The global warming thread. Is it for real?

If you're dishonest enough to pretend the persistent La Nina hasn't existed, you could declare there's a cooling trend. But only if you're that dishonest. If you're not dishonest, you have to acknowledge the ongoing warming trend, with most of warming currently going into the oceans, due to the persistent La Nina.
If you're dishonest enough to pretend the persistent La Nina hasn't existed, you could declare there's a cooling trend. But only if you're that dishonest. If you're not dishonest, you have to acknowledge the ongoing warming trend, with most of warming currently going into the oceans, due to the persistent La Nina.

If a la Nina (or PDO or AMO or TSI) can overwhelm and HALT the massive warming trend of runaway GHgases, then perhaps a rational person would say that the NATURAL contributions to the climate are SEVERELY underrated in the models..

But rational isn't what we're getting as a response from the true believers.. Is it Catman?
If you're dishonest enough to pretend the persistent La Nina hasn't existed, you could declare there's a cooling trend. But only if you're that dishonest. If you're not dishonest, you have to acknowledge the ongoing warming trend, with most of warming currently going into the oceans, due to the persistent La Nina.

If a la Nina (or PDO or AMO or TSI) can overwhelm and HALT the massive warming trend of runaway GHgases, then perhaps a rational person would say that the NATURAL contributions to the climate are SEVERELY underrated in the models..

But rational isn't what we're getting as a response from the true believers.. Is it Catman?

Yup. Its called hidden variable fraud when you make definitive statements knowing that important factors have been left out or undervalued. Climate models have a severely incomplete list of input factors as well as incorrect weighting.
Where do plants get the carbon that they need to build themselves from?

LOL, Carbon is all over the place silly socko. In the soil, in rocks, you name it. It's the 4th most abundant element in the universe by mass. Behind Hydrogen, Helium and Oxygen. It's an element socko, it's the base for all known life..*

Now please spare us the fake scientist BS routine already.. It's getting really old now. As If this bit of stupidity on your part wasn't enough to prove your full of it... WOW man seriously WOW..

It's not even in the top ten on earth screwball. And it is extremely rare in its elemental form.*

That's why the source required for plants to build themselves is CO2. Not rocks.*

Someone asked the other day if there was any purpose to all of this posting. My purpose is to get you through fifth grade science. Tough job.

He's got you there, carbon is in pencils and diamonds. *That's how fertilizer from Home Depot works. *It's chock full of pencils and diamomds.
If you're dishonest enough to pretend the persistent La Nina hasn't existed, you could declare there's a cooling trend. But only if you're that dishonest. If you're not dishonest, you have to acknowledge the ongoing warming trend, with most of warming currently going into the oceans, due to the persistent La Nina.

If a la Nina (or PDO or AMO or TSI) can overwhelm and HALT the massive warming trend of runaway GHgases, then perhaps a rational person would say that the NATURAL contributions to the climate are SEVERELY underrated in the models..*

But rational isn't what we're getting as a response from the true believers.. Is it Catman?

Yup. Its called hidden variable fraud when you make definitive statements knowing that important factors have been left out or undervalued. Climate models have a severely incomplete list of input factors as well as incorrect weighting.


Looks pretty good for a fit to something as complex as climate.

Oh, wait, look at the end. See, the temp record has been adjusted so that it isn't going up, that way the model can catch up to it.

Yeah, that's it. Yeah.

FAQ 8.1 - AR4 WGI Chapter 8: Climate Models and their Evaluation
When are these warmers gonna learn to LABEL the models in their graphs?

Kinda like the one that UAH put out? A raft of model runs doesn't mean CRAP unless you know
the assumptions and the authors and the tunings...
When are these warmers gonna learn to LABEL the models in their graphs?

Kinda like the one that UAH put out? A raft of model runs doesn't mean CRAP unless you know
the assumptions and the authors and the tunings...

It must just drive you crazy, that all your whining and stomping of feet hasn't changed anything for years. Organizations, scientists, companies, nations, individuals, just keep on getting aboard the AGW hoax band wagon.

And nobody cares about authors and tunings as long as this goes in


and this comes out


The rest is just noise.

And as long the long term trend is up, global warming. *When the long term trend isn't up any more, then no warming. *So far, its about 100 years of up. *So it's gonna have to be down a lot for a long time before it is not warmimg.
NO.. That ginormous yellow squiggle of YELLOW plots is just noise without knowing HOW they differ or what CO2 emission scenario was used, or what was the Climate Sensitivity assumptions or any of a HUNDRED different variables.. That's why you need the author, the paradigm and the tunings..

You -- are happy looking at unidentified noise?? Fine.. It speaks loudly about your level of tolerance for picking up crap on the street and consuming it..
What's funny is these clowns look at model outputs and think they qualify as data. It says a great deal about their level of education (or lack thereof) that they will look at computer models and not realize that they are fictional. They may or may not have any basis in reality (we have seen that climate models actually DON'T have a basis in reality) but that interests them not at all.

They may as well read the Harry Potter books to tell them what the climate is....they are every bit as good at predicting the future climate as the computer models are.
NO.. That ginormous yellow squiggle of *YELLOW plots is just noise without knowing HOW they differ or what CO2 emission scenario was used, or what was the Climate Sensitivity assumptions or any of a HUNDRED different variables.. That's why you need the author, the paradigm and the tunings..*

You -- are happy looking at unidentified noise?? Fine.. It speaks loudly about your level of tolerance for picking up crap on the street and consuming it..

That's not my job. *It's the IPCC's job to figure out what the noise is.

Last I checked, the ability to see the trend inside the noise is the pinacle of intelligent feedback systems.

That it just drives you crazy and you scream at the wind about it just speaks to your inability to filter out the noise in your own head.

**It must drive you nuts, having to pay attention to all the random thermal noise that plagues your visual system. *And that constant hissing in your ears. And the sudden spike of adrenaline as you catch a glimpse of something, out of the corner of your eye, that looks like a figure standing in the shadow.

It must just drive you nuts. *

It reminds me of my cat, staring at the wall, like he saw something. Oh, and he's so funny, chasing a laser spot around the room. *Can't tellmthe difference between a moving spot of light and a moving bug. *And he never learns. Over and over, we play the game. He's even "caught" it, numerous times. But that moving spot just triggers his reflexes.

Thankfully, human beings are smarter. We are good at filtering out the noise. *At least half of us are better than average. *The other half, not so much.

Having problems with the voices too, are we?
What's funny is these clowns look at model outputs and think they qualify as data. It says a great deal about their level of education (or lack thereof) that they will look at computer models and not realize that they are fictional. They may or may not have any basis in reality (we have seen that climate models actually DON'T have a basis in reality) but that interests them not at all.

They may as well read the Harry Potter books to tell them what the climate is....they are every bit as good at predicting the future climate as the computer models are.

Who said they were physical data? Physical data goes in, model data comes out.
What's funny is these clowns look at model outputs and think they qualify as data. It says a great deal about their level of education (or lack thereof) that they will look at computer models and not realize that they are fictional. They may or may not have any basis in reality (we have seen that climate models actually DON'T have a basis in reality) but that interests them not at all.

They may as well read the Harry Potter books to tell them what the climate is....they are every bit as good at predicting the future climate as the computer models are.

Doesn't even phase him that the end points at 2005 for the temp anomaly don't even agree with his NOAA temp plot? Or that we have to GUESS what the black/red lines really are? Really? couldn't tell a brownie from a cow pie..

And if you remember -- this math wiz couldn't figure out that Dr. Roy Spencer's match of models to the temp line was 10 yrs older than this "mystery" plot someone pulled out of some old IPCC report? Or that Dr. Roy provided the EXACT citation for each of the model plots he presented? But he whined that Dr. Roy --- "didn't provide anything new"..

Time for more "regression" and programming more plot routines I suppose..
What's funny is these clowns look at model outputs and think they qualify as data. *It says a great deal about their level of education (or lack thereof) that they will look at computer models and not realize that they are fictional. *They may or may not have any basis in reality (we have seen that climate models actually DON'T have a basis in reality) but that interests them not at all.

They may as well read the Harry Potter books to tell them what the climate is....they are every bit as good at predicting the future climate as the computer models are.

Doesn't even phase him that the end points at 2005 for the temp anomaly don't even agree with his NOAA temp plot? Or that we have to GUESS what the black/red lines really are? Really? couldn't tell a brownie from a cow pie..*

And if you remember -- this math wiz couldn't figure out that Dr. Roy Spencer's match of models to the temp line was 10 yrs older than this "mystery" plot someone pulled out of some old IPCC report? Or that Dr. Roy provided the EXACT citation for each of the model plots he presented? But he whined that Dr. Roy --- "didn't provide anything new"..*

Time for more "regression" and programming more plot routines I suppose..

You are quite welcome to follow the links, of the embedded image, and find the pages that describe it all. *If you actually understood my point then you would get that I didn't present it for your conviction. *If you want to be convinced, you have to look that up yourself.

Yep, your right, it doesn't phase me that the end points don't match exactly. *It doesn't change that up is up and down is down.

Just drives you crazy when it the long term trend is up and the recent short turn trend is down.

This must just drive you nuts. *



OMG, what does that mean? *How can it go up and down at the same time?

It's crrraaaazzzzy!!!
What's funny is these clowns look at model outputs and think they qualify as data. It says a great deal about their level of education (or lack thereof) that they will look at computer models and not realize that they are fictional. They may or may not have any basis in reality (we have seen that climate models actually DON'T have a basis in reality) but that interests them not at all.

They may as well read the Harry Potter books to tell them what the climate is....they are every bit as good at predicting the future climate as the computer models are.

Who said they were physical data? Physical data goes in, model data comes out.
The model data is only as perfect and accurate as the imperfect people inputting the data.....Computer models also cannot change themselves by adding relevant data that may have been left out.
What's funny is these clowns look at model outputs and think they qualify as data. It says a great deal about their level of education (or lack thereof) that they will look at computer models and not realize that they are fictional. They may or may not have any basis in reality (we have seen that climate models actually DON'T have a basis in reality) but that interests them not at all.

They may as well read the Harry Potter books to tell them what the climate is....they are every bit as good at predicting the future climate as the computer models are.

Here's something to ponder. Airplanes start existence as a computer model, and when built they fly. The models predict it and it happens. Of course, Harry Potter can fly too. You've got us there.
What's funny is these clowns look at model outputs and think they qualify as data. It says a great deal about their level of education (or lack thereof) that they will look at computer models and not realize that they are fictional. They may or may not have any basis in reality (we have seen that climate models actually DON'T have a basis in reality) but that interests them not at all.

They may as well read the Harry Potter books to tell them what the climate is....they are every bit as good at predicting the future climate as the computer models are.

Who said they were physical data? Physical data goes in, model data comes out.
The model data is only as perfect and accurate as the imperfect people inputting the data.....Computer models also cannot change themselves by adding relevant data that may have been left out.

That's why computer models are supervised by scientists. Just like the machines at 7/11 that predict how much change you'll receive.
Who said they were physical data? Physical data goes in, model data comes out.
The model data is only as perfect and accurate as the imperfect people inputting the data.....Computer models also cannot change themselves by adding relevant data that may have been left out.

That's why computer models are supervised by scientists. Just like the machines at 7/11 that predict how much change you'll receive.

That's what I discovered, doing quality control. Every single quality issue could be traced back to a person. It was uncanny. I kept telling them, "Get rid of the people, and the error rate goes to zero."
Dr Roy Spencer, the wanna-be climatologist.

Not very bright are ya ifitzpmzpoopie sock....

About « Roy Spencer, PhD

Roy W. Spencer received his Ph.D. in meteorology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1981. Before becoming a Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville in 2001, he was a Senior Scientist for Climate Studies at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, where he and Dr. John Christy received NASA’s Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for their global temperature monitoring work with satellites. Dr. Spencer’s work with NASA continues as the U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer flying on NASA’s Aqua satellite. He has provided congressional testimony several times on the subject of global warming.

Dr. Spencer’s research has been entirely supported by U.S. government agencies: NASA, NOAA, and DOE. He has never been asked by any oil company to perform any kind of service. Not even Exxon-Mobil.

Dr. Spencer’s first popular book on global warming, Climate Confusion (Encounter Books), is now available at and

Seems he's got some pretty good credentials there.... Let's check another source...

Roy Spencer (scientist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Education and Career[edit]

Spencer received a B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Michigan in 1978 and his M.S. and Ph.D. in Meteorology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1980 and 1982.[1] His doctoral thesis was titled, A case study of African wave structure and energetics during Atlantic transit.[3]
After receiving his Ph.D. in 1982, Spencer worked for two years as a research scientist in the Space Science and Engineering Center at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.[1] He then joined NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center as a visiting scientist in 1984,[2] where he later became a Senior Scientist for Climate Studies.[1] After leaving NASA in 2001, Spencer has been a Principal Research Scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UHA).[1] As well as his position at UHA, Spencer is currently the U.S. Science Team leader for the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) on NASA's Aqua satellite, a position he has held since 1994.[1]
In 2001, he designed an algorithm to detect tropical cyclones and estimate their maximum sustained wind speed using the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU).[4][5]
Spencer has been a member of several science teams: the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Space Station Accommodations Analysis Study Team, Science Steering Group for TRMM, TOVS Pathfinder Working Group, NASA Headquarters Earth Science and Applications Advisory Subcommittee, and two National Research Council (NRC) study panels.[1]
He is on the board of directors of the George C. Marshall Institute,[6] and on the board of advisors of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation.[7]
Spencer's research work is funded by NASA, NOAA, DOE and the DOT.[2]

I think he is an expert in his field. More so than you are for certain.. However I feel he is often wrong about GHG theory and his defense of the theory is a terrible mistake on his part, I cannot deny his credentials or right to share his insights...

The difference is I can think he's wrong and say so without trying to belittle his education or experience. You can't seem to do that. Another fine example of why we know you're not a scientist in any way.
You are most definitely a gullible sheep. All cultests are. You get opinions from Rush and Rupert and treat them like news.

Do you believe what Al Gore preaches about Global Warming?

Do you believe that Global Warming is a serious threat to the planet?

If YOU answered "YES" to any one of the questions, than YOU are a gullible sheep.

If you answered "YES" to both questions than YOU are a gullible sheep.

If you didn't answer "yes" to both questions, you accept politics over science. Ignorance over knowledge.

I accept truth over the bullshit lies of global warming / climate change. My decision has nothing to do with politics.

When you mention science, I know that you are reffering to the so-called fabricated "science" that is behind Global Warming /Climate Change. That science is fraudulent.

If anyone is ignorant, it's gullible people like you, little sheep. People who believe in Global Warming / Climate Change without questioning it, is gullible. People who actually believes and accepts without question that Global Warming / Climate Change is caused by humans, is gullible. People who believed and accept every word that Al Gore (your god), spoke, is gullible.

People like you who bought into the lies of global warming / climate change act like they are "high and mighty", "holier than thou", "better than everyone else", because they believe they "are doing something to help the planet". Gimme a break. I just think people like that is snobbish and ignorant.

If you consider yourself knowledgeable on the subject of global warming / climate change, than I consider that laughable.
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