The Global Warming/Climate Change Classroom


Quick Look Over There!
Feb 12, 2013
Everywhere but nowhere
Global Warming Classroom

Emerging science is providing important new understanding on this issue. Yet, politics is preventing this information from getting to Congress and the American people. Worse, our children are being taught incorrect information in our schools.

Global Warming, Emerging Science and Under-standing brings balance and perspective to the global warming debate. Dozens of respected scientists from all over the world explain new and emerging science about global warming. This DVD and its accompanying resources provides a clear and refreshing under-standing for ages 12 and up of this important issue. It can be viewed in the middle/high school classroom or any adult wanting to understand what emerging science is revealing.

Although this is for ages twelve and up we can hope that the AGW cultists will grasp it.
Global Warming Classroom

Emerging science is providing important new understanding on this issue. Yet, politics is preventing this information from getting to Congress and the American people. Worse, our children are being taught incorrect information in our schools.

Global Warming, Emerging Science and Under-standing brings balance and perspective to the global warming debate. Dozens of respected scientists from all over the world explain new and emerging science about global warming. This DVD and its accompanying resources provides a clear and refreshing under-standing for ages 12 and up of this important issue. It can be viewed in the middle/high school classroom or any adult wanting to understand what emerging science is revealing.

Although this is for ages twelve and up we can hope that the AGW cultists will grasp it.

The cigarette companies realized early on that their future lay with the children. And, of course, easier to con the uneducated with your lies.
Global Warming Classroom

Emerging science is providing important new understanding on this issue. Yet, politics is preventing this information from getting to Congress and the American people. Worse, our children are being taught incorrect information in our schools.

Global Warming, Emerging Science and Under-standing brings balance and perspective to the global warming debate. Dozens of respected scientists from all over the world explain new and emerging science about global warming. This DVD and its accompanying resources provides a clear and refreshing under-standing for ages 12 and up of this important issue. It can be viewed in the middle/high school classroom or any adult wanting to understand what emerging science is revealing.

Although this is for ages twelve and up we can hope that the AGW cultists will grasp it.

The cigarette companies realized early on that their future lay with the children. And, of course, easier to con the uneducated with your lies.

And once again the AGW cultists deny real scientific data for their religious dogma. I guess even that website that is based on real science is to much for the AGW loyal followers two year old type mentality.
Let us start with Lesson 1 and understanding graphs shall we?

For decades this NASA graph based on the database of Great Britain's Climate Research Unit shows a dramatic increase in temperature was accepted by scientists as proving that there was a dramatic increase in earth's temperature starting in the late 1970s. CO2 levels also increased during this period starting in the late 1940s, leading to the conclusion that man was responsible for the temperature increase. However, this data is corrupted with the heat island effect. Also, note that the increase in atmospheric CO2 started in the late 1940s, just when earth was going through a cooling period. The heat island effect is supposed to have been mostly removed from the United States data set, which accounts for one-fourth of the worlds measuring stations. However, in the fall of 2009 and into the winter of 2010, it was revealed that rather than removing the heat island effect, NASA and NOAA may have actually amplified it. Also, the main temperature data base at the Climate Research Unit in Great Britain has deliberately corrupted the database used in producing the graph.


A serious error was found in the NASA temperature data for the United States in 2007. When corrected, it was determined that the warmest year in the past 100 years was not in 1998 and 2006 as previously believed, but was 1934, followed 1998. 1921 became the third hottest year, followed by 2006 and 1933. Out of the five hottest years, three occurred in the 1920s and 30s and only two were in the past 10 years. Notice that the US data do not have the same steep increase in temperature shown in the corrupted data of Britain's Climate Research Unit's data in the graph above. This dramatically changes scientists understanding of the importance of the warming that has occurred since 1975. The period between 1995 and 2009 is no warmer than the period between 1920 and 1935. This error in the NASA data has lead to discoveries of other errors in the data which are raising concern about data integrity of NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies.


More at: Lesson 1 Graphs n' Charts

Notice the first graph, that is the one that the AGW cultists post (or something similar) all the time.

The second graph is the corrected graph that that AGW cultists will deny exists. They claim they listen to NASA, but obviously they do not as empirical evidence shows.

Aug. 14 (Bloomberg) -- NASA has revised climate data to show 1934 as the hottest year on record in the U.S., ousting 1998 and challenging the argument that national temperatures are reaching new highs amid global warming.

NASA Fixes Data; 1934 Ousts 1998 as Hottest U.S. Year (Update1) - Bloomberg

However you will watch them feverishly use AGW propaganda to claim this is false, even though it is from NASA a source they claim to believe without question.
Global Warming Classroom

Emerging science is providing important new understanding on this issue. Yet, politics is preventing this information from getting to Congress and the American people. Worse, our children are being taught incorrect information in our schools.

Global Warming, Emerging Science and Under-standing brings balance and perspective to the global warming debate. Dozens of respected scientists from all over the world explain new and emerging science about global warming. This DVD and its accompanying resources provides a clear and refreshing under-standing for ages 12 and up of this important issue. It can be viewed in the middle/high school classroom or any adult wanting to understand what emerging science is revealing.

Although this is for ages twelve and up we can hope that the AGW cultists will grasp it.

The cigarette companies realized early on that their future lay with the children. And, of course, easier to con the uneducated with your lies.

Yeah --- and the sum total of evidence for that goofy fairy tale is Joe Camel and Candy Cigarettes made by some other candy companies..
My, my, Kosh, you certainly tell fancy lies. The first chart is the global temperature. The second, that of the US. Not only that, 2012 was the warmest year in the US. But the US is only about 2% of the earth's surface. By this reasoning, people in Australia have the right to claim that 2013 was the warmest year ever. Because, for them, it was.

Now, when you get a Scientific Society, a National Academy of Science, or a major University to endorse your little DVD of lies, then I will be impressed. However, at present, all the Scientfic Societies, all the National Academies of Science, and all the major University policy statements say that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.
And just why is it that the denialists cannot get even one Scientific Society to endorse their views? There are many of them in every country in the world. Surely they can come up with one from Outer Slobovia, or somewhere?
It is kind of sad. An average seventh-grader could easily spot the glaring flaws in the propaganda that Kosh is trying to pass off, but Kosh can't spot them even when we point those flaws out to him. When someone wants to be brainwashed as badly as Kosh does, it won't be possible to unbrainwash them.

Hence, we settle for ridiculing him. Since he's a hopeless case, may as well have some fun.
And just why is it that the denialists cannot get even one Scientific Society to endorse their views? There are many of them in every country in the world. Surely they can come up with one from Outer Slobovia, or somewhere?

Their solution to that is to defund them all! Better fight hard in 2014 and 2016 as they may finally get their hard ass as the front runner.:eek:
The world has warmed about 0.9C in the last 150 years. That is indisputable.

Of course the climate changes. The point, however, is completely irrelevant. It does not change without a CAUSE.

There is an enormous amount of evidence supporting the contention that mankind has had a great deal to do with the warming of the last 150 years. If you disagree, either refute the evidence already on hand or present new evidence that supports a different contention. Your unsubstantiated assertion is as worthless as worthless can be.
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And just why is it that the denialists cannot get even one Scientific Society to endorse their views? There are many of them in every country in the world. Surely they can come up with one from Outer Slobovia, or somewhere?

Actually it has happened.. Try as they might to KEEP FROM POLLING THEIR MEMBERSHIP for an opinion, the Amer. Meterological Society actually published a MEMBER survey indicating that fully 35% of them weren't buying the Catastrophic Man-Caused Global Warming scenario.
That poll was published in their journal and then WIPED from the face of the Internet within 36 hours..

I suppose I could scan a copy next time i'm at Vanderbilt library.. Might be a hoot..

How is climate changing?

Warming of the climate system now is unequivocal, according to many different kinds of evidence. Observations show increases in globally averaged air and ocean temperatures, as well as widespread melting of snow and ice and rising globally averaged sea level. Surface temperature data for Earth as a whole, including readings over both land and ocean, show an increase of about 0.8°C (1.4°F) over the period 1901─2010 and about 0.5°C (0.9°F) over the period 1979–2010 (the era for which satellite-based temperature data are routinely available). Due to natural variability, not every year is warmer than the preceding year globally. Nevertheless, all of the 10 warmest years in the global temperature records up to 2011 have occurred since 1997, with 2005 and 2010 being the warmest two years in more than a century of global records. The warming trend is greatest in northern high latitudes and over land. In the U.S., most of the observed warming has occurred in the West and in Alaska; for the nation as a whole, there have been twice as many record daily high temperatures as record daily low temperatures in the first decade of the 21st century.

The effects of this warming are especially evident in the planet’s polar regions. Arctic sea ice extent and volume have been decreasing for the past several decades. Both the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have lost significant amounts of ice. Most of the world’s glaciers are in retreat.

Other changes, globally and in the U.S., are also occurring at the same time. The amount of rain falling in very heavy precipitation events (the heaviest 1% of all precipitation events) has increased over the last 50 years throughout the U.S. Freezing levels are rising in elevation, with rain occurring more frequently instead of snow at mid-elevations of western mountains. Spring maximum snowpack is decreasing, snowmelt occurs earlier, and the spring runoff that supplies over two-thirds of western U.S. streamflow is reduced. Evidence for warming is also observed in seasonal changes across many areas, including earlier springs, longer frost-free periods, longer growing seasons, and shifts in natural habitats and in migratory patterns of birds and insects.
And just why is it that the denialists cannot get even one Scientific Society to endorse their views? There are many of them in every country in the world. Surely they can come up with one from Outer Slobovia, or somewhere?

Actually it has happened.. Try as they might to KEEP FROM POLLING THEIR MEMBERSHIP for an opinion, the Amer. Meterological Society actually published a MEMBER survey indicating that fully 35% of them weren't buying the Catastrophic Man-Caused Global Warming scenario.
That poll was published in their journal and then WIPED from the face of the Internet within 36 hours..

I suppose I could scan a copy next time i'm at Vanderbilt library.. Might be a hoot..

Yes, might be a hoot. But it won't happen. Because you always promise these kind of things, and then never post them. Maybe because they exist only in your fevered imagination?

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