to believe free spiritual healing can cure the cause of cancer
And end dependence on chemotherapy and medications that mke money
They want everyone to pay for that instead. Otherwise using medical research to
Prove how spiritual healing works would prove Christians and
Conservatives right. They want to use federal govt as their substitute church.

They complain about religions forcing their views in public,
So until they make the same mistake they won't understand
They are basically mandating that everyone else pay to follow
Their beliefs in insurance and fine people for having different
Beliefs that dont count as a choice under govt regulations.

They have to commit the same wrongs they accuse others of.
So prochoice ppl now sound like prolife and prolife are
Arguing for prochoice free of govt regulations and controls.

As soon as everyone gets that they swapped positions,
We can quit playing these games bullying back and forth.
We need to separate beliefs by party and fund our own programs
Not charge our pet projects to the public but either get money
By serving as a business or get donations as a charity or
Investments in a school. But on a voluntary basis not forced by law.
Whoever gets this first wins. Until we do, we all lose.

I've never heard of spiritual healing curing cancer or removing a tumor but if that's what you believe... best of luck to you.

Yes, but before today you also didn't know that the Constitution was specifically designed to limit the power of the federal government. You thought it was designed to limit the power of the people... :lmao:

Ergo, there is a fuck-load that you don't know.
I can't believe you went back to the well on this after you already had your ass handed to you... :lol:

Can you please explain how freedoms were not lost since I'm now forced to do something which I previously had the freedom to chose whether or not to do it? Please? :lmao:

I've pointed out numerous times that you're not losing any freedom if it wasn't something you would ever consider going without anyway. But then again you have said you would breathe something other than oxygen so you're obviously an idiot.

But we all knew that already.

Speculating on what my decision would be is irrelevant. The fact that the decision is no longer available to me means I've lost freedoms.

This is painfully clear to even a 1st grader junior (and it's clear to you too - you just know admitting the truth hurts your radical cause).

Your hypocrisy is actually quite relevant. It exposes the fact that no freedom is being lost.
I no longer have the freedom to decide whether or not to carry insurance. Freedoms were lost and you know it. Pretending like the sun isn't hot and water isn't wet isn't a defense you fuck'n moron. You're just humiliating yourself more than normal now.

Not having insurance isn't a choice to be made. No sane person would go without it in this country. Also why breathing oxygen isn't a choice. Hence no freedoms are lost.

What are you talking about?!? The Dumbocrats themselves declared that 30 million Americans went without health insurance - a good portion of which was by choice.

Want to try again junior? :lmao:

It must be fun to make up your own facts.

When you resort to outright lying, you know you've lost.
I think because ppl dont want to believe free spiritual healing can cure the cause of cancer
And end dependence on chemotherapy and medications that mke money
They want everyone to pay for that instead. Otherwise using medical research to
Prove how spiritual healing works would prove Christians and
Conservatives right. They want to use federal govt as their substitute church.

They complain about religions forcing their views in public,
So until they make the same mistake they won't understand
They are basically mandating that everyone else pay to follow
Their beliefs in insurance and fine people for having different
Beliefs that dont count as a choice under govt regulations.

They have to commit the same wrongs they accuse others of.
So prochoice ppl now sound like prolife and prolife are
Arguing for prochoice free of govt regulations and controls.

As soon as everyone gets that they swapped positions,
We can quit playing these games bullying back and forth.
We need to separate beliefs by party and fund our own programs
Not charge our pet projects to the public but either get money
By serving as a business or get donations as a charity or
Investments in a school. But on a voluntary basis not forced by law.
Whoever gets this first wins. Until we do, we all lose.

I've never heard of spiritual healing curing cancer or removing a tumor but if that's what you believe... best of luck to you.

Yes, but before today you also didn't know that the Constitution was specifically designed to limit the power of the federal government. You thought it was designed to limit the power of the people... :lmao:

Ergo, there is a fuck-load that you don't know.

I never once said such a thing.

I do remember you saying that breathing oxygen was a choice. If you don't understand that, there isn't much hope for you.
Not having insurance isn't a choice to be made. No sane person would go without it in this country. Also why breathing oxygen isn't a choice. Hence no freedoms are lost.

What are you talking about?!? The Dumbocrats themselves declared that 30 million Americans went without health insurance - a good portion of which was by choice.

Want to try again junior? :lmao:

It must be fun to make up your own facts.

When you resort to outright lying, you know you've lost.

Apparently there is no limit to your ignorance...

Obamacare leaves millions uninsured. Here?s who they are.

48 Million Americans Are Uninsured Ahead Of Obamacare Changes

48 million Americans without health insurance - Census Bureau 48 million Americans without health insurance, according to Census - Sep. 17, 2013

CBO: Obamacare Will Leave 30 Million Uninsured | CNS News

Uh Oh: 36 Percent of Uninsured Americans "Do Not Plan" to Seek Coverage Through Obamacare - Guy Benson

If this were a prize fight, you would have suffered a first round knock out a long time ago son. Now it's just a blood bath. Please have your corner throw in the towel. I'm actually feeling bad about mangling you so horribly here.
It is sad that this has to happen.

It's also sad that the GOP has convinced people of "death panels", "losing freedom" and all the other hysterical nonsense that you sheep believe, that have actually made you think you hate a law that is a Republican idea.

So yeah, it's sad that a campaign needs to be waged to combat such blatant misinformation.

Wait - let me get this straight - you believe you're not losing freedom under Obamacare [MENTION=23461]RDD_1210[/MENTION]?!? :lmao:

The federal government now forces you to make a purchase. How is that not losing freedom in your mind? I can't wait to hear this absurd explanation.

By the way - "death panels" are a 100% certainty and now that they've passed Obamacare, the left has even admitted as much. Perhaps you need to wake up to reality? When the federal government has limited funds and unlimited health issues to address, they will have to decide who gets treatment and who doesn't (just like the do in Canada, just like they do in England, just like they do in <insert idiot socialized medicine nation here>, etc.).

You are one willfully ignorant buffoon, aren't you? Oh well, ignorance is bliss I guess...

Obama should make a law saying breathing oxygen is mandated. You idiots would hold your breath while claiming your freedoms are being taken away.

Close RDD
But make it a prolife argument

Ask why is it ok for govt to ban choice of abortion
Instead of letting ppl choose not to have it (in order to save
More lives at the expense of free choice)
But not ok to impose buying insurance to save more lives

Why is it ok to ban choice of gay marriage

But not ok to ban free choice of health care
And only have the choice of insurance or pay a fine

But its ok to only have choice of marriage for hetero couples
And exclude gay couples who believe in gay marriage
I've never heard of spiritual healing curing cancer or removing a tumor but if that's what you believe... best of luck to you.

It has been documented medically. My friend Olivia Reiner has been volunteering with MDAnderson cancer center and has 35 years of testimonies. Some cases go into remission, some tumors disappear before doctors can operate, one woman had tumors metastasized and spread but after prayer they were all combined in one huge
Tumor that the doctors could remove together.

It can and legally needs to be proven medically to offer broader
Access to more ppl. Spiritual healing based on forgiveness therapy is not
Like the fraudulent false faith healing that wrongly rejects medicine.

It will become common knowledge especially with this contested mandate.
We could servr more ppl and save more lives by adding spiritual healing
To mental health and medical treatment. Th e argument will arise how can federal govt
Impose buying insurance while free and effective measures like
Spiritual healing that cures diseases cannot be required to save
Costs but is disqualified as a choice for health care.
It is penalized while insurance is required.
When spiritual healing has been proven medically to
Cure diseases from cancer to schizophrenia
While the procedures insurance pays for only
Treats the symptoms and doesnt cure the cause.
y is actually quite relevant. It exposes the fact that no freedom is being lost.

Hi RDD you and Rottweiler are switching contexts.
With spiritual freedom and political freedom.

He is saying we have spiritual free will to
Breathe or decide to go against nature and
To not breathe. Thats a different level than political freedom.

But someone trying to abuse govt to make laws
Dictating things without the consent of the governed
Is violating natural laws of governance and
Manipulating political freedom. So that law can be
Good bad true or false, but as long as it is against
The consent of the parties held to it then it goes
Against natural laws and will.cause protests
And problems with enforcement until the conflicts
Are resolved civilly where ppl consent and are represented.

If the ppl agree to the law of course they fee it is
Reflecting their consent not imposing on their free will.

Justice is a balance between peace and freedom
All must be informed consent not coersion.
News flash, insurance plans have always and will always cover services that not everyone needs. Until the day comes out where there is a a-la-carte insurance plan, this is a ridiculous and invalid talking point.

Like I said, no freedoms were lost.

I no longer have the freedom to decide whether or not to carry insurance. Freedoms were lost and you know it. Pretending like the sun isn't hot and water isn't wet isn't a defense you fuck'n moron. You're just humiliating yourself more than normal now.

Not having insurance isn't a choice to be made. No sane person would go without it in this country. Also why breathing oxygen isn't a choice. Hence no freedoms are lost.

??? You sound like ppl who dont believe abortion
Is a real choice and ought to be banned.

Because govt is limited in its jurisdiction
It cannot be abused to impose either prolife beliefs
That abortion is always murder, gay marriage is
Wrong, or your beliefs everyone should believe
And buy insurance as the only choice so much
That it should be required by law.

If that is your belief theres nothing wrong with all the
Ppl in agreement require yourselves to buy it, but
Leave others to free choice. Same with abortion.
All the ppl who are prolife practice that by free choice
Not force of law under threat of penalty if you are prochoice.
So why not have proinsurance ppl practice by free choice
Not force of law under penalty for believing in prochoice.

You are excluding and penalizing ppl who dont believe
In forced insurance and even assume no freedom is
Lost because you void these beliefs as hypocritical.

Lots of christians are hypocritical but are not
Punished and fined but still have free choice of religion
Without penalty while ppl here are excluded and penalized.
Which part did I "make up" B.O.?
Well, since you asked...
Bullshit made up by Rottweiler:
comrade @Billo_Really here thinks the United States owes him cancer treatments on the house.

If you gave the slightest fuck about this country you greedy, selfish bastard, you'd incur the cost yourself

he sure as hell isn't going to serve it by being a big boy by taking personal responsibility for himself now

his party being hijacked by socialists/marxists/communists who keep demanding that the country owes them everything from free food and healthcare to free transportation and entertainment.

your selfish ass would rather see the country die for you than for you to die for the country​
All that, is lunatic bullshit you made up, because you don't have any valid argument to debate with and you don't have any balls to deal with reality, so you make up your own.

The fact that we're $17 trillion in debt? The fact that the Dumbocrats are paying the Baltimore Ravens to promote a law passed 3 - 4 years ago? The fact that your selfish ass would rather see the country die for you than for you to die for the country? No, really [MENTION=2873]Billo_Really[/MENTION] - please specify for us which part was "made up bullshit"? The fact that you didn't means you can't.
Well, I just did fuckhead. How's that crow taste?
By the way - I keep asking this question to every Dumbocrat on USMB and not one of you have been man enough to answer it. Please tell me where is the origin of debt on this?
You never asked me the question, which is pretty easy to answer.

The debt began with Ronald Reagan and his tax cuts for the rich. That started the whole ball of bullshit rolling along. Reagan, Bush41 and Bush43 are responsible for $9 trillion of the debt and Obama is responsible for $8 trillion.

Now fuck off and die!
What are you talking about?!? The Dumbocrats themselves declared that 30 million Americans went without health insurance - a good portion of which was by choice.

Want to try again junior? :lmao:

It must be fun to make up your own facts.

When you resort to outright lying, you know you've lost.

Apparently there is no limit to your ignorance...

Obamacare leaves millions uninsured. Here?s who they are.

48 Million Americans Are Uninsured Ahead Of Obamacare Changes

48 million Americans without health insurance - Census Bureau 48 million Americans without health insurance, according to Census - Sep. 17, 2013

CBO: Obamacare Will Leave 30 Million Uninsured | CNS News

Uh Oh: 36 Percent of Uninsured Americans "Do Not Plan" to Seek Coverage Through Obamacare - Guy Benson

If this were a prize fight, you would have suffered a first round knock out a long time ago son. Now it's just a blood bath. Please have your corner throw in the towel. I'm actually feeling bad about mangling you so horribly here.

You said uninsured by choice. Big difference. Of course you have failed again.
News flash, insurance plans have always and will always cover services that not everyone needs. Until the day comes out where there is a a-la-carte insurance plan, this is a ridiculous and invalid talking point.

Like I said, no freedoms were lost.

I no longer have the freedom to decide whether or not to carry insurance. Freedoms were lost and you know it. Pretending like the sun isn't hot and water isn't wet isn't a defense you fuck'n moron. You're just humiliating yourself more than normal now.

Not having insurance isn't a choice to be made. No sane person would go without it in this country. Also why breathing oxygen isn't a choice. Hence no freedoms are lost.

Well not now. obama took that choice away. Freedom lost. Derp.
Well lets start with the fact that I flat out oppose NASCAR... :lol:

But back to your point, can we compare apples-to-apples for this discussion? Since the draft was abolished years ago, the federal government must recruit men & women into the military. That does require a certain amount of money to be spent (how much and in what ways are a whole different discussion). That is drastically different from spending tax payer money to promote something that was signed into law 3-4 years ago. Wouldn't you agree?

It clearly illustrates that the Dumbocrats know the American people do not want this and that they feel the need to propagandize it.

So one type of advertising is okay with you, another isn't. Thanks for admitting your hypocrisy.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

SW - you're really so stupid that you don't understand why one advertises?

Yep - no doubt about it - you've definitely been a dependent of government since becoming an "adult" (and I do use that term lightly).

By the way, thank you for admitting you are a hypocrite (by your own standards). After all, since you approve one type of spending (welfare for you and your children) you must approve ALL forms of spending (Iraq "war").


Of course I do. Why is Armed Forces advertising different than ACA advertising? Both need healthy young people in order to work. Of course, the Armed Forces advertising costs considerably more than the ACA advertising, 26 Million for the National Guard alone. And how many recruits do they report getting for their big buck sponsorship? None.
It's a nice story SW, but it doesn't change the fact that the medical bill for the average uninsured person is less than a new car - and I've proven that with a link already. That's a far cry from RDD's outrageous (and frankly juvenile) $500,000 figure.

It's not an outrageous figure. Just a broken leg is $10k. Without insurance, who do you think is paying those bills?

The person who broke their leg should be paying for it. But thanks to welfare baby communists like you, I end up paying for you and your children.

Yes, that would be the "personally responsible" thing to do...hence the individual mandate because if you don't have insurance, I'm paying your bills. It's why the GOP came up with it in the first place.
I no longer have the freedom to decide whether or not to carry insurance. Freedoms were lost and you know it. Pretending like the sun isn't hot and water isn't wet isn't a defense you fuck'n moron. You're just humiliating yourself more than normal now.

Not having insurance isn't a choice to be made. No sane person would go without it in this country. Also why breathing oxygen isn't a choice. Hence no freedoms are lost.

Well not now. obama took that choice away. Freedom lost. Derp.

No intelligent person would choose to go without it. Hence, it's not a real choice, just like breathing oxygen really isn't a choice. You can pretend it is, but at the end of the day, you're going to do it anyway.

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