The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

No it's not. This is the argument that says there are all types of people in this world and you can't force everyone to act like you want them to act like. Your illusion of control over your world is just that, an illusion.

I don't want control. I want cooperation and collaboration, responsibility and accountability, as they have clearly demonstrated more progress for everyone.

I want the country to run like a very successful and large and ethical non-profit corporation.

And there you have it folks... pure, unadulterated communism.

Fuck the individual in favor of the collective.

It's got a failure rate of 100% worldwide. But that doesn't stop PMZ from pushing it here in America. Un-fucking-believable... :bang3:

Apparently reading comprehension is large among your shortcomings.
You didn't answer his question. What happens in the animal kingdom when there are no predators? Come on PMZ - this is a very simple and straight forward question.

No, it's an idiotic and irrelevant question.

You brought predators up, it's very relevant. I'm sure you understand that predators are the natural result of millions of years of evolution. I'm sure you understand that if you kill off the predators, other predators have to be introduced or there will be over population, followed by starvation and famine, and the prey will become weak and die. I assume you also know that Humans are predators. If this is news to you... sorry.

Who told you life should be easy?

What does any of that have to with humanity?
I don't want control. I want cooperation and collaboration, responsibility and accountability, as they have clearly demonstrated more progress for everyone.

I want the country to run like a very successful and large and ethical non-profit corporation.

Do you know what I want [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]? Freedom. Freedom from you. Freedom from your control-freak ways. Freedom from your communism.

But like any control-freak Adolf-Hitler-wanna-be, you don't care what I want. It's only what YOU want. And what you want is everything that I have earned.

The problem for you though is that the Constitution says I get to have what I want and you don't. Hence your anger and your need for propaganda.

You've never read one word from me not supporting the Constitution. You want to have a different Constitution that says what you wish ours said.

I didn't? That's funny, I specifically recall you claiming that the Supreme Court is empowered to decide whether or not the federal government has the power to force citizens to purchase a good or service. But like all Dumbocrats, when asked for the section of the Constitution which empowers the Supreme Court to make this distinction, you could not provide an answer.

The absolute truth is - you have never read the U.S. Constitution. And we both know it. If you had, you would know that the Supreme Court cannot interpret the Constitution itself. That is just a simple, undeniable, indisputable fact.
Or, they simply realized they could make more money by moving everyone over to the new policies - seems a lot more likely don't it? The bottom line is the bottom line for corporations.

Make more money regardless of the cost to others.

Sure. This is exactly what I saw coming and why I've been opposed to ACA from the start. It's all about feeding unwilling victims to corporate insurance. All in the name of feel-good "health care reform". Sick, twisted shit.

You prefer paying the medical bills for the irresponsible?

If so, feel free to do it. Write a big check to a hospital emergency unit. Tell them to use it to pay the bills of the uninsured.

Those of us who prefer personal responsibility and accountability won't object.
Make more money regardless of the cost to others.

Sure. This is exactly what I saw coming and why I've been opposed to ACA from the start. It's all about feeding unwilling victims to corporate insurance. All in the name of feel-good "health care reform". Sick, twisted shit.

You prefer paying the medical bills for the irresponsible?

If so, feel free to do it. Write a big check to a hospital emergency unit. Tell them to use it to pay the bills of the uninsured.

Those of us who prefer personal responsibility and accountability won't object.

PPACA has exactly nothing to do with personal responsibility.

[EDIT] But, to answer your question, even though it's a false dilemma, I'd rather pay the bills for the 'irresponsible' than be tied to a lifetime of tribute to the very corporations that created our health care problems in the first place.
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Do you know what I want [MENTION=43872]PMZ[/MENTION]? Freedom. Freedom from you. Freedom from your control-freak ways. Freedom from your communism.

But like any control-freak Adolf-Hitler-wanna-be, you don't care what I want. It's only what YOU want. And what you want is everything that I have earned.

The problem for you though is that the Constitution says I get to have what I want and you don't. Hence your anger and your need for propaganda.

You've never read one word from me not supporting the Constitution. You want to have a different Constitution that says what you wish ours said.

I didn't? That's funny, I specifically recall you claiming that the Supreme Court is empowered to decide whether or not the federal government has the power to force citizens to purchase a good or service. But like all Dumbocrats, when asked for the section of the Constitution which empowers the Supreme Court to make this distinction, you could not provide an answer.

The absolute truth is - you have never read the U.S. Constitution. And we both know it. If you had, you would know that the Supreme Court cannot interpret the Constitution itself. That is just a simple, undeniable, indisputable fact.

Again, the reading comprehension limitation. Not my problem.
Sure. This is exactly what I saw coming and why I've been opposed to ACA from the start. It's all about feeding unwilling victims to corporate insurance. All in the name of feel-good "health care reform". Sick, twisted shit.

You prefer paying the medical bills for the irresponsible?

If so, feel free to do it. Write a big check to a hospital emergency unit. Tell them to use it to pay the bills of the uninsured.

Those of us who prefer personal responsibility and accountability won't object.

PPACA has exactly nothing to do with personal responsibility.

[EDIT] But, to answer your question, even though it's a false dilemma, I'd rather pay the bills for the 'irresponsible' than be tied to a lifetime of tribute to the very corporations that created our health care problems in the first place.

"PPACA has exactly nothing to do with personal responsibility."

Explain to me how making people accountable for paying for their own personal health care is not personal responsibility.
You prefer paying the medical bills for the irresponsible?

If so, feel free to do it. Write a big check to a hospital emergency unit. Tell them to use it to pay the bills of the uninsured.

Those of us who prefer personal responsibility and accountability won't object.

PPACA has exactly nothing to do with personal responsibility.

[EDIT] But, to answer your question, even though it's a false dilemma, I'd rather pay the bills for the 'irresponsible' than be tied to a lifetime of tribute to the very corporations that created our health care problems in the first place.

"PPACA has exactly nothing to do with personal responsibility."

Explain to me how making people accountable for paying for their own personal health care is not personal responsibility.

PPACA doesn't make people accountable for paying for their own health care. It does the opposite. It forces them to buy insurance.
Sure. This is exactly what I saw coming and why I've been opposed to ACA from the start. It's all about feeding unwilling victims to corporate insurance. All in the name of feel-good "health care reform". Sick, twisted shit.

You prefer paying the medical bills for the irresponsible?

If so, feel free to do it. Write a big check to a hospital emergency unit. Tell them to use it to pay the bills of the uninsured.

Those of us who prefer personal responsibility and accountability won't object.

PPACA has exactly nothing to do with personal responsibility.

[EDIT] But, to answer your question, even though it's a false dilemma, I'd rather pay the bills for the 'irresponsible' than be tied to a lifetime of tribute to the very corporations that created our health care problems in the first place.

"lifetime of tribute to the very corporations that created our health care problems in the first place."

Which corporations are you accusing of creating our health care problems in the first place?

Health care delivery or insurance or both?
You prefer paying the medical bills for the irresponsible?

If so, feel free to do it. Write a big check to a hospital emergency unit. Tell them to use it to pay the bills of the uninsured.

Those of us who prefer personal responsibility and accountability won't object.

PPACA has exactly nothing to do with personal responsibility.

[EDIT] But, to answer your question, even though it's a false dilemma, I'd rather pay the bills for the 'irresponsible' than be tied to a lifetime of tribute to the very corporations that created our health care problems in the first place.

"lifetime of tribute to the very corporations that created our health care problems in the first place."

Which corporations are you accusing of creating our health care problems in the first place?

Health care delivery or insurance or both?

Well, both, but insurance primarily. They were facilitated by ill-conceived government policy, so I can't lay all the blame at their feet, but over-insurance has been the principal driver of health care inflation.
Conservatives love to use the word "liberty" as a stand in for irresponsibility. It sounds so noble.

But animals live with an abundance of liberty and zero responsibility other than survival. Can't we just live like animals?

Of course we can and have but left it behind when we found things that work much better.

Now conservatives want to return to those thrilling days of yesteryear and go back to the caves. Or at least they want others to.

For themselves though they can't get along any more without their fashionable and comfortable stuff. Lavish stuff. Abundant stuff.

So they'll keep their mcmansions and the 99% can have the caves.

See [MENTION=22295]emilynghiem[/MENTION], as I said, bring up liberty and they claim you are arguing for lawlessness.

Explain why, as the freest people to ever walk the earth, you're concerned about more liberty.
I'm not concerned a bit. Millions of Americans died for the freedoms that we enjoy. Freedoms that you urinate on. Freedoms that I am willing to kill and die for. I don't think you understand what you are up against.
I don't want control. I want cooperation and collaboration, responsibility and accountability, as they have clearly demonstrated more progress for everyone.

I want the country to run like a very successful and large and ethical non-profit corporation.

>> I don't want control. I want cooperation and collaboration, responsibility and accountability, as they have clearly demonstrated more progress for everyone.

How do you force cooperation and collaboration without control?

Corporations do it every day. I thought that you are supposed to know something about business.

>> I want the country to run like a very successful and large and ethical non-profit corporation.

Then you'll have to learn to let go, because you won't have any success in this country by redistributing success. All redistribution does is eliminate all incentive for success and ethics.

If you want ethics pass ethics laws. If you want success, stop punishing success, nay, encourage it nurture it, applaud it. Denigrating success, penalizing success, vilifying profit, rofl... yeah that's not gonna work.

People who are good at what they do, and are interested in accomplishment, don't do it for the money, but because they've been taught responsibility. I know too many retired people working for free to fall for the John Galt blackmail story.

People who only do what pays the most, we can get along fine without.

Nobody gets punished for success.
You still don't get it. I don't think you will ever get it. It's not about the money for anyone but YOU. For the rest of us we work and earn a living as a part of our life. For you it's not about living it's about fucking people over to take from them what they have done, to take their life and freedoms from them, cause you get off on it, cause you are a servant of Satan. You are nothing but a petty piece of shit. A moron that is not worthy of the air you breathe.
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See [MENTION=22295]emilynghiem[/MENTION], as I said, bring up liberty and they claim you are arguing for lawlessness.

Explain why, as the freest people to ever walk the earth, you're concerned about more liberty.
I'm not concerned a bit. Millions of Americans died for the freedoms that we enjoy. Freedoms that you urinate on. Freedoms that I am willing to kill and die for. I don't think you understand what you are up against.

I do understand. It's not about everyone's freedom in your mind, but yours.

I'm a fan of everyone's freedom.

You see, you're an asshole. You don't deserve what you have, much less more.

But the world is full of responsible, caring, collaborative and cooperative people. Those are the people who deserve more because they give more.
Explain why, as the freest people to ever walk the earth, you're concerned about more liberty.
I'm not concerned a bit. Millions of Americans died for the freedoms that we enjoy. Freedoms that you urinate on. Freedoms that I am willing to kill and die for. I don't think you understand what you are up against.

I do understand. It's not about everyone's freedom in your mind, but yours.

I'm a fan of everyone's freedom.

You see, you're an asshole. You don't deserve what you have, much less more.

But the world is full of responsible, caring, collaborative and cooperative people. Those are the people who deserve more because they give more.

I know scum like you who use other people's income to substitute for your charity. You want what I have, come take it ass hole, my dogs are hungry.
>> I don't want control. I want cooperation and collaboration, responsibility and accountability, as they have clearly demonstrated more progress for everyone.

How do you force cooperation and collaboration without control?

Corporations do it every day. I thought that you are supposed to know something about business.

>> I want the country to run like a very successful and large and ethical non-profit corporation.

Then you'll have to learn to let go, because you won't have any success in this country by redistributing success. All redistribution does is eliminate all incentive for success and ethics.

If you want ethics pass ethics laws. If you want success, stop punishing success, nay, encourage it nurture it, applaud it. Denigrating success, penalizing success, vilifying profit, rofl... yeah that's not gonna work.

People who are good at what they do, and are interested in accomplishment, don't do it for the money, but because they've been taught responsibility. I know too many retired people working for free to fall for the John Galt blackmail story.

People who only do what pays the most, we can get along fine without.

Nobody gets punished for success.
You still don't get it. I don't think you will ever get it. It's not about the money for anyone but YOU. For the rest of us we work and earn a living as a part of our life. For you it's not about living it's about fucking people over to take from them what they have done, to take their life and freedoms from them, cause you get off on it, cause you are a servant of Satan. You are nothing but a petty piece of shit. A moron that is not worthy of the air you breathe.

" For the rest of us we work and earn a living as a part of our life."

Exactly what I did. And the entire middle class does. Every day of their lives.

"For you it's not about living it's about fucking people over to take from them what they have done,"

Not at all. I'm completely into people living successful lives. And if they gather some wealth while being successful, great.

The rest of your post is just you being an asshole.
" For the rest of us we work and earn a living as a part of our life."

Exactly what I did. And the entire middle class does. Every day of their lives.

"For you it's not about living it's about fucking people over to take from them what they have done,"

Not at all. I'm completely into people living successful lives. And if they gather some wealth while being successful, great.

Then why do almost every one of your posts indicate the exact opposite?
" For the rest of us we work and earn a living as a part of our life."

Exactly what I did. And the entire middle class does. Every day of their lives.

"For you it's not about living it's about fucking people over to take from them what they have done,"

Not at all. I'm completely into people living successful lives. And if they gather some wealth while being successful, great.

Then why do almost every one of your posts indicate the exact opposite?

That's not the way that they're written. It's the way that you choose to interpret them because you'd like to assume that everyone is just like you.

I'm entirely different than you. It's like the old saw. Liberals and conservatives want the same things. Liberals want them for everyone.
Explain why, as the freest people to ever walk the earth, you're concerned about more liberty.
I'm not concerned a bit. Millions of Americans died for the freedoms that we enjoy. Freedoms that you urinate on. Freedoms that I am willing to kill and die for. I don't think you understand what you are up against.

I do understand. It's not about everyone's freedom in your mind, but yours.

I'm a fan of everyone's freedom.

You see, you're an asshole. You don't deserve what you have, much less more.

But the world is full of responsible, caring, collaborative and cooperative people. Those are the people who deserve more because they give more.

And here we see the communist enraged that someone was successful in life.

RKMB deserves everything he has because he earned it. A concept a parasite like you simply can't understand.
I'm not concerned a bit. Millions of Americans died for the freedoms that we enjoy. Freedoms that you urinate on. Freedoms that I am willing to kill and die for. I don't think you understand what you are up against.

I do understand. It's not about everyone's freedom in your mind, but yours.

I'm a fan of everyone's freedom.

You see, you're an asshole. You don't deserve what you have, much less more.

But the world is full of responsible, caring, collaborative and cooperative people. Those are the people who deserve more because they give more.

I know scum like you who use other people's income to substitute for your charity. You want what I have, come take it ass hole, my dogs are hungry.

The idea that anyone wants what you have is your ego desperate for attention. The truth is that your life is a failure to most. You define success as rich. Most people define it as happy. We pity you because you sacrificed the important for the trivial.
" For the rest of us we work and earn a living as a part of our life."

Exactly what I did. And the entire middle class does. Every day of their lives.

"For you it's not about living it's about fucking people over to take from them what they have done,"

Not at all. I'm completely into people living successful lives. And if they gather some wealth while being successful, great.

Then why do almost every one of your posts indicate the exact opposite?

That's not the way that they're written. It's the way that you choose to interpret them because you'd like to assume that everyone is just like you.

I'm entirely different than you. It's like the old saw. Liberals and conservatives want the same things. Liberals want them for everyone.

That's exactly how they are written. In post after post after post, you display rage over capitalism, personal responsibility, and freedom.

When those words come back to bite you in the ass, you absurdly declare "but....but....but....I'm just misunderstood" :bang3:

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