The glaring evidence that Obamacare is a catastrophic FAILURE continues to mount

You still don't get it. I don't think you will ever get it. It's not about the money for anyone but YOU. For the rest of us we work and earn a living as a part of our life. For you it's not about living it's about fucking people over to take from them what they have done, to take their life and freedoms from them, cause you get off on it, cause you are a servant of Satan. You are nothing but a petty piece of shit. A moron that is not worthy of the air you breathe.

" For the rest of us we work and earn a living as a part of our life."

Exactly what I did. And the entire middle class does. Every day of their lives.

"For you it's not about living it's about fucking people over to take from them what they have done,"

Not at all. I'm completely into people living successful lives. And if they gather some wealth while being successful, great.

The rest of your post is just you being an asshole.

And there you have it folks. The reason PMZ is so hateful and angry is because he couldn't carry his weight and lost his job. Now he hates everyone and everything that isn't pure communism... :eusa_whistle:

What you wish was true. It's not. What is true is that you are a certified asshole.
I'm not concerned a bit. Millions of Americans died for the freedoms that we enjoy. Freedoms that you urinate on. Freedoms that I am willing to kill and die for. I don't think you understand what you are up against.

You're looking for freedom from responsibility. It's an illusion. Humanity doesn't work that way.

You are not my responsibility kid, pay your own way.

Don't need anything from you gramps.
I'm not concerned a bit. Millions of Americans died for the freedoms that we enjoy. Freedoms that you urinate on. Freedoms that I am willing to kill and die for. I don't think you understand what you are up against.

I do understand. It's not about everyone's freedom in your mind, but yours.

I'm a fan of everyone's freedom.

You see, you're an asshole. You don't deserve what you have, much less more.

But the world is full of responsible, caring, collaborative and cooperative people. Those are the people who deserve more because they give more.

Lol....anybody who qoutes Franken as a source is a moron.

Anybody who let's Rush do his thinking for him is beyond help.
Hi Every year virtually every health care insurance policy turns over a new leaf. Why? Because every year health care delivery changes. New diagnostics, new treatments, new pathenogens, new hospitals, new Dr's, new education.

To write and maintain a new policy for longer than a year would be risky for insurance companies and they hate risk. They want all risk to be covered by their premiums so that they don't carry any.

Companies that still offer health care insurance as part of compensation typically put a lot if effort into optimizing their health care dollars and that's to the benefit of their employees.

Now that businesses have apparently lost the handle on growth, many are lowering compensation by backing away from health care insurance and passing back the research responsibilities to individuals.

The flimflam artists selling the insurance love that.

Then Obama stepped in and while giving them more customers, took away many of their flimflam tools by standardizing what they could sell and what information they had to present, in a common format, to researching potential customers.

Is this good or bad for health insurance businesses?

IMO, good for the good ones, and bad for the bad ones.

Competition at work.

1.) What you're saying (again) is that liberals are helpless children - unable to sort out and understand policies like a basic adult.

2.) Obama had no authority to step in and do anything. He still does not have the authority. Anyone claiming otherwise is astoundingly ignorant of the Constitution and is the equivalent of citing the jury which allowed O.J. to walk as "proof" that murder is now legal. Just because somebody violates a law and gets away with it does not suddenly change that law which was violated. Connect all 9 Supreme Court Justices to a polygraph and ask them if Obamacare is legal under penalty of perjury - I guarantee you all 9 will say unequivocally NO. The Constitution doesn't change simply because actual Supreme Court Judges have been replaced with radical liberals who act as political activists instead of unbiased justices.

3.) In the end, Obamacare has caused millions to lose their jobs, or to lose their health insurance, or to have their hours cut back, or to not be hired in the first place. In short, it has done what Dumbocrat policy always does - create failure, misery, and loss of jobs.

Speaking of flimflam.

Zero evidence. 100% what you wish was true because the Fox boobs and boobies told you to.

I'll say one thing. You're loyal to conservative belief that all problems are unsolvable.

You want mankind to not only live like animals but think like them too.

Speaking for myself and most voters, no thanks. No matter what stories you make up, Obamacare is progress. Your bogieman is toothless not to mention imaginary.

I am amazed, if all of you are captains of business, that businesses aren't doing much worse than they are.

I've provided evidence. Volumes of evidence. Evidence which you know is true. Which is why you can't dispute any of it and instead nonsensically yell "Fox, Fox, Fox".

And you want to know something really funny? I have a secret. I almost never watch Fox News or get anything from their website. And I have never heard Rush Limbaugh on the radio. Never. I couldn't even tell you if he's on in my area, and if he is, what station. :lol:

Oops! Once again junior, you lose. If you're going to lie, you have to come up with something better. You're so lazy, you won't even take the time to come up with good lies.
You are not my responsibility kid, pay your own way.

Don't need anything from you gramps.

You are in dire need of an is embarrassing watching you twist as you do.

Do you really consider your GED an education? I guess compared to most Conservatives, maybe so. But to be a conservative no education is required. Just watch, listen and repeat.
1.) What you're saying (again) is that liberals are helpless children - unable to sort out and understand policies like a basic adult.

2.) Obama had no authority to step in and do anything. He still does not have the authority. Anyone claiming otherwise is astoundingly ignorant of the Constitution and is the equivalent of citing the jury which allowed O.J. to walk as "proof" that murder is now legal. Just because somebody violates a law and gets away with it does not suddenly change that law which was violated. Connect all 9 Supreme Court Justices to a polygraph and ask them if Obamacare is legal under penalty of perjury - I guarantee you all 9 will say unequivocally NO. The Constitution doesn't change simply because actual Supreme Court Judges have been replaced with radical liberals who act as political activists instead of unbiased justices.

3.) In the end, Obamacare has caused millions to lose their jobs, or to lose their health insurance, or to have their hours cut back, or to not be hired in the first place. In short, it has done what Dumbocrat policy always does - create failure, misery, and loss of jobs.

Speaking of flimflam.

Zero evidence. 100% what you wish was true because the Fox boobs and boobies told you to.

I'll say one thing. You're loyal to conservative belief that all problems are unsolvable.

You want mankind to not only live like animals but think like them too.

Speaking for myself and most voters, no thanks. No matter what stories you make up, Obamacare is progress. Your bogieman is toothless not to mention imaginary.

I am amazed, if all of you are captains of business, that businesses aren't doing much worse than they are.

I've provided evidence. Volumes of evidence. Evidence which you know is true. Which is why you can't dispute any of it and instead nonsensically yell "Fox, Fox, Fox".

And you want to know something really funny? I have a secret. I almost never watch Fox News or get anything from their website. And I have never heard Rush Limbaugh on the radio. Never. I couldn't even tell you if he's on in my area, and if he is, what station. :lol:

Oops! Once again junior, you lose. If you're going to lie, you have to come up with something better. You're so lazy, you won't even take the time to come up with good lies.

It is not possible to be as stupid as you demonstrate without media help.
The civilized world has watched for decades fascinated by our inept health care system floundering in results while priced sky high. They wondered: this is not rocket science. There are numerous demonstrably better approaches all over the world. Just copy one!

Most would now say that Obamacare was a start, but a timid one, compared to all of the real solutions around the world.

Then the Republican fanaticism to prevent progress became evident and the world realized. It's not Americans that can't solve problems, it's Republicans.
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Don't need anything from you gramps.

You are in dire need of an is embarrassing watching you twist as you do.

Do you really consider your GED an education? I guess compared to most Conservatives, maybe so. But to be a conservative no education is required. Just watch, listen and repeat.

You poor child, you actually think that just because you can repeat all of those silly talking points you are intelligent......I blame those who raised you...the problem with Progressives is that they mistake ideology for intelligence and truth....the truth about progressivism is that it lives in a closed society and believes that it is superior to all all think that "But for the grace of god go I".....about all who they look down their noses at.

Like I said, you and those like you are a dime a dozen ;) much extra do you send in in taxes?
You are in dire need of an is embarrassing watching you twist as you do.

Do you really consider your GED an education? I guess compared to most Conservatives, maybe so. But to be a conservative no education is required. Just watch, listen and repeat.

You poor child, you actually think that just because you can repeat all of those silly talking points you are intelligent......I blame those who raised you...the problem with Progressives is that they mistake ideology for intelligence and truth....the truth about progressivism is that it lives in a closed society and believes that it is superior to all all think that "But for the grace of god go I".....about all who they look down their noses at.

Like I said, you and those like you are a dime a dozen ;) much extra do you send in in taxes?

How come you didn't include any content in your post?
Do you really consider your GED an education? I guess compared to most Conservatives, maybe so. But to be a conservative no education is required. Just watch, listen and repeat.

You poor child, you actually think that just because you can repeat all of those silly talking points you are intelligent......I blame those who raised you...the problem with Progressives is that they mistake ideology for intelligence and truth....the truth about progressivism is that it lives in a closed society and believes that it is superior to all all think that "But for the grace of god go I".....about all who they look down their noses at.

Like I said, you and those like you are a dime a dozen ;) much extra do you send in in taxes?

How come you didn't include any content in your post?

Plenty of content there honey ;)

No, how much extra money do YOU send in at tax time?
" how much extra do you send in in taxes?"

Good example of grossly over simplified black and white conservative non thinking.

You're either the kind of person who considers taxes illegal government seizure of your personal assets, or you send them extra money that you don't owe.

Apparently this level of thinking is sufficient to run a business.
You poor child, you actually think that just because you can repeat all of those silly talking points you are intelligent......I blame those who raised you...the problem with Progressives is that they mistake ideology for intelligence and truth....the truth about progressivism is that it lives in a closed society and believes that it is superior to all all think that "But for the grace of god go I".....about all who they look down their noses at.

Like I said, you and those like you are a dime a dozen ;) much extra do you send in in taxes?

How come you didn't include any content in your post?

Plenty of content there honey ;)

No, how much extra money do YOU send in at tax time?

Don't see any. Can you point it out?
" how much extra do you send in in taxes?"

Good example of grossly over simplified black and white conservative non thinking.

You're either the kind of person who considers taxes illegal government seizure of your personal assets, or you send them extra money that you don't owe.

Apparently this level of thinking is sufficient to run a business.

(smile) The mentally challenged believe deflection is an effective debate tool.

You send nothing extra are just another selfish little girrl who thinks everyone ELSE should pay more.

You lose kid....a dime a dozen...yessireeee
" how much extra do you send in in taxes?"

Good example of grossly over simplified black and white conservative non thinking.

You're either the kind of person who considers taxes illegal government seizure of your personal assets, or you send them extra money that you don't owe.

Apparently this level of thinking is sufficient to run a business.

(smile) The mentally challenged believe deflection is an effective debate tool.

You send nothing extra are just another selfish little girrl who thinks everyone ELSE should pay more.

You lose kid....a dime a dozen...yessireeee

Sounds like you consider grossly over simplified black and white conservative non thinking to be as good as it gets.

What kind of people do you hang around with?
" how much extra do you send in in taxes?"

Good example of grossly over simplified black and white conservative non thinking.

You're either the kind of person who considers taxes illegal government seizure of your personal assets, or you send them extra money that you don't owe.

Apparently this level of thinking is sufficient to run a business.

(smile) The mentally challenged believe deflection is an effective debate tool.

You send nothing extra are just another selfish little girrl who thinks everyone ELSE should pay more.

You lose kid....a dime a dozen...yessireeee

Sounds like you consider grossly over simplified black and white conservative non thinking to be as good as it gets.

What kind of people do you hang around with?

You don't actually believe YOU need to pay more.....I get it.

You are a hypocrite.
(smile) The mentally challenged believe deflection is an effective debate tool.

You send nothing extra are just another selfish little girrl who thinks everyone ELSE should pay more.

You lose kid....a dime a dozen...yessireeee

Sounds like you consider grossly over simplified black and white conservative non thinking to be as good as it gets.

What kind of people do you hang around with?

You don't actually believe YOU need to pay more.....I get it.

You are a hypocrite.

I don't believe anybody should pay anybody, ever, more than they owe.
Sounds like you consider grossly over simplified black and white conservative non thinking to be as good as it gets.

What kind of people do you hang around with?

You don't actually believe YOU need to pay more.....I get it.

You are a hypocrite.

I don't believe anybody should pay anybody, ever, more than they owe.

Do you think we 'owe' insurance companies?
You don't actually believe YOU need to pay more.....I get it.

You are a hypocrite.

I don't believe anybody should pay anybody, ever, more than they owe.

Do you think we 'owe' insurance companies?

I think that their policy holders owe them their premiums in return for spreading real world, clearly understood risks among all of their policy holders.

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