The global warming thread. Is it for real?

Flac -

Do any non-renewable forms of energy production have severe envionrmental impacts?

How would you compare the potential environmetal impact of tidal with, say, coal or the use of fracking to extract natural gas?

Tidal is an ocean floor Cuisinart blender.. I want to see Enviro impact report on the fish, dolphins, turtles, ect --- destroyed in tidal power systems.. We don't have that yet === do we?

Geothermal mining is on your list.. I'd rather have 4 oil or Nat Gas wells near my property than a Geothermal mine. It is FAR DIRTIER operation and not even TRULY "renewable".

Biomass conversion is "burning garbage".. Sold as burning tree by products, and brush, but it always morphs to burning literal garbage. See the outrage from British Greens after they were the useful tools to get a network of "nice clean green Biomass Plants" in their neighborhoods.. They wised up too late.. And so will you...

Want me to go on? Or is your mind still closed???

Um....will you be answering the question at some point?

I'm not proposing biomass nor geo-thermal (except perhaps in places like Iceland, where it makes sense) myself. I consider both forms or energy largely unnecessary for the reasons you state.

On tidal energy the loss of wildlife is a major issue, but also one that can be dealt with. It all depends on the depth of water the turbines are placed at, and research is being done on this. It's more of a teething problem than a threat to the viability of tidal.

You're going on ignore real soon Pal.. I ANSWERED YOUR QUESTION with not one or two weak assertions -- but I MURDERED you with MANY cogent facts --- and you are deflective, unresponsive and close-minded enough to pretend you might win this one..
Flac -

Let's try this again:

Do any non-renewable forms of energy production have severe envionrmental impacts?

How would you compare the potential environmetal impact of tidal with, say, coal or the use of fracking to extract natural gas?
Flac -

Let's try this again:

Do any non-renewable forms of energy production have severe envionrmental impacts?

How would you compare the potential environmetal impact of tidal with, say, coal or the use of fracking to extract natural gas?
1) Cost/benefit analysis.

2) Tradeoffs.

3) Potential externalities (real ones, not the fake scare stories fabricated by the anti-fracking whacks).

Three concepts that seem to be entirely alien to the enviroloon and "renewable energy" crowd.
BTW: the Enviro-Tools are too dense to realize this -- but Geothermal energy is where we LEARNED how to frack.... It's the original fracking operation....

Mental Midgets... THey don't realize how stupid they look to folks who are informed...
Scientific opinion on climate change - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While the science is settled, the politics are not. There is still white noise in the background from those who would prefer that greenhouse gasses didn't exist.

They are entitled to their fond wishes but GHGs don't care in the least what they want. They just keep absorbing longwave from the earth, and re-radiating it in all directions.

AGW is a fact. Science recognizes it as so. Some politicians and their supporters are wishing that it would go away. It won't as long as we keep burning fossil fuels. And it will continue to keep imposing the science understood consequences on mankind.

Time to look at economics. They make the choice of ignoring science the most expensive option. End of story.
BTW: the Enviro-Tools are too dense to realize this -- but Geothermal energy is where we LEARNED how to frack.... It's the original fracking operation....

Mental Midgets... THey don't realize how stupid they look to folks who are informed...

And yet only two countries have ever introduced large-scale geo-thermal energy, and another two have smaller scale operations.

I'm not sure where a country like England "learned to frack" from geo-thermal when they have never used it.

I'm not totally opposed to fracking - but no sensible person is going to complain about the environmental impact of wind, solar or tidal and then pretend natural gas does not have potentially much more serious impacts.
BTW: the Enviro-Tools are too dense to realize this -- but Geothermal energy is where we LEARNED how to frack.... It's the original fracking operation....

Mental Midgets... THey don't realize how stupid they look to folks who are informed...

And yet only two countries have ever introduced large-scale geo-thermal energy, and another two have smaller scale operations.

I'm not sure where a country like England "learned to frack" from geo-thermal when they have never used it.

I'm not totally opposed to fracking - but no sensible person is going to complain about the environmental impact of wind, solar or tidal and then pretend natural gas does not have potentially much more serious impacts.

Depends on what you consider "large-scale".. New Zealand has a track record, so does Iceland and the US as you mentioned. It's on the list of alternatives everytime an eco-naut is asked what do we do without fossil fuels. And that's the point. A large fraction of that list is challenged even by other Green Groups..

Don't know how you confused England with my comment about fracking. It was largely learned here in attempts to get higher yield from geothermal mines.

I will complain about tidal and geothermal and biomass. They are all very marginal and environmentally BAD ideas that have been tolerated WAAAAAY too long on the Green list of alternatives.. I MIGHT even add Hydro to that in the respect that we have overbuilt what is needed for water storage and flood control.. Lots of enviro impacts there and Hydro currently produces the MAJORITY CHUNK of what is considered "sustainable"..

1/2 the greenies in the country want to tear THEM down as well...
BTW: the Enviro-Tools are too dense to realize this -- but Geothermal energy is where we LEARNED how to frack.... It's the original fracking operation....

Mental Midgets... THey don't realize how stupid they look to folks who are informed...

And yet only two countries have ever introduced large-scale geo-thermal energy, and another two have smaller scale operations.

I'm not sure where a country like England "learned to frack" from geo-thermal when they have never used it.

I'm not totally opposed to fracking - but no sensible person is going to complain about the environmental impact of wind, solar or tidal and then pretend natural gas does not have potentially much more serious impacts.

Fracking has been around for over 30 years. Amazingly enough oil companies share info.

I find it amusing you argue "potential" environmental effects of fracking (when there have been none documented in over 30 years) while blissfully ignoring the very real environmental catastrophe that are wind farms every minute they operate. Your whole viewpoint is so skewed it is amazing.
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Depends on what you consider "large-scale".. New Zealand has a track record, so does Iceland and the US as you mentioned. It's on the list of alternatives everytime an eco-naut is asked what do we do without fossil fuels. And that's the point. A large fraction of that list is challenged even by other Green Groups..

New Zealand has a single plant at Waireki, the main impact of which has been to reduce thermal acitivity at tourist resorts in the region, to the extent that local residents have had to stop using bores for their own use.

One report some years back estimated that the plant lost some 90% of the available energy, because the technology is inadequate.

It may be viable in four or five countries, but only in four or five countries. The US maybe one of those, but if it means the end of Yellowstone NP, I doubt it is going to be popular.

I have no idea why you think tidal is "marginal" - one pilot scheme (in New Zealand again, funnily enough) estimated that in optimal conditions, a single project could produce 1.5 times the energy need of the entire country.

In other words, a single project in some US states could theoretically power the entire state.
BTW: the Enviro-Tools are too dense to realize this -- but Geothermal energy is where we LEARNED how to frack.... It's the original fracking operation....

Mental Midgets... THey don't realize how stupid they look to folks who are informed...

And yet only two countries have ever introduced large-scale geo-thermal energy, and another two have smaller scale operations.

I'm not sure where a country like England "learned to frack" from geo-thermal when they have never used it.

I'm not totally opposed to fracking - but no sensible person is going to complain about the environmental impact of wind, solar or tidal and then pretend natural gas does not have potentially much more serious impacts.

Fracking has been around for over 30 years. Amazingly enough oil companies share info.

I find it amusing you argue "potential" environmental effects of fracking (when there have been none documented in over 30 years) while blissfully ignoring the very real environmental catastrophe that are wind farms every minute they operate. Your whole viewpoint is so skewed it is amazing.

Would you have any links on the "environmental catastrophe that are wind farms" ?
Other than being a threat to birds I don't know how else they can become a catastrophe ... I can't say the same about deep oil drilling though ( fracking seems clean in comparision).

SDAG 1998 Field Trip - Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field
Depends on what you consider "large-scale".. New Zealand has a track record, so does Iceland and the US as you mentioned. It's on the list of alternatives everytime an eco-naut is asked what do we do without fossil fuels. And that's the point. A large fraction of that list is challenged even by other Green Groups..

New Zealand has a single plant at Waireki, the main impact of which has been to reduce thermal acitivity at tourist resorts in the region, to the extent that local residents have had to stop using bores for their own use.

One report some years back estimated that the plant lost some 90% of the available energy, because the technology is inadequate.

It may be viable in four or five countries, but only in four or five countries. The US maybe one of those, but if it means the end of Yellowstone NP, I doubt it is going to be popular.

I have no idea why you think tidal is "marginal" - one pilot scheme (in New Zealand again, funnily enough) estimated that in optimal conditions, a single project could produce 1.5 times the energy need of the entire country.

In other words, a single project in some US states could theoretically power the entire state.

:cuckoo: Dude your comprehension of scientific matters is low, I mean low. New Zealand's population is 3 million, all in a country that stretches from effectively Vancouver BC to San Diego CA, and is 60 miles wide.

The population of JUST Oregon is just shy of 4 million. California has a population of 38 million, and Washington a population of close to 7 million. Your little dream might work for a single small state like Rhode Island but you have a sense of scale like the German generals looking at a map of Russia and saying "see, it's only a meter from here to here...."
And yet only two countries have ever introduced large-scale geo-thermal energy, and another two have smaller scale operations.

I'm not sure where a country like England "learned to frack" from geo-thermal when they have never used it.

I'm not totally opposed to fracking - but no sensible person is going to complain about the environmental impact of wind, solar or tidal and then pretend natural gas does not have potentially much more serious impacts.

Fracking has been around for over 30 years. Amazingly enough oil companies share info.

I find it amusing you argue "potential" environmental effects of fracking (when there have been none documented in over 30 years) while blissfully ignoring the very real environmental catastrophe that are wind farms every minute they operate. Your whole viewpoint is so skewed it is amazing.

Would you have any links on the "environmental catastrophe that are wind farms" ?
Other than being a threat to birds I don't know how else they can become a catastrophe ... I can't say the same about deep oil drilling though ( fracking seems clean in comparision).

You piss all over yourself when an oil spill kills a few hundred birds and yet the wholesale slaughter of hundreds of thousands by windfarms sails blissfully over your head. You are correctly named....closed is an apt description.
Wall of Spam -

"potential" environmental effects of fracking (when there have been none documented in over 30 years)

An investigation is underway into why a natural gas well in Wyoming County began spewing highly pressurized fracking wastewater for hours last week.

More than a quarter million gallons came out of the well before it was successfully capped.

After Fracking Wastewater Spill, Residents and Regulators Believe Water is Safe | StateImpact Pennsylvania

Known Liar-

Yeah? So? What happened? The Earth naturally spews out orders of magnitude more crud than that...every day... How many hundreds of thousands of birds were killed? How many hundreds of thousands of bugs were killed? Once again your grasp of reality is called into question.
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Would you have any links on the "environmental catastrophe that are wind farms" ?
Other than being a threat to birds I don't know how else they can become a catastrophe ... I can't say the same about deep oil drilling though ( fracking seems clean in comparision).

"other than being a threat to birds" don't consider decimating raptor populations as well as migratory bird and bat populations an environmental disaster enough?

Then there is the fact that winfarms are a particularly ugly blight on large parcels of land and health problems are arising associated with living near them.
Depends on what you consider "large-scale".. New Zealand has a track record, so does Iceland and the US as you mentioned. It's on the list of alternatives everytime an eco-naut is asked what do we do without fossil fuels. And that's the point. A large fraction of that list is challenged even by other Green Groups..

New Zealand has a single plant at Waireki, the main impact of which has been to reduce thermal acitivity at tourist resorts in the region, to the extent that local residents have had to stop using bores for their own use.

One report some years back estimated that the plant lost some 90% of the available energy, because the technology is inadequate.

It may be viable in four or five countries, but only in four or five countries. The US maybe one of those, but if it means the end of Yellowstone NP, I doubt it is going to be popular.

I have no idea why you think tidal is "marginal" - one pilot scheme (in New Zealand again, funnily enough) estimated that in optimal conditions, a single project could produce 1.5 times the energy need of the entire country.

In other words, a single project in some US states could theoretically power the entire state.

So Al Gore was wrong about how "all we need to do is tap down into the Earth where the temperature is MILLIONS of degrees"? Why the hell is it part of the litany of ALTERNATIVES then when it's obviously so marginally fieldable and not at all "green"??

Will you ridicule it next time some ECO-FRAUD is out selling that huge list of "alternatives"?
Probably not..

There is not a lot of back-up for the statement that tidal could power a whole state. Not without making 18 species of sea life nearly extinct, and being constantly in a state of maintenance, like ANYTHING that is placed on the sea bottom.

You've got 2 maybe 3 actually viable prototypes running in the world right now -- and I've YET TO SEE any MEASURED production charts from them..

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ... just more of the usual panic and hysterical exaggerations that define the denialist crowd.

What was that admiral? The slaughter of 400,000+ birds per year is A-OK with you so long as it's a windmill doing it but if a oil spill kills 300 that company needs to be punished?

Your head truly is in rectal defilade...
The slaughter of 400,000+ birds per year is A-OK with you so long as it's a windmill doing it but if a oil spill kills 300 that company needs to be punished?

Hey, keep your weirdo fantasies about mass bird killing to yourself. Don't be projecting them on to sane people. I can't help what you believe, but don't pretend I believe it.

By the way, do you agree with SSDD's claim that windmills kill 90% of all raptors? You'd think someone would have noticed such a decline.

(The modern usage of "decimate" refers to killing 90%. The original Roman version was killing 10%, but modern English reverses that to 90%.)

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