The global warming thread. Is it for real?

Every conspiracy theory cult has these little cult videos that want you to watch.

And no one does. If you're not capable of stating and supporting your point yourself, you aren't informed enough to be part of the conversation.

What I know for sure is the tempurature trend and statistics, how to fit a line, and what it means. *For some reason, denialists have to deny the temperature with AWG. If the implication is wrong, then there is no warming. *

Then there is the "You aren't a scientist so the science is wrong" and the "They can't explain it all EXACTLY, so it's wrong."

Obvioualy, it builds from the root fact outward. *As things get more detailed and more refined, fewer people know all all of it. *And, unless there are very careful, uncertainties start adding up.

Anyone here work with the IPCC? *Because, if not, for me it was sufficient to verify the temp record and see that the conspiracy theorists a) want to deny that, b) all share this wierd underlying psychology, and c) are kind of obnoxious.
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So then summarize the video, if it was so simple. State the high points, in your own words, with support.

All the cults tell everyone to watch the cult's videos. 9-11 truthers, birthers, and so on. I see no difference in tactics and style between the denialists and any other cult.
This is the Lefty's agenda that has always been against fossil fuels.
They have been wanting to eliminate for a very long time.
In the 70's they tried to push that we were gong into a global ice age. We were all going to freeze.
Now it's global warming.
It's a lie in order to get rid of coal and oil.

Perfect. You're a dummy and you have a dumb explainaton.

Now maybe you can explain photosynthesis to gslack.

:lmao: I guess that simple video was just too complex for you.

I don't need to explain anything to anybody. Do it yourself.

GLOBAL WARMING IS A LIE, and you're just gullible enough to believe it. :cuckoo:

Yeah, that's it. You figured it out. It's just too complex
for everyone.

"I don't need to explain anything to anybody." What are you, like eight?
This is the Lefty's agenda that has always been against fossil fuels.
They have been wanting to eliminate for a very long time.
In the 70's they tried to push that we were gong into a global ice age. We were all going to freeze.
Now it's global warming.
It's a lie in order to get rid of coal and oil.

Yeah, that's it. In the 70's, they were all 20 and then at 50 they all switched it up on ya' Same people.

What are you even talking about?
BTW slacker. Plants, not life, build themselves from CO2 taken in through their leaves. Animals build themselves by taking in plants, or other animals who eat plants.

So living things, not "life", are built directly or indirectly from CO2.

That has nothing to do with the GHG properties of CO2.

If you have any questions, ask one of the older kids.

BTW ifitzpmz, quote my posts you respond to it's the decent way to debate..

LOL, so plant's build themselves from CO2? how very scientific.. ROFL.. Please get that published I can't wait to see the response...

I got something for ya... How about this, maybe CARBON is the basis of CARBON based life forms? MORON...

Dude you're an idiot... Carbon is the basis of carbon-based life forms. Not CO2 CARBON.. CO2 is a naturally occurring gas created from many natural processes on the planet. Processes like volcanic activity, and many others. The gas didn't create the life forms that use it as fuel, the life form evolved to feed on it. Carbon-based life remember? Not CO2 based, but carbon based.

The planets eco-system adapts to the environment not the other way around...

Some scientist...LOL

I told you to ask some of the older third graders!

Here's question that I can't wait to hear your answer to.

Where do plants get the carbon that they need to build themselves from?

Wait for it.......wait for it.......

LOL, getting your sock to try and sell a story about imaginary people doesn't help you socko.. In fact it makes you look even more desperate..

It's called a carbon cycle not a CO2 cycle.. Idiot...

Read something please...

Carbon cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now before you go into another of your diversionary speeches and ramble nothing, realize that photosynthesis is the process by which organisms using sunlight convert CO2 and water into fuel to sustain themselves. The waste of this exchange is Oxygen. The carbon is used with water to create basic carbohydrates.

So its CO2 and H2O in and O2 out. Get it yet? CARBO_HYDRATES... THink now... CARBOHYDRATES.. CARBO (carbon) - HYDRATES(H2O or hydrogen and oxygen) MORONS...


And yes the the planets eco-system DOES adapt and evolve to fit it's environment not the other way around. Why do you think some plants grow in a rain forest and some grow in a arid environment? Well using your logic it would have to be magic right? No silly socko it's not magic, it's the way life works. Life adapts to it's surroundings.

Today we have a relatively low CO2 content than we have had when Photosynthetic land based plants really took hold (about 425 million years ago). Yet somehow land based photosynthetic plant life is still thriving.. SO what gives? Simple socko, your hypothesis is an ignorant one. Plant's evolved to suit their environment, just as they do now and always will. Meaning they weren't built on CO2, they evolved to use CO2 as a means to create their food. Co2 didn't create life, life evolved and adapted to use CO2...

NOW lets get back to the part where you explain how a self proclaimed scientist, confuses the carbon cycle to be a CO2 cycle? ROFL
This is the Lefty's agenda that has always been against fossil fuels.
They have been wanting to eliminate for a very long time.
In the 70's they tried to push that we were gong into a global ice age. We were all going to freeze.
Now it's global warming.
It's a lie in order to get rid of coal and oil.

What righty's are required to believe.

Government, science, education, intellect, diplomacy, peace, solutions, taxes, health care, unions, regulation, the future, abortions, other races, religions, sexual preferences, and countries are bad.

The NRA, Rush and Rupert, war, debt, wealth, fossil fuels, the past, heavy armament, and rule by wealthy, white, Christian men, are good.
BTW ifitzpmz, quote my posts you respond to it's the decent way to debate..

LOL, so plant's build themselves from CO2? how very scientific.. ROFL.. Please get that published I can't wait to see the response...

I got something for ya... How about this, maybe CARBON is the basis of CARBON based life forms? MORON...

Dude you're an idiot... Carbon is the basis of carbon-based life forms. Not CO2 CARBON.. CO2 is a naturally occurring gas created from many natural processes on the planet. Processes like volcanic activity, and many others. The gas didn't create the life forms that use it as fuel, the life form evolved to feed on it. Carbon-based life remember? Not CO2 based, but carbon based.

The planets eco-system adapts to the environment not the other way around...

Some scientist...LOL

I told you to ask some of the older third graders!

Here's question that I can't wait to hear your answer to.

Where do plants get the carbon that they need to build themselves from?

Wait for it.......wait for it.......

LOL, getting your sock to try and sell a story about imaginary people doesn't help you socko.. In fact it makes you look even more desperate..

It's called a carbon cycle not a CO2 cycle.. Idiot...

Read something please...

Carbon cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now before you go into another of your diversionary speeches and ramble nothing, realize that photosynthesis is the process by which organisms using sunlight convert CO2 and water into fuel to sustain themselves. The waste of this exchange is Oxygen. The carbon is used with water to create basic carbohydrates.

So its CO2 and H2O in and O2 out. Get it yet? CARBO_HYDRATES... THink now... CARBOHYDRATES.. CARBO (carbon) - HYDRATES(H2O or hydrogen and oxygen) MORONS...


And yes the the planets eco-system DOES adapt and evolve to fit it's environment not the other way around. Why do you think some plants grow in a rain forest and some grow in a arid environment? Well using your logic it would have to be magic right? No silly socko it's not magic, it's the way life works. Life adapts to it's surroundings.

Today we have a relatively low CO2 content than we have had when Photosynthetic land based plants really took hold (about 425 million years ago). Yet somehow land based photosynthetic plant life is still thriving.. SO what gives? Simple socko, your hypothesis is an ignorant one. Plant's evolved to suit their environment, just as they do now and always will. Meaning they weren't built on CO2, they evolved to use CO2 as a means to create their food. Co2 didn't create life, life evolved and adapted to use CO2...

NOW lets get back to the part where you explain how a self proclaimed scientist, confuses the carbon cycle to be a CO2 cycle? ROFL

Where do plants get the carbon that they need to build themselves from?
This is the Lefty's agenda that has always been against fossil fuels.
They have been wanting to eliminate for a very long time.
In the 70's they tried to push that we were gong into a global ice age. We were all going to freeze.
Now it's global warming.
It's a lie in order to get rid of coal and oil.

Oh, yeah, I remember. The lefties wanted everyone to stop using coal and oil because of a global ice age.
I told you to ask some of the older third graders!

Here's question that I can't wait to hear your answer to.

Where do plants get the carbon that they need to build themselves from?

Wait for it.......wait for it.......

LOL, getting your sock to try and sell a story about imaginary people doesn't help you socko.. In fact it makes you look even more desperate..

It's called a carbon cycle not a CO2 cycle.. Idiot...

Read something please...

Carbon cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now before you go into another of your diversionary speeches and ramble nothing, realize that photosynthesis is the process by which organisms using sunlight convert CO2 and water into fuel to sustain themselves. The waste of this exchange is Oxygen. The carbon is used with water to create basic carbohydrates.

So its CO2 and H2O in and O2 out. Get it yet? CARBO_HYDRATES... THink now... CARBOHYDRATES.. CARBO (carbon) - HYDRATES(H2O or hydrogen and oxygen) MORONS...


And yes the the planets eco-system DOES adapt and evolve to fit it's environment not the other way around. Why do you think some plants grow in a rain forest and some grow in a arid environment? Well using your logic it would have to be magic right? No silly socko it's not magic, it's the way life works. Life adapts to it's surroundings.

Today we have a relatively low CO2 content than we have had when Photosynthetic land based plants really took hold (about 425 million years ago). Yet somehow land based photosynthetic plant life is still thriving.. SO what gives? Simple socko, your hypothesis is an ignorant one. Plant's evolved to suit their environment, just as they do now and always will. Meaning they weren't built on CO2, they evolved to use CO2 as a means to create their food. Co2 didn't create life, life evolved and adapted to use CO2...

NOW lets get back to the part where you explain how a self proclaimed scientist, confuses the carbon cycle to be a CO2 cycle? ROFL

Where do plants get the carbon that they need to build themselves from?

LOL, Carbon is all over the place silly socko. In the soil, in rocks, you name it. It's the 4th most abundant element in the universe by mass. Behind Hydrogen, Helium and Oxygen. It's an element socko, it's the base for all known life..

Now please spare us the fake scientist BS routine already.. It's getting really old now. As If this bit of stupidity on your part wasn't enough to prove your full of it... WOW man seriously WOW..

If your a statistics nube. *Otherwise, its just another random variation. *It's flattened off, even declined before. *Watch, a few mord years and up it will go. Everyone hopes you are right. Few are dumb enough to take that bet.


Oh look, it's in the range of the expected error.

You should avoid stock market trading and Las Vegas. Odds aren't your strong suit.

Only problem is that those declines you're seeing pre-1960 don't really count because the CO2 emissions from man at THAT point hadn't started to really contribute to atmospheric RETENTION of CO2.

We all know how you like to pretend that you're an expert at "regression" and writing "programs" to plot temperature data.. But it's IRREFUTABLE that for at least 12 years, we are having an unprecedented reprieve from any STATICALLY significant Global Warming at all. You HAVE to go back to the 60s to find any pause near as long.

If your a statistics nube. *Otherwise, its just another random variation. *It's flattened off, even declined before. *Watch, a few mord years and up it will go. Everyone hopes you are right. Few are dumb enough to take that bet.


Oh look, it's in the range of the expected error.

You should avoid stock market trading and Las Vegas. Odds aren't your strong suit.

Did you notice the signifigant cooling trend at the end of your graph in contradiction to the predictions of the models?
The rising temperatures do not occur in a linear fashion, rather they are superimposed over the natural variations. So we have had significant dimming from the aerosols put out by China and India, a lower TSI, and several significant La Nina's with not significant El Nino's since 1998. Yet, in that period, we have had the ten hottest years of record. We should have had some significantly cold years, yet we did not.

UAH Global Temperature Update for May 2013: +0.07 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD
LOL, getting your sock to try and sell a story about imaginary people doesn't help you socko.. In fact it makes you look even more desperate..

It's called a carbon cycle not a CO2 cycle.. Idiot...

Read something please...

Carbon cycle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now before you go into another of your diversionary speeches and ramble nothing, realize that photosynthesis is the process by which organisms using sunlight convert CO2 and water into fuel to sustain themselves. The waste of this exchange is Oxygen. The carbon is used with water to create basic carbohydrates.

So its CO2 and H2O in and O2 out. Get it yet? CARBO_HYDRATES... THink now... CARBOHYDRATES.. CARBO (carbon) - HYDRATES(H2O or hydrogen and oxygen) MORONS...


And yes the the planets eco-system DOES adapt and evolve to fit it's environment not the other way around. Why do you think some plants grow in a rain forest and some grow in a arid environment? Well using your logic it would have to be magic right? No silly socko it's not magic, it's the way life works. Life adapts to it's surroundings.

Today we have a relatively low CO2 content than we have had when Photosynthetic land based plants really took hold (about 425 million years ago). Yet somehow land based photosynthetic plant life is still thriving.. SO what gives? Simple socko, your hypothesis is an ignorant one. Plant's evolved to suit their environment, just as they do now and always will. Meaning they weren't built on CO2, they evolved to use CO2 as a means to create their food. Co2 didn't create life, life evolved and adapted to use CO2...

NOW lets get back to the part where you explain how a self proclaimed scientist, confuses the carbon cycle to be a CO2 cycle? ROFL

Where do plants get the carbon that they need to build themselves from?

LOL, Carbon is all over the place silly socko. In the soil, in rocks, you name it. It's the 4th most abundant element in the universe by mass. Behind Hydrogen, Helium and Oxygen. It's an element socko, it's the base for all known life..

Now please spare us the fake scientist BS routine already.. It's getting really old now. As If this bit of stupidity on your part wasn't enough to prove your full of it... WOW man seriously WOW..

It's not even in the top ten on earth screwball. And it is extremely rare in its elemental form.

That's why the source required for plants to build themselves is CO2. Not rocks.

Someone asked the other day if there was any purpose to all of this posting. My purpose is to get you through fifth grade science. Tough job.

If your a statistics nube. *Otherwise, its just another random variation. *It's flattened off, even declined before. *Watch, a few mord years and up it will go. Everyone hopes you are right. Few are dumb enough to take that bet.


Oh look, it's in the range of the expected error.

You should avoid stock market trading and Las Vegas. Odds aren't your strong suit.

Did you notice the signifigant cooling trend at the end of your graph in contradiction to the predictions of the models?

There is no sign of a cooling trend.
The rising temperatures do not occur in a linear fashion, rather they are superimposed over the natural variations. So we have had significant dimming from the aerosols put out by China and India, a lower TSI, and several significant La Nina's with not significant El Nino's since 1998. Yet, in that period, we have had the ten hottest years of record. We should have had some significantly cold years, yet we did not.

UAH Global Temperature Update for May 2013: +0.07 deg. C « Roy Spencer, PhD

I'll ask you again far behind the curve do you really reside?

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