The Global Warmers Have Lost the War

It's "Mann" Made Global Warming!!

Then there is historical perspective... Which shows today as nothing special in any way..


You realize, of course, that Watt is not a scientist, and has no science degree. Right? Moreover, this is Jouzel's actual graph:


Please note how wrong Watt's claim is regarding the change in temperature. Watt intentionally altered the y-axis. The overall change in temperature on the graph is closer to 12 degrees, not 3.5.
you do know that it is just a web site to collect others data? You do know this right? Please state you do so as to not look like a bigger fool.

That is the graph that is included in his actual paper that as it was published. Look up the paper and read it, fool.
Again, this is the wrong argument.

Wether the planet is warming or not is open for debate, interpretation, and subject to cherry picking from both sides. If he is not, then there is nothing we can do about the temperature.

Since we know the cause (ourselves), certainly there is something we can do about it. Whether or not we will is the issue.
"Hockey Stick"
"Data Smoothing"
"Hide the Decline"
"the ocean ate my global warming"
"scientific consensus"
"The Pause"


1) propaganda
2) propaganda
3) there is evidence for this
4) I think you are just jealous here
5) climatic variations are seen in data for all of the 20th century and into this century. That doesn't refute the fact that the Earth is warming and that we are the cause.
Then there is historical perspective... Which shows today as nothing special in any way..


You realize, of course, that Watt is not a scientist, and has no science degree. Right? Moreover, this is Jouzel's actual graph:


Please note how wrong Watt's claim is regarding the change in temperature. Watt intentionally altered the y-axis. The overall change in temperature on the graph is closer to 12 degrees, not 3.5.
you do know that it is just a web site to collect others data? You do know this right? Please state you do so as to not look like a bigger fool.

That is the graph that is included in his actual paper that as it was published. Look up the paper and read it, fool.
dude, I don't know. sometimes I waste my time with you. here, bite me.

How to convince a climate skeptic he’s wrong
Guest Blogger / April 9, 2015

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley

I see no Watt reference in the article. you remain a liar.
Again, this is the wrong argument.

Wether the planet is warming or not is open for debate, interpretation, and subject to cherry picking from both sides. If he is not, then there is nothing we can do about the temperature.

Since we know the cause (ourselves), certainly there is something we can do about it. Whether or not we will is the issue.
we only know that you lie.
you are naive
You are retarded!
insults. all you got.
Nope, JustCrazy, what I've got are the scientific facts of the matter, which conclusively affirm the reality of human caused global warming.....all you've got are fraudulent denier cult myths on top of complete ignorance of science and your utter retardation.....a bad combo resulting in your insanely worthless posts on this topic....
well again, you've never provided those supposed facts. So all you have are words and can't walk the walk. That makes you losing.
The Global Warming Hoax's gold standard has long been the "Hockey stick graph". In Al Gore's Riefenstahlian propaganda film, "an inconvenient truth", the audience audibly gasps!! when the Hockey Stick graph is revealed. It sure looks DRAMATIC!! OMFG!! One can only conclude that (gasp!) Humans are ruining the climate!!! RUN FOR THE HILLS!!...RUN!!! ........ (but only after we advance our political agenda!)

But it turns out that the entire thing was a hoax. Just a "Michael Mann" made fable. There was no hockey stick. The data was fake. The entire statistical foundation upon which the Global warming hoax was built on was nothing but a miasma of lies, deceit, and malfeasance. They lied for $$$ and to advance a political agenda.

Thanks for providing such a good example of denier cult-nut desperation, ToadtheParrot.
Why does a Senate vote showing a warmist failure make you so sad?
It doesn't, Toad, rather the extreme gullibility and scientific ignorance of you denier cult dupes makes me sad. Your rejection of science and reality for the sake of your political/economic/ideological obsessions and delusions makes everybody sad.

Maybe if you guys fake some data?
LOLOLOL.....and there that crackpot conspiracy theory insanity right on cue.....which is all the denier cultists have science, no logic, no rationality, just absurd conspiracy theories involving tens of thousands of professional scientists in dozens of countries all agreeing to be part of a conspiracy to fake science for nefarious reasons known only to the denier cultists.

It doesn't, Toad, rather the extreme gullibility and scientific ignorance of you denier cult dupes makes me sad.

I know, those 95 US gullible.

no science, no logic, no rationality

Despite the decades of warmist whining, we still refuse to cripple our economy to drop temps in 2080 by 0.1 degrees.

Not rational at all. LOL!

The "deleted" data (aka the real data) tells a completely different to use "Mike's Nature Trick" so as not to ..."potentially distract/detract from the reasonably consensus viewpoint we'd like to show w/ the Jones et al and Mann et al series"....
It's "Mann" Made Global Warming!!


More political drivel.

Yes, the hockey stick graph was pure politics. They faked the data.

There are at least a dozen papers that validate Mann's original work. Claim that it is a conspiracy all you want. It only makes you look even more foolish.
hahahahahahahaahahahaha, right? If I tossed all of the original data, I can do that to. All faked data. FAKED. Every repeat was using Mann's FAKED data. FAKED. Did I mention FAKED?
It's "Mann" Made Global Warming!!


More political drivel.

Yes, the hockey stick graph was pure politics. They faked the data.

There are at least a dozen papers that validate Mann's original work. Claim that it is a conspiracy all you want. It only makes you look even more foolish.

And those "papers" were "peer reviewed" by other "climate scientists" of course? :rofl:

It's not me who looks foolish bub....:rofl:

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